S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=42885]s@squ@tch[/MENTION], update? Also, I like your status, I have twins and they are QUICKLY driving me insane :D ;) little angels


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16 - Sanne - Tumble to AF38, attack Giant #41 - MISS
16 - Thanor - 5' step to AH38, full attack Giant #41 - 2 MISS
16 - Voadam - Delay
16 - Ipshivi - Move to AH32, Eldritch Blast against Giant #41 HIT for 7 damage
16 - Morika - 5' step to AE47, fire sling at Giant #41 - 1 HIT for 8 damage
16 - Aeranduil - Full attack Giant #41 - 3 HIT for 68 damage
16 - Yoggrith - move to AG40, ready action to attack if foe comes within melee
10 - Giant #42 - Attack Thanor - 1 HIT (crit confirmed) for 35 damage
10 - Giant #40 - Move to AL42/43
10 - Giant #16 - Move to AF/AE51 - Attack Voadam - 1 image destroyed
10 - Ogre #10 - Attack Thanor - 2 MISS
10 - Ogre #9 - Move to AK40/41
10 - Wolf #8 - Move to AG/AH51
10 - Wolf #4 - Move to AA/AB50
10 - Wolf #6 - Move to AC/AD50
10 - Wolf #13 - Move to AB/AC52

Sanne dances into melee with the closest giant, no matter that it had already been pelted with arrows. She loses her balance slightly.

"Aye Lassie," shouts the dwarf,"Let's take it to 'em"

The dwarf advances, taking position between the two giants to draw their attacks away from the nimble half-elf. His axe swings through the air, but glances off the stiff hide of the giant's thigh.

Voadam waits and watches intently, not sure if his services would be needed.

"Watch out! There might be more of them behind that door- I heard some voices," chirped a high pitched voice from somewhere overhead. An instant later, a shimmering bolt of eldritch energy lanced out towards one of the giants- and in it wake, a tiny shape could be (briefly) seen dangling from the ceiling.
The voices were speaking giant, you think, but you couldn't make out any words.

Morika steps forward and shoots another pebble at the giants, waiting for a chance to charge at the brutes, but not willing to risk going alone. She sends another sling stone sailing towards the hulking giant and strikes him once again in the chest.

Aeranduil holds his position, and sends another volley of arrows streaking over the heads of Sanne, Thanor and Yoggrith, all three finding their mark -- the giant stumbles, then drops dead to the floor with a loud thump.

As the giant drops, all hell breaks loose -- doors can be heard opening -- one to the side of Thanor and Sanne, the other being the large double doors behind Voadam and Aeranduil.

Thanor and Sanne, along with Ipshivi, can make out another ogre and giant coming out of the room nearest them, while Voadam and Aeranduil look over their shoulder to see a giant coming at them, surrounded by more of those damn wolves!

Thanor gets struck by the giant nearest him and the side of his helmet gets smashed in by the wicked blow. The ogre swings and misses the dwarf.

The giant menacing the wizard and archer strikes and destroys one of the images circling Voadam, leaving the real Voadam unscathed at this time.


Condition Summary:

Voadam: (43/43) - Mage Armor (~ 6 hrs), Wall of Ice (34/70 rounds), Mirror Image - 3 images (47/70 rounds)
Yoggrith: (95/90) - Spikes (~ 7 1/2 hrs), Bear's Endurance (22/80 rounds), +2 STR, +1 CL, 5 temp HP from Death Knell (119 minutes)
Aeranduil: (64/64) -
Sanne: (65/65) - Giants Bane Infusion (149/200)
Morika: (66/66) - Barkskin (737/800)
Ipshivi: (46/46) - Spiderwalk, Walk Unseen
Thanor: (107/107) - Shield of Faith (64/80 rounds)

Ogre #10 -
Giant #42 -
Giant #41 - unconscious

***FYI - starting this combat, all future initiative will be same for the party -- so you will all act, then enemies, etc, etc to simplify and speed things up a bit. ***


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Aeranduil holds his position, and sends another volley of arrows streaking over the heads of Sanne, Thanor and Yoggrith...

AC 23, HP 64/64

Full attack vrs. Hill Giant 41

3 arrows, using Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot and Adjust the Range/Woodland Archer: +17/+12/+17 (1d8+10+2d6 bane).

[sblock=Adjust for Range]
Adjust for Range – If you miss a foe with a projectile weapon, you gain a +4 bonus on all other attacks in the same round to hit the same foe.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Morika steps forward and shoots another pebble at the giants, waiting for a chance to charge at the brutes, but not willing to risk going alone.

OOC: 5' forward and sling full attack


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Sanne dances into melee with giant 41, no matter that it had already been pelted it with arrows. Her final stab was a bit ackward, though.

move: tumble to AF 38 to get into into melee range and avoid AoOs; Sanne can't fail a DC15 check
standard: attack giant 41 (+13 to hit; 4d6+7 damage)


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OOC: Looks like I've got actions from all active players sans [MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION]. I'll go ahead and NPC Thanor/Yoggrith/Voadam either tonight or tomorrow.


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"Watch out! There might be more of them behind that door- I heard some voices," chirped a high pitched voice from somewhere overhead. An instant later, a shimmering bolt of eldritch energy lanced out towards one of the giants- and in it wake, a tiny shape could be (briefly) seen dangling from the ceiling.

[sblock= OOC]
>Move to AH 32 (over the table)
>Eldritch blast against Giant 41; +13 ranged touch, 3d6+1 damage (point blank); if sneak attack would apply, add 1d6

>Could she tell what language the voice was speaking behind the door? Or was it just a surprised cry (essentially wordless)?

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