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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold

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everything below includes the +4 dodge AC bonus vs. giants....
Hudder -- AC29/15/29 HP 85/85 DR 5/Magic ---AP 7/11--- Fort +11 [+14 vs. poison/spells] Ref +7 [+9 spells] (Evasion) Will +3 [+5 vs spells] [sblock=Additional stats]Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60', Spot +6, Listen +3, Search +15
Dragonmark (CL 14)
Least alarm 1/day firetrap 1/day misdirection 1/day
Lesser glyph of warding 1/day nondetection1/day
Greater greater glyph of warding 1/day​
AoO: +11 1d10+11
Darv! Git! Inna! Tower!
Hudder hisses from his vantage point [delay deciding action to see what Darv does behind him in init anyway].

Hudder's attack line is +11/+6 1d10+11 (x3) so his readied attack and any AoOs will be +11 | 1d10+11 (x3).
Still technically have the readied action until my initiative right?[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I'll NPC Dreadnought/Darv and update later this evening. I'm assuming Domoris will attack giant #1 twice again this round as well.


First Post
(OOC - Argle! I'm sorry! These days it sometimes takes me a long time to connect and I've missed more than one update in more than one game.)

Dreadnought hears the oncoming thuds of more giants, but grimly keeps to his task. He knows that giants can take a lot of punishment, and only focused, unrelenting attacks can bring them down. It's imperative to concentrate on one at a time, because each one is capable of dealing terrible damage.

To that end, he tries to finish butchering this one before the blindness wears off, and it becomes a true threat again!

(OOC...and Invis Castle is down! Does nothing on the Internet work anymore? :) Sasquatch feel free to roll on my behalf if you like. here's the numbers: 1d20+18 and 1d20+13. These figures include the bonus from Darv, and the bonus for attacking a blinded target. Each hit does 4d6+10 damage. His AC is 24, he has 102 HP, and DR 4/adamantine. )


First Post
Round 3 - partial

Round 3:


22 - Dreadnought - Attack Giant #1 - 2 HITS for 54 damage
17 - Void - Sneak to [15,12]
13 - Morph - Cast Incendiary Slime centered on(0,9)(0,10)(1,9)(1,10)
12 - Domoris - Attack Giant #1 - 2 HITS for 23 damage
9 - Darv - Move to (10,6)
7 - Hudder - Ready Action
6 - Giant #1 - Attack Dreadnought - both MISS due to concealment
6 - Giant #2 - Move to (6,5) - attack Hudder - 1 HIT for 13 damage after DR
6 - Giant #3 - Move to (2,11)

Dreadnought hears the oncoming thuds of more giants, but grimly keeps to his task. He knows that giants can take a lot of punishment, and only focused, unrelenting attacks can bring them down. It's imperative to concentrate on one at a time, because each one is capable of dealing terrible damage.

To that end, he tries to finish butchering this one before the blindness wears off, and it becomes a true threat again!

He chops at the blinded foe twice with his greatsword and lands vicious wounds with each swing -- blood and gore begin to seep from the giant as it moans in blinded pain.

While the warforged goes about the butchering of the blinded giant, the nimble gith takes advantage of the fracas to sneak down the stairwell and around the giant.

Morph, from his invisible vantage point watches as the giant's curse and yell as wounds appear on their legs. Must be the spell Darv just cast. Seeing the gnome being rushed by a giant, Morph seeks to slow the titan with another spell, much similar to the one employed inside, except this one is flammable...

Back inside the stairwell, the shifter sets into the giant with a feral ferocity -- clamping its jaws down tightly onto the giants sinewy thigh -- his teeth glancing off it the large bone in its leg before he rears his head back and impales the giant with his enlarged horns. The giant sputters briefly, but keeps its feet. [Sorry - made mistake with my math. >< - Giant still up.]

Darv! Git! Inna! Tower!
Hudder hisses from his vantage point

The bloodied giant in the stairwell chops blindly at the warforged who set into him, but both swings miss cleanly -- he shouts again in frustration at his unseen attackers and bellows for aid from those outside.

The first giant steps out of the slime and continues towards the stairwell, heeding his injured brethren's call -- he gets to the corner and spots the dwarf and immediately brings his greatclub to bear -- his first swing is deftly evaded by the smaller foe, but the return swing catches Hudder offguard and knocks him backwards.

The second giant screams in pain at something as it walks towards the tower, his feet covered in blood - it looks as if his movement is impaired.


+2 to hit against giants from Darv's Dark Knowledge

Spells active:

Darv: Bless (77 rounds), Spike Stones (8 hours)
Domoris: (43/66): Jagged Tooth (596 rounds), Barkskin (597 rounds)
Morph: Glitterdust (4 rounds), Grease (5 rounds), Invisibility (7 rounds)

Gray AOE is the Glitterdust and Grease
Red AOE is the Spike Stones -- which are not visible to anyone, friend or foe per RAW

Map note -- sides of stairwell are considered 'difficult' terrain for those of medium size or smaller, due to debris/litter/stone.


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First Post
(hm, well, I shan't wait for Hudder)

On seeing the first target fall, Dreadnought turns without comment and hurries back out of the tower to see to the next giant. This one, he knew, would not be so easy.

(Double move north, but only 6 squares instead of 8.)
AC 24, DR 4/adamantine


First Post
Morph 49/49

Morph invisible to all, intones a few arcane words, and completes the somatic motion of a spell. The giants feel their muscles stiffen, as they can barely move them. He then falls back, taking in the scene.

[sblock=stats]Spell Prepared(including bonus spells for high Int and for being a specialist wizard)
(4/7/5/4/3) CL: 7 or 8 for fire spells; DC 15+spell level or 17+spell level for transmutations
0: Detect Magicx2, Read magic, ray of frost
1: Feather fallx2, lesser orb of firex2, magic missle, ray of clumsiness, grease(expended)
2: invisibility(expended), glitterdust(expended), rope trick, incendiary slime(expended)
3: haste, slow(expended), fireball, animate weapon
4: flame whips, polymorphx2 [/sblock]

[sblock=Actions]Cast slow on giants 2 & 3. DC 20 Will negates. Move to (3,0)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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