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S@squ@tch's N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God (Recruiting Closed)


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Terror by night! The village of Orlane is dying. Once a small and thriving community, Orlane has become a maze of locked doors and frightened faces. Strangers are shunned, trade has withered. Rumors flourish, growing wilder with each retelling. Terrified peasants flee their homes, abandoning their farms with no explanation. Others simply disappear...

No one seems to know the cause of the decay -- why are there no clues? Who skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? Who or what is behind the doom that has overtaken the village? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventurers to solve the dark riddle of Orlane!


3.5 Edition rules
# of characters:: 4 or 5
Level: 2nd
Starting Equipment: : 900 gp
Alignment: No Evil
Ability Generation: 32 point buy
Hit Points: Max HP at 1st level, leveling up, take 3/4 of the maximum possible roll for your hit points. For classes using a d6 or d10, round down, but make it up at the next level.
Source Material:: Core + Complete Series, subject to approval by me.
Setting: Core Greyhawk. Orlane is a small village near Hochoch (where the campaign will start from)
Speed: I try to post once a day, I am looking for a fast paced game, but allowing time for character development and interaction with the world.

This is my first try at DM'ing online. I am looking for people who are active posters, and have a proven track record. I have scanned in almost everything from the original module (now 27 years old), and will be doing my best at converting 10'/square maps to 5'/square for tactical purposes. (Any help or suggestions are quite welcome)

Recruiting will be open until I have enough interesting characters. If interested, please submit character concept and stat sheet in this thread.


Character Selection:

Player #1: Ayden - Trager, Dwarf Cleric 2
Player #2: Ye Olde Albatross - Alessin Greenbond, Elven Rogue 2
Player #3: Airwalkrr - Ari the Flame - Elven Wizard 2
Player #4: FreeXenon - Sir Arkan FlameThorn, Human Fighter 2
Player #5: Phoenix8008: (Khelgar? :) ) Stonefist, Dwarf Monk 2

Thanks to all of you who submitted characters, it was a difficult decision.

For those selected, please post your characters into the RG thread.
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First post woooooo! But S@squ@tch, I would be interested. Do you want concepts or full characters? My concept would be a Halfling Ranger, out to track down whatever it is that is plaguing the village. He wouldn't be a local, but a Ranger who lived in the region who wandered into town and decided to find out what was going on. He'd be a melee Ranger, specializing in Dire Flail (oh man they're so awesome).


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This calls for a palladin. Sir Altosh Oakheart, servant of Pelor the Radiant, a wandering knight who tries to do what is best.

Stat blocks will follow


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I am pulling out of this. Nothing against anyone who wants to play, but I just lost intrest. You don't need me anyway, there are plenty of others wanting to play.
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Great pick of an adventure to run! Against the Cult of the Reptile God is a great module, especially if ran by a good DM. :D I remember my first time playing through it (over 20 years ago)! You guys will have a blast.

S@squ@tch, take a look at my Greyhawk ToEE games and you can see how I convert the old 10x10 maps into 5x5 battlegrid. It is a simple matter using Excel.


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I will work on Krager's background once I get in from work, but the concept is a journeyman priest who is seeing the lands of man and elves before returning to be a forge priest among his people. While he longs to return home, he trusts that Moradin will let him know when the time is right and until then he goes where the earth takes him.


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I'd like to get in on this! Please consider this post a place-holder for the moment, but I will submit some more detail for an elven rogue later this afternoon. Thanks!


Alessin Greenbond, CG Elven Rogue2

With glittering green eyes that peer out between unkempt strands of long black hair, Alessin's thin lips seem to be always set in a perpetual smirk. The elf makes no effort to hide his heritage, as his distinctive ears are studded with numerous flashy piercings. Tall for an elf, and extremely wiry, he seems always to be tensed up, as though poised for sudden movement. The cut of his clothing and the polished gleam of his weapons hints at his passion for the finer things in life...strong drink, good music, and gold to spare for himself and others. Brash, impetuous, and impulsive, Alessin is never above breaking a law or two if it serves the greater good.

Alessin hails from the distant elven forests, where it is rumored that he fled his tutelage with a renowned wizard. Never much for the tedious pursuits of magic and lore that his family demanded, Alessin snuck away under cover of darkness, making his way as an urchin on the streets of the towns and cities he passed through. Stealing what he needed to survive, he also helped others in need...the poor, the downtrodden, the defenseless. To this day, he remains secretive about his past, and unconcerned about the future. For Alessin, 'living in the now' isn't just a catchy turn of a phrase...it's the cold reality of his life.
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