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S@squ@tch's N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God (Recruiting Closed)


First Post
Hi! I'm interested. Like Albatross, consider this post a placeholder until I can more properly assess what I'd want to play, though a wizard or similar arcanist is likely.

[sblock=Arash, Human Sorcerer 1/Monk 1]A constant traveler, Arash seeks out the hidden knowledge of the world to transcribe it and pass it on to others. For this, he delves into dungeons without a second thought, just to see what's there. He prefers to use his fists instead of weapons, despite having no formal training, and supplements this with a small variety of spells he claims to have learned from threadbare scrolls hidden in the ruins of an ancient temple.[/sblock]

[sblock=Character sheet]Arash, Human Monk 1/Sorcerer 1
Lawful neutral medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +3 Cha)
hp 13 (1d8+1d4+2 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Melee unarmed strike +1 (1d6+1)
Melee flurry of blows, unarmed strike -1/-1 (1d6+1)
Atk Options ascetic mage, soulwarp strike 1/day (DC 12)
Special Actions Retributive Spell, divine companion (1 spell)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1):
1st (4/day)- mage armor, ray of enfeeblement (ray +1)​
0 (5/day)- daze (DC 13), detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic
Combat Gear
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Feats Ascetic Mage, Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Retributive Spell
Skills Concentration +6, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (geography) +3, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowldge (nature) +3, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen +3, Spellcraft +6, Spot +3, Tumble +5
Possessions Auran mask (2) (60 gp), fast torch (2) (10 gp), flash pellet (3) (150 gp), potion of cure light wounds (4) (200 gp), potion of mage armor (2) (100 gp), rust monster wand (160 gp), screaming flask (2) (80 gp), scroll of sleep (25 gp), scroll of silent image (2) (50 gp), torch bug tube (30 gp), 35 gp
Skill Ranks: Concentration 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1 rank, Knowledge (geography) 1 rank, Knowledge (history) 1 rank, Knowledge (local) 1 rank, Knowledge (nature) 1 rank, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks, Listen 2 ranks, Spellcraft 2 ranks, Spot 2 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks.
Divine Companion Arash can spend 100 gp to perform a ritual dedicated to the deity of his choice and summon forth a spirit creature to aid him in his adventures. This creature is both invisible and intangible, but it provides him with real benefits.
The divine companion stores arcane energy and redirects it to you according to Arash's level and his needs. To fill this reservoir, Arash must cast one or more targeted spells at this creature. A spell so cast does not produce its normal effect-the companion simply absorbs the spell's energy. It can store a number of spell levels equal to Arash's arcane caster level. He can cast spells into it at any time, but after he rests and recover his spell slots for the day, the divine companion loses any stored energy.​
The divine companion exists outside reality and cannot be affected by spells, spell-like abilities, or any sort of antimagic effect or dispel check. It cannot, however, release its arcane energy within an antimagk field or similar effect. It uses Arash's caster level for any checks required, and when it releases arcane energy, the level of the effect created equals the number of spell levels released.​
The divine companion can release its stored spell energy in either of the following ways, at your command. Arash can use each effect as often as he wishes, until the companion's stored energy is depleted.​
Healing (Su): As a standard action, Arash can order his divine companion to convert the energy it has stored into healing power. This is the equivalent of a conjuration (healing) spell. This effect heals him for ld6 points of damage per stored spell level, or as many levels as he designates (up to the maximum currently stored).​
Shielding (Su): As a swift action, Arash can order the creature to convert the energy it has stored into protecting him. This is the equivalent of an abjuration spell that provides him with a deflection bonus to AC and a resistance bonus on saves each equal to the number of stored spell levels, or as many levels as he designates (up to the maximum currently stored). This effect lasts for 1 round per arcane caster level he possesses.​
Arash qualified for this ability by being a 1st-level sorcerer, and gained this ability by sacrificing the summon familiar class feature.​
Soulwarp Strike Arash knows how to channel necromantic energy into his unarmed strikes. He must declare that he is using this ability before he makes his attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). In addition to dealing its normal damage, his unarmed strike renders any living creature nauseated for 1 round, or sickened for 1 round if it succeeds on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 his character level + his Wis modifier).
Arash can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his monk level, and no more than once per round. Creatures immune to necromancy effects (such as constructs) are unaffected by this ability.​
Arash qualified for this ability by being a 1st-level monk with 1 rank in Knowledge (arcana), and gained this ability by sacrificing the monk bonus feat normally acquired at 1st level.​

Arash worships Vecna in his aspect as a keeper of secrets, though his personal outlook is even and honorable.

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I'd like to submit the concept of an Elven Illusionist and archer, specialising in distraction, befuddlement, and long range pain.

Tiris is considered an oddity by his people. Unlike most illusionists, hes not a trickster, and considers any spells of his specialized school as much an offensive spell as most Evokers do of theirs. Consequently, he tried to show the Elven military the advantage of Illusory magic on the battlefield, with little success. It seemed common sense to have the ennemy firing at non-existant targets instead of Elves in ranged battles, or engaging an illusionary force while a battallion of invisibe warriors charged in from behind, but the concept of military illusionists just wouldn't sink in. The Elven people dont like change, not even a change in tactics, and for a race with such a strong link to Wizardry, prefer true magic, and consider illusions childish. To them, Tiris may just as well suggested letting children fight their battles.

Tiris thus left his home, hoping to somehow prove to his people that Illusions were just as valid in battle as any other spell. Perhaps if he could build and command a successful Illusionist/warrior brigade amongst the continuously warring Humans, or become a powerful and respected adventurer, his people would see things in his perspective. The more he thought about it, the more the adventurer option seemed the best. After all, what would happen if he trained humans in this tactic and then someday they waged war on his people. No, he couldn't risk that. Humans, or rather those of them who held true power, were too unpredictable. Better he prove himself to be a great hero among human peasantry. That settled, all he needed now was a grand adventure.



First Post
I'll throw my hat in the ring here as I also have many happy memories of that module...

[sblock=Stonefist- Dwarven Monk 2]When the dwarven mine collapsed and killed much of the clan, the humans from the nearby monastery came to offer help and medical aid. Their strength was great compared to the skinnyness of their frames, and the dwarves were impressed and thankful. Even the eldest of the monks could lift or shatter rocks as tall as a dwarf! One dwarf lost both mother and father to the disaster, and had no other close family to take him in. Although the clan would certainly have found someone to take care of him, the child had taken a fancy to the old monk named Ino who treated the wounds of so many. The physical wounds were the easiest to heal, or so the young dwarf would eventually find out.

The youngster travelled back to the monastery with the monks and soon fell into the routine of work and silence. He started with basic cleaning and physical exercises. The two were oftern related in some fasion. Eventually, he trained at the side of the monastery blacksmith and learned the shaping of steel. This strengthened him further for his martial training. The monks took to calling him 'Stonefist' and the name stuck. His blows were solid and strong though his shorter stature lent itself more to wrestling than jumping through the air and kicking. Through all his training though, he never mastered the calmness of mind that the other monks seemed to retain always. Too easily did his anger take him over and disturb his tranquility, no matter how much he practised his meditation. Especially if he was underground. For the mine collapse had scarred him deeply and even the dwarf in him was unable to feel at home in the dark closeness of the earth.

Recently, the old monk Ino passed on in his sleep. Stonefist had not felt more alone since the day he met Ino all those years ago. His anger grew hotter and the monks took notice. One morning, they called him before the headmaster and informed him that he would have to leave the monastery and not return until the peace of mind was achieved. Eyes glaring to keep back the tears that would only dishonor him further, Stonefist gathered the meager belongings he had accumulated and left without delay. Wrapped in a cloak and leaning on a walking staff, he ventured down the mountain for the first time to see what the world beyond held. He soon found himself in a place called Hochoch...[/sblock]
Stats to be posted tomorrow if I can get them made up by then. -Done except for equipment

[B]Name:[/B] Stonefist
[B]Class:[/B] Monk
[B]Race:[/B] Dwarf
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] LN
[B]Deity:[/B] None

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)    [B]Level:[/B] 2        [B]XP:[/B] 1,000/3,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)    [B]BAB:[/B] +1         [B]HP:[/B] 19 (2d8+2+3)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (2p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +4     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] 0/-
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] 0
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +3        [B]Spell Save:[/B] N/A
[B]Cha:[/B]  8 -1 (2p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] +0         [B]Craft Points:[/B] N/A

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  [U]Total AC[/U][/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +0    +0    +3    +0    +0    +2      [U]15[/U]
[B]Touch AC:[/B] 15              [B]Flatfooted AC:[/B] 12

                         [B]Base   Mod     Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +1            +4 (+2 vs. Poison)
[B]Ref:[/B]                       3    +3            +6
[B]Will:[/B]                      3    +2            +5
* +2 saves vs. Spells and Effects

[B]Weapon                    Attack   Damage    Critical    Range[/B]
Unarmed Strike              +4      1d6+3      20/x2
-Flurry                    +2/+2    1d6+3      20/x2
MW Staff                    +5      1d6+3      20/x2
-Flurry                    +3/+3    1d6+3      20/x2
Kama                        +4      1d6+3      20/x2
-Flurry                    +2/+2    1d6+3      20/x2
Sai                         +4      1d6+3      20/x2
-Flurry                    +2/+2    1d6+3      20/x2
Shuriken                    +4      1d2+3      20/x2        10'
-Flurry                    +2/+2    1d2+3      20/x2        10'

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven

[B]Abilities:[/B][list][*]Racial:Darkvision 60'
             [*]Racial:Weapon Familiarity
             [*]Racial:Stability(+4 vs. Trip or Bull Rush)
             [*]Racial:+2 saves vs. poison
             [*]Racial:+2 saves vs. Spells and effects
             [*]Racial:+1 Atk vs. Orcs and Goblinoids
             [*]Racial:+4 AC vs. Giant type (Giants, Ogres, Trolls, etc.)
             [*]Racial:+2 Appraise if metal or stone
             [*]Racial:+2 Craft if metal or stone
             [*]Class:Unarmed Strike
             [*]Class:Flurry of Blows
             [*]Class:Bonus feat at 1st- Improved Grapple
             [*]Class:Bonus feat at 2nd- Combat Reflexes[/list]

[B]Feats:[/B] [list]
[*]Toughness-1st level
	[*]Bonus feat at 1st- Improved Grapple
             [*]Bonus feat at 2nd- Combat Reflexes[/list]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 20       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 5/2.5       [B][U]Underlined[/U] are Class Skills[/B]
[U][B]Skills-	  		 Ranks  Mod     Misc    Total[/B][/U]
Appraise(INT)              0    +0              +0
[U]Balance[/U](DEX)               0    +3                +3
Bluff(CHA)                 0    -1               -1
[U]Climb[/U](STR)                 3    +3               +6
[U]Concentration[/U](CON)         0    +1               +1
[U]Craft(Weaponsmithing)[/U](INT) 3    +0       +2      +5 (MW Tools)
[U]Diplomacy[/U](CHA)             0    -1               -1
Disguise(CHA)              0    -1               -1
[U]Escape Artist[/U](DEX)         0    +3               +3
Forgery(INT)               0    +0               +0
Gather Information(CHA)    0    -1               -1
Heal(WIS)                  0    +2               +2
[U]Hide[/U](DEX)                  0    +3               +3
Intimidate(CHA)            0    -1               -1
[U]Jump[/U](STR)                  3    +3               +6
[U]Knowledge(Arcana)[/U](INT)     1    +0               +1
[U]Knowledge(Religion)[/U](INT)   1    +0               +1
[U]Listen[/U](WIS)                2    +2               +4
[U]Move Silently[/U](DEX)         2    +3               +5
[U]Perform[/U](CHA)               0    -1               -1
[U]Profession[/U](WIS)            [S]0    +2               +2[/S] (Can't use untrained)
Ride(DEX)                  0    +3               +3
Search(INT)                0    +0               +0
[U]Sense Motive[/U](WIS)          0    +2               +2
[U]Spot[/U](WIS)                  0    +2               +2
Survival(WIS)              0    +2               +2
Swim(STR)                  0    +3               +3
[U]Tumble[/U](DEX)                5    +3               +8
Use Rope(DEX)              0    +2               +2

[B]Equipment:			Cost   Weight[/B]
Coming later

[B]Total Weight:[/B] ??lb      [B]Money:[/B] ?pp 900gp ?sp ?cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                 76   153   230   460   1,150

[B]Age:[/B] 65
[B]Height:[/B] 4'2"
[B]Weight:[/B] 165lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] dark
[B]Hair:[/B] black braid on back of head
[B]Skin:[/B] tanned

Stats done except for equipment. Thinking about aiming him towards the Dwarven Defender PrC. Always wanted to try and play a Monk/Dwarven Defender in something other than NWN.

I added a couple more pics for possible use as tokens. Any of them are fine by me to use. Moved pics to OOC or RG thread...
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First Post
Warshrike - what character class are you thinking - straight wizard? or fighter/wizard?

I've updated the first post with all that have submitted something, still waiting for a couple more entries.


First Post
I was thinking Illusionist 2 for starters, although may eventually throw some Ranger in there at some point.

[SBLOCK=Stats] Tiris
Level 2 Illusionist
Prohibited School: Enchantment
Race: Grey Elf
Align: Chaotic Neutral
HPs: 9

Str: 10 (4 pts, -2 Racial)
Dex: 16 (6 pts, +2 Racial)
Con: 12 (6 pts, -2 Racial)
Int: 20 (16 pts, +2 Racial)
Wis: 8 (0 pts)
Cha: 8 (0 pts)

With a Masterwork Composite Longbow and Masterwork Arrows (thats 301gp for 50 right?) for ranged attacks.

An alternate build for a more powerful ranged character would look like:
Wood Elf
Level 2 Sorcerer
Str: 16 (6 pts, +2 Racial)
Dex: 18 (10 pts, +2 Racial)
Con: 12 (6 pts, -2 Racial)
Int: 8 (2 pts, -2 Racial)
Wis: 8 (0 pts)
Cha: 15 (8 pts)

With a Masterwork Mighty (+3) Composite Longbow for ranged attacks. Sorcerer would have only illusion spells in his repertoire, except cantrips of course.

Feel free to let me know which one you think would fit in better.

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First Post
Well, I do like the submissions so far. What I see as lacking however, are meatshields and dedicated arcanists. I would like to get one or two more of each to round out the party.

Also, please be on the look out for some character art that will be your 'token' in game. I will be using Maptools for the tactical maps for this adventure. (Thanks to Ye Olde Albatross for the tip!) ;)


First Post
S@s: After brainstorming some on how I would like to play Krager, I was hoping to use Hanseath (portfolio: War, Carousing, alcohol) and have Strength and War as his domains. As a follower of the Brawler, Krager's dwarven surliness would stem more from his inability to understand why people can't understand the simple tenets of Hanseath's faith: "Live life as if every minute was your last, and always be stronger than those who face you to make sure this moment won't be your last."

I will work on the stats tomorrow and finish flushing out his history as well, but hopefully this sheds a little more light on the concept behind him.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Sir Arkan FlameThorn

Arkan will be going straight fighter, heavily armed and armored, and working toward a PrC like Knight Protector or something like that.

[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][B]Sir Arkan Flame-thorn[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]


The [b]Flame-thorn[/b] family seems bound by fate or curse to malign 
happenings throughout all of their family history. Their history is wrought 
in disaster and war. Common it is to lose spouses early in life due to 
strange disease or wild accidents, and this generation was no exception to 
the family's long standing and horrible tradition.

[b]Lord Valius[/b] lost his wife shortly after child birth to their only son, while 
much of the rest of his close family succumbed to a rampant disease that 
struck during peace time. What friends that he did have were mostly claimed by 
wars and various battles that he had fought in for their kingdom. He has lost 
several brothers and countless friends in his long life time. 

The only joy in his life is his son [b]Arkan[/b] to which he has never had the 
strength or will to tell him how proud he is of him or to tell him how much he 
loved his mother. He never had the strength to recount many of the stories 
of valor and heroism, to regale his and his friends and his family's exploits. 
The mere thought of this only brought the tears of despair, loneliness and 


Arkan is Lord Valius' only son and heir. Lord Valius is retired knight who 
ost all interest in knighthood and chivalry due to the loss of his wife and 
years of warring. The boy grew up on a decaying estate that once stood 
as a dignified beacon of protection and industriousness, and is now worn
 down and suffering from years of neglect and a lack of hand to tend to it. 

The remaining servants are the few that have served their family for years 
during the good times, definitely most if not all of Arkan's life. The boy has 
heard stories from his servants about his father's greatness as a warrior 
and the beauty and elegance of his mother at court, even though his father 
could not bare to speak of either. Arkan has a few paintings of his mother 
and fatheras well as some medals and other strange things which speak of a 
glorious past and great deeds.

Arkan has been inspired by what he has heard from the servants and is very 
thankful to them in helping him understand his father at least a little bit. He
 is mad with his father, because it feels like he never had one - like he was 
raised by their servants. 

Arkan's primary teacher, head servant, and the man that truly raised Arkan 
was an old man and close friend of the family. [b]Aldus[/b] was a soldier and 
close friend to his father and mother. He served with Arkan's father and does 
not speak of the boys father of mother so much. On occasion Arkan could get 
him to speak of those times but those moments are few and far between. 
After much pestering Arkan convinced Aldus to teach him how to fight and 
become a knight like his father.Aldus did not teach the boy most knightly 
ways, but taught him how to fight as best he could. Becoming a Knight was
 not just something that could be taught, it must be lived.


Arkan is a little naive as to what it means to be a knight but has heard 
grand stories about it. He will always act is peoples best interest, but may 
end up getting himself into more trouble than he can handle. He will 
hopefully learn what it means to be a knight through the trials and 
tribulations during his adventures. He seems blissfully unaware and 
undaunted by his family's tragic history, unfettered by the jagged edges of
 loss and despairand loss that have claimed his father.

Arkan, determined to live a full and glorious life like his father had once 
done left his family estate early in the morning in search of glory and to 
be able to come home and inspire his father and to break him out of his 
decades long rut. He hopes to some day to return his family's lands to the 
greatness that it once was. He picked out what he could from his father's 
old equipment as well as what their servants could muster to help him as 
he left home. 

[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Physical Description[/b][/u][/color]

[B]Height:[/B] 6'1"		[B]Weight:[/B] 180lbs
[B]Hair:[/B] Blonde		[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Handedness:[/B] Right	[B]Stature:[/B] Musclar
[B]Skin Color:[/B] Tanned	

Arkan is a strapping young lad full of energy and the desire to prove himself
worthy of knighthood and chivalry. He is strong and some times does not know 
his own strength of the effect that he has on people.

[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Character Statistics[/b][/u][/color]

[i]Medium Humanoid (Human)[/i]

[b]Race:[/b]   Human		[b]Profession:[/b] Knight
[b]Gender:[/b] Male 		[b]Classes:[/b]    [B]Fighter 2[/B]
[b]Align:[/b]  Chaotic Good	[b]Party Role:[/b] Heavy Tank

[b]Speak:[/b] Com

[b]Str[/b] 16 (+3) [10 pts]
[b]Con[/b] 16 (+3) [10 pts]
[b]Dex[/b] 14 (+2) [6  pts]
[b]Int[/b] 10 (+0) [2  pts]
[b]Wis[/b] 10 (+0) [2  pts]
[b]Chr[/b] 10 (+0) [2  pts]


[b]Jump[/b]			-2     = 1 [+3 Str] [-4 Armor] [-2 Shield]
[b]Know (History)[/b]		+2     = 2 [+0 Int]
[b]Know (Nobil and Roy)[/b]	+2     = 2 [+0 Int]
[b]Ride[/b]			+7/+9  = 5 [+2 Dex][+2 (Military Saddle)]


[i]Armor + Shields(All) + Tower Shield, Weapons (Simple and Martial), [/i]
[H1] [B]Imp Init[/B]
[L1] [B]Imp Toughness[/B] 
[F1] [B]WF (Long Sword)[/B] [F2] [b]Combat Reflexes[/b]


[b]BAB:[/b]  +2		[b]Melee[/b] +5	[b]Ranged[/b] +4
[b]Init:[/b] +6 [+2 Dex] [+4 Imp Init]		[b]HP:[/b] 25 (2d10 + 6 + 2 )
[b]AC:[/b]   19 				[b]Mvmt:[/b] 20'
       [Breast Plate +5] [+2 Heavy Steel Shield] [+2 Dex] 
[b]Touch:[/b]  12 				[b]Flatfooted:[/b] 17

[b]Fort[/b]	[b]+6[/b] = +3 [+3 Con]
[b]Ref[/b] 	[b]+2[/b] = +0 [+2 Dex]
[b]Will[/b] 	[b]+0[/b] = +0 [+0 Wis]

  *Long Sword		+7 1d8+3 (19-20x2)
  Dagger   	  	+5 1d4+3 (19-20x2)
  Light Crossbow	+4 1d8   (19-20x2)


Combat Reflexes


[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Special Abilities[/b][/u][/color]


[b]* Long Sword[/b]       (1d8, 19-20x2,   --, S, 4 lb, 315gp)
  [b]Dagger[/b] 	   (1d4, 19-20x2,  10', S, 1 lb,   2gp)

  [b]Light Crossbow[/b]   (1d8, 19-20x2,  80', P, 4 lbs,  35gp)
	Bolts (20) (2 lbs, 2gp)

  [b]Breastplate[/b]         [+5, 3, -4, 15%, 30 ft./20 ft, 30 lb, 200gp]
  [b]Shield, heavy steel[/b] [+2, -, -2, 15%,  	--,       15 lb,  20gp]

1 Potion CLW (50gp)

[b]"Therius"[/b] - Light War Horse (150 gp)
Military Saddle, Saddle bags, Bit and Bridle (66gp)
tent (20lbs, 10gp), 3 sacks (1.5lbs, 0.3gp), 

[b]Backpack[/b] (2lbs, 2gp), Bedroll (5lbs, 0.1gp), 10 candles (.1gp), 
flint and steel (1gp), small steel mirror (0.5lbs, 10gp), 
2 belt pouches (1lbs, 2gp), 2 waterskin (2gp), 3 Sunrod (6gp)
Grappling Hook (4 lbs., 1gp), 100 Silk Rope (10 lbs., 20gp)

[COLOR=DarkOrange][u][b]Money and Other Tender[/b][/u][/color]

[b]GP[/b] 9.5


  • Arkan.jpg
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First Post
s@squ@tch said:
Also, please be on the look out for some character art that will be your 'token' in game. I will be using Maptools for the tactical maps for this adventure. (Thanks to Ye Olde Albatross for the tip!) ;)
Aw, shucks.

Maptool looks cool though, doesn't it?


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Character posted above.

Would it be possible to get Know (History and Nobil and Roy) as class skills, or perhaps be able to spend 1 per 1 up to cross-class max?

I was thinking of keeping my Wisdom at 8 and raising my Int to 12, and then switching out Imp Toughness for Iron will. I am afraid of having my character's Will save more of a liability than it normally would be. The change is fitting as he has led a slightly sheltered life and he tries really hard to be a good night.

What do ya think all?

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