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[Saga] Star Wars: Rebels with Style OOC

OnlytheStrong said:
Is there any kind of way I can get a ship to start with?

No personal ship to start with, but the Alliance will definitely be able to supply the group with what the need when it comes to ships and such. Well, that and you never know what you might find in the galaxy. ;)

Blackrat said:
You can add a demolitions expert to that list .

That means I'm very much interested and would like to do a bomb-man. If we're supposed to destroy the archives, nothing's better than a nice big boom!

A Sullustan maybe...

I like it. In fact, something about a Sullustan demolitions expert just strikes me as both perfect and, somehow, hilarious. And, of course, beyond just destroying the archives on Yavin IV, every good team needs someone who can blow things up!

Ambrus said:
Ah. Uh. Well. Darn.

I was going to propose an LE repair droid techy character, but that's that I guess.

Honestly, I'm just not a big fan of having droid PCs. For this game, specifically, its also not necessarily something that would work out well. A droid in a purely support role could work, but that's more of an NPC position, and I'd be weary to have one out on the front lines, so to speak, mainly due to the kind of attention a droid can draw in the Empire if its clearly not one of their models and not in a place it should be...which is pretty much where the group will be most of the time, places they're not supposed to be.

Wintergypsy said:
I'd like to play some sort of tech soldier commando. However, i was wondering if i could use the Ubese race from saga-edition. A Boushh-like commando-character would be cool... If not i think i'd opt for a wookie commando.

I'm fine with using an Ubese. In fact, I think I'd prefer that to a Wookie, as the Ubese at least have the ability to speak Basic. :)

Though that does bring up a question. If you do play an Ubese, which of the two types would you play? Stat wise, they'd be exactly the same...except the 'True Ubese' are the ones that absolutely have to wear enviromental suits as they can no longer breath nitrogen-oxygen atmospheres; the other type are an offshoot that can breath in 'normal' environments.

Yeoman said:
Argh, damn my tiredness from yesterday! I'm so late in getting here. I'd like to toss my hat in for a medic / fire support soldier. Stats later today, story this weekend. I'll edit when I get home.

Stats look good. I like the combination of a medic with being able to lay down some fire, too.

possum said:

Only thing about the Independence is that its technically the flagship of the Alliance until just prior to the Battle of Endor...so its not exactly the safest place. But its a minor thing.

Though from the background, I'm kind of at a loss to where you're going with the character, stat-wise. Background is good but it doesn't really do much of implying where the character fits in with the group so I can't really say much else on that.

FreeXenon said:
I need a planet and race that a large human community may have been present and had anti-human sentiment.

Honestly, in this time period the only places that is really going to be seen are those far out in the Outer Rim and very much out of Imperial control. Even then, most anti-Imperial riots were just that...anti-Imperial. There aren't really anti-human movements of note beyond a small group long after the Battle of Endor.

i.e. you can kind of go with this one way you want to. :cool:

As for Destinies...definite maybe. I'm willing to at least consider the idea, but I'm not too sure its the kind of thing that meshes with this game very well.

drothgery said:
I originally created Istara Kandorian as an NPC who was associated with my PC in one of AMG's games that never really got off the ground; I've dropped her to level 4 here, and refocused her as a pure techie, instead of a techie/face hybrid.

Stats look good to my eye...and yeah, I recognize a bit of that.

So...looking at it all now, here's what its looking like we have.

Sniper (FreeXenon)
Face (Shalimar)
Pilot (OnlytheStrong)
Demolitions Expert (Blackrat)
Medic/Fire Support (Yeomen)
Technical Expert (drothgery)
Commando (Wintergypsy)

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Thanks! I got the idea from one of my old magic cards. The flavor text reads, I can save 10 lives by taking one. It just seemed so appropriate, and I was so happy no one else took the medic role! :)


I was thinking about having Kyne (the pilot) take part in the actual Battle of Yavin. Maybe one of the lucky few that survived the attack on the Deathstar. I actually wanted to make him the "Rookie One" guy that blew up one of the main guns on the Deathstar, but I figured that wouldn't be possible. I work until 11pm cst tonight, but I will try to have a background up by tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening at the latest.

Wintergypsy said:
Ferroushh (Male Ubese* soldier 3/scout 1)

Overall, stats themselves look good. Only two things to bring up.

First is that the character seems to hit a place pretty close to where drothgery's is, thoug I'm seeing Ferroushh carving out a more combat oriented role. Still, there is a bit of overlap that might be kind of difficult to distinguish the two.

Second, and, honestly, more importantly, is the armour being the same stats as Stormtrooper armour. As I basically shot this down for FreeXenon's PC already, I can't bring myself to allow it here. I am willing, however, to have the same stats used for the Ubese armour as those I mentioned earlier for FreeXenon. Thus, one less reflex def and 1k more to the cost.

OnlytheStrong said:
I was thinking about having Kyne (the pilot) take part in the actual Battle of Yavin. Maybe one of the lucky few that survived the attack on the Deathstar. I actually wanted to make him the "Rookie One" guy that blew up one of the main guns on the Deathstar, but I figured that wouldn't be possible. I work until 11pm cst tonight, but I will try to have a background up by tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening at the latest.

Technically the only people that made it out alive there were Luke, Wedge, and Keyan Farlander(in the Y-Wing). Rookie One is...well, difficult. The entirety of the first Rebel Assault game is almost impossible to reconcile with canon these days and its just a headache to try, though Rebel Assault 2 at least fits.

Either way, having him a part of the battle is a bit impossible. However, what is possible is that Kyne could have been a part of the other squadrons at the Yavin base. There were at least two other squadrons that didn't participate in the battle, and most were grounded at the time due to technical problems and injuries. Its possible that, while Kyne didn't participate in the battle against the Death Star, he could have very well flown in defense of the Yavin base during the multiple attacks that occurred between the Battle of Yavin and the eventual evacuation.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
I like it. In fact, something about a Sullustan demolitions expert just strikes me as both perfect and, somehow, hilarious. And, of course, beyond just destroying the archives on Yavin IV, every good team needs someone who can blow things up!
Thanks. I had similar feelings about him. I think I'll max out his mechanics skill and go with outlaw-tech talent tree. I don't even know where I got the idea. Must be the pic in the rulebook near the mechanics skill description. That sullustan who's trying to fix an R2 unit.


First Post
Name: Kay Starglow
Race: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 119 lbs
Eye Color: Grayish-Green
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Pale


Kay is a generally serious young woman who sets high stock in doing the right thing. She knows how to have fun, but she also knows when to put everything else away and get down to business. After high school Kay moved on to the CorSec Training Academy where she picked up a surprising breadth of knowledge allowing her to expound on a number of different fields. She is anything but the stereotypical thug of a soldier. Highly perceptive and very outgoing, Kay is very good at finding out what she needs to know.

Kay grew up on Corellia in one of the families that have a tradition of upholding law and order as members of the Corellian Security force. As a diverse trade world saw a lot of the crime other worlds saw, but it was also a major home to smuggling with reckless Corellian pilots always willing to handle questionable cargoes for cash. When the girl turned 18 she enrolled in the CorSec academy.

At the academy Kay studied Galactic Lore, and the least favorite course of all academy students, bureaucracy. She graduated at the age of 22 and entered into the CorSec force as a detective immediately after. For the first 6 months out of the academy Kay performed outstanding with one of the highest closure rates on the force. She was partnered with a veteran officer who seemed to find her enthusiasm both amusing and a bit of a trial. He assured her that at some point she would either slow down, or eat her blaster, one of the two.

As Kay was finding her pace in the department the department was being shown its place by the imperials. One of the new Imperial policies was that each department needed to have an Imperial Intelligence liaison due to the fact that Corellia was the source of so many smugglers, some of whom worked with the Rebel Alliance. The liaison officer assigned to Kay’s department, a Vira Walsh, began asserting her authority by shuffling cases around forcing the officers to focus almost exclusively on smuggling cases with links to the Rebels. Focused as they were on the Rebels, real crimes were going unsolved, uninvestigated even. Kay began working cases on her own after hours to solve them, resulting in a shouting match with Vira. After that things grew more strained for Kay, the late hours, working alone in dangerous areas.

Late one night Kay came across a group of Storm troopers roughing up a young man. When she identified herself as an officer and asked what was going on, one of the Storm troopers struck her sending her to the ground, saying that she was interfering in an Imperial matter and would be dealt with as an accessory to the rebel if she did not leave. Standing, Kay drew on the troopers and ordered them to stop saying she was placing them under arrest for striking an officer and assaulting the young man. The troopers brought up their weapons toward Kay as she fired lighting up the night with laser light.

After the fight Kay stood there shivering, the dreadful consequences of what she had done flashing through her mind. She had killed three men, yes it had been justified, but that didn’t matter, not with them being Imperial Storm Troopers. She was going to be arrested and executed, and probably the guy she had done it to rescue would be lumped in with it too. The Imperials were not all that fussed with Justice, they didn’t care about it at all. Right then her only hope was to get off of the planet as fast as possible. Daunted, Kay helped the young man up and asked him if he really was a rebel.

Moving quickly, Kay raided a CorSec safe-house for equipment and funds, left a message with an explanation of what occurred for her partner and parents timed to be sent 18 hours after she intended to be in hyperspace. Once she was off world she went looking for the Rebels intending to help them put a stop to the Empire and the injustices it inflicted upon the innocents.[/sblock]


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First Post
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
No personal ship to start with, but the Alliance will definitely be able to supply the group with what the need when it comes to ships and such. Well, that and you never know what you might find in the galaxy. ;)

FWIW, if we manage to last a few levels, Istara's probably flipping back to Noble for levels 5 & 6 to take Wealth (with only one level noble, I thought Connections was more important), which ought to give something of a start there.

Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Stats look good to my eye...and yeah, I recognize a bit of that.



American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek

I changed my languages to Basic, High Galactic?, Binary

I completely changed Garret's history:

Please let me know if there is a way to improve or correct this.
[sblock]Garret was born the bastard son of a retired Noble Imperial
Officer on Coruscant. His birth was the result of a
tempestuous affair that ending up destroying his fathers
marriage and societal influence. His father spends his life
gambling and with women running in an out of his life and
bedroom, and not having so much time for his son. He sent his
son to the best boarding and military schools and did not
really care what his son wanted to learn, or did learn. If
Garret requested to be sent to a specific school, his
father signed the checks, and Garret was on his way.

Even without a father figure "present", Garret managed to raise
himself with the money and schooling that his father's position
provided. While he was young he always found his father's gun
collection and stories of military service and combat intriguing.

He got a hold of blaster rifle, took lesson, and practiced
shooting, from anyone he could pay or learn from. His academy
studies concentrated on armor usage and riflemanship as much
as he could. The more and more he was around Imperial officers
and soldiers the more he did not like them.

He learned quickly and showed a natural aptitude for guns and
armor, doing well in all competitions. He found himself starting
to hire himself out with people that needed a gun at a rather
young age. Most people did not take him seriously until he
pulled out his rifle and combat vest, and proceeded to prove
that he can shoot - well in fact.

He longed for the life of a camaraderie and service, a sense of
belonging. Disaffected from Imperial Military and life on
Coruscant, he hoped to join a mercenary group or, heavens
forbid, the rebellion - partly out of spite and partly out of a
desire for adventure. He imagined that that he would have even
more stories to tell with adrenalin pounding experience to go
with outside of the Imperial control, especially if he was
fighting against them.

He found himself recruited by Rebel agents leaving behind a
message for his father that he is out to pursue destiny.
HE was transfered to a training base on Yavin as has been there
for several years training while the Imperials have been
pounding away at it.[/sblock]

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