Savage Worlds Rifts [OOC]

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GreenKarl, I've got a question about Telemechanics. In the Savage Worlds Rifts book, it lists Telemechanics as the ability to use Telepathy to interface with machines as well as living minds, for several effects.

I'm wondering if Squidge can use Telemechanics to attempt to 'hack' the robots, changing their targeting parameters or shutting them down. Or perhaps it would let her use powers that are telepathic on them other than the Telepathy power, like Illusion?

Just looking for a way to affect them other than picking up heavy objects and flinging them. :)

Speaking of heavy are these things? :)


First Post
I think that it is doable and Telepathy has a range of 1 miles. As they are unwilling it is contested by their Spirits. Its generally one at a time BUT with extra success and/or time you could certainly affect more...

As for how heavy they are they are human size but with heavy armor plating. I would have to check my old Rifts book at home but if I remember right they are around 300lbs.


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Also [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] what is James firing at the Skelabots with? I mentioned in the IC that they were 100" away but that is SW game " (each inch is 2 yards). Your TK Revolver has a max range of 48" and your Laser Rifle has 160" but that would be long range (-4 to hit as they are over 80" away).

So if you look at their stats for the TW Revolver the range band is 12/24/48. That means that within 12" you are at no range penalty to hit, out to 24" you are at -2 to hit and out to 48" you are at -4. Savage World Science Fiction Companion does say that most 'modern' weapons have an Extreme range of double the long range, but -8 to hit. Still would be out of range for the TW Revolver this round...


I'm sorry. I read it as 100 feet. Not 100 inches. 12 inches is 24 yards, which is 72 feet, so 100 feet is well within range of a revolver.

I suppose he should use the Rifle, then.

On a side note, I did look it up and Ranged Data Systems does negate penalties for Multi Attack, not just ranged. It helps with any penalty to shooting. Not that I can make a multi attack action right now, but still.

I'll just use that first shot for his roll. With Ranged Data Systems, it makes the penalty only a -2. And I'll go ahead and double tap, since the Rifle is Semi-Automatic, which gives a +1 to the attack and damage, so it's only a -1. So his Attack Roll is an 11, and his damage is [roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2] +1. So 8. + [roll3] if he gets another one like before.


First Post
So you deal 3d6 +1d6 for the Raise so a total of 13 damage. Cool.

I might suggest (you don't have to) using CoyoteCode for dice rolling as it allows open ended rolls easily. For example if you were rolling the damage for this attack it would be 4d6 (with the Raise) so you could code it as follows...


This means that your roll would automatically explode when you roll a 6. If you put your character's name in the top it saves the rolls on the site so that I can go back and check (I almost never do as I trust you all) and after you roll there is a url link at the bottom that you can copy and paste over here with the results.

For shooting it would be


For almost all non-damage rolls you also get a Wild Die of a d6, but you ONLY get one Wild die for any one specific set of rolls a round. So if you firing the ROF of 3 you could write something as follows...

1d12.OPEN(12)+2; 1d12.OPEN(12)+2; 1d12.OPEN(12)+2; 1d6.OPEN(6)

Make sense? Again you don't have too but it might be a bit faster for some things as you don't have to make extra posts


First Post
Cool! Thanks!

As for multiple targets, would Exalted Telepathy (the mega-power of Telepathy) work for that? It does allow simultaneous contact with multiple minds when used normally.

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