Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


First Post
Kali is still angry

Kali growls in frustration. "Goblins swarmed in, lopping heads. A few stouter folks stood our ground, and did some lopping of our own. Happy? Can we go save the city now?"

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First Post
Freggo is distracted

Inspect the bodies? Ewww... Wait, maybe there's some clues on them! Let's see if there's really any Red Hand evidence here...
Freggo, not paying much attention to the request of the guard lady, wanders over to a few of the downed goblins and begins poking through their belongings, trying not to get any more blood stained than he already was.

OOC: If I can take 10 on Perception, that's a 10.
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First Post

“It all happened quick. We were sitting at our tables, when suddenly the poor fellow near the entrance lost his head. The goblins swarmed in from here and there, laying fire to the house and stabbing people with their rusty blades. I'm glad, that there were enough of us here who could take up arms to fight this threat without delay and even smother the fire in time, or else you might be standing in front of a raging fire now. It hasn't been long, yet. We have just decided, that we should band together against this threat and see where else our help might be needed. I am certain, that the fallen will be treated with the proper respect.”


Kali growls in frustration. "Goblins swarmed in, lopping heads. A few stouter folks stood our ground, and did some lopping of our own. Happy? Can we go save the city now?"

"Sit down, friend." The last word a growl, Thurmina thumbs towards a bar stool, and locks eyes on Kali- clearly not at all bothered by the big man.

She raises her voice for all to hear...

"You may as well know- there's been a minor Goblin incursion, nothing to worry about- the Knights Gate saw a little action, and a boat full of the bastards landed at the lower quays, there was a brief episode of... lawlessness. But the City Watch have taken care of things- that said you're safer inside, we don't want citizens getting involved..."

A clamour of voices.

"Listen! A few Goblins- that's all, lthe Guard are checking to make sure the streets are clear, that nothing got missed, we're going to wait here- as long as it takes. We don't want any more casualties, as soon as I get the order- we can all go back about our business."

Thurmina turns to Kali, and grins, "okay?"


Inspect the bodies? Ewww... Wait, maybe there's some clues on them! Let's see if there's really any Red Hand evidence here...
Freggo, not paying much attention to the request of the guard lady, wanders over to a few of the downed goblins and begins poking through their belongings, trying not to get any more blood stained than he already was.

OOC: If I can take 10 on Perception, that's a 10.

There's no take 10 any more, feel free to roll a Perception check, but just on sight then several of the bodies are wearing insignia- a bloody right hand, only... there's something odd.

[sblock=Skill Checks, for all to read]Perception, or History, or Insight for the win (see above)- don't be afraid to make multiple checks per post- you're in down time, we've had ten minutes with Ah-shahran doing his healing so... feel free to make checks.[/sblock]


“It all happened quick. We were sitting at our tables, when suddenly the poor fellow near the entrance lost his head. The goblins swarmed in from here and there, laying fire to the house and stabbing people with their rusty blades. I'm glad, that there were enough of us here who could take up arms to fight this threat without delay and even smother the fire in time, or else you might be standing in front of a raging fire now. It hasn't been long, yet. We have just decided, that we should band together against this threat and see where else our help might be needed. I am certain, that the fallen will be treated with the proper respect.”

"Excellent report, I take it you're the leader of this band..." Thurmina lets the statement hang in the air, it's clear however she's a woamn in a man's world and has perhaps recognised a kindred spirit.

"Look, you seem like the real deal, I'm going to send one of my guys to check in- he'll be ten minutes- if he comes back unscathed then... well, we'll be off- then you can get back to your lives, or even do a little hunting of your own, that okay?" Thurmina offers with a smile.

And then after a minute or so-

"Good job. I mean... well, a good job here- you did well, even you", Thurmina even offers a half-smile for Kali.

[sblock=Next]I'll post again in an hour or so- when the coast will probably be clear, I'm waiting on some skill checks...[/sblock]


First Post

“Oh, I have only met these people right here and yet, so we do not actually have a leader, only a common goal,” Kyalia corrects.


“Oh, I have only met these people right here and yet, so we do not actually have a leader, only a common goal,” Kyalia corrects.

"Oh, sorry- still, think about it", Thurmina adds and then wanders over to see what you're looking at, which is the Red Hand insignias on several of the Goblin's.

Thurmina smirks, and you get it- they're on upside down.

"I reckon the Red Hand maybe more of a Red Herring..." Thurmina adds.

And with that the guard Thurmina sent away earlier returns, in short order the good Sgt and her men are ready to leave, she first off cautions you and the other patrons to take care, she thanks you all once again, and again favours Kali with a smile.

"And good luck, make that happy hunting", she adds and leads her men out of the Inn.

Less than second later the men, Sgt. Thurmina and the main doors of the Inn are engulfed in a Fireball- the screaming starts soon after...

New Map-

Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar

I'll be back in an hour, with Init rolls for you guys- get ready, it's going to get dirty again. More info to follow.


Ah-shahran, who has been staring abstractedly into space since his rambling discourse on the original Red Hand, suddenly snaps into focus. She was an annoying girl, but she didn't deserve that! More fire? Sighing, he looks at the others. I guess we should have headed out while we could have. But no worries! The goblins have come to us! Cackling, he moves toward the doors.
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And as swiftly as it appeared the flame is gone leaving behind the charred bodies of the Fallcrest Guard, and Thurmina alive- but only just...

"Goblins!" Thurmina croaks and then passes out...

Ayella is quickly on the scene, the barmaid has a modicum of medical knowledge- she will keep Sgt. Thurmina alive (don't use your Powers).

You have bigger fish to fry, collectively you head out of the bar to see what you can see...

Which is initially a bunch of ragged ass Goblins armed with a mixture of shortswords and shortbows.

Check the map out below, and what a sight.

However beyond the Goblins is a curious sight: a full-grown Ogre pulling a wagon by a yoke around its waist. The Ogre holds a cask in one hand, a short length of cord or some other material exits the cask- the end of the cord fizzes, it's on fire. The creature has a massive club close to hand on the cart, there seem to be more casks stacked in the back, also close to hand for the Ogre, while a torch is mounted on the cart in reach.

Riding atop the casks in the back of the wagon are two Hobgoblins armed with bows.

Encounter #2 The Firestarter

Turn: 1

Initiative (* = Next to play)

23 Magnus*
16 Kalimaru
14 Ogre
13 Ah-shahran
10 Kyalia
7 Hobgoblin Archer #1
7 Hobgoblin Archer #2
6 Goblin #1
6 Goblin #2
6 Goblin #3
6 Goblin #4
6 Goblin #5
5 Freggo
3 Viator

HP & Conditions

Ah-shahran 30/30 Surges 8/7
Freggo 27/23 Surges 9/9
Kalimaru 25/25 Surges 8/8
Kyalia 26/25 Surges 8/8
Magnus 38/36 Surges 13/12
Viator 26/25 Surges 8/7


Hobgoblin Archer #1
Hobgoblin Archer #2
Goblin #1
Goblin #2
Goblin #3
Goblin #4
Goblin #5

Actions To Date

Turn #1




Magnus and then Kali are up.

You can start anywhere in the six squares you occupy at present, remember you can also make Monster Knowledge checks as a Free Action.

New Map-

Good luck & sorry about the low Inits.
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