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Scarred Lands: None Dare Call Them Heroes (updated 12/07/03)


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A war rages across the Blood Steppes. As battlefields run with gore, ancient ruins are uncovered in the wreckage. Supply stops become thriving towns – and perhaps more. Perhaps new kingdoms in the badlands.

From chaos can come heroism … or opportunities …

Distracted from family rivalries that brought them to the brink of civil war, the human nobles of Vesh now battle a monstrous bandit king in the Blood Steppes. Calastia moves troops into the region for “protection”, even though their settlements remain strangely untouched by the hordes.

After three years of fighting, the Bandit King is mere miles from the Canyon of Souls and Mourning Marshes. If his ravaging Horde reaches Vesh, thousands of innocents will die.

The forces of good and evil face off for one last, desperate battle in the canyons of the Blood Steppes. At this very moment, Mighty Heroes fight among cloud-rimmed mountaintops, pounding at the summit of a vast dark tower!

You, on the other hand, are a git standing hip-deep in mud, watching 1,000 ratlings with pointy sticks charge the last fifty yards toward your trench.

One way or another, it’s your last day in the war.
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(DM’s Note: Just setting up the campaign/world model before we launch in. I think it’s an excellent example of how the Scarred Lands setting is defined enough to give you structure, but loose enough to customize considerably … The following essentially sums up the Angry Monkey Scarred Lands Campaign, is for Scarred Lands rabid fans to see the changes, and can certainly be skipped. Jump to the first chapter post.)

In the previous campaign, the young Mithril bar waitress Anadale was discovered to have a rather convoluted heritage. The gleaming city once housed one of the Royal Families of Vesh, destroyed by the Penumbral Lords. That particular point of the city’s past has been generally covered up by the Coreanic Church and the Mithril paladins.

The ragtag Royal bloodline continued underground. A conspiracy called The Third Eye protected the dwindling family. The Mithril Royals schemed and plotted, angled for allies, and generally behaved like the fringe players they were.

Inexplicably, someone considered them a menace. After several attempts on the living heir’s life, the Third Eye sent the girl – infant Anadale – to live in Canterhaven.

Canterhaven was a charming little fiefdom hewn by sheer force of will from the lands north of the Hornsaw and south of the mountains. The popular Lord and Lady could produce no issue. Anadale arrived, was claimed as their daughter in order to protect her identity. The Lord was a cousin of the Mithril bloodline, so he took this burden on gladly. Anadale grew up to be a fine young noble, trained in sword and bow, beloved by her people.

Then the vampires came.

In a horrible twist, Canterhaven found itself overrun not by its own enemies in the Hornsaw but by Anadale’s enemies – enemies she herself was completely unaware of. A Vampire Army took over Canterhaven, slew the Lord of the Manor, the Lady disappeared, and Anadale escaped by the skin of her teeth, riding hard and fast as the only home she’d ever known burned behind her. And, in one of those bizarre twists of fate Enkili so seems to favor, sixteen year-old Anadale fled to the largest but most isolated city she could find on Ghelspad – Mithril.

There, while bar-wenching, Anadale met her boon companions during a bar fight: Roscoe Tosscobble, a halfling blessed with painful, epileptic visions from Corean; Jastra, the blindingly brilliant but emotionally detached elven mage from Vera-Tre; and Khal Khalandurrin, the genially homicidal dwarven caver.

Over the next few years they:

--fought tentacle-spewing prostitutes
-- defeated priapic drug-crazed priests of Corean
-- uncovered a conspiracy of decay in Emil Derigesh’s Coreanic church
--rescued children from a hag’s hut after gobbling down enchanted buckets of filth

-- discovered a lost Ubantu temple while fighting off a thousand angry monkeys
--defeated a Slarecian plot utilizing a Khadum-blood based drug
--picked up Rip, a human planar-displaced duelist from a land called “Virginia”
-- allied with Krug, the half-orc martial artist who’d come to realize the orcs would never triumph over the human forces (“Gruumsch is good. Gruumsch is great. Gruumsch is not handing out fireballs.”)
-- crossed the Blood Steppes while dodging vampiric hit squads
-- ended a small civil war fueled by lycanthropes, and nearly died in their mountain-spire lair
-- founded a small resistance in Canterhaven after curing the psychic ills of a town called Bellhold
-- defeated a ghost-dragon in his other-dimensional lair
-- negotiated peace between the lizardfolk of the northern Hornsaw and the humans
-- traveled back in time to stop the destruction of a demonic temple
-- explored a lost underground colony wiped out by gorgons
-- discovered a secret weapon in a town destroyed by the bio-clockwork horrors of a mad mage
-- and finally – with the aid of a squad of Hollow Knights – struck at the temple of the Vampire Lord of Canterhaven as he attempted to shift the entire kingdom into a realm the Vera-Tre elves called “Ravenloft”.

With Canterhaven restored, Anadale returned to Mithril. Roscoe Tosscobble was now plainly a chosen of Corean, almost at the level of Herald. They rooted out the Slarecian corruption in the Coreanic Church, and Derigesh stepped down to allow Roscoe to reluctantly take the lead of the organization. Part of the bargain of covering the whole thing up was Anadale’s ascension to the restored throne of Mithril.

The Royal bloodline was restored. Canterhaven was liberated. A trade route stretched across southern Vera-Tre, extending the elves’ healing touch into the blighted lands of the Blood Steppes. The Church of Corean was purified.

It was the classic, well-deserved end to an epic campaign by true heroes.

Next: What Happens to Happy Endings in the Scarred Lands …


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”Prologue: The Law of Unexpected Consequences.”

Vesh, at the time of Anadale’s ascension, was a nascent republic. When a royal bloodline was reinstated with the obvious blessing of the Gods – I mean, look, Corean worked through a halfling, it was so important – the people saw the signs. They knew the score.

This “republic” nonsense had to go.

(DM’s Note: The historical example here -- the heroes wrecked the Enlightenment. Good job, heroes!)

Luckily, the general leading Vesh at the time (see the SL Gazetteer) was a direct descendant of the original ruling family, back when there had been royals running different sections of the land. A tidy restructuring of power, and boom, Vesh was divided up among the original Clans from a hundred years earlier. Five families vied for power and influence of the Iron Throne.

Fifteen years passed. Lord Reach Godwyn, respected adventurer and diplomat, rules the Iron Throne. The other families have let their rivalries get the better of them. A cold civil war is heating up. The blooded swordsmen of the families, Oathblades, often dueled openly.

(DM's Note: Oathblades are based on OA's Samuria class. Hereditary bastard swords replace katanas.)

Ordinarily the threat of Calastian Expansion would unite the families, but King Virduk was now at death’s door, and without an heir. Traviak continued his brutal war against the dwarves and Durrover, and made noises about being given full control of the decadent, pseudo-autonomous region of New Venir. It looked like the Calastian Empire might just burst into flames all by itself.

When the Bandit King first appeared in the Blood Steppes, he seemd like no more than another necro-druid with a few nasty tricks up his sleeve. His dark army swept across the blood-red badlands. Tiny settlements disappeared among tales of horror and sacrifice. Even Vigils sent out to discover the lay of the land stopped returning.

The first full Veshian military company sent out to face the madman was nearly wiped out to a man. They checked his advance just long enough for the Iron Throne to pull together a proper army and head out into the Steppes. Under supernatural rainstorms, both sides stalemated and dug in on a fifty-mile wide skirmish line. It became a war of trenches and strong-points, the line never shifting more than a few hundred yards, ever. Both sides swelled with mercenaries and volunteers from as far away as Termana. Every day was ten hours of non-stop, hand-to-hand battle. Every day meant hundreds of dead and injured.

That lasted three years.

Recently, a mysterious Black Tower rose almost overnight in the Bandit King’s territory. The generals and mages of Vesh realized that this was some sort of arcane power-structure, and that it spelled the end of the stalemate. If the Bandit King could punch a hole in Vesh’s line, then nothing would stop them ’til the Blood Sea. Something had to be done.

The epic heroes of renown, Jastra and Roscoe, came up with a plan. They could lead a strike-force into the Tower. They could destroy it. But they needed to draw as many fiendish troops and powerful necromancers from the base of the Tower as they could. They needed a diversion.

Unfortunately, the “diversion” they came up with was to allow sections of the Veshian line to collapse. Not pretend to collapse. Collapse. Flanks rolled up. Veshians outnumbered and overwhelmed, running full tilt from the trenches while screaming slitheren and titanspawn slaughtered them wholesale from behind.

That’s where our protagonists find themselves on this very first day, in the very first seconds of our tale …

Next: “Thank you so much, you epic-level b@st@rds!!”
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Giddy with Story Hour glee, I am. The Scarred Lands are quickly becoming one of my favorite settings and now jonrog has set one of his wondrous tales there. And what a fancy-tickling setup! This I can't wait to read.


"You, on the other hand, are a git standing hip-deep in mud, watching 1,000 ratlings with pointy sticks charge the last fifty yards toward your trench."

Classic. I'm looking forward to more!


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Ooooh boy. Another story hour to get addicted to. :) Don't know much about The Scarred Lands, but if jonrog1 is telling the story, it's bound to be a good one.


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"Chapter 1: "Wherein our protagonists discover: sometimes, discretion is the only part of valor."

Kirby let out a truly impressive string of Ubantu obscenities. Taggart would ordinarily have stopped to bathe in the linguistic glory of that profane construct, but they were both running for their lives. Another desperate horn BLARED from their right. The trumpet calls were getting closer, faster. These were signal horns. They were to be sounded when a section of the Vesh line was collapsing, calling for reinforcements.

They'd been sounding nonstop, from all over the battlefield, for the last five minutes.

Taggart and Kirby hurtled through a copse of woods at full tilt. "Have I mentioned I hate this war?" Taggart gasped, rain slamming him in the face.

Kirby nimbly sidestepped a cluster of corpses impaled on a charge-breaker. "You see, why didn't you mention that earlier? I've been sticking around because I thought you were enjoying yourself."

Taggart glimpsed over his shoulder. The furred-and-fanged-and scaled wave of the Bandit King's army was breaking over the ridge behind them like a howling, insane tidal wave. The two men were ahead of the collapsing line by a hundred yards. Taggart figured they were losing ten yards a minute, even at full run. Dammit ...

The two men broke into a clearing filled with Veshian soldiers. That cheered them up. After all, they too wore the uniforms of the Iron Throne. They weren't actually soldiers of the Iron Throne, but such details were for the small-minded to worry about.

The Veshians were closing on a single old man in a black robe. Even as the charged with their pikes, the old man muttered and gestured --

"Run," suggested Kirby.

"Run," answered Taggart. Any idiots who didn't keep an archer readied against a spell-caster deserved what was coming to them.

A disk of air in front of the mage rippled. Space-time pinched. Suddenly, a half-ton of snarling insect-demon ROARED from the void. Heads went flying , ricocheting off the narrow saplings. Kirby winced as one soldier took the extra three seconds to die.

Before the summoned spawn could turn on them, the two mis-adventurers slid on their butts twenty feet down the muddy embankment into the next trenchline. They sloshed through the knee-deep mud, the sucking sounds almost loud enough to be heard over the pounding rainstorm. Three years of supernatural rain had turned this section of the Blood Steppes into one huge quagmire. Taggart seemed to remember a time when his crotch and socks had been dry ... but it was hazy. Probably another hallucination.

They rounded a sharp bend in the trench and pulled up short. They had to climb over a big pile of dead guys.

And the brunette with the five-foot sword probably had something to say about that.

She stuck the end of her Oathblade in the mud, leaned against it. A wiry blond man stood up from behind the big pile of dead guys. He was scratching notes on wax-paper bound in a loose book.

"In the name of the Iron Throne, clear the way!" Kirby called.

The blond man raised an eyebrow. "That is the worst disguise I have ever seen. Ever. Orcs have more cunning disguises."

Taggart looked down. The uniforms were kind of ratty. And he was still wearing his thick Termana leather duster over his armor. "How about this," he tried. "The line's collapsing and the we're right now about fifty yards from a Gorgon death squad."

"That works," the young woman snapped. The four took off at a dead run. "I'm Alec," the young man introduced himself. "She's Indigo Montoya. She's really quite amazing with that --"

"Running now, chat later," Kirby yelled back.

A slow, building ROAR began over their heads. It grew louder and louder, closer and closer ... it was teeth-rattling, skull-shattering, bowel-emptying. Kirby looked up as a DARKNESS engulfed them --

The burning black dragon SLAMMED into the mud just next to them. They bounced off the walls of the trenches as it CRASHED through the wood barricades, leaving a furrow twenty yards across. It finally came to rest in a crumpled, flaming heap. They crawled to the shattered edge of their trench. The monster still burned in its crater.

"Now that," Kirby muttered, "is a helluva thing."

"Hey, look," Taggart deadpanned. "The dragons have returned to Ghelspad."

"What sets a dragon on fire?" Indigo asked.

They looked at each other. They thought about what the answer might be. They started running again.

Suddenly a warning trumpet IN FRONT of them sounded. "Oh, that is not good!" Taggart shouted. They cut a hard angle through wrecked trench-warrens. A high LAUGH from above them caught their ear. When they looked up, they saw a giggling wizard flying through the air, his robes flapping behind him like raged wings. He was unleashing arcane green BOLTS of energy from a wand, FLASH-FRYING Veshians as they ran. He turned his attention to the four fugitives --

An elf leaped over their trench, his bow SINGING four times in mid-jump. The wizard screamed as the arrows punched through his torso. A weak gurgle, and the dead necromancer began drifting slowly to earth.

The elf paused long enough to mutter a vile word in Elven before disapearing. Taggart, Kirby, Indigo Montoya and Alec raced off as the cries of titanspawn grew louder behind them.

"THERE!" Kirby pointed to a nearby hilltop. A ruined GUARDHOUSE was silhouetted against the grey sky. There was no roof, and two of the walls were wrecked and only chest-high, but the back walls were solid. High, narrow windows might give good sniper positions and cover --

"If I know the Iron Throne army," Taggart announced, "there's some heavily fortified bunch of hard-@sses dug into that strongpoint!"

The four slogged up the hill desperately. They hit the low wall, Taggart and Indigo vaulting the wreckage, Kirby and Alec leaping through remaining window openings.

There were Veshian soldiers in the guardhouse, all right.

They were lying in the mud, their wounds bandaged. Some of them moaned. Most of them just politely bled out in the mud.

One man stood watch over these wretched wounded. He raised his shining spear. Light improbably gleamed off his chainmail shirt. Rain ran off his shaved head. His eyes were intense over a trim goatee. "In the name of Madriel, I say to you, YIELD!"

Taggart was so busy trying to figure out how to steal the cleric's horse, he almost didn't realize he'd finally found his twin brother.
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Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Excellent! Another great story hour. Jonrog, you have done it again. I do nothing but follow you around like a hungry puppy. The thing is, I like dogs. :D

Man, at the rate I am picking up new story hours, I might just give Horacio a run for his money. I have been reading for two hours straight now and I'm ready for more.


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jonrog1 said:
Taggart glimpsed over his shoulder. The furred-and-fanged-and scaled wave of the Bandit King's army was breaking over the ridge behind them like a howling, insane tidal wave. The two men were ahead of the collapsing line by a hundred yards. Taggart figured they were losing ten yards a minute, even at full run. Dammit ...
Now that is visual imagery. How I do enjoy jonrog1's story hours.

A question: do you make use of the Rogues Gallery to post the characters for your stories, or do you prefer that the characters' race, class, etc. be imparted gradually through the tale? Either way, great fun.


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Harp said:
A question: do you make use of the Rogues Gallery to post the characters for your stories, or do you prefer that the characters' race, class, etc. be imparted gradually through the tale? Either way, great fun.

Just never had a proper system to post in before -- my orginal Story Hour was in my home-brew D20 system. Now that D20Modern's out, will probably finally post that crew. May use the Custom Hero classless system, I really love it. You can find it in the D20Modern forum.

I think I stillhave the Pulp Spycraft sheets around. Will check this weekend.

And I"ll see if I can get the group organized enough to get me their character sheets for posting in the Scarred Lands. They all level up this Monday, so that should be an opportunity.

Glad you're enjoying the Story Hour. First for me writing D&D ... although as you'll soon see, this isn't your standard adventuring group.

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