Scholarships: You get what you pay for? RANT

Tinker Gnome

RangerWickett said:
So what if the man's fusstrated? They can ax him all the queshuns they wants; if he's tired, he's feel'n to'n up inside, so who cares whether or not he uses 'proper' grammar?

Our language is ridiculously flexible. If one man in a non-formal capacity wants to talk casually, why judge him?

I agree, not to mention he could have just accidentally mispronounced it. I do it all the time and English is my first language. Or maybe that is just the way he talks, to me, as long as I can understand what someone is saying, it does not matter how they say it.

I have seen many cases like Harlock's before, and I know it can be frustrating for some, as he just wants the best for his wife. :)

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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Felix said:

I bit my tongue when I read your post, as I wanted to respond with something concerning politics and economics, but that would be out of character for the boards. Yours wasn't inflammatory, but it could lead to other posts that are.
Indeed. Please don't go there, everybody (including Angcuru).


Mod Squad
Staff member
alsih2o said:
Not to mention he is risking never being able to earn money in his chosen field with a single misstep. One busted knee or ankle and he is watching the game, the same cannot be said for teaching.

One single accusation of improper conduct with a minor, and the teacher may be gone, kaput, finished, never to teach again. So, yes, the same can be said for teaching today.


First Post
Harlock said:
I am well aware of the fact that football, in many universities, pays a lot of bills.

Do you have any idea how much? In the larger programs, the money is monumental...and yes, a significant portion goes back into the athletic department, but the remainder doesn't.

In other words, it is quite possible that (in the notso-smallish university) that, despite that kid's inability to speak proper grammatical English, and despite his inability to pass an algebra test, his ability to run 4 40 or shoot over 50% from the three point line is what funds a portion of the scholarship that goes to the kid who wants to teach for the rest of his life.

With all due respect for your opinion, I think it's all a little more complicated than you're making it...

Felix said:
At any rate, I quite agree with Harlock that too much of these athletes' shenanigans are tolerated, but professional sports is only the endgame of the syndrome.

If anyone ever tells you that shenanigans is not one of the worlds GREATEST words, you call him/her a liar.

Anyway... maybe I am blind to some unjust standard, but I find paying entertainers a ridiculous amount of money - for the most part - acceptable. Whether it be pro sports, movies, or acting - I think most of them deserve what they get.

They may not work particularly hard in compairson to many average folks, but they do make sacrifices that many of us never dream of. For example, having our education/intelligence questioned due to the improper use of a word on television. ;)


Rotten DM
Look at the college coaches. listen to them speak. Compare that to the coaches in the old black and white films. Compare the news reels of the old black and white to a modern newscast. In other words you are pointing out that bad public speaking is everywhere not just limited to jocks.


As long as i get to be the frog
One single accusation of improper conduct with a minor, and the teacher may be gone, kaput, finished, never to teach again. So, yes, the same can be said for teaching today.
From experience, they have just as good of a chance of being moved out of high school to middle school. Oh and the accusation was true.

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