Pathfinder 1E Scotley's and Leif's Constables of the 14th Ward - Main Action Thread [3.5E D&D] [IC 04]


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"I don't know about why, but I can tell you I saw ole Bob Thacher dead as a post but walking down the street on Zombie night two years ago. His body was found in snow drift a few days later."

"Indeed?" Brae shrugs. "Well, looks like I'll have to make my presence known this year."

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The man behind the bar, who had been disinterestedly polishing glasses speaks up. "All rot if you ask me. Like as not people are just using tales of things that go bump in the night to try and hide their own dark deeds. Didn't work for Tam Morgan last year now did it? He still ended up in Greenspire didn' he? The law shows up and finds him with old man Waggers big silver holy symbol in his sack and what does he say 'why he was dead when I got there. Was the is frozen monster what killed him. Zombie Night says he.' Right load of rot I say."

The halfling woman smiles and shakes her head. "Just pour the drinks Olie. Anyone with half a brain knows Tam is the yellowest sneak thief in the city. Too much a chicken even to take on an old man like Bob Waggers."


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"That sounds more likely," says Brae, nodding at the barkeep. "So, who had a grudge against the old patriarch? I mean, I know priests can be most insufferable...but they generally don't have folk running about cutting their heads off.


The man smiles at the description of priests as 'insufferable'. "I don't know of anyone, I mean there are some tough characters down here in the Clayfields, but knocking off Patriarchs isn't something you do lightly. The few fools who'd do it just for the sport of it would have bragged about it. I tell you honestly Constable, no one has claimed to have been responsible for the murder. Usually word gets around you know?"


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Brae shrugs and polishes off his mug of ale. "Well, it is a cold case, after all. I really didn't expect to solve it here at this fine establishment."


Ederaul Mamier

Raul looks around at the other constables to see if anyone has anything else to say, "Well, then. Thanks for the ale. If word about who might have dun' it reaches you, please contact us." Raul puts down his mug and moves towards the door.


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Brae smiles and stands, nodding his head to the man in leather. "Thanks again for the information. If you think of anything else, you know where to find us." With that, the cleric follows his companions.

OOC: How much did the round of drinks cost so I can update my character sheet?

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