Pathfinder 1E Scotley's and Leif's Constables of the 14th Ward - Main Action Thread [3.5E D&D] [IC 04]


I'm personally sick of cold and snow. I wish we'd planned an adventure in the tropics for our Constables...

Agreed! But, as good DMs we do have an obligation to make our players even more miserable than we are. So no Miami Beach for the Constables just yet. More like camping in Wisconsin in January.

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GM: Let's try to get things moving again. I apologize for my absence. I've had a nasty chest cold for a couple of weeks and just haven't felt like posting. Who or what will Tau seek at the LCA? Also, what are the rest of you doing? Going with Tau? Making preparations for the base camp? Something else? I know a couple of our players have been indisposed as well. Just chime in as you return. I hope with spring weather will come renewed health for all. Of course I guess the DeWar's road rash might have been a result of better weather luring him out on a bike.


Department of Redundant Magical Wards Department

You're going to have to be more specific, Kerlan. What area of the City of LauralieSsummerhome did you have in mind? Presumably, you will need to inquire with the authorities there, in your case, it is logical that you would seek out the Alpha [Special] Squad there. There may be records of this information stored in the Magistrate's Office of the 14th Ward....


Now, Tauvelak Dusksprocket has heard rumors that the Lauralie Conjurers Academy [LCA] has had some arrangement with Lauralie Summerhome to maintain magical wards against such beasts, at least from time to time, if not continuously. It may be that an expedition to this place could find (hire/buy) some help from the LCA.....
"But, like I said, I do know that there are some frightful creatures back in the heart of those mountains, and we can all thank the LCA for maintaining the safeguards that protect the city from them," he nods at Constable Tauvelak Dusksprocket (Tau).
"Pshaw, Constable Tau, I didn't mean that you, personally, kept the wards up, I was only referring to the fact of your association with the LCA, who does maintain the wards."
OOC: From these statements, I assumed that Tau would at least know where to start even though I don't. He was an employee at the LCA before he became a student.


Tau(velak Dusksprocket) and the Lauralie Conjurers' Academy

It occurs to Tau that a good place to start would be by asking his old boss at the LCA library, Professor Richard Whitewash. Professor Whitewash is likely not the person you need to talk to, seeing as how he is a bard and his area of expertise tends more toward the musical, but he is intimately acquainted with the other faculty members and should be able to point you in the right direction if approached correctly and tactfully. Professor Whitewash is a middle-aged human Bard, renowned for his ability on the lute.

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