Scotley's Carrion Crown IC Part 1 The Haunting of Harrowstone



B'rii listens intently to the local custom to allow the dead to rest in peace. As he enters, he does his best to imitate the spiral over his heart.

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The first path is known as the Ancestor's walk. The Kendra Lorrimor leads you left onto the path known as the Dreamwake. As you make the right turn onto the Eversleep where Professor Lorrimor is to be interred you see that the way ahead is blocked by a group of a dozen surly looking locals. The tallest of these toughs is an elderly but wiry man. He speaks out as soon as the group is noticed, “That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here!”

Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into anger. “What are you talking about?” she cries out. “I arranged it with Father Grimburrow. He’s waiting for us! The grave’s already been made ready.”

The men behind the old soldier are armed with their farming tools (a mix of rakes, hoes, sickles, pitchforks,and hammers).

OOC: Note that you are carrying the coffin at least one hand occupied...


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3

"Oh, bugger," says Besharrn, "I knew it couldn't be this easy."

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk]

AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]
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First Post
"Come now. Whatever ill will you bore the professor in life can surely be forgotten in his death." Dannis' voice is calm as he speaks. "Forgiveness is something that we can all strive for. Let us pass and bury this man, and we can all gain a measure off peace."
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First Post

Falco looks up to the man and speaks, his voice is surprisingly calm and unnerving. "What my friends", gesturing to Kendra and Danth, "are saying is we are carrying out the priest's intention and unless we see him on your side there, we WILL be burying him here... in fact right over there." Falco points with his free hand and the sarcasm in his voice hangs in the air as he looks to the man for anything further.
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Thinking to the local sign they were asked to give upon entering the cemetary, B'rii addresses the protesters, "In some parts of the world, inteferring with a sacred burial is said to raise the dead in protest. Is that your intent?"


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3

Seeing that his friends are apparently all game for baiting the locals and probably backing their baiting up with arms, Besharrn regrets his wearing his halberd across his back secured by a thong attached twice to its haft, and tries to judge whether he would have time to bring the poleaxe to bear on these troublemakers, or whether he would be better off to simply rely on his short sword which is more at the ready.


[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk]

AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Vadim willingly shoulders his part of the burden and begins the walk up to Lorrimor's final resting place. He bows his head respectfully as he makes the spiral over his heart and says a quick prayer to Pharasma, asking her to bear the Professor's soul safely to his place in her realm.

Wrapped up in his thoughts, he is caught somewhat off guard by the appearance of the locals and their roadblock. He looks around quickly to ascertain the nature of the disturbance. He senses quickly that the mood is becoming ugly and looks around at everyone . . . paying special attention to his companions from the road and to the steel clad Verrago.

"Come now, friends. Pharasma will not be well pleased if we disturb this place with violence. Let's set the Professor's remains down for a moment and discuss this with these good folk. There's no need for bloodshed here."

As he speaks, he begins lowering his corner of the coffin and nodding to the others to do likewise.

Aid Another (Diplomacy) (1d20+7=15) for Falco.


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger3

Besharrn assents to Vadim's suggestion that they lower the professor's remains to the ground until the present difficulty is resolved.

[sblock=stats, Besharrn Blacktusk]

AC:21[10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]

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