Scotley's Carrion Crown IC Part 1 The Haunting of Harrowstone


Brae and Falco find the Tavern at the Outbound in to be a warm and cozy place. The ceiling is a little low, but the space is comfortable. You find the staff just finishing up the breakfast dishes and starting to prepare lunch. There only two old men currently in the place. They are nursing mugs and look up curiously as you enter. The proprietress motions you to a table "what can I get you sirs this morning? Will be a bit until lunch is ready."

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Besharrn and Vadim find the Unfurled Scroll to be in a small, but relatively well maintained building. The front room is a shop of sorts. From this room you can see through an archway into a larger room where some children sit working on their lessons in a classroom setting. An older man who seem to be intentionally cultivating the appearance of a 'wizard' from tales and stories comes from the classroom as you enter. The children look up and begin to talk and gesture. Alendru Ghoroven raps on a desk with a small wand like length of wood. "Students, STUDENTS, focus on your lessons or there will be double homework. I have business to attend too. If any of you steps out of line while I'm busy it will be triple homework." The children look at the rod of wood with some fear and return to their work. He fixes each child with a glare before stepping out to the room with you and pulling a curtain nearly closed to block the view of the students. He is dressed in dark blue robes and wears and impressively bushy white beard. "Gentlemen..." he struggles to complete the word as he gets a good look at Besharrn. "Welcome to the Unfurled Scroll. How may I be of assistance to you? You have arrived at the premier repository of magical paraphernalia, arcane lore, and as I sense you to be discerning costumers of means, even items of magical power in the district." He looks around as suspiciously as he says this last. "You'll forgive me. Some of the locals get nervous when I mention my more interesting items, those of real power." He glances though the curtain to make sure the students are working and them smiles at you expectantly.


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

Besharrn catches the hesitation and smiles. "What? You not think Besharrn can be gentle as him pull a goblin's head through his own a$$hole? Surprised you might be," he says with a wink.

[sblock=stats - Besharrn Blacktusk]
Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

AC:21[10+7(+1 breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17 [19 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]


The old wizard hastens to correct any insult. "Oh no offense good sir! I do not judge. Your coin is as good as anyone else's in my establishment." The man's avarice is plain on his face.


Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

"Hmph! Me hope so, Granddad! What shinies you got in cute little shop a brute half-orc want buy? Or maybe you have item of Real Power? Me kinda doubt it, but show what have."

[sblock=stats - Besharrn Blacktusk]
Besharrn Blacktusk, Half-Orc Ranger 3

AC:21[10+7(+1 breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)] [25 w/Shield of Swings]
T:14 [18 w/Shield of Swings]


Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground]
PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17 [19 underground]
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP if wearing +1 Magic Breastplate]

Saves: Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Init +3, BAB +3, CMB +5, CMD 18 [22 w/ Shield of Swings]

Halberd +7, 1d10+3 dam, Short Sword +6, 1d6+2 dam, Heavy Crossbow +7, 1d10 dam

Feat: Shield of Swings - gain +4 AC and CMD but only do half damage. FULL ATTACK ONLY [APG]


First Post
"I heard there is another, more out-of the way place called the Outbound Inn, what say we try there and see what kind of folks frequent it?"

DANNIS nods and follows after Falco. "The Outbound Inn sounds as good a place as any."
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"Hmph! Me hope so, Granddad! What shinies you got in cute little shop a brute half-orc want buy? Or maybe you have item of Real Power? Me kinda doubt it, but show what have."

"Oh I do indeed have items of real power, but well, the more martial items tend to sell quickly, so don't have any magical 'maces of gently bashing a goblin's cranium out his anus', but maybe your friend here will see something to his tastes." He takes a key and opens a drawer beneath a display of blank spell books. With are several scrolls, but he passes over these and pulls out a couple of wands. "This one," he says holding up a slender reed of ebony surmounted by a small but very intricately carved figure of a cat, "in the hands of an arcane caster can induce in the target the ability to move with exceptional grace and speed much like our little friend here," he points at the figure of a cat. " (cat's grace) He holds up another wand, this one blunt and stubby and carved of a white porous stone of some sort. "Now, I can see you have been in a scrape or two in your time. What if you could slow your opponents to a crawl. You could rain two blows of that great cleaver you carry on them for one of theirs. And well, if the fight were not going your way even then. You could stroll away leisurely and yet they would be unable to catch you as if their feet were mired in thickest muck." (wand of slow) Finally, he looks in at his students again and even checks the door before unlatching a compartment under the drawer and pulling out a tome of some sort. He turns to the half-elf. "You have the look of a scholar sir. Am I right? You value books of knowledge I expect. This" he thumps the volume in his hand, which looks disturbingly like it might be bound in human skin of some sort. "Now this is a work of truly unexpected genius. Master the secrets in this book and you could create a servant of surpassing strength of arms. A marvel known as a Flesh Golem. Ah yes, I see by the look in your eyes you have heard of such a thing. Do I have any items of real power. Ha! I'll bet you never expected to find such a thing in this little town. The Unfurled Scroll is the premier establishment in the region, perhaps even the kingdom." The old wizard is justifiably proud of this exceptional and rare item. "I do have some assorted scrolls I penned with my very own hand as well if you are interested and can make more to order if you have something in particular you need."


Brae and Falco find the Tavern at the Outbound in to be a warm and cozy place. The ceiling is a little low, but the space is comfortable. You find the staff just finishing up the breakfast dishes and starting to prepare lunch. There only two old men currently in the place. They are nursing mugs and look up curiously as you enter. The proprietress motions you to a table "what can I get you sirs this morning? Will be a bit until lunch is ready."

The somewhat round middle aged woman looks at you expectantly...


First Post
Falco will take a seat within ear-shot of the two older men hoping to gain in insight into striking up a conversation. He will also gauge their reactions to himself and Dannis to see if anyone recognizes them as the out-of towners or more accurately if anyone here cares.

"Well, we have noting on our agenda so if you have any wine back there, we'd be happy to add to our bill until lunch is ready. Would you have any fruit or bread leftover from breakfast we could snack on to keep the light-headedness away?"

Brae and Falco find the Tavern at the Outbound in to be a warm and cozy place. The ceiling is a little low, but the space is comfortable. You find the staff just finishing up the breakfast dishes and starting to prepare lunch. There only two old men currently in the place. They are nursing mugs and look up curiously as you enter. The proprietress motions you to a table "what can I get you sirs this morning? Will be a bit until lunch is ready."

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