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Sea ward ho! With lavinia's gold

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Cal Sirenson

First Post
I'm sorry, *your* ship? You may be the cap'n, but I've definitely got as big a share in the floating fire hazard as you.

That's true, me heaaarrty.

And one day you may be made Captain.

And on that day you'll understand that the ship is yours.

Yours to control and yours to be responsible for.

And that means every man-jack, every ounce of carrrgo, every lily-livered waster of a passenger, every plank of wood, inch of sail and the smallest nail are yours to protect from harm.

As Captain there is no democracy. Sure, you listen to the advice of your officers and counsellors but you make the decisions.

And you stand by them-knowing that mistakes cost lives but not as many as indecision does.

And so it is the captain's ship (whichever dog is blessed enough to get the privilege)

Not in some fancy-dan lawyering, weaselish way about property, ownership and rights but in the way that matters at sea when lives may be at stake.

When I die and a new captain needed then feel free to step up and be that person-you ave my blessing. Then it'll be your ship and you'll love this old 'floating fire hazaaard' like I do.

But until then, she be mine...

Lucius & Merocto

First Post
Alright, who made Cal captain of the ship? Obviously it should be my fine self, due to my natural intelligence and leadership skills... Plus I'd be able to actually see things through a telescope!

Cal Sirenson

First Post
Alright, who made Cal captain of the ship?

Arr, that'd be Lady Lavinia wot bestowed upon my humble self such an oner.

And quite right she be too, tis far better that the official ships Wizid doesn't have to worry his head with mundane matters such as wind speed, sea depth and the condition of the lines and sheets.

Far better to focus his powerful intilleck on matters arkane

And I'll do me best to make sure the ship don't rock too much and disturb him...
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First Post
Yeah, he got to be Captain because he's the best sailor... but I would like to point out that he wanted to sell the blessed thing. Also, as wizard, isn't it his job that the wind keep flowing?
I might just throw it all in and go join the pirates, actually... definitely got an in there :'D Although it might disappoint my Gramma... she's nagging me about getting settled down and producing great-grandchildren. To be fair, she preferably wants them with scales and claws, but that's without saying.

Lucius & Merocto

First Post
*sniff* very well, if our noble patron wishes it then let it be. I suppose I could use the time to focus more on matters of great importance.

And madam, if you wished the wind to be summoned perhaps you should recruit a druid? I am more interested in the security of the ships and its denisons.

Might I remind you of the collapsing bridge affair where I saved two of our companions' lives - including our captain no less!

Cal Sirenson

First Post
he wanted to sell the blessed thing.

Ah, tis true I did-more gold for me pockets to purchase grog and make fun with the wenches and doxies.

But was it not me that prompted the party to even board the damn thing in the first place? And much prompting it took what with you all having such superior intillecks and thinking such high thoughts wot I could not even begin to entertain.

Aye, but she's a fine vessel for such a lowly boat-rat as meself but I'm of a feeling that we must find ourselves a grander ship for the rest of yers. One with private rooms and quarters for your maids and servants. A sort of 'home from home' for yers high born Lords and Ladies.

Naturally being dock-scum I shall have to bunk with the men but that's how it ought to be for the likes of me.


First Post
I'm flattered that you describe me as a Lady, but I think that's an exaggeration - I'm a bastard scion of Goddess-knows-who at best ;) And have I complained a single step along this voyage, even when I got dumped in the drink? Or hit on by creepy nobles who we *really* should have left behind, damnit?

Voidrunner's Codex

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