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Sebastian O's Wizard's Amulet - Organization Thread

Sebastian O

First Post
Hi all!

Recruiting is now open for a 3.5 game with an old-school feel, based on the Necromancer products Wizard's Amulet/Crucible of Freya/Tomb of Abysthor/Rappan Athuk. We'll start with 4 to 6 first level characters and run through the module 'The Wizard's Amulet', then move on from there into a larger campaign, if the game is a success.

For character creation, I will allow any sources from Wizards of the Coast, except Magic of Incarnum and Tome of Battle. If you want to use material from any other company's source, please ask me. This allowance comes with the caveat that any non-SRD material will need to be cribbed on the character sheet, so I can easily reference the rules. We will use a 32 point buy to generate ability scores, with maximum hit points and starting gold at level 1.

For now, I'd just like concepts, however...not full character sheets (which will not be required until after the players are chosen). Concepts should include race and class, description and personality, and maybe primary weapons, likely feat selection, prominent spells if applicable, etc. This should be detailed enough for me to choose players, but it need not be a lengthy submission. Note that potential players are free (encouraged, even!) to submit more than one concept, also.

Prospective players, please also indicate how often you are generally able to post to the game, including weekends. Note that I am usually able to post at least once per day, and so the game will hopefully be fast moving.

Recruiting will be open for one week, until Wednesday May 16th. At that time, I will choose 4-6 players, based on the character concepts.

Thanks for your time!
Character Submissions List

Goddess FallenAngel #1: Shala, Whisper Gnome Rogue
FreeXenon #1: Human or Dwarven Fighter (Archer)
FreeXenon #2: Franky Farseer, Halfling Bard
Rhun: Human or Dwarven Psychic Warrior (2-Handed Fighter)
Insight #1: Rasha, Female Human Barbarian
Insight #2: Reginald Darkington, Male Halfling Wizard
Voda Vosa #1: Leukos Termen, Human Warlock
s@squ@tch: Virashil, Female Elf Sorcerer
Goddess FallenAngel #2: Human Psion (Telepath)
Tric: Springchill Sa'churov, Earth Genasi Favored Soul
Necro_Kinder #1: Marazair, Raptoran Cleric
hero4hire: Vitalus Grimjaw, Dwarven Rogue (Trapsmith)
Voadam #1: Acota Barbarian (Variant)
Voadam #2: Drow Wizard (Unorthodox Witch)
Voadam #3: Drow Thief
Voadam #4: Brass Dragon
Voda Vosa #2: Murtun Termen, Human Beguiler
Voadam #5: Dwarven Savant (Technologist)
Necro_Kinder #2: Law, Warforged Paladin
FreeXenon #3: Ark'tek, Kobold Rogue
Voadam #6: Dagmar Frekkeson, Dwarf Fighter
Voadam #7: Druid Variant shifter
Voadam #8: Orc Paragon
FreeXenon #4: Trevaan I'rchklith'anar (Tiefling Monk)
Azgulor #1: Cyryn, Half-Elf Rogue
Azgulor #2: Granakh, Half-Orc Ranger
Voda Vosa #3: Demerzel Rud'Hum Human Necromancer
Necro_Kinder #3: Salix the Treant
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Heh... would you be willing to consider a player who has run through The Wizard's Amulet and Crucible of Freya not too long ago? I promise, I won't use player knowledge. :)
I've even being honest and mentioning it up front in case it will be a problem. ;)

That said, here's my character idea:

Shala, Whisper Gnome Rogue.

Shala left her home and family due to an argument with her father about her proper place in life that grew out of hand, poisoning their relationship. Although she still loves her mother and brother - and even her father, although she refuses to admit it - she recognized that the interactions between the two of them were ripping the family apart, creating a gulf that soon would become nigh-uncrossable. Shala set out on her own, leaving her clan and adventuring to the human lands, and hopes to someday prove herself to her father, showing that she was strong and intelligent enough not to need his protection. She misses her estranged family dearly, but hides it well from the ‘tall ones’.

Shala is swift with comebacks and sarcastic comments, although despite her sharp words she is loyal and reliable once she chooses to give her trust. She has a mischievous turn of mind, and has been known to swipe objects from others, merely to place them elsewhere in plain sight as the owner is searching frantically for them – enjoying the look of confusion when that article that one has been searching for during the last hour is sitting out in plain sight.

I’ll be headed towards the Shadowdancer PrC from the DMG eventually. Feat selections…Weapon Finesse is about all I have planned out at the moment.

Also, what posting rate are you looking for from PCs?

Edit: I forgot to mention, Whisper Gnome is from Races of Stone.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
How often are you looking at posting?

Fighter (Archer)
I am thinking something radical (atleast for me) - a human (Aster Faraelight) or dwarven (Targath Four-Steins) straight fighter (archer). Looking for archery as his main focus, but also to be a flexible combatant on the field. Most likely a rather boisterous and rowdy type who cannot stay in one place for too long and yearns for adventure. His parents had a kind-of-successful trade that they were expecting him to take part in, but he left on the eve that he was about to take up the family trade and banner. He feels a bit guilt ridden about it, but does not look back too often. He would like to return home to see his family, but he is not ready for that yet.

Aster (Human) : [L1] Point Blank [H] Dodge [F1] Precise Shot
He will be moving along the Whirlwind Attack/Shot on the Run feat trees

Skills: Jump, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nob and Roy)
Will want to have trained his own dog most likely.

Long Bow, Long Spear, Long Sword, Studded Leather, Hvy Steel Shield

Targath (Dwarf): [L1] Point Blank [F1] Rapid Shot
He will be moving along the bow specialist feat trees.

Skills: Craft (Stonemason), Intimidate, Knowledge (Arch and Eng)

Long Bow, Armor Spikes, Glaive, Scalemail

Franky (Halfling Bard)
or one of my favorite characters to which I would have loved to have a chance to play again: a Franky Farseer a halfling bard to which I created a custom feat and Prestige Class - Barrowshire Lore Keeper to meet with your approval of course. The decrepit In Character thread is here so you can see the character in action. He has IC ties to Voadam's Concept 6 Dagmar (Dwarf Fighter).

Seems somewhat childlike is his dealings with certain situations in life, but also seems over educated and worldly at the same time. He finds some people falling asleep while he recites long lost lore that may or may not be applicable.

Posting Availability
I will definitely be able to post once a day prior to 16:30 (US CST). After that I will most likely be busy. I should be able post atleast once during the weekend, possibly a lot more depending on what is happening.
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Sebastian O

First Post
Ah, some interest, yay!

Goddess: I will still consider you for the game, despite your knowledge of the modules. I know that it is possible to separate player knowledge from character knowledge, as I have done the same myself. I appreciate your forthrightness in letting me know. :)

Shala looks like a good submission, thank you! I will create a list in the first thread of submissions, and she is the first.

Xenon: Your archer will be submission #2, and Franky Farseer #3. Thanks!

All: I can post on a very steady basis, under most circumstances. Unless the day is especially busy, that will likely mean one post a day from me, possibly more. Of course, this will necessarily slow down if the players cannot post at that rate as well. Since two people have asked about this, I will add a comment in the first post addressing it.

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I can post once a day during the weekdays, although time will range - maybe in the morning one day, the evening the next.

Posting on Saturday and Sunday is sporadic for me; sometimes I can, sometimes I can't, so probably 1 post on each weekend.

I'm also going out of town next weekend for my sister-in-law's wedding, leaving Friday the 18th and returning Monday the 21st, so I won't be available then. :( I don't yet have a laptop with Wi-Fi... although I'm working on it. :)


First Post
I would like to express my interest as well.

I am thinking of a psychic warrior, either human or dwarven, two-handed fighter. While he will be able to inflict damage, he will also be a mobility fighter. I have a PC very similar to this in another game that died recently, just when I was starting to enjoy the character.

As far as posting goes, I can post multiple time per day on the weekdays, and often on the weekends as well.

Sebastian O

First Post
Welcome, Rhun! I think I know the game you are referring to, as I was lurking there and following along (as I do with many games on these boards!)

Your psychic warrior concept has been added to the list up top. Thanks! :)


I've heard very good things about Necromancer's modules, but I've had neither the opportunity to play in them or run them.

Might as well throw out some ideas.

Rasha, Female Human Barbarian
She is a dex-based melee combatant, possibly with a variant Barbarian from UA (I'm thinking Wolf totem). She makes some use of ranged attacks, but focuses on melee. Her foray away from the tribe involves trying to find lost relics of her people.
Ability Scores: Dex and Con primarily, some Str.
Feats: 1st - Exotic Weapon (Bastard Sword) and Power Attack. 2nd (Wolf totem variant) - Improved Trip, 3rd - Dodge, 4th (Fighter 1) - Mobility, 5th (Fighter 2) - Spring Attack, 5th (Wolf totem variant) - Track, 6th - Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), 9th - Cleave, 10th (Fighter 4) - Weapon Spec (Bastard Sword).
Skills: Most likely the typical 'athletic' skills: Climb, Jump, Swim, maybe some Survival.
Prestige Classes: Not sure, maybe some Exotic Weapon Master (Comp Warrior) if I go with Bastard Sword. May end up multiclassing with Fighter rather than going with a Prestige Class.

Reginald Darkington, Male Halfling Wizard
This guy would be a crafter, looking to be able to make scrolls initially, then potions, and later arms and armor, wondrous items, and eventually wands, rings, and the like. He's very curious about the inner workings of things, especially magic items, but also mechanical items, feats of engineering, architecture, and the like.
Ability Scores: Int primarily, some Dex, other ability scores not really that important.
Feats: 1st - Scribe Scroll and Spell Focus. 3rd - Brew Potion, 5th - Craft Wondrous Item, 6th - Craft Magic Arms & Armor, 9th - Craft Wand, 10th - Empower Spell.
Skills: Lots of Knowledge (Arcana, History, Religion, and the Planes at least) and Speak Language.
Prestige Classes: Can't think of any right now. Unless there's one that gives more bonus crafting feats and full spellcasting. I'll have to check later.

I am generally able to post once every 1-2 days, but sometimes that stretches to 2-3 days, depending on my workload. I am perfectly OK with the DM taking over my character in order to move things along.
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Voda Vosa

First Post
I know Im on the other adventure but I would really like to play here too

I assume I can use de Warlock class ^^ (From complete Arcana)

Leukos Termen Human Warlock.

The Termen family has a long record of arcane masters, but aftes some extrange event involving some sort of invocation, it has been exiled from arcane training in any Wizard Academy. There was something in that family after that moment, something dark and misterious, something even the moust powerfull wizards could not see, but percive as a threat. And so the Termen family was cast out, exile from any magical training. Furious and wrathfull, the patriach of the Tremens lead his family to the unknown. No one realy know which was the fate of the cursed ones, but sporadicaly, some descendents of the Tremens appear, moust of them wild magicians, warlocks, or sorcerors. This is the case with Leukos, he left his family behind many years ago, and since, he has been wandering the land, searching personal profit. As mercenary, bodyguard, even once he worked at an alchemy store, but ended up fugitive when dissaster overcome. He didnt make the correct blending, and flee the scene, without paying nothing for the mess he have done. At his early 30 Leukos still travel the world looking for loot, with his ragged tunic, his big smile and his misty past.
Leukos is friendly nearly to anyone, except the arcane users, such as mages and sorcerers, he is strong willed... even stuborn. He faces problems "Leukos way" as he often says, looking for the easiest way to solve it.

Abilities: Dex Cha Int Con Str in that order
Feats: Combat casting, magic aptitude
Skills bluff disguise intimidate spellcraft concentration (knowledge the planes)
For prestige class Ill go for Wild mage
I can post more than once per day generaly. Once for sure
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