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Session Summaries: June 11th, June 12th, July 2nd and July 9th


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Well, I haven't seen a summary for the last session yet, and I could use some XP, so here's the events of June 11th:

The mansion was a complete loss. We have no survivors, and no idea why it burned down. Luckily, despite some rather risky rescue efforts, the entire party made it out intact. We found no other survivors.

As the fires died down, we used magice provided by Rose and Oceas to explore the ruins. We searched everywhere, found a few rather useless items, and gained no information as to what was going on. We spent several days at thw wreckage, searching everywhere, bu to no avail.

We were, however, attacked by skeletons, who we defeated handily with a nice turning roll by Rose.

With our return to Greerson, we told Lord Tannerson of our failure. He wasn't too disappointed, but he had more for us to do.

First, Lord Tannerson gave Li a small cabin in the woods a ways from Greerson for everybody to stay in. The party has moved to the cabin, where we all are currently living. Li is open to suggestions as to how to improve the cabin.

Second. Lord Tannerson sent Li to pick up something formt he craftsman Sketos, a Psionic Durgon (or was it Thurgon? I still have a little trouble keeping them straight). Tormal and Ceru accompanied Li. We picked up Lord Tannerson's order, and Sketos also gave Li one of his crystal finger nails, which Li believes is some kind of magic item.

Finally, Lord Tannerson told us about a Festival which we are expected to attend. The family of the gaurd Keldorn killed is expected to be there, and they will probably have a bone to pick with him.

All in all, not a whole lot happened. This week is the festival, so we'll see what happens. Also of note, a few people leveled. Tormal (now 3rd Level), Ceru and Felix (both now 4th) all spent time training. Tormal also wandered off into the forest for a time, oddly enough.
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Hey thanks!

A few notes for clarity:

- Rose is not staying with the group. Actually, I'm not entirely sure where she stays. Probably the Temple of Belmay, or maybe she has her own house in town?

- Felix did not go pick up the weird crystal thing. He stayed at Lord Tannerson's Manor working on stuff. Keldorn did accompany Li, Ceru and Tormal.

- Sketos is a Psionic Thurgon. Few people actually see Thurgon, but I think Lord Tannerson told Li that Sketos was Thurgon, so you guys would know. For reference, Thurgon tend to be stronger, more hardy and darker of skin. One of the little pieces of trivia some people pick up is that the Thurgon refer to themselves as the Sons of Stone, and they refer to the Durgon as Sons of Clay. Whatever that means.

- The cabin is a little spread out in the woods nearly 10 miles south of Lord Tannerson's estate. This puts it at the very edge of Lord Tannerson's responsibility (his holdings). It is a little 60 acre spread that Li is pretty much in charge of. Some of the thoughts on this are that it gives the group an area to practice and train without alarming nearby residents. I describe the cabin as a log cabin, but it is a pretty large structure. If I have time, I will try to describe it and may map it out for you guys to get a better idea of what it looks like.

- Sage, don't forget to mark this on your sheet. :)


First Post
Thanks for the notes. A couple of those things I forgot (Rose not staying with the group), a couple I just didn't think were that important (Felix staying behind).


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June 25th

It's time for the festival. We covered the first day of the festival, which didn't have any competitions, but did have plenty of other stuff.

Before the begining of the festival, Lord Tannerson sent a taylor to give everybody some nicer clothes. Li, Oceas and ayla were given some special considerations. Li was allowed to have a kimono, the traditional dress of his people, in place of the shirt and trousers everybody else was given. Oceas was allowed robes befitting his religion. And Ayla got a dress, in a addition to a shirt and trousers.

The opening cerimonies took up a good part of day 1. After the opening speeches, Felix set off to have his sword identified. (I'm not sure if he told everybody else, but it's a +1 Longsword, if I remember correctly). Everybody took advantage of the unoffical games available, with arm wrestling being very popular. Particularly notable was Keldorn's suprise defeat at the hands of Ceru.

Tormal and Felix also took part in card games with a traveling bard named Janik who was looking for stories of heros. Despite our best efforts, the bard didn't think we were heros. Maybe someday. However, in talking to the bard, we realized that several of us have all been having shared dreams relating to the Green Dragon we offended. Ruh roh...

Ayla also met a women namede Shiela who apparently is interested in Li for some reason. Li met her himself on day 2

We also learned if two wars. In Stormhaven the sahaugin have been causing trouble, wnd it appears there is a full scale war brewing. To the South West of Greerson a gnoll warlord has been becoming a bit ambitous, and his territorial expansion has created a war.

We were also told that, if we wanted to realy be know, we might try the finding the Shrine of Tranquility, a pilgrimage that would put us on the road to meeting the gods.

The biggest thing to consider coming out of this session is what to do after the festival. Obviously we have some time to decide, but I think it may be time to ask for a choice of missions from Lord Tannerson. Li would like to get involved in a war...


First Post
July 2nd

The party has made it through the halfway point of the festival now, and there have been several exciting developments including:

Li caught a cheater at the archery competition
Tormal CANNOT chop down a tree with his bare hands
Felix is spectacularly bad at climbing ladders
Ceru CANNOT out-wrestle Keldorn
Keldorn CAN out-wrestle Ceru (and a few others), but not that monk chick.
Ayla is extremely mean, but once you get to know her, she's only mostly mean.
Oceas has been speaking with Janek and members of various temples around the city and has discovered several interesting nuggets of info mostly concerning history. For example, the fact that there is a shrine at the base of Mt. Ternell that mines adamantine to create swords for high knights.
We learned (in character) a good deal about Greersons Glory and their heroics.

Then came the mid festival dance. Lots of people danced, and others refused to (Ayla) despite the repeated advances of Breht. Li got to dance with Sheila until Lord Tannerson cut in. All in all it was a good night for MOST people. Oceas left the party for a while to offer up some prayers to his god, and Ayla went with him. The two found a large silver bowl which they borrowed and filled with water for the prayers. When they were done they returned the bowl to where they had found it and returned to the party. Oceas went to bed soon after, while most of the others continued dancing the night away. Ayla left a few hours later, and everyone else except Keldorn went to sleep just before dawn. As the morning patrol was passing through they discovered a body not far from where many of us were sleeping. The body had been ripped apart and apparently eaten, which raised the question "if you head was a pinata..." The body turned out to be that of Breht. Keldorn and Oceas, who was already up, woke up the rest of us and told us what happened. Unfortunately, none of us could remember what happened after a certain point. Coincidentally, the time around where we stop remembering is about the same time that Ayla left the party. Tannerson was summoned and began looking into what happened. Oceas, Felix, Tormal, and Ayla all went to speak to Tannerson and offer their services with the investigation. He informed them that he believes Breht was attacked by a werewolf. He then began asking the party questions like why nobody could remember what happened after Ayla left, or why Tormal had a symbol of a wolf on him, or how Oceas managed to find a large silver bowl just laying around in a society full of were-people. As one might have guessed, the bowl dissappeared, though the depression it made in the grass where Oceas was praying remained. Within only a few feet of that spot were a set of wolf tracks that seem to just stop. Undoubtedly, this death will have an impact on the festival events from here on.


One slight nit-pick - Lord Tannerson has not said that he thinks a werewolf is responsible. Though, it would be logical to presume he has considered that possibility.

There isn't quite enough detail here to help anyone who wasn't there for that part of the session though. I will try to piece together the disparate pieces of information so you guys can hash it all out.


First Post
I know it's a little late for this, I was hoping somebody else would do it, but I'll post just to see if I can get a check anyway.

Festival: Part 3

More festivities!

First of all, the murder has not been resolved, and more murders have happened. Tormal and Ayla have been having bad dreams. Any connection?

Sheila and Lord Tannerson have been investigating the murders.

Keldorn was finally confornted by the widow and son of the guard he killed, and boy were they not happy. To keep the scene from getting too ugly, Li intervened, which got him slapped by the Widow and Keldorn. Li convinced everybody to sit down and talk it out over a meal. Eventually, Keldorn being inconsiderate as always, he was charmed by somebody in the crowd, and asked to leave. Li has tried to make ammends with the widow, and has offered to help raise the boy.

In open combat duels, Li was cleanly bested by Keldorn (despite his great strategy), and had a close battle with Tormal. He was also challenged by a forienger, from Li's homeland, by the name of Wu Cho. Wu Cho defeated Li, but he was impressed with Li's determination.

We talked more with Janek, and heard of rumors of a ghostly tower that holds a valuable gem.

And that's most of what went on. Li fully intends to take revenge on Keldorn in the Lists. :]

Voidrunner's Codex

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