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Shackled City Adventure Path (Chars Selected)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'll use the rules set out by Phy, but since I have the opprotunity to fill any holes people percieve, let me know if there are any requests.

One think I notice is that we do not have any real social monsters, in addition to missing out on the big area effect spells. Does anyone have any plans to be the "face"? If not, and if Mal allows it, I could look @ a psion (seer or telepath) for some social skills [w/ backup psokinetic boomage].

What are your thoughts on psionics, Mal? Should I focus on just pure arcane?

Land Outcast

On socials:
Not direct face of the party, but I'm going for the information gatherer (I admit: I only have +2, coming from cross class ranks, but after the first level I'll continue with Urban Ranger if lady luck smiles and I survive)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Whizbang's paladin and Jdvn1 both have some diplomacy, so I can leave that to them as well if they wish.

I'll await Malvoisin's ruling on psionics (Phy didn't allow them initially, don't know about Mal) before char genning.
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First Post
stonegod, I'd be willing to accept a psionic character from you. I admit that my knowledge on the rules is a little shaky, but I'm willing to learn.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Thank'ye, sai. Most of the important details are over the SRD (I use the Hypertext d20 SRD myself), though Complete Psionics has some nice options.

I'll look at creating something tonight/tomorrow (have some guests over in an hour).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Jon Telnbalm, Touched by the Voices

Here is my telepath concept. Does social skills and direct mental damage; will get some energy damage powers as he levels. Everything except for the feat Focused Skill User is from SRD psionics. Jon has the Touched in the Head trait to represent the voices in his head.

[SBLOCK=Concept]A priest who is suddendly touched in head---can hear voices. Eventually learns of this psionic power, and travels to understand it more. Is chosen to become an Elan, and returns home many years after leaving. Still trying to understand and master his power.[/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Jon Telnbalm, Telepath 1]Jon Telnbalm, CR 1 (XP 0)
Male elan psion [telepath] 1
N medium aberration
Init -1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal

AC 13*, touch 9, flat-footed 14*; *includes inertial armor
hp 8 (1 HD)
Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3; resistance, touched in the head

Speed 30 ft.
Ranged light crossbow -1 (1d8/19-20) or
Melee club -1 (1d6-1) or
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Base Atk +0; Grp -1
Special Actions resilience, resistance
Psion Powers Known (ML 1th, 6pp):
  • 1st—attraction (DC 15), inertial armor, mind thrust (DC 15)

Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14
SQ naturally psionic, repletion
Feats Focused Skill user (Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive), Psionic Body
Skills Bluff +5 (+7 while psionically focused), Concentration +4, Diplomacy +5 (+7 while psionically focused), Knowledge: psionics +8, Knowledge: religion +6, Knowledge: the planes +5, Psicraft +8, Sense motive +3 (+5 when psionically focused)
Possessions club, dagger, light crossbow with 20 bolts, 2 belt pouches, courtier's outfit with jewelry, scroll case, 3 torches, 27.97 gp; 14.5 lbs

Resilience (Su): When Jon takes damage, he can, as an immediate action, reduce the damage he is about to take by 2 hit points for every 1 power point he spends (2 hp/1pp maximum).
Naturally Psionic (Ex): Jon, an an elan, gains +2pp
Resistance (Su): Jon, as an immediate action, can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of his next action.
Repletion (Su): If Jon spends 1 power point, he does not need to eat or drink for 24 hours.
Touched in the Head (Ex): Jon gains a +1 bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, save for those that cause confusion or insanity. Due to his inability to concentrate for long periods, he suffers a -1 penalty to all Wisdom based skill checks.

[SBLOCK=Showing My Work]Init: -1 Dex

AC: +4 from inertial armor, -1 Dex

HP: 4 from class + 4 from Psionic Body (2 psionic feats)

Fort: 0 base + 0 Con, Ref: 0 base - 1 Dex, Will: 2 base + 1 Wis

PP: 2 from class + 2 from race + 2 from Int

Abilities: Str 8 (0pts), Dex 8 (0pts), Con 10 (2pts), Int 18 (16 pts), Wis 12 (2 pts), Chr 16 (10 pts) -2 race

Feats: Psionic Body (1st: Gives +2 hp/psionic feat), Focused Skill User (Psion 1 bonus:+2 to 3 skills when psi focused)

Skills: Bluff: 3 ranks + 2 Chr, Concentration: 4 ranks + 0 Con, Diplomacy: 3 ranks + 2 chr, Knowledge: Psionics 4 ranks + 4 Int, Knowledge: Religion 2 ranks + 4 Int, Knowledge: The Plane 1 rank + 4 Int, Psicraft: 4 ranks + 4 Int, Sense Motive: 3 ranks + 1 Wis - 1 Touched in the Head[/SBLOCK][/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Background]Jon was born and raised in Cauldron. His family was not wealthy, but not poor either. From birth, something marked Jon as different. He could sense things about people. This oddness eventually forced his parents to send him to the Temple of Wee Jas, who assumed he was touched by magic.

Jon was well on becoming a priest. No one knew (or told him) why he had strange gifts, and he adjusted to his priestly life well. But, as he grew older, the voices in his head became stronger and stronger until he could hardly hear anything else. He spent more and more of his time delving into the Church's secret lore, trying to find out what had happened to him. He found it in books forbidden---we was touched by psionic power.

Jon left the order, trying to find others like him who could train him to control the voices. He find them---a secretive group of immortal psions, elans. They agreed to teach him, but he would have to become like them to do so. Jon never looked back.

That was 25 years ago. Jon has finally brought the voices mostly under control, and now returns to the place of his birth to began life were he started off. Much has changed, not only himself. Since he has not apparantly aged since leaving, he doubts his former "collegues" at the Temple of Wee Jas would recognize him, but he is taken no chances. He poses as a itinerant tutor and companion to the wealthy, using their wealth and resources to delve more into his abilities.[/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Personality and Appearance]Jon looks like he did 25 years ago---he appears to be a young, red-headed man in his mid-twenties with sharp green eyes. He has a warm and trusting face that makes you want to trust him, though he always seems just a bit distracted, as if noticing something at a distance.[/SBLOCK]

Development: Looking to either psion uncarnate or thrallheard PrCs. I'm making the assumption that as a temple of magic, that the Wee Jas clergy did not really want to promote Jon has a psionisist; that does not mean they have anything against psionics in general.

Let me know your thoughts.
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First Post
stonegod, at a glance, I think your character looks good. I like the concept and background. I'll need to look over the crunch, and see if it all adds up, but so far, so good.

I think your assumptions about the Church of Wee Jas are on the money.

Voidrunner's Codex

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