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Shadowrun: For Us It Was a Tuesday [OOC]

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Demolition needs to be 6. So I guess Ima have to decide between Negotiation 3 or Etiquette 3. This is a call I'll make after I see what others intend to play.


First Post
...I *probably* don't deserve XP for that post. It's just the archetype from the core rulebook, copied verbatim. :p

Devon Aoki, nice, niiice. Deadly little Miko.

I gave you XP for being amenable to playing an out-of-the-book archetype, because I admire when one stifles their ego in order to be a team player and get the show on the road.

Not that you have a giant ego! Well, no more than me or any other gamer, I suppose. You know what I mean, I'm sure. :)


First Post
I have been smacked down from the heights of my past hubris. Like Donkey Kong, I flew too close to the sun.

Still, can't argue with that logic. Much obliged. ;)

Forged Fury

First Post
The funny thing is that most of the archetypes aren't actually legal under CharGen. The Weapons Specialist isn't too bad, I think it only has a few too many knowledge skills. There's a post on the SRT boards where they reverse engineer them and figure out where they break CharGen rules, then make suggestions for how to fix them.

If interested: http://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?topic=11847.0

(Just don't go too far in the thread or the "community" may very well turn you off from playing, LOL)


First Post
(Just don't go too far in the thread or the "community" may very well turn you off from playing, LOL)

Ahh, ain't that always the way, though? The internet, everyone! :p

I can deal with those changes. I don't know how often a working knowledge of sociology is really going to come up on a run. Probably not as often as Catholicism, given the possibility of dying bloodily at any moment. What about the 'Missions Only: Code of Honor is banned' note? Is there a reason code of honor should be banned, and replaced?

I posted an unnamed cipher, who is a weapons specialist, on the RG.
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Forged Fury

First Post
The main problem people have with Code of Honor is that it gives a lot of karma, but heavily relies on the GM to come up with situations that really make you risk violating it. Because of that, it's banned in Shadowrun Missions, which is basically SR's version of "Official Play."

I wouldn't be too concerned with that one. You've got grenades and a Code of Honor against hurting non-combatants. What could go wrong?


First Post
Ah, missed the Sensei there!

I dunno if I'm on board with the datajack instead of the image link. It's nice when you don't mind plugging a fiberoptic cable into your head, but do they have wireless functionality? If so, good deal!

Datajack is a good idea though, overall...hm. Lets you avoid a wireless PAN that can be hacked. So. Hehe, yeah. NEvermind, it's all good. :)

Forged Fury

First Post
Yeah, CGL really changed the matrix up for 5th Edition. You pretty much have to eliminate everything you know about real-world networking, as well as everything you know about earlier edition Matrix stuff to figure it out. In 5e, every device is in an A/B position: Wireless ON or Wireless OFF. What that refers to, however, is the relationship between the device itself and the Matrix. Your gun can be turned Wireless OFF and still communicate with your commlink, it just can't communicate with the Matrix (and subsequently may lose some benefits). There is apparently a sub-level of unhackable bluetooth type connections between your devices so that you don't have to run cables everywhere even if most of your stuff is Wireless OFF. With that said, there are apparently no more routers in 2075 as each device has to have its own Matrix connection to gain Wireless Bonuses.

At least, that's sort of the arrived at common wisdom since CGL stopped answering questions a while ago and never put out a FAQ beyond a few errata. :(

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