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Shadowrun: For Us It Was a Tuesday [OOC]


First Post
Hm. I thought devices had to have either wireless function or DNS to be part of your PAN.

So a gun would either be wireless enabled, or have a skinlink or something.

Datajack and skinlinked devices = a non-wireless PAN.

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Forged Fury

First Post
That was true in 4th Edition, but not in 5th. To gain any benefit listed under the Wireless sub-header of equipment entries, the device itself has to be connected to the Matrix and subsequently susceptible to hacking. You can't route your Matrix connection through your commlink to your devices anymore (likewise, you can't hack a commlink and gain immediate access to the devices slaved to it anymore). This was pretty much done strictly for the purpose of providing deckers and technomancers a way to hack in combat. It's also the reason skinlink doesn't exist in 5e. I think they listed it in a table in Run & Gun, but then came back and said it was an error. In 4e, everyone just skinlinked all their gear, got the beefiest firewall available, then pointed and laughed at the hacker.

ETA: The change in how the Matrix works is probably the biggest change in the system between 4th and 5th. It's also, probably unsurprisingly, one of the biggest points of difference between advocates of either system.
Last edited:

Forged Fury

First Post
Also, sorry for mucking about in the thread! Didn't mean to... so I'll leave this link to the SRT FAQ thread in which a freelancer by the name of Aaron offered rulings. They aren't technically official, although most of the earlier rulings made into the official Errata. The easiest way to deal with the thread is to click on the Print button, which will produce a single thread and then doing a CTRL+F search for keywords. Have fun!


Deuce Traveler

Draft Archetypes, Still Need Final Tweaks

The funny thing is that most of the archetypes aren't actually legal under CharGen. The Weapons Specialist isn't too bad, I think it only has a few too many knowledge skills. There's a post on the SRT boards where they reverse engineer them and figure out where they break CharGen rules, then make suggestions for how to fix them.

If interested: http://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?topic=11847.0

For simplicity, I am copying and pasting the fixed archetypes from that thread plus tweaking a bit from the sourcebook:

Archetype: Street Samurai
Metatype: C (Ork (0))
Attributes: B (20+13 = 33 total attribute points)
Body 7, Agility 6, Reaction 5(7), Strength 5, Willpower 3, Logic 2, Intuition 3, Charisma 2, Essence 0.88, Edge 1
Condition/Monitor: 14/10
Armor: 13
Limits: Physical 8 (9), Mental 4, Social 3
Physical Init: 10+3D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: D (22/0)
Active Skills: Automatics 5, Blades 5 (6), Longarms 3 (4), Pilot Ground 1, Pistols 4, Sneaking 2 (3), Unarmed Combat 2 (3)
Knowledge Skills: Great Restaurants 2, Law Enforcement 2, Poetry 1, Safe Houses 3
Languages: English N, Japanese 2
Qualities: Ambidextrous, Code of Honor (Bushido), Guts, Home Ground (Street Politics), Incompetent (Acting)
Resources: A (450k)
Karma expenditure: 14 (24-20=4 on Qualities, 10 on Gear)
Nuyen expenditure: 681,600¥
[sblock] 28,000 (0.4 Essence, 12/12 Capacity used) 12/12 Cybereyes [Rating 3, flare compensation, low-light, smartlink, thermographic, vision enhancement 2, vision magnification]
7,200 (0.8 Essence) dermal plating 2 (alphaware)
99,800 (1.0 Essence, 15/15 Capacity used) cyberarm [right, obvious, Strength 3->8->11, Agility 3->6->9, cyber sub-machine gun w/ external clip port]
108,000 (1.0 Essence, 14/15 Capacity used) cyberarm [left, obvious, Strength 3->8->11, Agility 3->6->9, Armor 2, cyber spur, cyberarm slide]
24,000 (0.3 Essence) enhanced articulation
17,000 (0.2 Essence) platelet factories
56,000 (0.4 Essence) reflex recorder [Blades, Longarms, Sneaking, Unarmed Combat]
190,000 (1.0 Essence) synaptic booster 2
30,000 (0.1 Essence) synthacardium 1
12,000 Harley-Davidson Scorpion [Handling 4/3, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 8, Armor 9, Pilot 1, Sensor 2]
1,650 earbuds [audio enhancement (Rating 1), spatial recognizer]
43,200 4 fake SINs [Rating 4, each with fake licenses (Rating 4, concealed carry, possession of firearms, possession of augmentations)]
3,000 Hermes Ikon commlink (Rating 5)
800 jammer (area, Rating 4)
3,150 lined coat [9, chemical protection 3, fire resistance 3, non-conductivity 3]
2,250 medkit (Rating 3) + medkit (Rating 6)
100 micro-transceiver
15,000 Middle Lifestyle (3 months)
750 5 stim patches (Rating 6)
1,000 2 trauma patches
300 white noise generator (Rating 6)
1,000 Katana [Blade, Reach 1, Acc 7, DV 14P, AP –3]
500 Sword [Blade, Reach 1, Acc 6, DV 14P, AP –2]
1,465 Ares Light Fire 75 [Light Pistol, Acc 6 (8), DV 6P, AP —, SA, RC —,16 (c),w/ 3 spare clips, 100 rounds regular ammo]
1,940 Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, SA, Acc 5 (7), DV 8P, AP –5, RC —, Ammo 15 (c), APDS ammo (100 rounds) , 3 spare clips]
1,545 HK-227 [SMG, Acc 5 (7), DV 8P, AP –1, SA/BF/FA, RC (1), 28 (c), w/ 3 spare clips, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
4,215 FN HAR [Assault Rifle, Acc 5 (7), DV 10P, AP –6, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 35 (c), w/ intergral smartlink, 3 spare clips, 100 rounds APDS ammo]
2,865 Enfield AS-7 [Shotgun, Acc 4 (6), DV 15P(f), AP +4, SA/BF, RC —,10(c) or 24 (d), w/ internal smartlink, 3 spare clips, 100 rounds flechette ammo]
12,415 Ingram Valiant [LMG, Acc 5 (7), DV 10P, AP –3, BF/FA, RC 2 (3), 50 (c) or 100 (belt), w/ integral smartlink, 3 spare clips, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
300 3 high explosive grenades [Grenade, non-aerodynamic, DV 16P, AP –2, Blast –2/m]
--.--- Spurs (cyber) [Unarmed, Reach —, Acc 9, DV 14P, AP –2]
Starting ¥ 2,555 + (4D6 x 100)¥

211.6k nuyen over budget
total Essence cost is 5.2 instead of listed 5.12
6 unspent free Contact points
11 unspent Karma (7 max allowed)
Missions only: Code of Honor banned

'Simple' fixes:

drop right cyberarm, 1 level of Synaptic Booster, 1 fake SIN, 1 Lifestyle month: starting ¥ 3955 + (4D6 x 100)¥
Get 5/2 Fixer contact (costs 1 Karma), raise Edge to 2 (costs 10 Karma)
Missions only: replace Code of Honor (Bushido) with Bad Luck + Biased (wise guys), or Allergy (Mild, Seafood) + Distinctive Style

Archetype: Covert Ops Specialist
Metatype: B (Dwarf (4))
Attributes: A (24+13 = 37 total attribute points)
Body 5, Agility 6, Reaction 4, Strength 5, Willpower 4, Logic 4, Intuition 5, Charisma 4, Essence 5.6, Edge 5
Condition/Monitor: 10/10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 6, Social 6
Physical Init: 8+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: C (28/2)
Active Skills: Computer 2, Escape Artist 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms skill group 2, Gymnastics 5, Hardware 2, Perception 3, Running 3, Sneaking 5, Swimming 2
Knowledge Skills: Building Layouts 4, Corporate Security Systems 5, Extreme Sports 2, Infiltration Techniques 3
Languages: English N, Japanese 4
Qualities: Catlike, Double Jointed, Natural Athlete
Resources: D (50k)
Karma expenditure: 20 on Qualities, 15-12 = 3 on Contacts, 2 on Gear
Nuyen expenditure: 54,210¥
[sblock] 17,000 (0.3 Essence, 8/8 Capacity used) Cybereyes [Rating 2, w/ low-light, smartlink, thermographic, vision enhancement 1)
1,000 (0.1 Essence) datajack
2,000 Cellular glove molder (Rating 4)
2,700 chameleon suit [w/ thermal damping (Rating 2)]
200 climbing gear
20 crowbar
2,500 Erika Elite commlink (Device Rating 4)
800 fake license (gun, Rating 4)
10,000 fake SIN (Rating 4)
1,145 grapple gun (with stealth rope 500m, catalyst stick, micro wire 200m)
7,200 Low Lifestyle (3 months)
6,000 maglock passkey (Rating 3)
100 micro-transceiver
50 rappelling gloves
1,000 sequencer (Rating 4)
450 tag eraser
245 Streetline Special [Hold-out, Acc 4, DV 6P, AP —, SA, RC —, 6 (c), w/ spare clip, 60 rounds regular ammo]
1,330 Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5 (7), DV 7P, AP –4, SA, RC —, 15 (c), w/ silencer, smartlink, spare clip, 50 rounds regular ammo] (725+500+0+5+5*20)
Starting ¥ 270 + (3D6 x 60)¥[/sblock]
Transgressions: 10¥ over limit (less than starting ¥: adjust starting ¥ to 260 + (3D6 x 60)¥

Archetype: Occult Investigator

Metatype: E (Human (1))
Attributes: A (24+8 = 32 total attribute points)
Body 3, Agility 3, Reaction 4, Strength 3, Willpower 5, Logic 3, Intuition 6, Charisma 5, Essence 6, Edge 3, Magic 4
Condition/Monitor: 14/11
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 6, Social 7
Physical Init: 10+1D6
Magic/Resonance: B (Magician with 4 Magic, 2x R4 Magical skills, 7 spells (alchemical preparations, in this case))
Astral Init: 12+2D6
Alchemical Preparations: Analyze Truth, Armor, Clairvoyance, Detect Individual, Flamethrower, Heal, Physical Barrier, Stealth
Skills: C (28/2)
Active Skills: Alchemy 5, Arcana 4 (+2), Banishing 4, Binding 3, Clubs 2, Counterspelling 4, Impersonation (Human) 3 (+2), Influence skill group 2, Perception 5, Summoning 5
Knowledge Skills:
Magical Community (Seattle) 4 (+2), Magical Forensics 3, Police Procedures 3, Sprawl Dive Bars 3
Languages: English N, Spanish N, Sperethiel 4
Qualities: Addiction (alcohol, mild), Bad Luck, Bilingual, First
Impression, Magician, Mentor Spirit (Snake), National SIN
Resources: D (50k)
Karma expenditure: 21-21 = 0 on Qualities, 15-15 = 0 on Contacts, 10 on Gear, 20 on Foci binding, 5 on +1 alchemical preparation
Nuyen expenditure: 73,000¥
[sblock] 10,000 Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit [Handling 4/3, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 8, Armor 4, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Passengers 2]
20,000 Alchemy focus (Force 4) (also costs 12 Karma)
16,000 Counterspelling focus (Force 4, combat spells) (also costs 8 Karma)
800 fake license (Rating 4, private detective)
10,000 fake SIN (Rating 4)
900 lined coat [9]
2,500 magical lodge materials (Force 5)
10,000 Middle Lifestyle (2 months)
700 Sony Emperor commlink [Device Rating 2]
100 Staff [Club, Reach 2, Acc 6, DV 6P, AP —]
750 Stun baton [Club, Reach 1, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP –5, 10 charges]
Starting ¥ 1,250 + (4D6 x 100)¥[/sblock]

1,750¥ nuyen over the limit (3k including starting nuyen)
10 Karma over the limit

'Simple' fixes:

Drop 2 of the following: Bilingual, Mentor Spirit (Snake), Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit, 1 Alchemical Preparation
Drop 1 month of Middle Lifestyle, adjust starting nuyen to 3,250 + (4D6 x 100)¥

Archetype: Street Shaman

Metatype: D (Elf(0))
Attributes: A (24+11 = 35 total attribute points)
Body 4, Agility 4, Reaction 4, Strength 5, Willpower 4, Logic 4, Intuition 4, Charisma 6, Essence 6, Edge 1, Magic 3
Condition/Monitor: 10/10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 6, Social 8
Physical Init: 8+1D6
Magic/Resonance: C (Magician with 3 Magic, 5 spells)
Astral Init: 8+3D6
Spells: Antidote, Cure Disease, Entertainment, Heal, Mana Bolt
Skills: B (36/5)
Active Skills: Alchemy 4, Animal Handling 2, Assessing 3, Athletics skill group 1, Banishing 2, Blades 3, Conjuring 6, Disguise 1, Etiquette 2, First Aid 4, Intimidation 2, Medicine 4, Navigation 1, Negotiation 2, Perception 1, Performance 2, Sneaking 1, Sorcery skill group 4, Survival 1, Throwing Weapons 1, Unarmed Combat 1
Knowledge Skills: Politics 2, Salish-Sidhe Nation 3, Sprawl Life4, Tarislar 4, Tír Tairngire 2
Languages: English N, Salish 2, Sperethiel N
Qualities: Bilingual, Gremlins (2), Mentor Spirit (Bear), Spirit
Affinity: (Beast spirits), Prejudice (Mild, against Hermetic magicians), Simsense Vertigo
Resources: E (6k)
Karma expenditure: 26 (17-16 = 1 on Qualities, 22-18 = 4 on Contacts, 7x2 = 14 (7 L1 skills) on skills, 7 on Gear, 2 on Foci binding)
Nuyen expenditure: 19,500¥
[sblock] 500 Alchemy kit
300 biomonitor
7,500 fake SIN (Rating 3)
600 fake license to practice magic (Rating 3)
600 fake license to practice medicine (3)
25 flashlight
900 lined coat [9]
1,500 magical lodge (Rating 3)
1,100 medkit (Rating 4, w/ 1 resupply)
1,000 Renraku Sensei commlink
50 respirator (Rating 1)
4,000 spell focus (Health)
1,000 Squatter Lifestyle (2 months)
300 Combat knife [Blade, Reach —, Acc 6, DV 7P, AP –3]
100 Survival knife [Blade, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 7P, AP –1]
25 Throwing knife [Throwing Weapon, Acc Physical, DV 6P, AP –1]
Starting ¥ 2D6 x 40¥[/sblock]

17 Knowledge Skill levels where only 16 allowed (and no L1 that the remaining Karma could spend the remaining 1 Karma on for)
1 Karma over the limit
500¥ unspent

'Simple' fixes:

drop Talislar to 3
Drop Magical Lodge materials, decreasing Karma spent on nuyen by 1

Archetype: Combat Mage
Metatype: C (Human(5))
Attributes: B (20+8 = 28 total attribute points)
Body 5, Agility 3, Reaction 3, Strength 3, Willpower 4, Logic 5, Intuition 3, Charisma 2, Essence 6, Edge 2, Magic 6
Condition/Monitor: 11/10
Armor: 13
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 6, Social 5
Physical Init: 6+1D6
Magic/Resonance: A (Magician with 6 Magic, 2x R5 Magical skills, 10 spells)
Spells: Ball Lightning, Clout, Combat Sense, Flamethrower, Heal, Increase Agility, Increase Reflexes, Manaball, Physical Mask, Stunbolt
Skills: D (22/0)
Active Skills Assensing 3, Astral Combat 3, Banishing 3, Blades 2, Counterspelling 5, First Aid 3, Perception 3, Pistols 3, Spellcasting 5, Summoning 4
Knowledge Skills: Action Trids 3, Critters 3, Magic Theory 4, Urban Brawl 3
Languages: English N, Spanish 3
Qualities: Distinctive Style (Troll Poser), Focused Concentration 3, High Pain Tolerance 1, Magician, Prejudiced (Biased against elves)
Gear Armor jacket, contacts [Capacity 2, w/ vision enhancement 2],
Resources: E (6k)
Karma expenditure: 19-8 = 11 on Qualities, 6-6 = 0 on Contacts, 4 on Gear, 0 on Foci
Nuyen expenditure:12,650¥
[sblock] 1,000 Armor jacket
1,400 contacts [Capacity 2, w/ vision enhancement 2]
400 fake license (magic, Rating 2)
5,000 fake SIN (Rating 2)
4,000 Low Lifestyle (2 months)
470 Colt America L36 [Light Pistol, Acc 7, DV 7P, AP —, SA, RC —, 11(c), w/ 75 rounds of regular ammo]
300 Combat knife [Blade, Acc 6, Reach —, DV 7P, AP –3]
Starting ¥ 80 + (3D6 x 60)¥[/sblock]

As-is, Starting ¥ should be 1,430 + (3D6 x 60)¥
10 Karma unspent (7 max)
Edge should be 7, not 2 - Strength is too low to be a Troll, and physical/mental attributes don't match any of the other non-human Metatypes

'Simple' fixes: Set Edge at 7, raise fake SIN and license to R4 (costs 5,400¥), change starting nuyen to 2,030 + (3D6 x 60)¥, keep 7 Karma to save up for Initiation post-chargen
Alternative 'simple' fixes: Assume Metatype is Ork(0), adjust attributes by racial modifiers (from 5/3/3/3 4/5/3/2 and Edge 2 to 8/3/3/5 4/5/3/2 and Edge 1), raise Edge to 2 for 10 Karma

Archetype: Brawling Adept
Metatype: D (Human (3))
Attributes: A (24+8 = 32 total attribute points)
Body 5, Agility 5, Reaction 5(6), Strength 5, Willpower 3, Logic 3, Intuition 3, Charisma 3, Essence 6, Edge 4, Magic 5
Condition/Monitor: 11/10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 4, Social 5
Physical Init: 8(9) + 1 (2)D6
Magic/Resonance: C (Adept with Magic 4 and 1 Rating 2 Active skill)
Adept Powers: Critical Strike (Unarmed Combat) (2, 1 PP), Improved Ability (Unarmed Combat) (3, 1.5 PP), Improved
Reflexes (1, 1.5 PP), Improved Senses (low-light vision, 0.25 PP), Killing Hands (0.5 PP), Light Body (1, 0.25 PP)
Skills: B (36/5)
Active Skills: Archery 4, Athletics skill group 4, Blades 4, Clubs 4, Computer 1, Con 1, Disguise 1, Escape Artist 3,
Etiquette 2, First Aid 1, Intimidation 3, Lockpicking 2, Negotiation 1, Outdoors skill group 1, Perception 3, Sneaking 4, Throwing Weapons 3, Unarmed Combat 6
Knowledge Skills: Kung Fu 4, Seattle Parkour 4, Seattle Squats 2, Triads 2
Languages: English N, Mandarin N
Qualities: Bilingual, Code of Honor (Will only bring lethal force against those who first use it, protect the weak,
overthrow the corrupt), Double Jointed, Natural Athlete, Pain Resistance (1)
Resources: E (6k)
Karma expenditure: 25 (25-15 = 10 on Qualities, 14-9 = 5 on Contacts, 5x2 = 10 on skills)
Nuyen expenditure: 6,000¥
200 Climbing gear
2,500 fake SIN (1)
25 flashlight
125 glasses [Rating 1, w/ image link]
250 lockpicks
100 Meta Link commlink
50 respirator (Rating 1)
1,000 Squatter Lifestyle (2 months)
200 survival kit
650 Urban Explorer jumpsuit
600 Bow (Rating 5) [Bow, Acc 6, DV 7P, AP –2, w/ 10 arrows (Rating 5)]
30 Club [Club, Reach 1, Acc 4, DV 8P, AP —]
100 Extendable baton [Club, Reach 1, Acc 5, DV 7P, AP —]
20 Knives (2) [Blade, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 6P, AP –1]
100 Survival knife [Blade, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 7P, AP –1]
50 Throwing knives (2) [Throwing Weapon, Acc Physical, DV 6P, AP –1]
Starting ¥ 2D6 x 40¥

Critical Strike has no levels, so cannot be level 2
Missions only: Code of Honor banned

'Simple' fixes:

Replace Critical Strike 2 (Unarmed Combat) with Critical Strike (Unarmed Combat) and Critical Strike (Clubs)
Missions only: replace Code of Honor with Distinctive Style (tattoos on face and upper arms) [5], Gremlins 1 [4], Prejudiced (Biased, gang members) [3], and start with 1 unspent Karma instead of 4

Archetype: Weapons Specialist
Metatype: D (Human (3))
Attributes: B (20+8 = 28 total attribute points)
Body 4, Agility 5, Reaction 4, Strength 3, Willpower 3, Logic 3, Intuition 3, Charisma 3, Essence 5, Edge 5
Condition/Monitor: 11/10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 4, Social 5
Physical Init: 7+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: A (46/10)
Active Skills: Archery 3, Armorer 3, Athletics skill group 3, Auto Mechanics 1, Automatics 4, Close Combat skill group 4, Computer 1, Demolitions 3, First Aid 1, Gunnery 3, Heavy Weapons 3, Influence skill group 3, Intimidation 4, Longarms 5, Navigation 1, Perception 3, Pilot Ground Craft 2, Pistols 5, Sneaking 3, Survival 2, Throwing Weapons 3
Knowledge Skills: Bogota 3, Catholicism 2, Military Procedures 4, Politics 3, Psychology 2, Sociology 2
Languages: Aztlaner Spanish 2, English N, Latin 1, Spanish N
Qualities: Addiction (Mild, to alcohol), Bilingual, Code of Honor (Civilians and noncombatants), Guts, High Pain Tolerance (1)
Resources: C (140k)
Karma expenditure: 22(32) (22-19 = 3 on Qualities, 20-9 = 11 on Contacts, 4x2 = 8 on Skills, 1+(1+2)x3 = 10 on Knowledge+Language Skills?)
Nuyen expenditure: 132,175¥ + 4,800¥ = 136,975¥
[sblock] 35,000 Obvious right cyberarm with custom Agility (5) and Strength (5)
500 armor vest (9)
500 Armorer kit
200 climbing gear
300 earbuds [Capacity 1, w/ select sound filter 1]
2,500 Erika Elite commlink
9,300 fake SIN [Rating 3, w/ fake licenses (concealed carry, gun, hunting, all Rating 3)]
25 flashlight
200 gas mask
2,975 goggles [Capacity 4, w/ flare compensation, image link, low-light vision, smartgun link]
600 grapple gun w/ 200m of standard rope
800 jammer (area, Rating 4)
600 jazz (8 doses)
100 kamikaze (1 dose)
2,000 Low Lifestyle (1 month)
750 medkit (Rating 3)
200 two micro-tranceivers
50 respirator (Rating 1)
2,500 smart firing platform
200 survival kit
25,000 Toyota Gopher
6,310 Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 5(7), DV 11P, AP –2, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42(c), w/ 4 spare clips, 420 rounds regular ammo, 200 rounds explosive ammo, 150 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo (2650+4*5+42*20+20*80+15*80)
3,000 Grenade launcher [Heavy Weapons, Acc 4(6), DV 16P, AP –2, w/ 30 high explosive microgrenades (included in stats)]
2,140 Ares Crusader II [Machine Pistol, Acc 5, DV 7P, AP —, SA/BF, RC 2, 40(c), w/ silencer, 2 spare clips, 400 rounds regular ammo] (830+500+2*5+40*20)
19,300 Ares Desert Strike [Sniper Rifle, Acc 7, DV 14P, AP –5, SA, RC (1), 14(c), w/ bipod, 200 rounds explosive ammo (included in weapon stats)] (17500+200+20*80)
420 Bow (Rating 3) [Bow, Acc 6, DV 5P, AP –1, w/ 20 arrows (Rating 3)] (3*100 + 20*3*2)
300 Combat knife [Blades, Reach —, Acc 6, DV 5P, AP –3]
350 Defiance EX Shocker [Taser, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP –5, Sa, RC —, 4(m), w/ 20 taser darts] (250+2*50)
3,370 Enfield AS-7 [Shotgun, Acc 4(5), DV 13P, AP –1, SA/BF, RC —, w/ 4 spare clips, 200 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds gel ammo, 200 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo] (1100+20+20*20+10*25+20*80)
100 Extendable baton [Clubs, Reach 1, Acc 5, DV 5S, AP —]
1,100 Fichetti Security 600 [Light Pistols, Acc 6(7), DV 7P, AP —, SA, RC (1), 30(c), w/concealed holster, 300 rounds regular ammo] (350+150+30*20)
400 High-explosive grenades (4) [Grenade, DV 16P, AP –2, Blast –2/m]
1,300 HK-227 [SMG, Acc 5(7), DV 7P, AP —, SA/BF/FA, RC (1), 28(c), w/ 2 spare clips, 280 rounds regular ammo] (730+10+28*20)
6,200 Ingram Valiant [LMG, Acc 5(6), DV 9P, AP –2, BF/FA, RC 2(3), 50(c), w/ belt of 200 rounds regular ammo] (5800+20*20)
2,000 Katana (2) [Blades, Reach 1, Acc 7, DV 6P, AP –3]
1,195 Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5, DV 9P, AP –2, SS, RC —, 6(cy), w/ quick draw holster, 4 speed loaders, 60 rounds regular ammo, 50 rounds explosive ammo] (400+175+4*25+6*20+5*80)
50 Shuriken (2) [Throwing Weapons, Acc 4, DV 4P, AP –1]
100 Survival knife [Blades, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 5P, AP-1]
240 Thermal smoke grenades (4) [Grenade, DV —, AP —, Blast 10m Radius]
Starting ¥ 4,800 + (4D6 x 100)¥[/sblock]

has 19 Knowledge+Language Skill points instead of the 12 granted for free
2,825¥ too little spent
Missions only: Code of Honor banned

'Simple' fixes:

Drop all 4 L2 Knowledge+Language skills to L1, leaving 12 free points and 3x1 = 3 Karma spent on them
Upgrade fake SIN and fake Licenses to R4, adding 3,100¥ to expenditure and adjusting starting ¥ to 4,725 + (4D6 x 100)¥
Missions only: replace Code of Honor (Civilians and noncombatants) with Allergy (Moderate, Seafood or Soy)

Archetype: Face
Metatype: C (Elf (3))
Attributes: B (20+11 = 31 total attribute points)
Body 3, Agility 4, Reaction 3, Strength 2, Willpower 4, Logic 4, Intuition 4, Charisma 7, Essence 6, Edge 4
Condition/Monitor: 10/10
Armor: 8
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 8
Physical Init: 7+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: A (46/10)
Active Skills: Acting skill group 4, Blades 2, Electronics skill group 4, Clubs 4, Electronic Warfare 4, Etiquette 5, First Aid 1, Forgery 4, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4, Locksmith 4, Negotiation 5, Perception 4, Pilot Ground Craft 1, Pistols 4, Stealth skill group 2, Unarmed Combat 2
Knowledge Skills: Business 4, High Fashion 4, Sports 4
Languages: Cantonese N, English N Japanese 4
Qualities: Addiction (Mild, alcohol), Bilingual, First Impression
Resources: D (50k)
Karma expenditure: 25 (16-4 = 12 on Qualities, 30-21 = 9 on Contacts, 2x2 = 4 on Skills)
Nuyen expenditure: 49,390¥ + 600¥ = 49,990¥ (assuming the electrochromatic shirt costs 20+250 - 270¥)
[sblock] 1,500 Actioneer Business Clothes [8]
600 bug scanner (assumed Rating 6)
300 data tap
300 earbuds [Rating 1, w/ select sound filter 1]
520 electrochromatic T-shirt
800 fake concealed carry permit (Rating 4)
800 fake gun license (Rating 4)
10,000 fake SIN (Rating 4)
25 flashlight
16,000 Ford Americar
125 glasses [Rating 1, w/ image link]
500 Hardware kit
3,000 Hermes Ikon commlink
800 jammer (area, Rating 4)
3,600 keycard copier (Rating 6)
250 lockpick set
750 medkit (Rating 3)
600 micro camera [Rating 1, w/ low-light vision]
200 2 micro-transceivers
50 respirator (Rating 1)
1,000 sequencer (Rating 4)
150 shopsoft (clothing)
100 20 stealth tags
1,000 suit (worth 1,000¥)
450 tag eraser
3,000 white noise generator (Rating 6)
1,350 Browning Ultra Power [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5(6), DV 8P, AP –1, SA, RC —, 10(c), w/ silencer, 2 spare clips, 100 rounds of regular ammunition] (640+500+2*5*10*20)
700 Colt America L36 [Light Pistol, Acc 7, DV 7P, AP —, SA, RC —, 11(c), w/ concealed holster, 2 spare clips, 110 rounds regular ammo] (320+150+2*5+11*20)
100 Extendable baton [Club, Reach 1, Acc 5, DV 4S, AP —]
10 Knife [Blade, Acc 5, Reach —, DV 3P, AP –1]
80 2 smoke grenades [Grenade, DV —, AP —, Blast 10m Radius]
350 Walther Palm Pistol [Hold-out, Acc 4, DV 7P, AP —, SS/BF, RC —, 2(b), w/ concealed holster, 10 rounds regular ammo) (180+150+1*20)
380 Yamaha Pulsar [Taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC —, 4(m), w/ 40 darts] (180+4*50)
Starting ¥ 600 + (4D6 x 100)¥
Transgression: Starting ¥ should be 610 + (4D6 x 100)¥

Archetype: Tank
Metatype: B (Troll (0))
Attributes: C (16+16=32 attribute points)
Body 10 (12), Agility 2, Reaction 3 (5), Strength 7, Willpower 3, Logic 2, Intuition 3, Charisma 2, Essence 1.56, Edge 1
Condition/Monitor: 13/10
Armor: 19/25
Limits: Physical 9 (11), Mental 4, Social 3
Physical Init: 6(8) + 1(3)D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: D (22/0)
Active Skills: Animal Handling 2, Archery 5, Pistols 6, Running 3, Survival 2, Unarmed Combat 4
Knowledge Skills: Leatherworking 3, Hunting 2, Tribal Culture (Salish) 2 (+2)
Languages: Salish N, English 2
Qualities: Allergy (seafood, moderate), High Pain Tolerance (Rating 2), Toughness
Resources: A (450k)
Karma expenditure: 8 (23-15=8 on Qualities, 6-6=0 on Contacts)
Nuyen expenditure: 431,925¥ + 3,915¥=435,840¥
[sblock] 18,000 1 Aluminum bone lacing
14,000 0.3 cybereyes [Rating 2, flare compensation, low-light, smartlink, thermographic]
6,000 1 dermal plating (Rating 2)
60,000 0.3 skilljack (Rating 3)
60,000 0.3 skillwires (Rating 3)
190,000 1 synaptic booster (Rating 2)
3,250 Armor jacket [Armor 12, chemical protection (Rating 3), fire resistance (Rating 3), non-conductivity (Rating 3)]
5,100 Transys Avalon commlink (Device Rating 6, sim module)
50 subvocal microphone
100 helmet [Armor +2]
70 trodes
1,200 ballistic shield [Armor +6]
45,000 Throwing, Blades, Sneaking activesofts (Rating 3)
3,000 English linguasoft (Rating 3)
10,000 fake SIN (Rating 4)
1,200 100 rounds APDS heavy pistol ammunition
800 100 rounds explosive heavy pistol ammunition
15 3 spare clips
75 3 speed loaders
560 40 arrows (Rating 7)
250 50 taser darts
6,000 Low lifestyle (3 months pre-paid)
700 Bow [Rating 7, SS, Acc 6, DV 9P, AP –3]
725 Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5 (7), DV 8P, AP –5, SA,RC —, 15(c), w/ APDS ammo]
800 Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5 (7), DV 10P, AP –3, SS, RC —, 6 (cy), w/ explosive ammo, integral smartlink]
250 Defiance EX Shocker [Taser, Acc 4, DV 11S(e), SS, AP –5, 4 (m)]
4,000 Combat axe [Blade, Acc 4, Reach 2, DV 12P, AP –4]
300 Combat knife [Blade, Acc 6, Reach —, DV 9P, AP –3]
300 3 frag grenades [non-aerodynamic, DV 18P(f), AP +5, Blast –1/m]
180 3 thermal smoke grenades [non-aerodynamic, DV —, AP —, Blast 10 m radius]
Starting ¥ 3,915 + (3D6 x 60)¥

Essence should be 2.1
13,075¥ underspent
17 unspent Karma
Bow Rating too high

'Simple' fixes:

Drop Bow and Arrows to Rating 6: -180¥
Raise Edge to 2 for 10 Karma
Add a Rating 3 Longarms activesoft: +15,000 ¥
Add a Defiance T-250 w/ internal smartgun, 30 APDS rounds: +1,260¥
nuyen expenditure: 431,925 - 180 + 15,000 + 1,260=448,005¥: starting ¥ 1,995¥ + (3D6 x 60)¥

Archetype: Decker
Metatype: C (Dwarf (1))
Attributes: D (14+13=27 attribute points)
Body 3, Agility 2, Reaction 3, Strength 3, Willpower 5, Logic 5(6), Intuition 4, Charisma 2, Essence 5.0, Edge 2
Condition/Monitor: 10/11
Armor: 12
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 7, Social 5
Physical Init: 7+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: A (46/10)
Active Skills: Automatics 4, Cybercombat 6, Electronic Warfare 6, Electronics skill group 6, Engineering skill group 4, Etiquette 4, First Aid 3, Hacking (Hack on the Fly) 7 (+2), Lockpicking 4, Pilot Aircraft 3, Pilot Ground 3, Pistols 4, Unarmed Combat 3
Knowledge Skills: Cannibalizing Hardware 5, Detective Novels 3, Matrix Security (Emerald City Grid) 4 (+2)
Languages: English N, Japanese 3, Salish 3
Qualities: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Analytical Mind, Aptitude (Hacking), Code of Honor (Metahumans), Code Slinger (Brute Force)
Resources: B (275k)
Karma expenditure: 17 (29-25=4 on Qualities, 6-6=0 on Contacts, 4+6=10 on Skills, 3 on Knowledge Skills)
Nuyen expenditure: 244,180¥ + 11¥=244,191¥
[sblock] 31,500 0.2 Cerebral booster (Rating 1)
7,000 0.2 cybereyes [Rating 1, w/ low-light, thermographic]
1,000 0.1 datajack
40,000 0.2 skilljack (Rating 2)
12,000 0.1 sleep regulator
1,000 Armor jacket [12]
4,000 Corporate Security Procedures knowsoft (Rating 2)
5,000 DocWagon Basic contract
123,000 Hermes Chariot cyberdeck [Device Rating 2, Atts 5 4 4 2, Programs 2]
250 lockpick set
100 Meta Link commlink (Device Rating 1)
1,500 medkit (Rating 6)
10,000 Middle Lifestyle (2 months)
1,070 programs (Armor, Biofeedback Filter, Edit, Encryption, Hammer, Signal Scrub, Toolbox)
2,000 Sperethiel linguasoft (Rating 2)
4,000 Vehicle Schematics skillsoft (Rating 2)
450 Ceska Black Scorpion [Machine Pistol, Acc 5, DV 6P, AP —, SA/BF, RC (1), 35 (c), w/ 90 rounds regular ammo]
310 Remington Roomsweeper [Heavy Pistol, Acc 4, DV 7P, AP –1, SA, RC —, 8 (m), w/ 30 rounds regular ammo]
Starting ¥ 11 + (4D6 x 100)¥

25,820¥ underspent
4 Karma too much spent on Qualities
8 (12) unspent Karma
Hacking specialization should by by target type (Devices, Grids, IC, Personas, Sprites, etc.)
Missions only: Code of Honor banned
Essence should be 5.2

'Simple' fixes:

Drop Analytical Mind Positive Quality, increasing unspent Karma by 5 to 13
Increase Cerebral Booster to Rating 2, Essence -0.2=5.0, +31,500¥=275,680¥, 1 Karma spent on nuyen)
Add R4 fake SIN and fake gun license: +10,800¥=286,480, 6 Karma spent on nuyen)
remaining Karma: 7
starting ¥ 520 + (4D6 x 100)¥
Missions only: replace Code of Honor with Codeblock (Reboot Device) and increase the Allergy (Sunlight) from Mild to Moderate

Archetype: Technomancer
Metatype: D (Human (3))
Attributes: (24+8=32 attribute points)
Body 3, Agility 3, Reaction 3, Strength 3, Willpower 5, Logic 5, Intuition 6, Charisma 4, Essence 6, Edge 3, Resonance 5
Condition/Monitor: 10/11
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 7, Social 6
Physical Init: 8+1D6
Magic/Resonance: 3 (Technomancer, Resonance 3, 1 Complex Form)
Matrix Resonance: 10+3D6
Complex Forms: Cleaner, Data Mask, Editor, Pulse Storm, Resonance Spike
Skills: B (36/5)
Active Skills: Athletics skill group 1, Influence skill group 4, Compiling 3, Computer 4, Cybercombat 4, Decompiling 2, Electronic Warfare 6, First Aid 1, Hacking 4, Hardware 2, Navigation 1, Pilot Aircraft 1, Pilot Ground Craft 1, Pilot Watercraft 1, Pistols 2, Sneaking 2, Software 4
Knowledge Skills: Business (Finance) 4 (+2), Club Music (Classic Dubstep) 2 (+2), Economics 4, NeoNET 4, Sports (Baseball) 2 (+2), Street Life 1
Languages: English N, German 2
Qualities: Analytical Mind, Codeslinger (Snoop), Home Ground (Digital turf [NeoNET]), Combat Paralysis, Insomnia, Prejudice (Vocal, against NeoNET citizens)
Resources: E (6k)
Karma expenditure: 28 (25-25(27!)=0 on Qualities, 12-12=8 on Contacts, 8 on Gear, 2x2=4 on Skills, 4x4=16 on Complex Forms)
Nuyen expenditure: 20,710¥
[sblock] 500 Armor vest [9]
250 50 datachips (blank)
300 data tap
300 earbuds [Rating 1, w/ select sound filter 1]
7,500 fake SIN (Rating 3)
25 flashlight
125 glasses [Rating 1, w/ image link]
900 headjammer (Rating 6)
100 mapsoft (Seattle)
2,000 MCT Fly Spy microdrone
750 medkit (Rating 3)
2,000 2 Renraku (SHIAWASE!) Kanmushi microdrones
1,000 Renraku Sensei commlink
5 10 restraints (plastic)
50 respirator (Rating 1)
50 50 RFID tags
300 30 stealth tags
4,000 Low Lifestyle (2 months)
545 Colt America L36 [Light Pistol, Acc 7, DV 7P, AP —, SA, RC —, 11(c), w/ spare clip, 110 rounds regular ammo]
10 Knife [Blade, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 4P, AP –1]
Starting ¥ 3D6 x 60¥
Transgressions and 'simple' fixes:

2 Karma over the limit in Negative Qualities: change from Vocal to Biased
Starting ¥ should be 1,290 + (3D6 x 60)¥
3 too much Karma spent: drop First Aid 1 and headjammer gear, adjust starting ¥ to 190 + (3D6 x 60)¥

Archetype: Gunslinger Adept
Metatype: A (Elf (8))
Attributes: E (12+11+1=24 attribute points)
Body 3, Agility 6, Reaction 3 (5), Strength 2, Willpower 2, Logic 2, Intuition 3, Charisma 3, Essence 6, Edge 5, Magic 6
Condition/Monitor: 10/9
Armor: 14
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 3, Social 5
Physical Init: 6(8)+3D6
Magic/Resonance: D (Adept, 2 Magic)
Adept Power: Attribute Boost (Agility) (4, 1 PP), Combat Sense (1, 0.5 PP), Enhanced Accuracy (Pistols, Automatics) (2, 0.5 PP), Improved Reflexes (2, 2.5 PP), Mystic Armor (2, 1 PP), Spell Resistance (1, 0.5 PP)
Skills: B (36/5)
Active Skills: Blades 4, Con 3, Firearms skill group 5, First Aid 3, Gymnastics 5, Perception 4, Pilot Ground Craft 3, Running 4, Sneaking (Urban) 4 (+2), Swimming 2, Tracking 3
Knowledge Skills: Egyptian Ceramics 2, Weapon Manufacturers 4
Languages: English 5, Lakota N, Sperethiel 4
Qualities: Adept, Addiction (Mild, BTLs), Code of Honor (Assassin’s Creed), Guts, Natural Athlete
Resources: C (140k)
Karma expenditure: 24 (17-19=-2 on Qualities, 11-9=2 on Contacts, 12 on Knowledge+Language Skills, 10 on Attributes)
Nuyen expenditure: 139,435¥ + 1690¥=141,125¥
[sblock] 3,500 Armor jacket [12, chemical protection 3, fire resistance 3, non-conductivity 4]
3,600 contacts [Capacity 3, w/ smartlink, vision enhancement 2]
50,000 DocWagon contract (Platinum, 1 year)
1,650 earbuds [Capacity 3, w/ audio enhancement 1, spatial recognizer]
27,000 2 fake SINs (Rating 5, w/ 5 Rating 5 fake gun licenses)
250 gecko tape gloves
28,500 Hyundai Shin-Hyung
6,000 maglock passkey (Rating 3)
2,000 Low Lifestyle (1 month)
1,200 medkit (Rating 4, w/ 2 re-supplies)
1,000 Renraku Sensei commlink (Device Rating 3)
1,000 2 trauma patches
3,450 Ares Predator V (2) {Heavy Pistol, Acc 5(7), DV 8P, AP –1, SA, RC —, 15(c), w/ smartlink, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo]
1,800 Ingram Smartgun X [SMG, Acc 4(6), DV 8P, AP —, BF/FA, RC 2, 32(c), w/ gas-vent 2, integral sound suppressor, smartlink, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
10 Knife [Blade, Acc 5, Reach 1, DV 3P, AP –1]
2,000 PJSS Model 55 [Shotgun, Acc 6, DV 11P, AP –1, SS, RC (1), 2(b), w/integrated shock pad, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
600 Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5, DV 9P, AP –2, SS, RC —, 6(cy), w/ 100 rounds regular ammo
2,275 Steyr TMP [Machine Pistol, Acc 5, DV 7P, AP —, SA/BF/FA, RC —, 30(c), w/ laser sight, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds explosive ammo, 100 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo]
3,600 Yamaha Raiden [Assault Rifle, Acc 6(8), DV 11P, AP –2, BF/FA, RC 1, 60(b), w/ integral sound suppressor, smartlink, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
Starting ¥ 1,690 + (3D6 x 60)¥[/sblock]

Fake SINs and licenses should be Rating 4: -5,400¥ -> 5,965¥ unspent nuyen
Enhanced Accuracy can't be Level 2, resulting in 0.25 unspent PP
Raiden is 60(c), not 60(b): also, is 14F, breaking 12-Availability-max rule
Missions only: Code of Honor banned

'Simple' fixes:

Add 50 regular and explosive rounds to both Ingram Smartgun X and "Yamaha Raiden": +1,000¥
Replace Yamaha Raiden with Ares Alpha (Acc 5(7), DV 11P, AP –2, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42(c)), buy Suppressor accessory: +550¥, Starting ¥ 4,415 + (3D6 x 60)¥
Get Enhanced Accuracy (Automatics) in addition to Pistols
Missions only: replace Code of Honor by Allergy (seafood, moderate)

Archetype: Drone Rigger
Metatype: C (Ork (0))
Attributes: D (14+13+1=28 attribute points)
Body 4, Agility 3, Reaction 5(7), Strength 3, Willpower 4, Logic 5, Intuition 2, Charisma 2, Essence 3.2, Edge 2
Condition/Monitor: 10/10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 5(6), Mental 6, Social 4
Physical Init: 7+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Matrix Init: 8+3D6 (hot sim- 8 + 4D6)
Skills: B (36/5)
Active Skills: Armorer 5, Electronics skill group 2, Engineering skill group 3, Etiquette 3, Gunnery 5, Perception 3, Pilot Aircraft 6, Pilot Ground Craft 6, Pilot Walker 5, Pistols 3
Knowledge Skills: Automotive Mechanics 5, Drone Designs 2, Vehicle Chop Shops 4
Languages: English N, Or’zet 3
Qualities: Juryrigger Augmentations Commlink [Transys Avalon (Device Rating 6) w/ hot-sim module], control rig 2, reaction
enhancers 2
Resources: A (450k)
Karma expenditure: 35 (10 on Qualities, 11-6=5 on Contacts, 10 on Attributes, 10 on Edge)
Nuyen expenditure: 422,700¥ + 1,150¥=423,850¥
[sblock] 7,250 0.2 Implanted Commlink [Transys Avalon (Device Rating 6) w/ hot-sim module]
97,000 2 control rig 2
26,000 0.6 reaction enhancers 2
4,000 Aztechnology Crawler [Walker Drone, Handling 4, Speed 3, Accel 1, Body 3, Armor 3, Pilot 3, Sensor 3]
10,000 Cyberspace Designs Dalmatian [VTOL Drone, Handling 5, Speed 4, Accel 3, Body 5, Armor 5, Pilot 3, Sensor 3]
5,000 GM-Nissan Doberman [Tracked Drone, Handling 5, Speed 3, Accel 1, Body 4, Armor 4, Pilot 3, Sensor 3, weapon mount (AK-97)] (weapon mount included)
21,000 Lockheed Optic-X2 [VSTOL Drone, Handling 4, Speed 4, Accel 3, Body 2, Armor 2, Pilot 3, Sensor 3]
4,000 2x MCT Fly-Spy [Aerial Drone, Handling 4, Speed 3, Accel 2, Body 1, Armor 0, Pilot 3, Sensor 3]
7,500 MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone [Rotary Drone, Handling 4, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 4, Armor 4, Pilot 3, Sensor 3, weapon mount (Yamaha Raiden)]
7,500 MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone [Rotary Drone, Handling 4, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 4, Armor 4, Pilot 3, Sensor 3, weapon mount (Yamaha Pulsar)]
71,500 Rover Model 2072 [SUV, Handling 5/5, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 15, Armor 12, Pilot 2, Sensor 4, Passengers 6, rigger interface, weapon mount (Ares Alpha)]
2,000 2x Shiawase Kanmushi [Walker Drone, Handling 4, Speed 2, Accel 1, Body 0, Armor 0, Pilot 3, Sensor 3]
25,000 Steel Lynx [Wheeled Drone, Handling 5, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 6, Armor 12, Pilot 3, Sensor 3, heavy weapon mount (Stoner-Ares M202)] (heavy weapon mount included)
500 Aeronautic mechanic kit
500 armor vest [9]
5,000 armorer shop
50,000 automotive mechanic facility
25,000 DocWagon contract (Gold, 1 year)
1,600 fake licenses (gun, drone, all Rating 4)
10,000 fake SIN (Rating 4)
2,975 goggles (Capacity 4, w/ image link, smartlink, thermographic vision, vision magnification)
19,500 Medium Lifestyle [3 months, w/ Special Work Area (Vehicle Facility), Obscure]
250 miniwelder
875 Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5 (7), DV 7P, AP –1, SA, RC —,15 (c), w/ 75 rounds regular ammo]
GM-Nissan Doberman:
2,150 AK-97 [Assault Rifle, Acc 5, DV 10P, AP –6, SA/BF/FA, RC –, 38 (c), w/ 100 rounds APDS ammo]
MCT-Nissan Rotodrone 1:
3,150 Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 5 (7), DV 10P, AP –2, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42 (c), w/ 250 rounds regular ammo]
1,200 Ares Alpha grenade launcher [Grenade Launcher, Acc 4 (6), DV 16P, AP —2, SS, RC —,6 (c), w/ 12 high-explosive minigrenades]
MCT-Nissan Rotodrone 2:
180 Yamaha Pulsar [Taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP –5, SA, RC —, 4 (m)] (no taser darts?)
Rover Model 2072:
3,150 Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 5 (7), DV 10P, AP –2, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42 (c), w/ 250 rounds regular ammo]
720 Ares Alpha grenade launcher [Grenade Launcher, SS, Acc 4 (6), DV —, AP —, RC —,6 (c), w/ 12 thermal smoke minigrenades]
Steel Lynx:
8,200 Stoner-Ares M202 [MMG, Acc 5 (7), DV 11P, AP –4, FA, RC —, 100 (belt), w/ 150 rounds explosive ammo]
Starting ¥ 1,150 + (4D6 x 100)¥[/sblock]

Roto-Drone 1 incorrectly listed as having Yamaha Raiden: actually uses Ares Alpha
22,300¥ underspent
10 too much Karma spent

'Simple' fixes:Edge 2->1, add a Steel Lynx (no weapon), starting ¥ 2,700 + (4D6 x 100)¥

Archetype: Smuggler
Metatype: B (Troll (0))
Attributes: D (14+16+1=31 attribute points)
Body 5, Agility 2(4), Reaction 5, Strength 5, Willpower 3, Logic 2, Intuition 5, Charisma 4, Essence 4.9, Edge 1
Condition/Monitor: 11/10
Armor: 13
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 4, Social 6
Physical Init: 10+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: C (28/2)
Active Skills: Electronic Warfare 2, Etiquette 2, Gunnery 5, Navigation 1, Negotiation 3, Pilot Aircraft 5, Pilot Ground Craft 6, Pilot Watercraft 2, Pistols 3
Knowledge Skills: Backstreets 3, Sci-Fi Flicks 2, Seattle Waterways 1, Smuggling Routes 4
Languages: English N, Salish 2
Qualities: Allergy (sunlight, moderate), Gearhead, Natural Hardening
Resources: A (450k)
Karma expenditure: 20 (21-15=6 on Qualities, 14-12=2 on Contacts, 1x2=2 on Skills, 10 on Attributes)
Nuyen expenditure: 415,195¥ + 1,145¥=416,340¥
[sblock] 97,000 2 Control rig (Rating 2)
1,000 0.1 datajack
64,000 0.4 muscle toner 2
4,000 0.2 smartlink
7,500 0.2 smuggling compartment
18,000 Harley-Davidson Scorpion [Handling 4 / 3, Speed 4, Accel 2, Body 8, Armor 9, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Passengers 1, rigger interface, 2 standard weapon mounts (Ares Alpha, Enfield AS-7)]
87,000 Northrup Wasp [Handling 5, Speed 5, Accel 3, Body 10, Armor 8, Pilot 3, Sensor 3, Passengers 1, rigger interface, heavy weapon mount (Stoner-Ares M202)]
36,000 GMC Bulldog [Handling 3, Speed 3, Accel 1, Body 16, Armor 12, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Passengers 6, rigger interface]
Harley-Davidson Scorpion:
3,850 Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 5 (7), DV 11P, AP –6, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42 (c), w/ 100 rounds APDS ammo, grenade launcher]
3,000 Ares Alpha grenade launcher [Grenade Launcher, Acc 4 (6), DV 18P(f), AP +5, SS, RC —, 6 (c), fragmentation (30 minigrenades)
2,100 Enfield AS-7 [Shotgun, Acc 4 (6), DV 14P, AP –2, SA/BF, RC —,10 (c) or 24 (d), w/ smartlink, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
11,200 Stoner-Ares M202 [MMG, Acc 5 (7), DV 10P, AP –3, FA, RC —,50 (c) or 100 (belt), w/ smartlink, 500 rounds explosive ammo]
1,000 Armor jacket [12]
50,000 DocWagon Platinum contract (1 year)
1,500 medkit (Rating 6)
18,000 Middle Lifestyle w/ attached three-car garage (Special Work Area, 3 months pre-paid)
2,150 sunglasses [Capacity 4, low-light, flare compensation, vision enhancement 2]
5,000 Transys Avalon commlink (Device Rating 6)
1,350 Ares Light Fire 75 [Light Pistol, Acc 6 (8), DV 6P, AP —, SA, RC —,16 (c), w/ 50 rounds regular ammo]
825 Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5 (7), DV 7P, AP -4, SA, RC —,15 (c), w/ 50 rounds regular ammo]
220 Streetline Special [Hold-out Pistol, Acc 4, DV 6P, AP —, SA, RC —,6 (c), w/ 50 rounds regular ammo]
500 Defiance EX Shocker [Taser, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP –5, SS, RC —,4 (m), w/ 50 taser darts]
Starting ¥ 1,145 + (4D6 x 100)¥

2 unspent skill group points
2 unspent knowledge skill points
29,805¥ underspent
Essence should be 3.1
5 unspent Karma (allowed)]/li]

'Simple' fixes:

Engineering skill group 0->2, Seattle Waterways 1->3
Get Yongkan Gala Trinity for 37,000¥: 2 Karma spent on nuyen (3 unspent Karma), starting ¥ 1,805 + (4D6 x 100)¥

Archetype: Sprawl Ganger
Metatype: C (Ork (0))
Attributes: A (24+13=37 attribute points)
Body 7, Agility 4, Reaction 4, Strength 7, Willpower 4, Logic 4, Intuition 3, Charisma 4, Essence 4.8, Edge 1
Condition/Monitor: 13/10
Armor: 12
Limits: Physical 9, Mental 5, Social 6
Physical Init: 8+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: B (36/5)
Active Skills: Armorer 1, Athletics skill group 2, Automatics 1, Blades 3, Clubs 3, Computer 1, Con 1, Cybertechnology 1, Etiquette (Street) 2 (+2), First Aid 1, Intimidation 5, Leadership 3, Locksmith 1, Mechanics skill group 1, Navigation 1, Negotiation 3, Perception 3, Performance 3, Pilot Ground Craft 2, Pistols 3, Stealth skill group 2, Throwing Weapons 1, Unarmed Combat 5
Knowledge Skills: Business 2, Seattle Street Gangs (Crimson Crush) 4(+2), Sprawl life 3, Street drugs 2
Languages: English (City Speak) N, Or’zet 2
Qualities: Dependent (6: several brothers and sisters), Distinctive Style, Guts, Home Ground (You know a guy), Prejudice (Outspoken against elves)
Resources: D (50k)
Karma expenditure: 23 (20-18=2 on Qualities, 15-12=3 on Contacts, 9x2=18 on Skills)
Nuyen expenditure: 48,040¥ + 1,500¥=49,540¥
[sblock] 11,250 1.25 Cyberarm (standard, used, obvious)
2,500 Armored jacket [12, w/ nonconductivity 6]
500 armorer kit
500 automotive mechanics kit
500 cybertechnology kit
7,500 fake SIN (Rating 3)
50 earbuds [Rating 1]
600 fake gun license (Rating 3)
125 glasses [Rating 1, w/ image link]
12,000 Harley-Davidson Scorpion
500 industrial mechanic kit
300 jazz (4 doses)
4,000 Low Lifestyle (2 months)
750 medkit (Rating 3)
5 10 plastic restraints
1,000 Renraku Sensei commlink
50 respirator (Rating 1)
200 survival kit
700 Colt America L36 [Light Pistol, Acc 7, DV 7P, AP —, SA, RC —, 11(c), w/ concealed holster, 2 spare clips, 110 rounds of regular ammo]
4,000 Combat axe [Blade, Reach 2, Acc 4, DV 12P, AP –4]
100 Extendable baton [Club, Reach 1, Acc 5, DV 7S, AP —]
10 Knife [Blade, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 7P, AP –1]
570 Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5, DV 9P, AP –2, SS, RC —, 6(cy), w/ 2 speed loaders, 60 rounds regular ammo]
330 Streetline Special [Hold-out, Acc 4, DV 6P, AP —, SA, RC —, w/ concealed history, 30 rounds regular ammo]
Starting ¥ 1,500 x (3D6 x 60)¥[/sblock]

Essence should be 4.75
Starting nuyen should be 1,960 + (3D6 x 60)¥
2 unspent Karma (allowed)
Missions only: Dependents banned

'Simple' fix missions only:Replace Dependents by Allergy (antibiotics, mild), 1 unspent Karma

Archetype: Bounty Hunter
Metatype: B (Troll (0))
Attributes: (16+16=32 attribute points)
Body 7(8), Agility 3, Reaction 3, Strength 8, Willpower 3, Logic 3, Intuition 3, Charisma 2, Essence 6, Edge 1
Condition/Monitor: 12/10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 9, Mental 4, Social 5
Physical Init: 6+1D6
Magic/Resonance: E (mundane)
Skills: A (46/10)
Active Skills: Animal Handling 2, Archery 4, Armorer 1, Athletics skill group 4, Auto Mechanics 1, Blades 3, Clubs 3, Computer 1, Con 2, Electronics Warfare 1, First Aid 3, Influence skill group 2, Intimidation 5, Locksmith 3, Longarms 4, Outdoors skill group 4, Palming 1, Perception 3, Pilot Ground Vehicles 2, Pistols 4, Sneaking 3, Throwing Weapons 1, Unarmed Combat 5
Knowledge Skills: Parazoology 2, Police Procedures 4, Salish-Shidhe Tribal Law 3
Languages: Siouan (Crow) N, English N, Spanish 3
Qualities: Bilingual, Guts, Natural Athlete, Allergy (Soy, minor), SINner (Salish-Sidhe national, Cascade Ork tribe)
Gear Armorer kit, auto mechanics kit, binoculars
Resources: D (50k)
Karma expenditure: 21 (22-15=7 on Qualities, 8-6=2 on Contacts, 6x2=12 on Skills)
Nuyen expenditure: 44,630¥ + 4,116¥=48,746¥
[sblock] 500 Armorer kit
500 auto mechanics kit
50 binoculars (optical)
200 biometric scanner (assume biometric reader)
200 climbing gear
25 flashlight
1,150 lined coat [9] w/ shock frills
250 lockpick set
4,000 Low Lifestyle (2 months)
1,100 medkit (Rating 4) w/ 1 replacement supplies
1,000 Renraku Sensei commlink
200 respirator (Rating 4)
300 restraints (1 set of manacles, 2 metal, 20 plastic)
150 RFID tags (10 security, 10 stealth)
50 rope (standard, 100 meters)
3,000 sensor array (Rating 3) (handheld)
200 survival kit
25,000 Toyota Gopher
710 Defiance T-250 [Shotgun, Acc 4, DV 10, AP –1, SS/SA, RC —, 5(m), w/ 50 rounds standard ammo, 20 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo]
1,120 Bow (Rating 8) [Bow, Acc 6, DV 10P, AP –2, w/ 20 arrows]
120 Chemical grenades (2) [Grenade, DV as tear gas, AP —, Blast 10m Radius]
550 Colt America L36 [Light Pistol, Acc 7, DV 7P, AP —, SA, RC —, 11(c), w/ 2 spare clips, 110 rounds standard ammo]
100 Extendable baton [Club, Reach 1, Acc 5, DV 10S, AP—)
200 Flash-bang grenades (2) [Grenade, DV 10S, AP –4, Blast 10m Radius]
2,200 Remington 950 [Sniper Rifle, Acc 7, DV 12P, AP –4, SS, RC—,5(m), w/ 50 rounds regular ammo]
570 Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5, DV 9P, AP -2, Mode SS, RC —, 6(cy), w/ 2 speed loaders, 60 rounds regular ammo]
80 Smoke grenades (2) [Grenade, DV —, AP —, Blast 10m Radius]
750 Stun baton [Club, Reach 1, Acc 4, DV 9S(e), AP –5]
100 Survival knife [Blade, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 10P, AP –1]
25 Throwing knife [Throwing Weapon, Acc Physical, DV 9P, AP –1]
230 Yamaha Pulsar [Taser, Acc 5, DV 9S(e), AP –5, SA, RC —, 4(m), w/ 10 darts
Starting ¥ 4,116 + (3D6 x 60)¥

370¥ underspent
4 unspent Karma (allowed)
Bow Rating too high

'Simple' fixes:

Bow&Arrows Rating 8->6: -280¥
Medkit and Respirator Rating 4->6, +2 throwing knives: +650¥
starting ¥ 5,000 + (3D6 x 60)¥

These are still not finished, but should be good enough for folks to just choose an archetype that they like.

I have some more tweaking of these (add contacts for instance and fix some numbers) and also can format them better. If you haven't already made a character and want to choose an archetype, just let me know which one you want. I'll finalize the archetype and post your character here and you can add the details such as names and backgrounds. Wait until I do this final tweak before placing it in the Rogue's Gallery.
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First Post
You can't route your Matrix connection through your commlink to your devices anymore (likewise, you can't hack a commlink and gain immediate access to the devices slaved to it anymore). This was pretty much done strictly for the purpose of providing deckers and technomancers a way to hack in combat.

I'm curious how you came to this conclusion. PANs and WANs in the main SR5 book specifically call out the wireless connection for the smartgun as being a device you might like to protect as part of your PAN. That's on page 233.

Forged Fury

First Post
I'm curious how you came to this conclusion. PANs and WANs in the main SR5 book specifically call out the wireless connection for the smartgun as being a device you might like to protect as part of your PAN. That's on page 233.

PANs and WANs still exist, but they don't do the same thing they did in 4e. Since we're specifically talking about commlinks and PANs, my comments only focus on those as WANs are different. A commlink can form a PAN with devices, such as a smartgun. The benefit of that is that the smartgun gets to use the commlink's matrix attributes in place of its own for defense tests. The danger is that successfully hacking the smartgun starts the process of hacking your commlink. It doesn't work the other way though, hacking the commlink doesn't give you any added benefits in dealing with the smartgun (unless you brick the commlink which eliminates the PAN).

The main point I am trying to make is that in order to get any of the benefits listed under the Wireless part of each equipment entry, the device itself has to be Wireless ON (Connected to the Matrix) and susceptible to hacking. In 4e, you could turn your devices Wireless OFF and just leave your commlink Wireless ON and route the signal through it to the devices via wires or skinlink, which was what Shayuri was talking about.


First Post
Fixing up a final draft for approval, don't mind the dust. Work in progress.

Street Name: Echo
Metatype: Human

What is Known:
[sblock=At First Glance]
Echo is a woman perhaps in her mid 20's with Asian features, dressed in a bodysuit of advanced ballistic fiber with a chameleon surface and carrying a large automatic pistol. She appears to be quite reserved, speaking as rarely and as sparsely as the situation allows. And while her direct stare is unblinking and can be intense, she also seems to be fairly easily distracted..[/sblock]
[sblock=After getting to know her a bit]Echo's reserve doesn't equate to shyness. She can be quite forceful with her opinions, and doesn't shy from confrontation. Rather, it seems to stem from a desire to reveal as little of herself as possible, as well as a borderline obsession with efficiency that incudes the spoken word. Echo often claims not to feel emotions, but while she does have a 'cold fish' vibe, any student of human nature can clearly see that she has them. She often appears to be oddly clueless about the emotions and motivations of other people, and is frequently uncomfortable with her body and its functions. That said, for all her quirks she is a valuable team member. Her skills with computers complement a shadowrunning group perfectly, and she's no slouch in a fight either.[/sblock]
[sblock=With some serious digging]Although Echo has gone to some pains to remove links between her current identity and her birth SIN, someone with enough information and time could find out that her real name is Ryoko Tamigaki, the daughter of an engineer and his wife. Her parents died six years ago in what the media describe as an accidental fire at a worksite. However, references to that event can't be found at any major media source. She and her brother went on to live with relatives, but just two years later her brother died as well. Ryoko at that time has medical records of being checked into a mental health facility, but later apparently was discharged and shortly after, disappeared. Oddly, her missing person's report was misdated to just prior to her date of discharge.[/sblock]


Physical 4
Mental 8
Social 6

Living Persona
Rating 6
Attack 3
Sleaze 5
Data Processing 6
Firewall 5

Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly) 10
Natural Hardening 10
Photographic Memory 6
SINner (UCAS national) -5 (Name: Ryoko Tamigaki)

Group skills
Tasking 5 (11)
- Compiling
- Decompiling
- Registering

Active skills
Computer 6 (12)
Cybercombat 4 (10)
Electronic Warfare 5 (11)
Hacking 6 (specialized in Hosts) (12/14)
Perception 2 (7)
Pistols 3 (specialized in semi-automatics) (7/9)
Sneaking 1 (specialized in Urban) (5/7)
Software 6 (12)

Knowledge skills
Area Knowledge (Campaign City) 4
Matrix Games (3)
Data Havens (Matrix) 3
Security Companies (Knight Errant) 2
Underworld (Matrix Crime) 2

Japanese (Native)
English 5

Complex Forms (resist Fading: 11)
Infusion of Sleaze[/sblock]

1 month of Low Lifestyle, 2000
Rating 2 fake SIN, 5000 (Name: Grace Jones)

- Chameleon suit (with chem protection, nonconductivity and thermal damping all at rating 2), AR 9, 3700
- Armor vest, AR 9

- Browning Ultra Power, ACC6/7, DMG 8P, AP -1, ammo 10(c), mode SA, RC 1, int. laser sight, 670
Ammo (7 extra clips)
- 30 regular, 60
- 20 APDS, 240
- 20 stick and shock, 120

MetaLink commlink, 100 (loaded with fake SIN)
Rating 2 Contact lenses with Flare Compensation and Low Light Vision, 1150
Subvocal microphone, 50
Trodes, 70
Electronic paper (6), 30
Stealth tags (8), 8
Sensor tags
- camera (4), 16
- mic (4), 16
Low light flashlight, 25
Slap Patch (Stim 3), 75
Certified Credstick (Silver) Rating 5, 25[/sblock]

[sblock=Contacts]Saint Jim, a fixer. Connection 2, loyalty 1.
Bad@$$ Braddok, a blogger, connection 1, loyalty 2.
Anthony Perez, a street doctor, connection 1, loyalty 2[/sblock]
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First Post
Not a problem. We've been moving at a fairly frantic pace these past few days. I don't want to lose momentum, but I also don't want to rush. Thanks for the heads up, and good luck with the character. :)

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