Shards of Memory-Prologue: Fractured Union

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Rystil Arden

First Post
Hello and welcome to the Shards of Memory thread! You can post however you like, though my personal favourite is to use " "s for speech * *s for actions and -with italics- for thought. Also, SBLOCK your speech if there's a PC who won't understand the language you are using. If you don't like SBLOCKs, you can probably find a common language or two to use, and of course, you can use the languages everyone else doesn't know as a code. I'll be making a special post for each player pretty soon because you will each start where your background left off, meaning not everyone is on the same world like the Destiny's Tears folks were. And those posts will be in SBLOCKs, so please use SBLOCKs too. Thanks!
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Rystil Arden

First Post

*Yuriko is awakened to the soft sound of Ayame's voice, moving in one smooth motion from sleep to an alert crouch as she looks towards the unusual Larakese woman, with her light lavender hair the colour of her namesake flower (Ayame meaning Iris in Larakese).*

"Yuriko, can I have a word with you?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Kirkesh walks confidently along the streets of his home city of Eldiz, his most recent voyage an astounding success, as usual. Saving the crew of a stranded ship in the midst of a field of exploding asteroids is always more fun when the crew is composed of grateful Amaranthians who want to show you their gratitude...physically. As he heads through the streets of the dock ward, nodding and waving to a few of his Spelljamming buddies, a friendly-looking man whom he has never met waves and comes over to talk to him.*

"Excuse me, but you're Kirkesh aren't you? The Protector of the Night and Wanderer of the Stars?"


I aim to misbehave
Yotsu Yuriko, Martial Artist

Ayame said:
"Yuriko, can I have a word with you?"
*Yuriko nodded in the darkness to the woman. Feigning a slight disorientation, Yuriko glanced around the room, familiarizing herself with her surroundings . . . and seeing if the two were alone. Yuriko wasn't dressed for receiving visitors, then again, visitors very seldom announced themselves from within the room she was sleeping in.*

"Of course, Ayame-san, you may in fact have more than one," Yuriko replied quietly. [/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
*As far as Yuriko can tell, they are the only two in the room. Then again...with skilled Ninja such as Ayame, it is never easy to tell.*

"Thank you, Yuriko-chan, Ayame replies," willing to match Yuriko's formality but still unnervingly using the chan ending despite looking no older than Yuriko. Then again, Ayame had looked the same age when they had first met and Yuriko really was a little girl, "I have a most interesting assignment for you, if you are ready for another one so soon. I know that the last was difficult, but you proved yourself both skilled and subtle, most consummate in its execution. Your performance honoured me greatly, and I hope you are yet ready for another task."

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Back in his home city of Erilan for the moment, the ever-curious Zaeryn yearns for the arcane mysteries of the cosmos. As he gazes starry-eyed at the sky and ponders on how he can reach the stars, perhaps on those Spelljamming ships of which he has heard on his travels, he accidentally stumbles into someone and they go toppling to the ground. He didn't get a good look at the person, but he can tell that it is a woman because his face was firmly planted in her cleavage when they struck the ground.*


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
*Kirkesh walks confidently along the streets of his home city of Eldiz, his most recent voyage an astounding success, as usual. Saving the crew of a stranded ship in the midst of a field of exploding asteroids is always more fun when the crew is composed of grateful Amaranthians who want to show you their gratitude...physically. As he heads through the streets of the dock ward, nodding and waving to a few of his Spelljamming buddies, a friendly-looking man whom he has never met waves and comes over to talk to him.*

"Excuse me, but you're Kirkesh aren't you? The Protector of the Night and Wanderer of the Stars?"
GM[sblock] 'You know, I never thought being this sore after a voyage was feel this good' Kirkesh thinks to himself. But his was the happy soreness of excessive... activity. Amaranthians are definately vigerous in their gratitude.

Kirkesh greets the man in the same language he was greated in (?) "Well, yes, I suppose that is me, though I don't go announcing myself as such in general. What can I do for you my good man?"[/sblock]


I aim to misbehave
Yatsu Yuriko, Martial Artist

*Rystil Only*[SBLOCK]
Ayame said:
"Thank you, Yuriko-chan, I have a most interesting assignment for you, if you are ready for another one so soon. I know that the last was difficult, but you proved yourself both skilled and subtle, most consummate in its execution. Your performance honoured me greatly, and I hope you are yet ready for another task."
*Yuriko bowed low, but kept her gaze on Ayame . . . not that it mattered for one so skilled as Ayame. Still, practice and painful memories reminded Yuriko of her place and station as a humble servant of the order.*

"It is I who was honoured to perform such a task, and doubly so to be called again so soon," Yuriko replied. "I am always at the call of the Order, and of you, Ayame-san. What is asked of me?" [/sblock]


First Post
Zaeryn T'Erilan, Male Altanian Arcanist

Rystil Only

[SBLOCK]*After a few moments of pleasant diversion Zaeryn removes himself from the womans cleavage and stands, offering his hand to to woman to help her up while getting a good look at who he's tripped over.*

"Excuse me miss, I wasn't watching where I was going," he apologizes while still holding her hand.[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Well, I'm just a messenger, really. I am here to invite you to dine with my Lady tonight. You may have heard of her before--Vanessa D'Étoile. She told me you saved her once on Rowain from a gang of thugs, but she was never able to discover who her mysterious and handsome rescuer was until very recently. She wants to thank you for your kindness. Let me know if you'd like to accept; she would be very happy to see you."

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