• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Shattered Sea Chronicles, Book I: Festival of the Dead(closed)


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EvolutionKB said:
So far: human druid, elan kineticist, human cleric(entropy), dwarven fighter, and two yet undecided.

I'm pretty well locked in to a human rogue of Helmanori ancestry, though I am tinkering with her precise role/focus. I'll have the basic description (except for weapons of choice), personality, and early history (up until the beginning of her "apprenticeship") up shortly.

So far it looks like no arcane caster (though the psion/blaster will presumably fill a similar role), and we look a little thin in the straight-up combat area (1 solid fighter, and two divine casters that aren't exactly geared to melee). My rogue might help a bit there (either missile support or secondary finesse melee), and will give some stealth/social skills. It definitely looks _interesting_.

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First Post
pathfinderq1 said:
we look a little thin in the straight-up combat area (1 solid fighter, and two divine casters that aren't exactly geared to melee).

Don't underestimate the druid once we are 5th level+ :]

Thanks BD for anwering my questions, if I have anymore I'll let you know. Just getting a feelling for the world :D


First Post
pathfinderq1 said:
So far it looks like no arcane caster (though the psion/blaster will presumably fill a similar role),
More like it will fill the role BETTER! :mad: :p
I am a bit of Psionics >= Arcane fan hehe.

Anyway the character is complete and posted. I just need to figure out a name. Oh well I am sure something will hit me before we start.

I agree on the front line part. We are a bit thin. Surprised no one wanted to play a Warforged Psionic Warrior or Fighter....



First Post
Work in progress: basic overview, description (except for obvious weapons- still choosing), personality, partial history (birth up to beginning of "apprenticeship"). I have put in a few background details of Helmanorian culture/folklore and appearance- let me know if these can stay or if they contradict "known" traits and should be changed (these points are marked in blue for now). Stats and the rest of her history are in progress while I tinker with her precise role.

Name: Thea (Emalthea Vansair)
Race: Human (Helmanor)
Class/level: Rogue 1
Alignment: CG
Role: Face, scout, (?combat or combat support?)

Description: Like most Helmanorian humans, Thea is short and lightly built- in that fell country, the hobgoblins (or the slaves) do the heavy labor. In fact, she is a bit undersized even by those standards- she is barely five feet tall and slender, weighing just over 100 pounds. She is graceful and quick, and surprisingly strong for her size. She has black hair, worn in a short mop of ragged curls, and pale skin that never seems to tan no matter how much sun she gets. Her facial features are a bit sharp, and her eyes are a startling vibrant green, indicating some hint of elven blood. She typically has a wide and endearing smile, though in bad situations this can turn into a rather unconvincing sneer.

Thea usually prefers nondescript dark-colored clothing- soft boots, close-fitting trousers, and a reinforced leather jacket over a plain shirt. Her sleeves are tightly laced to keep them from interfering in tasks that require manual dexterity, and she usually wears an oversized floppy hat.

Personality: Thea is a perky, upbeat sort of person, generally inclined to see the good side of people or circumstances- she can also be more than a bit reckless. When things take turn for the worse, she may display a streak of sharp-tongued sarcasm, but such bouts are typically short-lived- as soon as get better, she quickly reverts to her cheerful self. Her primary motivation is curiosity- she is often eager to try new things or explore new places. Her curiosity is often strongest when the object or information in question is something that she is supposed to avoid. She tends to be a bit wary around practitioners of arcane magic, or arcane effects, and she is quite cautious around the undead. Those things are about the only instances where her caution outweighs her reckless curiousity.

History: While many years of evil and depredation have all but eliminated the elven folk from the island of Helmanor, many of the human folk there seem to carry some tiny ancestral hint of elvish blood- perhaps this is somehow tied to the high rate of magical ability among the populace, which helps insure a constant stream of new blood for the spellcasting armies of the mage-lords. The common folk know little of such theories though- but they do say that the birth of a green-eyed child is a bad omen, and such children are usually taken away by the mage-lords to be “properly educated”.

Esric and Deanna were simple folk who managed to live well enough as minor servants in the castle of a powerful mage-lord. But when their daughter was born with vivid green eyes, they could not face the thought of losing her- nor could they face their master’s terrible temper if such a prize were denied to him. So they fled into the night, hoping to leave their homeland behind. The journey was an arduous one, and Esric and Deanna were quickly separated- somehow Esric managed to escape with his daughter, and they found passage on a trading ship bound for Avonleigh. He did not know for sure what had happened to Deanna, but he feared the worst- and no matter how often his daughter asked, he refused to speak of her mother. The memories, and his own fears, were simply too painful. Despite his silence, though, he still could not let the matter die completely- within a year of his arrival in one of Avonleigh’s bustling ports, he had set up a clean and well-run tavern. Located just outside the port district, his inn catered to successful merchants and ships’ officers rather than common sea-dogs. He kept his ears open for rumors, and he never failed to ask travelers if they had heard any good news out of Helmanor. In truth, he was secretly hoping that his beloved wife was still alive, and that somehow she might send word to him.

Thea knew nothing of her father’s hopes, and little enough of her true homeland. Esric always emphasized to her the bad aspects of Helmanor- he had lost his wife there, and he could not stand to lose his daughter as well. He also tried to make Thea dread the idea of arcane magic as much as he did. In this he was only partially successful. The years passed, and Thea began to grow from a child into a young woman. She was quite clever, and in time her father realized she would not want to be a simple tavern-keeper, so he made what arrangements he could for her education.


First Post
EvolutionKB said:
Don't underestimate the druid once we are 5th level+ :]

I'm not underestimating the power of Wild Shape- it is just that 5th level is a long way off, and we'll be in a lot of fights before we get there. This party composition is a bit different from what I'm used to- I bet we'll do fine, but it may be an interesting run.


First Post
Bloodweaver1 said:
More like it will fill the role BETTER! :mad: :p
I am a bit of Psionics >= Arcane fan hehe.

Anyway the character is complete and posted. I just need to figure out a name. Oh well I am sure something will hit me before we start.

I agree on the front line part. We are a bit thin. Surprised no one wanted to play a Warforged Psionic Warrior or Fighter....


I'm a bit of an "old-school" gamer- I have never been in a party with a psionic-classed character, and still have unsettling recollections of a randomly-empowered 1st edition psionic thief from an old group. As far as fighters go, we have one other player that I know of, but no idea of what they have in mind. That is kind of why I'm holding off finalizing my character details- I can convert to a finesse-type secondary combat type if we need it, but that isn't my primary choice...

Pathfinder, the rogue looks impressive. I love the background.

What happens on Helmanor is this:

Every naming day (Midsummer), each child is brought before the local mage lord, and is tested for magical ability. If they show any inkling of such, they are sent to the nearest academy for training. The ones that have sorcerous abilities or potential usually end up as zombies cleaning the sewers. The ones that show psi ability are trained to use that ability in the service of the Mage-Emperor, as are the ones that become wizards. Only those that are wizards can become mage lords, though some few of them are cerebremancers. The ones that show a spark of capacity for faith are taken into the Church of the Emperor, and become holy priests of the Empire.

There are elves on Helmanor, but they are mostly limited to the central mountains, where they eke out a rough living, and fight alongside what's left of the resistance against the mage-emperor. The resistance often times is just another name for bloodthirsty brigands, so its not a place that you'd want to take a little girl for safety.

A part of the foundation of the empire was a war of extinction against elves, and the subjugation of dwarves and gnomes. The largest part of the elves of Helmanor fled to Leathorn when it became apparent that the Mage-Emperor had too much power to be stopped.

pathfinderq1 said:
I'm a bit of an "old-school" gamer- I have never been in a party with a psionic-classed character, and still have unsettling recollections of a randomly-empowered 1st edition psionic thief from an old group. As far as fighters go, we have one other player that I know of, but no idea of what they have in mind. That is kind of why I'm holding off finalizing my character details- I can convert to a finesse-type secondary combat type if we need it, but that isn't my primary choice...

Set up what you want, pathfinder. Just about any rogue has some ability to act as a combat help, there's no need to focus down on that unless you really want to.

As far as the warforged, I don't use em, generally speaking. I don't use Eberron, though its an interesting setting, and I feel the warforged belong there.


First Post
pathfinderq1 said:
I'm not underestimating the power of Wild Shape- it is just that 5th level is a long way off, and we'll be in a lot of fights before we get there. This party composition is a bit different from what I'm used to- I bet we'll do fine, but it may be an interesting run.

It is a long ways off. I think we'll be alright, especially with two capable healers(cleric and druid). Even so, I would suggest once things get a little ways into the game we pool together for a wand or two of cure light wounds because we have yet to see what BD is going to throw at us combat wise.

I was gently reminded by one of my old players that I do have a few house rules.

Here is one that could potentially be useful to character creation:

Polearms - All polearms, including reach weapons, can have their butt ends used to strike at adjacent squares. The attack does 1d4 bludgeoning damage for polearm sized for a medium user, 1d3 for one sized for a small user, and 1d6 for a polearm sized for a large user. This does not allow the polearm to threaten any square that it couldn't normally threaten. The polearm cannot be used both normally and in close combat in the same round.

Feat: Trained Polearmsman - Req: +1 base attack bonus. Character is able to more effectively use the butt end of a polearm, increasing the base damage by one step. (ie 1d6 bludgeoning for a medium user) Additionally, the character is able to use the butt end of the of the polearm to threaten adjacent hexes, even if the weapon would not normally be able to.

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