Shattered Sea Chronicles, Book I: Festival of the Dead


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Pauli 'The Psion'

That would account for why those bodies were the way were and why that room was so heavily trapped. Being both ceremonial and mangled, I mean. With this information one could presume that it was considered homage to be buried with this book given that the defenders at some point in time knew that they were not going to make it. ” While Pauli does not share Nathaniel's glee over their find he is none the less very excited with their current stream of good fortune. For not only was he able to partake in removing a presence of great evil but he was also able to help in finding an equally historic artifact for the people of this city.

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Haversham waits till the excitement over the book dies down, then he says, "The Thane would like to meet with all of you just before the great feast that officially ends the Festival. I expect that your success might just have gotten his attention, and he's not a dwarf over-given to leaving useful people lying about idle." Then he stands. "In any case, enjoy the rest of the Festival, I know you haven't had much time to actually take advantage of the festivities."

Not long after, he takes his leave.


The ceremony involved in destroying the brazier is done in what seems to Larren a needlessly formal and lengthy fashion, with much singing of deep solemn hymns, calls upon the power of Virtue, and one moment that when the power of Virtue, called in ritual, smites the brazier, rending the power of Malice from the foul vessel. Then, the brazier itself is pounded into scrap, and any of the characters who wishes is allowed to join in the smashing.

OOC: You basically have three days of festival, so if anybody has anything they need to do, before meeting the Thane, now is the time.


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'Pauli' The Psion

I believe there were some people who were interested in perusing the traders market, no?” Queries Pauli, “If so I would care to join them, if that is not a problem. I am interested in getting a second skin.” He says with an innocent smile.


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Larren sits through the ceremony bored, but does enjoy helping to smash the brazier. "Now, why didn't you just do this from the start?" he wonders out loud.

He spends the remaining of the festival enjoying his newfound wealth, wining and dining and joining any sort of merriment he can find... and when he can't, he makes his own. The only possibly useful purchase is two cure potions, just in case. He staggers his way to the banquet at the end of the festival.


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"Yes the market be a fine idea, we need to be gettin' money for our loot. I need to get me a pup, and some armor for 'im. I be lookin at some nice pearls too." Once purchases are made, Redbeard enjoys the festival. He can be seen around Stonegate, playing and training his new dog, a big slobbery dog(St. Bernard). He can be heard calling the dog by the name of Ralph. Every once in a while he stares at the roofs of buildings and at the skies above the city as if he is looking for something. He is also wearing a necklace containing a single pearl. He keeps to himself for the most part, turning down most opportunities to spend time with his new companions. He does his fair share of eating and drinking at the Granite Badger and even volunteers to help make dinner some nights.

[sblock=ooc]Okay the final figures are in: Everybody receives their equipment as listed above. Tailspinner did you want one of those daggers? I'll list it on my sheet for now, but let me know and I can change it. Amount per person: 1479gp 10sp 6cp. If we decide to buy a wand of CLW it will bring it down to 1386gp 3 sp 1cp. Cost for the new characters would be 93gp 7sp and 5cp[/sblock]


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Nottus decides to buy potions after hearing of the group's adventures in the underground. After all, any adventurer worth his salt must have some potions.

The rest of the time he spends idling around town, openly gawking at the sights so fresh to him.


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'Pauli' The Psion

Unable to find the exact skin he was looking for Pauli opts to save his gold pieces and joins the rest of his newly found friends in enjoying the best of what the festivities have to offer.


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Johanna is little seen about the inn for the next few days. Those who rise early see her for a few moments each morning, as she grabs a quick breakfast- and then she heads to the relative shelter of the stable for perhaps and hour or more of weapons practice. During the afternoons, she seems to wander through the festival- perhaps shopping, perhaps listening to singers and storytellers.

As the festival heads towards its close, she makes her one significant purchase- a greatsword made to her own measure, of the quality that one only finds in a settlement nearly full of dwarven smiths. Only then does she take a few hours to spend time with Mother Quick, trading stories of various relatives and Jotun gossip. When that conversation ends, Johanna leaves the wrapped bundle of her old sword, to be sent back to her grandfather- the time had come for to make her own way, with a blade of her own.

OOC: [sblock] minor NPC use- let me know if that is okay. I'll retcon it if you would like[/sblock]

Nathaniel Frost

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Nathaniel, having taken the little leave allowed him for the festivities, spends the rest of it tending the store, selling sweet meats and the such to festival-goers. If it's all the same to those who recovered the journal found with the bodies of dwarves and men in the remains of the Towers, he will spend what little time he has free to study it. If not, he will instead spend his free time providing merriment about the festival, as this is also the best time to earn a little coin as a musician

(ooc) Perform +11

The festival is a great deal of fun, for those who are enjoying it. Music, games, food, dancing, entertainment both magical and mundane. There is a sense of relief in the merriment, and there are no more reports of zombies or murder and mayhem.

Nathaniel manages to make 18 gp over the next three days, with his fine play. His reading of the book is of great interest, and he gleans the following facts:

1) Broderick's great-uncle fought at the Towers of Gard, and slew two trolls in the outer court, a fact noted with great satisfaction by the commander of the Towers in his notes.
2) There was a certain amount of friction between the Men of Mallon Hill, and the dwarves. That seemed to lessen towards the end, but the basic problem was that the men wanted to ride out and harry the besiegers, while the dwarves preferred to fight from their defenses.
3) During the time of the siege, at least some of the Men of Mallon Hill were Jotuns.
4) The besiegers were led by a huge orc, apparently of demonic blood, who was alive, at least at the time the book was sealed away.


The great square is filled with rough wooden tables, and benches, as are most of the streets running off of it. Huge ovens and cooking pits fill the cool evening with a merry glow, and the smell of bread, and meat. Tun after tun of ale lines one side of the square, with more on wagons behind.

People of every race and description fill the square, so many that there are barely seats for them all. From the House of Iron Virtue comes the sound of a choir singing, as they prepare for the coming of age ritual.

At the high table, the group finally meets the Thane. He is a broad, solid looking dwarf, his long, immaculate black beard starting to grey. He examines them, for a time, then nods. "Aye, you'll do." Then he waves a large hand towards the chairs around the table. "You've served me well, and for that I thank you. Come the morning, I'll be asking you to face peril again. But tonight, you are my guests, and the heroes of the city. Enjoy it."

The feast is exactly what you might expect of dwarven hospitality, leavened with the tastes of humans and elves, and other races. The courses are endless, each one a meal in itself. Ale and wine, and mead flow freely. Finally, as the moon rises to it's height, the Thane stands. The noise of the feast slowly comes to a halt, as he stands, gleaming in mithral plate. Both powerful arms are raised. The council of the city rises as well. "My friends, guests of the clans of Stone, and the council and people of this, our city. We are gathered here to celebrate the festival of Renewal, and to ask the powers for a good year. Our festival was marred this year by troubles, which you have heard of. These troubles, caused by the forces of Malice, have been dealt with. Dealt with by the heroes you see with me at the high table. Honor them."

The cheers are loud, even thunderous. Perhaps some of those cheering loudest are so drunk they'd howl at anything, but even so the sound, there in the great square, assaults the ears.


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