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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law trailer


I really liked the end of episode 8 by the way and wanted to just do a thought experiment of how other Marvel heroes would have reacted/dealt with the troll squad (Intelligencia) if they did something equally embarrassing to them.

And let's first get out of the way that every single hero would smash the hell out of those TV's if for no other reason then it's the easiest way to get them to stop playing the footage. So how would they deal with both the Member at the gala (Initial Guy) and HulkKing? Also would they face any consequence for there actions.
Iron Man
Initial Guy: Interrogated 2 miles above the city and dumped 10 miles out into the wilderness with no phone.
HulkKing: Ruins his naughty word life. Gets him fired, ensures he is unable to find other jobs. Jarvis now has a subroutine of "naughty word his life up whenever you can."
Consequences: naughty word all he's a rich white guy and beloved super hero.
Initial guy: Dead. Just so very, very naughty word dead. Turned into strawberry jam dead.
HulkKing: Probably end up dieing just because he's stupid and choose to keep poking a naughty word hulk.
Consequences: Bruce feels guilty and ends up self isolating but public opinion is behind him because he's a man, an Avenger, and Intelligencia was stupid for provoking him.
Initial Guy: In traction for being hit by lightning.
HulkKing: Dead or severely wounded if Thor can ever figure out how to actually track him down.
Consequences: Nothing. Thor would see nothing wrong with naughty word all those trolls up and the government doesn't want the headache/PR nightmare of trying to arrest him.
Captain America
Initial Guy: Cap does exactly what Jen does which is chase him down, capture him, and not significantly harm them.
HulkKing: Much like Thor it depends on if Cap can actually find him. If he ever does he probably just tells him to stop and if he doesn't Cap breaks his nose because HulkKing is a bully.
Consequences: He's captain america. He probably get's a god damn medal.
Initial Guy: In the Er for arrow wound to leg and several broken bones.
HulkKing: dead. Just naughty word dead.
Consequences: None.
Black Widow
Initial Guy: Initially heavily injured but alive. Later find dead in his hospital bed under "mysterious circumstances."
HulkKing: Dead. Just naughty word dead.
Consequences: None.

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A suffusion of yellow
So let me start by saying I really liked She-Hulk. I don't think it's the best MCU series on D+ but (even accounting for recency bias) I do think it's going to land near the top of my list.

That being said I think my overall review of the show is "More clever then most of the D+ marvel series's so far but not as clever as it thinks it is."
Having the big bad of the season actually be just angry male internet trolls? Very clever and up to episode 8 very well done.
The ending of the series, although it did have high points, just felt kinda disappointing though. They essentially deliberately wrote a very naughty word ending, made a joke about doing so, and then used said joke to avoid having to write an actual ending. It wasn't the worst season finale they've done (cough cough Loki) but it wasn't great.

Also side note, Did anyone else wonder why Jen had her job back at the end of the show? Like I was under the impression that she lost her job because of the bad PR from her "Hulk out" at the end of episode eight. How does sueing the naughty words who provoked her magically fix that? Just a minor quibble overall but it annoyed me.
I got the impression Jen lost the job because she couldnt be She-Hulk anymore, at the end of show thats resolved and she’s back in the Superhuman Law Division. Her boss is kinda unscrupulous so I could believe that


I got the impression lost the job because she couldnt be She-Hulk anymore, at the end of show thats resolved and she’s back in the Superhuman Law Division. Her boss is kinda unscrupulous so I could believe that
I mean that makes more sense but I think my initial point still stands. All the trouble she got in was because of the actions she took at the Gala in response to the video. How does sueing the people responsible magically make all of those disappear? Like I said it's a minor quibble but it irked me.

Also side note, Did anyone else wonder why Jen had her job back at the end of the show? Like I was under the impression that she lost her job because of the bad PR from her "Hulk out" at the end of episode eight. How does sueing the naughty words who provoked her magically fix that? Just a minor quibble overall but it annoyed me.

In the final scene we saw She-Hulk practicing law but do we know she was rehired by GLK&H? That wasn't shown. She might be working somewhere else or maybe she started her own practice like Matt Murdock. She might have developed enough of a client base during her time at GLK&H to do that.

Two other unrelated observations --

--We saw Hulk introduce his son Skaar. Might this be setting up World War Hulk? Further evidence -- K.E.V.I.N was explaining why he suddenly dropped Hulk into the finale and Jen said "save it for the movie."

--This was the first MCU show I watched that felt like a true sitcom instead of a 6 hour movie cut up into six parts. The format lends itself more toward multiple seasons than some other shows.

Now that this one is over, it looks like all that is left for 2022 is season 2 of What If? and the GotG Holiday Special. Next after that is the Secret Invasion series some time in the Spring. That is not much over the next 4-6 months.


I mean that makes more sense but I think my initial point still stands. All the trouble she got in was because of the actions she took at the Gala in response to the video. How does sueing the people responsible magically make all of those disappear? Like I said it's a minor quibble but it irked me.
It's because Jen got to write her own ending. Apparently that included getting her job back (or at least being able to continue working as a lawyer if she's not still with GLK&H).

Now that this one is over, it looks like all that is left for 2022 is season 2 of What If? and the GotG Holiday Special. Next after that is the Secret Invasion series some time in the Spring. That is not much over the next 4-6 months.
Also Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.


A suffusion of yellow
. How does sueing the people responsible magically make all of those disappear? Like I said it's a minor quibble but it irked me.
yeah, again I think they need writers who can do better legal comedy and give better endings - there are so many unanswered questions left hanging:
what happened to Josh? How did Todd get access to a Lab that could make the big needle? Where are Emils soulmates? who gave Skaar his terrible haircut?

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