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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law trailer

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It's because Jen got to write her own ending. Apparently that included getting her job back (or at least being able to continue working as a lawyer if she's not still with GLK&H).
Yeah, and I think that was my biggest issue with the finale. By re-writing the story, they make the characters feel less real, even the good ones - even Jen herself.

I saw this video recently, which winds up feeling rather relevant, even prescient:

Especially two of the points that were made:

First, that the one inevitable consequence of breaking the fourth wall is to remind your audience that they are an audience, and take them out of appreciating the fiction of the show.

And second, any time an author attempts to do some lampshading of their own product they're making assumptions about what their audience thinks and believes, and since those assumptions inevitbably won't be true for the whole audience, some of them will wind up feeling excluded.


Jen meets Deadpool. Creates an Nth Wall tesseract break, sparking "Secret Wars."
There's a Marvel vs Capcom fighting game where one of Deadpool's special moves is to grab his health bar and beat his opponent with it. I haven't managed to find video evicence of it, but I'm told that if he uses that on She-Hulk, she comments on how if the game had been made ten years ago she'd have been the one pulling that move.


There's a Marvel vs Capcom fighting game where one of Deadpool's special moves is to grab his health bar and beat his opponent with it. I haven't managed to find video evicence of it, but I'm told that if he uses that on She-Hulk, she comments on how if the game had been made ten years ago she'd have been the one pulling that move.
Found reference, but no video.
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The show is now over....and it was OK, but not by much. I can see the show had problems by executive meddling and writers not knowing what to do.

First, being under the Disney+ "everything must be PG(or pg-13)". It's always had to make a show about an adult character that acts like a child. And you can't have any real drama, or real comedy, without adult themes.

"The show MUST be She-Hulk attorney at law" came the executive order. It's already hard to do a fictional law show. It's hard to make a law show "sound real", but also not be boring. But having a "She-Hulk" in a court room, might sound like a wacky "fish out of water", but it does not really work out so well. They just CGI She-Hulk sitting there.

"The show must be girl power" order. Well, always hard to do this one. She-Hulk's life is "bad" because of something.....somehow. But the show never quite shows that, just sort of says it shows it.

"Don't show She-Hulk too much...she is expensive." order. Sure, CGI is expensive.

"Don't show too much action" order. Odd as She-Hulk has Hulk in her name. But she gets little action, and less 'smash'. You just get mostly the show Jennifer attorney at law.

"It's a comic book show, but it's also not" order. Well, some writer or such read at least a couple She-Hulk comics.....but then they use little of that except names and vague shadows of the ideas.

The end result is the show we got.


New Publisher
The show is now over....and it was OK, but not by much. I can see the show had problems by executive meddling and writers not knowing what to do.

First, being under the Disney+ "everything must be PG(or pg-13)". It's always had to make a show about an adult character that acts like a child. And you can't have any real drama, or real comedy, without adult themes.

"The show MUST be She-Hulk attorney at law" came the executive order. It's already hard to do a fictional law show. It's hard to make a law show "sound real", but also not be boring. But having a "She-Hulk" in a court room, might sound like a wacky "fish out of water", but it does not really work out so well. They just CGI She-Hulk sitting there.

"The show must be girl power" order. Well, always hard to do this one. She-Hulk's life is "bad" because of something.....somehow. But the show never quite shows that, just sort of says it shows it.

"Don't show She-Hulk too much...she is expensive." order. Sure, CGI is expensive.

"Don't show too much action" order. Odd as She-Hulk has Hulk in her name. But she gets little action, and less 'smash'. You just get mostly the show Jennifer attorney at law.

"It's a comic book show, but it's also not" order. Well, some writer or such read at least a couple She-Hulk comics.....but then they use little of that except names and vague shadows of the ideas.

The end result is the show we got.
We watched a completely different show.


Also side note, Did anyone else wonder why Jen had her job back at the end of the show? Like I was under the impression that she lost her job because of the bad PR from her "Hulk out" at the end of episode eight. How does sueing the naughty words who provoked her magically fix that? Just a minor quibble overall but it annoyed me.
I don't know if she had her exact job back. She continued being a lawyer, but I understood it as her not being in that office anymore. Her family was also making a big deal of Matt having a private practice.

Dire Bare

I don't know if she had her exact job back. She continued being a lawyer, but I understood it as her not being in that office anymore. Her family was also making a big deal of Matt having a private practice.
The finale wasn't clear, but . . . Jen's amoral boss made it clear at the beginning of the show, that it wasn't Jen that GLK&H hired, but She-Hulk. No She-Hulk, no job. So when Jen was legally barred from transforming into She-Hulk, she lost her job. When she had that privilege restored, she got her job back.

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