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Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


Sidekick said:
Wow Shilsen - you really are broken ;)

So people tell me regularly :) I'm in an online game where I'd mentioned ENWorld and that my handle here is shilsen and another player popped up and said, "I'm Pinotage on ENWorld. And I know shilsen. He's broken!" Luckily, the DM didn't ask for an explanation.

Excellent stuff.

Consider this a Bump FOR JUSTICE!!!

Thanks. I like to have a more complex treatment of alignment in my games, with evil NPCs who may also happen to be upstanding citizens, good parents, and fun people to hang out with. So I like to throw in a few evil enemies who're well into the "vile evil" category. Keeps some variation in there, and the players like to have enemies who they can just focus on beating the crap out of, without questions and moral dilemmas.

Just got back from a session yesterday, so there'll be an update in a couple of days. Let's just say that it involves beholders. Huge, advanced beholders.

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Solarious said:
Always everyone's favorite way to start the day! :]
Ain't it now?

And speaking of starting the day badly, see what happened to a certain poor NPC, who gained a name and lost a few important things in the same day:


The Angels make their return to Trillia’s home, carrying a bag of holding that contains Dala’s corpse and the chest, which now contains both halves of Desro. After some discussion, they decide to at least try bringing Dala back, with Luna being especially interested in trying to attempt a reincarnate spell.

Nameless and Trillia visit the Guild of Starlight and Shadows (where their new position as an incredible source of funds is now outshining their reputation as the two most skilled members) and pick up a number of ingredients for their attempt.

While there, they also buy a couple of identify scrolls to use on the magical items recovered from Desro. The one that most interests Nameless is a small dragonshard that they found attached to a heavy gold ring that Desro wore (which turns out to be a Ring of Mind Shielding). The dragonshard has been enchanted to work with a user who knows the dimension door spell, allowing it to be used one extra time in the day, and simply needs to be attached to any ring (magical or otherwise) to work. Nameless pockets it and trades the Ring of Mind Shielding for some of the many items they are purchasing.

After they return, Gareth uses a scroll they obtained to speak with dead. Dala’s fleshless body stirs, or rather her head does, craning awkwardly to face towards Gareth, though the eyes remain closed. Nameless asks the first question - “Would you like us to try to bring you back from the dead?”

The corpse’s jaw moves awkwardly and then it mumbles, “No.”

“Damn!” says Luna, disappointedly. “I want to reincarnate someone!”

“We’ll find you somebody,” says Nameless. “Anyway, we have one question left.”

“Doesn’t really matter now, does it?” grunts Korm. He looks at the corpse and asks, “You sure?”

“Yes,” mumbles the corpse, before its head lolls back.

“Well, that wasn’t very satisfying,” says Gareth.

“So, what do we do with her?” asks Six.

After some discussion, the Angels decide that the corpse should be taken to Mazin Tana to be given a proper cremation. Dala’s body is replaced in the bag and Gareth leaves. The others take the chest with Desro’s body and head to Karr’Aashta’s Investigations, Nameless having pointed out that since he put them on Desro’s trail in the first place, he’d probably be interested, not to mention have information about the bounty on Desro’s head.

Karr’Aashta stands back up, closing the chest. Despite its gory contents, there is only delight on his face. “You guys are good! I didn’t even know he was back in town, though with his ability to disguise himself, you can understand why. How’d you meet him?”

The Tharashk inquisitive leans back in the comfortable chair as the others, sitting around him in the meeting room beside his office, explain the details of what happened. He asks a couple of questions here and there and makes a note or two, but for the most part simply listens.

Once they’re done, Six asks, “Did Desro have any known associates? We want to know who these two who escaped are.”

Karr’Aashta considers for a moment and then shakes his head. “He really preferred to work alone, without any regular set of allies, usually hiring a few people as needed for the job. Just like the two he had that first time Raog and you folks went after him.”

“Would anyone in the city have a chance of knowing something about who he hired this time around? Those people were powerful,” adds Nameless.

Six slides across the crumpled note that they’d found, from Desro inviting the two to join him on this job. Karr’Aashta reads it and then says, “You already know how easy it is to find information in this city if you search enough. I’ll do some checking. Let me hold onto this one.”

“When checking, try to find out if he hired any lycanthropes,” adds Nameless.

“You think they were lycanthropes?”

“Don’t know, but whatever they were, they had a strong resistance to weapons. Even magical ones.”

“Hmm - that’s interesting. I’ll keep it in mind.”

The Angels ask a few more questions, with Six asking if Karr’Aashta could show them any files he has on Desro. Karr’Aashta demurs, saying that they contain information he can’t share with anyone, but at Six’s suggestion, says that he’ll provide them with details from it later.

“If I may ask,” says Karr'Aashta, “Did he have a heavy golden ring?”

The Angels exchnage slightly awkward glance and then Nameless says, “Um, yes. But it’s now at the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. We sold it only a couple of hours ago.”

“No harm done. It’s simply that Desro stole that from someone he killed. Someone I know. I’ll check on getting it back.”

Before they leave, Karr’Aashta asks if he can keep the body, so that he can collect the bounty he had been working on. The Angels agree, with Nameless adding the caveat that he just needs to make absolutely sure that the body is cremated. Karr’Aashta says he will do so and, in thanks, hands over a Kundarak banknote worth 2,000 galifars.

Shortly after the group returns to Trillia’s, Gareth rejoins them and says that Mazin Tana will take care of Dala’s corpse. After some discussion, they decide to let Balan Cord know about what happened, and to attempt to scry the enemies who fled the next morning.

There is also some discussion of finding a permanent place for the group to stay and give Trillia some relief from their presence. Trillia admits with a smile that she wouldn’t cry if they moved out, but also says that she thinks they should wait till their return from the Shadow Marches before actually buying a place.

The next morning, the group is gathered in Trillia’s spellcasting chamber, watching Nameless as he stares into an ornate mirror (with—naturally—stylized tentacles running up and down its sides) and completes his scry spell. The vial full of now coagulated blood from the fake Dala is held in his hand.

The mirror goes blank and non-reflective to the others, but Nameless sees the outline of a humanoid figure from chest upwards. There are no features and all he can make out is the silhouette, as if he were looking at someone through a bed sheet. Though he doesn’t recognize it, the alienist knows immediately that there’s some significantly powerful protective magic at work.

“They‘ve got some serious protections up,” says Nameless, and then explains what he sees.

“Try a detect magic,” suggests Trillia, and Nameless does so. As he concentrates, an amulet-like space around the silhouette’s neck begins to glow, revealing multiple auras. “Abjuration, transmutation and illusion,” he lists for the others.

Ending the spell, Nameless says, “I’m quite sure that protection’s from an item, so it’s permanent. Further scry attempts won’t help. Drat! I prepared a couple extra just in case I needed to try multiple times.”

“Still, you learned something,” points out Trillia.

Gareth says, “So you have some more? Then what about that mind flayer wizard? I know we said we’d focus on these ones first, but if we can’t get to them and you already have the spells prepared, we might as well take it out.”

“You sure?” asks Nameless a little uncertainly, looking around at the others. “I only have one teleport ready, since I expected us to jump them inside Sharn.”

“I have two,” says Trillia a little reluctantly.

“Let’s do it,” says Luna, who’s already been looking bored. “We’ve already cast all these spells on us anyway, so we might as well get some use from them.”

“I agree,” says Korm. “We’re all ready to kick someone’s ass, so it might as well be the mind flayer.”

“Okay,” says Nameless, turning back to the mirror. “Let’s see what our friend is doing right now. Get comfortable. This’ll take another hour.”

“Oh man!” grouses Luna, only a second before Gareth says, “Fine - I’ll walk Luna and be back,” which draws a glare and a growled, “Bite me. Or even better, let me bite you.”

Nameless grins and continues with the spell.

Messal’rok, mind flayer arcanist, walks through the Chamber of Pillars, muttering to himself under his breath. It’s been a rough couple of days. Things started out well, with the capture of that human wizard, which had made Naxaliyen exceedingly happy. He’d said something about having a way to open the Seal, and even though Messal’rok thought his master was being a little too optimistic, he knew better than to voice the opinion.

And things went completely to Dolurrh and back during the planned opening. The wizard’s damn allies not only returned but managed to kill Naxaliyen, as well as a number of others. Messal’rok barely escaped. And what in Xoriat was that spectral hobgoblin? The beholders destroyed it, but just to be on the safe side they were re-sealing the chamber it came from.

Anyway, he had bigger problems. Naxaliyen was dead. Dozens of his followers had been killed and others were on the verge of fleeing to the nearest faction. And that’s why Messal’rok was here. If Xaelij agreed to accept his allegiance, things might improve. In fact, considering that Xaelij didn’t have Naxaliyen’s mind-reading powers, there might be certain benefits…

Messal’rok’s thoughts are broken by a harsh call of “Halt!” Ahead, standing on the further side of a relatively open space, are the guards he expected. Each looks like a burly bugbear, but Messal’rok knows exactly how they were grown and that the appearance is quite deceptive.

“I am Messal’rok,” he says aloud, walking forward. “Xaelij is expecting me.”

The guards exchange glances and one says gruffly, “We were not told to expect you.”

Messal’rok’s tentacles flex in irritation and he begins to explain that Xaelij must have forgotten and that he must be allowed to pass. It takes a few minutes of argument, but finally, a guard grudgingly steps back and knocks the butt of his polearm against the small gong hanging on a pillar. Messal’rok sighs inwardly in relief. Things are finally, or at least potentially, looking up again.

And then everything goes wrong.

There’s a whiff of air behind him, and as he spins around, a group of figures appear ten feet away. Even though four of them are half their previous size, there’s no mistaking them. It’s those damn humanoids again!

“Kill them! Kill them now!” screams Messal’rok, backing away as fast as he can, hands blurring in the motions of a spell. This time he’ll show them!

As the female wizard in the rear speaks a set of words, causing the four shrunken enemies to spring back to normal size, and the two guards move to intercept them, Messal’rok completes his spell.

To his disappointment, only a single pseudonatural wolf appears, snapping at the human wizard. And then, to his shock, it actually misses, stumbling on the floor in its eagerness to seize the target*.

The wizard smirks and says, “No - this is how you do it,” and casts the very same spell, causing two such wolves to appear, flanking Messal’rok. He frantically twists away from one**, but the other bites deeply into his leg, pulling him off his feet.

As Messal’rok tumbles painfully to the ground, out of the corner of his one eye, he sees the warforged striking one of the guards in a blur of motion and moving away, while the human warrior with the flames covering his armor cuts into Messal’rok’s summoned wolf.

But what he focuses on is the sight of the large orc rushing forward through the pillars at preternatural speed. He bellows an orcish war-cry as he comes, ignoring the slash that one of the guards inflicts as he passes by. Messal’rok’s hands rush desperately through the motions of a spell, but as he is about to complete it, the snapping jaws of a wolf make him pause for one vital second.

The last thing the mind flayer sees is the gleam of the orc’s sword as it comes down.

Korm turns from the dead mind flayer to meet the attack of one of the guards, while Six engages the other.

“Hurry up,” says Luna, “I heard something coming.” She casts a spell, causing a fog cloud to appear and spread forty feet in width.

“What she said. Move!” says Nameless. At his command, one of the wolves seizes the corpse and begins to drag it back through the pillars.

With the aid of the other wolf, Six drops his enemy, and turns to help Korm. To his surprise, Korm is barely looking at his foe, staring past and above him, beyond Six.

As the warforged spins around to see what is coming, two rays of bright light shoot past him at his allies, while a third strikes him square in the chest. And behind the beams comes the floating one-eyed, multi-stalked orb that fired them.

“I am Xaelij!” it snarls as it comes, “Surrender or die!”

* Natural 1 trumps a true strike-aided attack. Start of a trend for the day.
** And Nameless rolls a natural 1 for one of his wolves.
Last edited:


Minor addition - I needed to add a little bit to the above regarding an interesting magic item and a slightly amusing interchange. When at the Guild of Starlight and Shadows to pick up the ingredients for the reinccarnate

While there, they also buy a couple of identify scrolls to use on the magical items recovered from Desro. The one that most interests Nameless is a small dragonshard that they found attached to a heavy gold ring that Desro wore (which turns out to be a Ring of Mind Shielding). The dragonshard has been enchanted to work with a user who knows the dimension door spell, allowing it to be used one extra time in the day, and simply needs to be attached to any ring (magical or otherwise) to work. Nameless pockets it and trades the Ring of Mind Shielding for some of the many items they are purchasing.

And barely two hours later in-game, at Karr'Aashta's:

“If I may ask,” says Karr'Aashta, “Did he have a heavy golden ring?”

The Angels exchnage slightly awkward glance and then Nameless says, “Um, yes. But it’s now at the Guild of Starlight and Shadows. We sold it only a couple of hours ago.”

“No harm done. It’s simply that Desro stole that from someone he killed. Someone I know. I’ll check on getting it back.”

Minor moral of the story: Stuff found on bad guys isn't necessarily just loot that came from nowhere, but often belonged to someone and had a backstory, however minor.


A beam slams into Nameless and he feels a coldness draining his vitality, but he fights it off, emerging with only a pained expression. Trillia, near him, barely dodges another beam, which burns a hole in her sleeve and neatly removes a thin slice of flesh from her right arm. “Son of a bitch!” she yells, “Disintegrate!”

The third beam hits Six in the side, with no obvious manifestation. Except for the fact that he looks up at the beholder, waves in a friendly manner and says, sounding slightly puzzled, “It’s okay, guys. He’s a friend.”

“What?!” chorus his allies, before Nameless says, “Damn - it charmed him.”

“I can do something about that,” mutters Gareth, “But I’m not running towards a beholder. Six - get over here!”

The beholder growls a command - “Come here!” Luckily, it’s in daelkyr, and since Six has not sat in on the lessons Nameless and Trillia have given Luna and Korm in the language over the last two weeks, he has no idea what it says.

The beholder continues to advance, right into a flame strike from Korm. It growls angrily and emerges somewhat charred, and then opens its central eye. Immediately, most of Nameless’s wolves disappear, and everyone feels the strange weakness that comes from having the magical items they wear constantly, as well as the current plethora of enhancements on them, disappear.

The Angels split up as best they can, seeking cover behind pillars and yelling panicky, and mostly contradictory, directions to each other. Six shakes his head as the effect of the ray disappears and goes, “Huh? What was I thinking?”

As the beholder moves closer, it calls a command to the remaining bugbear, who moves forward to engage Six and Korm, its ranseur biting painfully through their now significantly less armored defenses.

“Surrender!” calls the beholder again. “Quickly! This is your only chance!”

“Is it just me,” says Trillia, standing behind a pillar, “Or does it sound a little worried for some reason?”

“I know,” replies Gareth. “Not that I’m an expert on beholder psychology. But aren’t you two supposed t…”

“Speaking of worried,” breaks in Luna, “I hear something else coming from thataway.” She points in the opposite direction to the beholder. “Something big.”

“Maybe its Snookums?” says Six, as he and Korm flank the bugbear.

“Too loud,” replies Korm, even as he slashes back at the bugbear and wounds it deeply.

“Doesn’t matter,” says Trillia. “Everybody get back here. It’s got to drop the antimagic to use the eyebeams, and as soon as it does, Nameless grab half of them and I’ll take the rest. Right back to Sharn.”

“Err,” reminds Nameless, “I’ve got no teleports left, remember?”


The sentiment is quickly underlined as the beholder flies closer, shutting its eye and firing more beams. Luna and Gareth ignore two, though each is wounded. Korm, however, is not as lucky. As he finally cuts down the bugbear, a beam strikes him in the back. As the others watch in horror, a gray pallor runs swiftly up his limbs and face, and seconds later a stone statue stands in his place.*

The beholder laughs triumphantly and then, switching to broken Common, orders Six to come join him. The warforged moves over to do so.

“That does it!” says Nameless, “We’re killing this thing!”

“Already on it,” says Luna, as she races through the motions of a spell. Seconds later, a pillar of fire engulfs the beholder, and Six, who is standing beneath and looking up at it. The warforged quickly dives aside, but the floating orb is caught right in the center of the blast.

Even as it screams in agony and rage, Trillia hurls an orb of fire that strikes it cleanly, seconds before Nameless’s fireball explodes around it.

The beholder’s screams die out as it hits the ground in a charred heap. Six, still considering it a friend, reaches up to catch it, but the bulk knocks him off his feet and to the ground.

“Wow - that was quick!” says Gareth**.

“Not quick enough,” says Luna, a produce flame already ready to hurl at the dark mass that emerges through the pillars on the other side.

This one is also a beholder, but at least twice as wide as the first one, over fifteen feet across. It seems extremely old, the flesh hanging off it in folds. A thick network of scar tissue covers its body and three of its eyestalks have been cut short. The large central eye looks around at the scene and it says in a tone which can be best described as crotchety, “What in the Great Eye is going on here, Xaelij?”

Luna, already into the motion of hurling a bolt of magical flame, barely stops herself, unsure that offense is the best move.

“Well?” asks the huge beholder, its gaze moving to encompass all of the adventurers, and promptly removing their enchantments again. “What is going on here?” The eye focuses on the dead, still smoking figure of the other beholder. “Is that Xaelij? What did you do to him? Why is there a metal guy under him? Who are you people? Eh? Eh?”

There is silence for a moment, with only the sound of Six hurriedly rolling off Xaelij’s corpse and standing up, as a few glances are exchanged, and then Nameless finally tries a bluff. “Xaelij and Messal’rok,” he points at the mind flayer’s corpse, “Were fighting and we got involved. We were just leaving.” The last statement sounds more like a question.

The beholder grunts, sounding slightly less irritated, “Don’t tell me stories, human. What really happened?”

After another pause, Luna says, “We needed to get back some things the mind flayer had taken from us, and we got into a fight. This .. er, Xaelij attacked us afterwards and we had to kill him.”

Nameless rolls his eyes at the concluding comment, but the old beholder doesn’t seem upset. “Hmm,” it says meditatively, “That sounds more truthful. Xaelij was always impetuous, sticking his eyestalks where they did not need to be.”

He looks around the group, floating a little closer. “I am Ek’aankh. You could call me his father.”

The name reminds Nameless of something, and then he remembers where he read it. Ek’aankh was a great beholder that plagued the Eldeen Reaches over two thousand years ago, before falling out of the pages of history.

Ek’aankh continues, “I was in the middle of a nap, when all this commotion woke me.” Its large eye droops slightly, as do the eyestalks, and then it continues, “I have not seen your kind for many years. You must be from behind the city. Where are you from?”

“From the Mournland,” says Nameless quickly. “Very far away.”

“Mournland? Yes, I have heard of it. Never been there. Haven’t been out in a long time.” The drooping eye focuses again, this time on Korm. “Was this statue here? I don’t recall it.”

“No,” says Luna worriedly, “He’s a friend. Xaelij did that.”

“Pity. Orc, right? Was he a Gatekeeper?”

“Gatekeeper?” says Luna, as innocently as she can, “What’s a Gatekeeper?”

“Aaah,” says the old beholder, in a tone of nostalgic pleasure, “I remember them. Gatekeepers were a group of druids who fought us, many years ago. I’d like to have met one again. Do you know Havarien Banehammer?”

“No,” says Luna. Nameless, recalling that it was the name of a Gatekeeper famous for having slain a lesser daelkyr single-handed in the time of Karrn the Conqueror, doesn’t vouchsafe the information.

“He cut off two of these,” says Ek’aankh, still in a tone that better fits an old sportsman talking about his glory days than a giant beholder in the bowels of a city of aberrations. “Hmm - I wonder what happened to him?” Then it pauses and mutters something inaudible for a moment, before perking up. “Oh yes - I ate him. But he gave me a glorious battle before it. Almost killed me. Ah yes, those were the days. Good times, good times. Not that I’d do that nowadays. I haven’t killed anyone in a while. I’m … well, you can call me a philosopher now. The meaning of existence, now that is something to…”

As the old beholder continues to speak, its large eye gradually closes and its eyestalks begin to go limp. Eventually, its voice is down to soft muttering and it has leaned forward in mid-air until its large eye faces the ground.

“I think its aslee..,” begins Luna.

“Huh?! Wha-?!” grunts Ek’aankh, as his eye pops open and the eyestalks jerk up, sending beams shooting in various directions. One strikes Nameless in the leg, but luckily the only effect is to lift him a few feet off the ground, before he drops back.

“Oh! Yes, I was talking to you” says Ek’aankh as he rights himself. “Anyway, I need to get back to my nap. It was interesting seeing you. Are you leaving now?”

“Yes,” says Nameless emphatically. Near him, Gareth quietly whisper, “Interesting. He’s not actually evil.”

Nameless turns to fix the paladin with a baleful glare. “If you even try to detect thoughts on him, you’re staying here.” Behind him, Trillia adds emphatically, “What he said.”

Near them, Luna begins, “So are you actually working for these dael-,” but is interrupted by Nameless slapping a hand over her mouth.

“What’s wrong?” asks Ek’aankh curiously.

“Nothing,” says Nameless, “She sometimes gets her tongue stuck in her mouth and needs help. Now, as you said, we’ll be leaving.”

Six points to the mind flayer and adds, “Would you mind if we took some of our things off him?”

“Not at all. I don’t care what happens with him. Xaelij, on the other tentacle…”

A beam from one of Ek’aankh’s eyestalks hits the dead beholder and it promptly turns to stone, just as Korm has. Another beam follows and then it rises slowly off the ground. “Where to put it? Where to put it?” mutters Ek’aankh to himself, before adding, “Do you need the stone orc too?”

“Umm, yes.”

Sotto voce, Gareth adds, “Mainly because he has a Shard stuck somewhere inside him,” reminding the others that Korm was now the one carrying it.

“Want me to break him down into smaller pieces so he’s easier to carry?” asks Ek’aankh.

“No, no - we’re fine!”

“All right then,” nods the old beholder. “It was interesting meeting you. But try not to disturb me again.”

“I think we can safely say,” replies Six, “That it will never happen again.”

The old beholder bobs and nods and then turns away. The last the Angels see of him is his bulk fading into the darkness, Xaelij’s corpse floating beside him like a strange stone satellite.

Seconds later, the group reappears in Trillia’s home. “Okay,” she says, “That’s official - I’m never going back there again!”

* I asked Korm’s player to roll a 2 on the save and he did. Ultimate DM Power, baby!
** It got hit by four spells, each doing 9d6 dmg, one with no save, and blew two of the others. C’est la vie!


shilsen said:
A beam from one of Ek’aankh’s eyestalks hits the dead beholder and it promptly turns to stone, just as Korm has. Another beam follows and then it rises slowly off the ground. “Where to put it? Where to put it?” mutters Ek’aankh to himself, before adding, “Do you need the stone orc too?”

“Umm, yes.”

I think the actual reply was "Yes, he's got sentimental value to us."

Korm getting stoned also convinced us that the Shard is cursed. Given all the things that happened to Nameless while he was carrying it and the Korm getting stoned right after we'd given it to him to carry.


Gold Roger said:
That old Beholder officially rules.

Thanks. I imagined him like a friendly, absent-minded and slightly irascible old British gentleman.

He could join a club with the spectator from baldurs gate 2.

I played BG2 a looooong time ago and don't recall it. Care to jog my memory?


Spectator beholders are a subrace of beholders with only 4 stalks and originate from a plane of law. Rational and clam, they don't have a great deal to do with the average hyperxenophobic mainstream beholder mindset. They are typically tasked to guard something when conjured.

The spectator in question was first encountered in the Sahuagin city after the escape from Spellhold, the encounter with Irenicus, and subsequently going with Saemon to persue everyone's favorite not-elf... and runs off on you when the ship was attacked by the aforementioned Sahuagins. :D Anyways, he's guarding a chest with a few things you're going to need... and he's bored out of his mind. If you have enough Wisdom, you can suggest that he only has to guard the chest itself, and not the contents. This is entirely possible as the summoner was dying in a horrible fashion as the instructions were being screamed out, and was directed only to protect the chest.

You meet up again in Sendai's enclave, where he has again been contracted to help Captain Egeissag and such. Instead of letting the situation devolve into senseless violence (as much fun as it sounds) the spectator suggests that the protaganist and Egeissag duel it out to the death, with magic ensuring that when one dies, their party died with them. After the egotistical drow is reduced to a very small smear on the ground, or a very large one, depending on your tastes, you chew fat with the spectator like an old friend, tossing out terms like godslaying, saving the world, and something about Hive Mothers (can't remember clearly.... damnit, I want to play BG2 again! >_<).

Loved him.


Solarious said:
Spectator beholders are a subrace of beholders with only 4 stalks and originate from a plane of law. Rational and clam, they don't have a great deal to do with the average hyperxenophobic mainstream beholder mindset. They are typically tasked to guard something when conjured.

The spectator in question...

Loved him.

That rings a few faint bells. Man, it's been a long time since I played BG2.


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