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Shilsen's Eberron SH (Finished - The Last Word : 9/20/15)


The first order of business is to ‘de-stone’ Korm, which is eventually achieved via the only stone to flesh scroll available at the Guild. Once that is done, the Angels settle down to a little rest, while they discuss their plans for the day and the two alienists go about identifying the few items they took off Messal’rok’s corpse.

Midway through the discussion, Bodo returns with the information Six asked for, all neatly written up in report form.

According to him, Thurik Davandi is a Sharn native, born and bred. The current councilor from Upper Menthis, he is the owner of Davandi’s Fine Tailoring, a very successful clothing store in the Den'iyas district of Upper Menthis. He lives there with his family, consisting of his wife, son and daughter. Thurik is believed to have gained his council seat through flattery and blackmail, and to have a hold over many of the more powerful Menthis merchants, who backed his candidature. He is also known to have connections with the Boromar clan and the Zilargo Embassy, usually voting in the Council as part of what’s called the Boromar bloc.

Bodo also mentions that the Sharn city elections are occurring within a few days, from the 6th to the 8th, and the actual appointments will occur on 9th Rhaan, the Feast of Boldrei, which is the day many political appointments occur across Khorvaire. Thurik is expected to win easily and to retain his seat for another 3 years.

“So that’s about it,” says Bodo. “How was it?”

“Very good, Bodo,” says Six honestly, only to be interrupted by a frowning Gareth.

“You sent Bodo to find information about the guy we think might be Killian, or at least connected to him? Are you crazy?”

“There was no danger,” argues Six.

“No, really, it’s just fine. And I was happy to…” says Bodo, before being cut off.

“What he’s happy to do doesn’t matter, Six. He’s just a child.”


Gareth ignores Bodo and continues, “I really don’t appreciate you doing this without telling us…”

“Actually,” says Nameless with a grin, “I knew.”

“Yeah. Me too.” “Same here.”

Gareth’s expression gets even darker. “In that case, without telling me. You have no right to risk Bodo’s safety this way!”

Not bothering to argue, Six says, “He was just getting some freely available information for me. Anyway, it’s not worth arguing about.”

Turning to Bodo, he asks, “Did you find out about the City Council meeting?”

“Yes. They have a weekly meeting where petitioners speak to them, which you can watch from a gallery, if you want. The next one’s tomorrow.”

“I want to go to that one,” says Six. “Anyone else?”

Both of the druids say that they’d like to see the Council Hall. Six asks Bodo a couple more questions, which the boy either answers or says he’ll find out about. Gareth doesn’t interject any more, but as soon as Six is done, he marches Bodo out of the room to talk to him about responsibility.

Once he returns, this time without Bodo, Korm asks, “So - are we going anywhere else today?”

“We need to speak to Balan Cord,” says Nameless. “I want to tell him about Desro and Dala.”

Later that evening, the Angels sit across a table from Warden Balan Cord, in the headquarters of the Blackened Book in the Warden Towers district.

Once Nameless is done, Balan says, “Thank you for all the information. Hopefully that should help us with the case of Arrok’s murder, which, as I said, was at a dead end.” His face gets a little grimmer. “And it’s always good to know when someone is moving around town impersonating me.”

Nameless pushes half a vial of coagulated blood across the table. “This is from one of the two. It might come in handy for a divination, though they’re evidently quite well-protected against it.”

“Nevertheless, every little bit helps,” says the Warden, pocketing the vial. “Is there anything else you can think of?”

“It would be a good idea to get your men to search the location where we fought them,” adds Six. “We checked it quite thoroughly, but one can always miss something. And maybe check around the area for where they fled to. Nameless, how far can a dimension door take you?”

“Nearly seven hundred feet as a minimum, and definitely more for that wizard.”

“I’ll make sure to have that looked into,” confirms Balan, making a note. “Anything else?”

“Well, that’s about it,” says Nameless, when Six adds, “I had a favor to ask.”


Six produces a small package of iridescent green powder. “Powder of silent passage, which we found on Desro. Gareth said it’s illegal to possess in Sharn, but can come in very handy for our kind of work, so if you could let us keep it…?”

Balan smiles. “Yes -I’m sure you could find a way to use it. Not to worry. I’ll give you a permit before you leave.” He looks at the pad he was writing on. “Now, let me make sure I’ve got this all correct…”

A permit from the primary countermage of the Blackened Book has unforeseen advantages. The next day, when Six and Korm (with Luna, now in the form of a small dog) are having their equipment searched before being allowed into the Council Hall in the Highest Towers area, one of the guard’s searching them opens and reads the permit. He hands it to his captain, who quickly peruses it and says, “Permission from Warden Cord, eh? That’s good enough for me.”

A few minutes later, the trio are standing on the large circular viewing gallery that is situated high up on the public Council chamber and allows tourists and curious locals to look in through large windows at the goings-on of the City Council.

The section of the chamber they look into is a large round section, with individual seats spaced around the circumference (symbols above each seat indicating which area of Sharn they represent), and a space in the middle for speakers to use. The last is currently occupied by a pair of people who evidently represent some of the entertainment in the Menthis ward, since they are protesting new taxes in the area.

Six, Korm and Luna quickly catch sight of the councilor they came to see. Thurik Davandi is the only gnome on the council, and, to the considerable interest of the watchers, very distinctly resembles Killian. If Killian were slightly stouter and older, that is.

“I wonder if he’s a relative. Maybe his father?” mutters Korm to Six.

As they watch, the adventurers note that Thurik also uses his hands a great deal, just as Killian does, though he never uses a characteristic gesture of Killian’s, where he places a hand to his chest, usually when being particularly facetious. The facetiousness and sarcasm are definitely present in Thurik too, though delivered in a voice slightly deeper than Killian’s.

The watchers also note the other councilors, how they express themselves and what positions they take. It is quickly clear who the members of the Boromar bloc that Bodo mentioned are. Its obvious head is Ilyra Boromar, the representative from Lower Dura, who is almost as good a speaker as Thurik. Beside him, the two members who clearly support her are the other halflings on the Council, Bestan ir’Tonn of Upper Tavick’s, who speaks like a lawyer, and Caskar Havalik of Middle Menthis, who barely speaks at all.

The one person who seems most clearly opposed to Ilyra and the Boromar bloc in general is Sava Kharisa, the middle-aged woman from Lower Central. “We heard about her being the most honest of the councilors,” reminds Six. “I think I’m going to try and speak to her later.”

A couple of the other councilors especially draw the trio’s attention. One is Hruit, a simply dressed man from Middle Dura who is known to be one of the most powerful druids in Sharn, and the other is Kilk, an elderly changeling who wears his form openly, the representative from Lower Tavick’s.

After watching the proceedings for the better part of an hour, the three Angels leave, but not before Six sets up an appointment with Sava Kharisa for the next day. Having heard that she owns an art gallery in Lower Central, he uses the excuse that he wishes to talk to her about his work.

Gareth, meanwhile, visits the Deneith enclave as he does every couple of days, and finds that the twin Sentinel Marshals have finally returned to Sharn. He spends a pleasant couple of hours over lunch with Lalia, during which she tells him some more about the assassination attempt on Boranel and Aurala.

Lalia also confirms that the information about the attempt was extracted from Raskalorn, who - as the Angels had surmised - was a traitor after all, even though the official report claimed otherwise. She mentions that she heard about the Angels being involved in Raskalorn’s capture, and adds that such exploits will stand Gareth in good stead when it comes to joining House Deneith and finding the kind of position he desires.

After Gareth returns to relate what Lalia told him, and the other three mention what they saw of Thurik Davandi, the subject turns to something the group has discussed in passing earlier - finding a permanent base of operations in Sharn.

Trillia, laughingly admitting that she’s just trying to get them out of her hair, says that she has found a somewhat unusual situation that the Angels might be able to take advantage of, and explains the details. Ocean View, in Upper Tavick's Landing (directly above and west of Deathsgate, where Trillia lives), is a wealthy residential district which is extremely exclusive, at least 30 current residents needing to sign a petition allowing newcomers to purchase property there. In short, as Trillia puts it, “people like you wouldn’t have a hope in hell.”

But a manor there is soon to be on sale under quite unusual circumstances. Called the Gray House, it had passed through the hands of Karrnathi nobles for 3 centuries. Just over two months ago, the Blades of Arakhain (the only adventuring group in Sharn better known than the Angels) broke in there and unveiled the fact that it was the primary Sharn safe house for the Order of the Emerald Claw (which had attacked them shortly earlier in Sharn), with the current owner, Lady Jesel Tarra’az, being a vampire.

There was a pitched battle, during which the Blades killed dozens of Emerald Claw agents, including Karrnathi undead, human soldiers, and a vampire. Lady Jesel escaped, only to encounter the Blades some days later and be killed. The Blackened Book, which had been investigating Emerald Claw presence in the city and apparently sent the Blades there, took custody of the place while they searched it thoroughly. Rumor says that the Blades tried to obtain the place as part of their reward, but current residents of Ocean View made it clear that there’d be a very strong appeal to the Council and beyond if that happened.

Trillia says that the manor will be going on the market very soon, but the situation that it became available in, combined with the Blackened Book’s concerns about its next users (since it is reputedly full of hidden passages, has no windows and only a single entrance, and has a couple of other little surprises), means that it’s not likely to get many prospective buyers soon.

According to her, where this becomes relevant for the Angels is the fact that while they wouldn’t normally have any hope of getting a crack at this place, the fact that the Blackened Book is now the nominal owner (and Warden Balan Cord is the one in charge of the investigation that took place there) significantly raises their chances of getting their hands on it. Plus, it sounds like a place that would be easy to fortify and maintain. Trillia adds that it’s a tower building with three floors, so it’s quite big, and especially with the location, very costly. She estimates that it would normally go for something like 20,000 galifars, but with the circumstances, it’s difficult to say.

By the time the story* is told, Luna’s extremely excited by the prospect, and the others are also interested. Much of the remainder of the evening is taken up with discussion of how to obtain the place and what can be done with it if they do, with ideas ranging from Luna and Korm planning to stone shape the building to their desire to Six (presumably) joking that animating the stuffed figure of Naxaliyen to work as a doorkeeper will be the perfect way to dissuade unwelcome guests.

The next morning, the group is joined at breakfast by Surr’kal, who arrives with Gurr’khan in tow.

The elderly druid, looking a little tired and significantly out of place in Trillia’s living room, explains that he did meet with Saala Torrn, the nominal leader of the Gatekeepers, in the Shadow Marches as planned. While she personally knows little about the Key, Saala thinks she remembers hearing of such items in the past. She has a couple of possible sources that she will be talking to, and is fairly confident that she will have relevant information about it.

Gurr’khan tells the group to be ready to leave with him next morning. He also warns that it will probably take some traveling even after he transports them to the Marches, and that they should pick up appropriate apparel and traveling gear for swampy terrain.

After he explains this, Nameless asks, “You can speak with stones, correct?”

“Yes, though I do not have the relevant spell ready now. Why?”

“Because we need some information about a couple of people who may be after the Shard. We fought them near their lair and they fled, but maybe you can find out more by speaking to the stones there.”

Gurr’khan shrugs and says, “If it is related to the Shard, I will try. Tomorrow, before we leave.” Then he looks around the group, his expression resembling that of a disappointed teacher speaking to errant schoolchildren. “Surr’kal tells me that you almost lost the Shard in Yarkuun Draal.” Behind him, Surr’kal shrugs and gives a weak grin.

“The important thing is that it is safe now,” defends Korm, tapping the bag on his back.

“The important thing,” grunts Gurr’khan, “Is that you not risk it anywhere.” His expression becomes slightly less critical as he adds, “Still, Surr’kal also says that you have worked hard to protect it through many dangers, so that is something.” With that, he takes his leave and departs with Surr’kal.

Once they’re gone, Trillia looks at the Angels. “So - what is your plan until you leave?”

Nameless considers for a moment and replies, “Considering everything that’s happened to us, I suggest we sit in a locked room. And fireball anyone who knocks.”

* Which is, incidentally, among the exploits of my other Eberron group, whose campaign is now on indefinite hiatus.

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First Post
Cool - the Angels are getting a tower and they're off to The Marches.

I'm very interested to see what you're take on the Shadow Marches is Shil.

Also as an aside - what level are the Angels now? They're throwing around some fairly heavy duty :):):):)e so I'm assuming that they're somwhere in the mid-levels.


Sidekick said:
Cool - the Angels are getting a tower and they're off to The Marches.

The Marches was always on the calendar since the Gatekeepers got involved, but the tower thing came up up pretty recently. The players had been talking about it and I suddenly remembered my other group having taken out the Emerald Claw at the Gray House. The fact that Balan Cord was the one who'd sent the Blades there was really serendipitious, since it happened 2.5 months ago in-game and nearly a year in real time, and considering that the Angels gave him some valuable info very recently. I'm curious to see what the PCs do with the place once they get their hands on it.

I'm very interested to see what you're take on the Shadow Marches is Shil.

Hot, sweaty, and very dangerous? We had the first session in the Shadow Marches on Saturday and ... well, let's just say that the group had their toughest fight since getting taken down by the goblinoid strike team while tailing Raskalorn. We're not playing again till the 16th, plus I'm in the process of shifting apartments and started teaching my two classes for the semester yesterday, so I'll be spacing the updates out a bit.

Also as an aside - what level are the Angels now? They're throwing around some fairly heavy duty :):):):)e so I'm assuming that they're somwhere in the mid-levels.

They're 9th lvl at the point you're reading, but hit 10th after our last session.

They're also significantly ahead of the core power curve for their level, due to starting with high stats (80 pts distributed among their stats, which worked out to anywhere from 36 and 42 pts of point buy), higher than usual equipment, using a fair bit of non-core material and me tweaking existing mechanics to work with character concepts. And with two druids, a wizard and a multiclassed cleric in the group, they are truly heinous when they get a chance to buff up, which they've had a lot of recently.

But so far I haven't had any trouble challenging them, even when I use lower CR creatures and mostly core material (both of which I prefer to do most of the time), so I have no problem with it. And the players get to play powerful PCs, which they like, while getting the flavor they want, so they're happy too. It's worked out pretty well.


Despite Nameless’s suggestion, the Angels spend some time making preparations for their departure. Not finding Balan at the Blackened Book headquarters, they leave a note expressing interest in the Gray House. Gareth stops by and lets Lalia know that he will be leaving town again.

Six, as per his appointment, visits Sava’s Gallery in Lower Central. Luna, curious about the meeting, goes along in the form of a large exotic bird that perches on Six’s metallic shoulder.

The receptionist on duty doesn’t seem at all surprised that a warforged has come to visit, and simply tells Six that he is expected, before leading him through to Sava’s office. Though he doesn’t walk through the gallery proper, Six does see it in passing, and notes that it boasts a very eclectic collection, leaning more towards innovative new paintings, sculptures and other art forms, though still boasting a number of very traditional pieces.

He finds Sava at a desk piled high with all manner of papers and correspondence, working on a letter. The middle-aged woman greets and asks him to take a seat. “I do not believe we’ve met before,” she says. “How can I help you?”

Six produces a couple of his best sculptures and says, “This is some of the work I do.”

Sava studies the pieces and then says, “You’re quite good. Were you hoping to have them displayed here and hopefully find buyers? Or did you wish to directly find buyers? There is a fair-sized market in Sharn for art specifically made by warforged. As you already know, many warforged pick up creative pursuits as a way of keeping occupied.”

“Yes,” says Six. “Any information about buyers would be helpful, but I would like to have my pieces displayed too, if possible. You have a very fine gallery.”

“Thank you. Was that primarily why you set up an appointment? I’m asking because you did so at the Council Hall, and that’s not usually the case with people trying to meet me regarding gallery matters.”

“Actually, there is something else,” says Six. He goes on to explain that he is looking for information on an information broker named Killian, who bears a remarkable similarity to Sava’s fellow-councilor Thurik Davandi. He adds that he had been to the Council Hall the previous day and noted some acrimony between Sava and him.

Sava says that there’s no secret that Thurik and she do not get along at all, and while she doesn’t know of Killian, she does know that Thurik wouldn’t be above disguising himself for personal benefit. When Six describes the difference between Thurik and Killian, she thinks for a moment and then asks, “Have you met Thurian Davandi?”

“No. Is he a family-member?”

“Yes. Thurik’s son. He’s generally regarded as a layabout and supposedly helps his father at his shop, though nobody ever sees him do much work there. Around Thurik, appearances are always worth being careful about, so you might want to check on him. And I would be interested to know what you discover. Anything I can find out about Thurik, especially things he might not want others to know, can be valuable.”

Six thanks Sava and says he’ll let her know what he discovers. When he is about to leave, Sava asks, “Aren’t you one of the members of the group know as the Guardian Angels?”


“I have heard of your exploits. I seem to remember a member of your group telling the Chronicle that you were interested in cleaning up Sharn. Is that true?”

Six avoids turning to give the bird on his shoulder a dirty look and simply settles for a “Well, in a manner of...,” but is interrupted by Sava.

“People of your talents could be very beneficial to this city. If I can give you a particular assignment which would benefit you financially as well as helping the city, do you think you might be interested?” After a second, she adds, “Your bird seems to be a little agitated.”

Six shushes Luna, who was trying to express the sentiment of “Why the hell does everyone keep giving us jobs?” in avian terms, and replies, “We would certainly consider it, assuming we were free.” After being hit by a wing, he adds, “We are currently leaving town but should be back some time soon.”

“Oh. Well then, I hope to speak to you soon after you return. Please let me know when you do.”

Six promises to do so and makes his departure, muttering to Luna as he goes that he wasn’t about to accept any jobs without talking to everyone, and muttering that for someone who likes to buy a lot of magical items, she’s remarkably averse to working for pay.

Early the next morning, the entire group meets up with Gurr’khan and heads down to the Cogs. Near the area where they fought Desro and his accomplices, they are stopped by a portable barrier and a pair of officers in Watch uniform.

“Halt and identify yourselves!” orders the older of the two. “What are you doing here?”

“We are here to help regarding the investigation,” replies Nameless. “We’re helping Warden Balan Cord with it.”

“Warden Cord? Please wait here.” The older officer turns and walks around the corner, leaving a slightly worried looking man facing six heavily armed and armored people with a single crossbow.

His expression says that he doesn’t feel any better when Gurr’khan says audibly to Korm, “Wouldn’t it be quicker to flame strike him?” followed immediately by Luna’s pleased, “I like you better already.”

“No,” Nameless explains. “These are the law enforcement here,” which only draws a grunt from Gurr’khan.

A few moments later, the other guard returns, followed by Balan himself, and another man in the uniform of the Blackened Book.

“Ah!” says Balan, “I didn’t expect to see you here. Remember anything important?”

“No. But Gurr’khan here has offered to do a druidic divination to help. He’s a Gatekeeper.”

Balan nods. “Certainly. Every little bit helps. Come along.”

Balan shows Gurr’khan the area, while his colleague joins a third member of the Blackened Book in various detective activities. After walking around the area, Gurr’khan returns to the torture chamber where Dala was found. “I will begin here.”

As he speaks the words of a spell*, Gurrkhan’s lips and a couple of inches of skin around them take on the color of granite, and apparently some of the consistency, since they move slowly and small cracks appear as he speaks. “Ouch!” he says, in a now rumbling voice, “This always stings a bit.”

Then looking at the wall near him, he begins to speak in a language that resembles the sound of boulders grinding against each other. After a few seconds, a similar sound emanates from the wall. Gurr’khan listens carefully and translates, “I asked about the people who were here earlier, before those that came today. The stones say that for three of our days there were three here, and then for two of our days there were four. And then one of the four ‘stopped.’ Then some more came for a short time and left. And yesterday there were two here.”

Nameless says, “I think that means Desro and the other two were here for three days before they kidnapped Dala – who was the fourth. And then she was killed and ‘stopped.’ The ones who came and left would have been us. The two more yesterday is what I’m interested in. Ask for descriptions or names.”

“I will,” rumbles Gurr’khan, “But remember, I’m dealing with stones here. They’re not really sentient, but the spell lets me extract information magically, using them as a contact point.”

He goes through some more questions and, after some response from the wall, says, “The description seems to indicate human males, but the interesting thing is that the two people looked exactly the same. Exactly.”

“We do know that those two were very good with disguises,” says Six.

“As for names,” continues Gurr’khan, “It’s hard to get that precise information, but I did get one. Andon.”

“Andon?” says Luna. “Where have I heard that before?”

After a moment’s though, Gareth says, “Wasn’t Andon the name of the guy we met in the Cogs when we first visited Khyber’s Gate? The one who led us to that Shamukaar place.”

“Oh yes,” grimaces Luna. “Where we got beat on by monkeys.”

“What?” asks Korm.

“Long before we met you,” clarifies Nameless. “And they were really big monkeys. But Gareth’s right. That guy was called Andon. It’s not that common a name, so maybe he’s the one.”

“What’s he doing mixed up with this? We haven’t seen him in months.”

“Anyway,” says Gurr’khan, “We need to get on with this. My spell runs out soon.”

The Angels run through some more questions that they want him to ask, and Gurr’khan does so, also visiting other rooms to do so. The stones can reveal little else that is useful. They add that the two identical people who arrived together did so by simply arriving, and not actually walking into the area. They also provide the information that nothing is hidden behind them in the immediate area. There is one other thing that Gurr’khan learns just before the spell ends.

“They say ‘claws on the stone’,” he says. “As in, claws walking on them.”

“Hmm – maybe they were lycanthropes, like you wondered, Six,” says Nameless. “Maybe.”

Balan, who has been silently listening and making notes through the process, asks if there is anything else they would like to do here. When the Angels say that was it, he thanks them for the added information and says he’ll see what he can do with it.

He then mentions that he got their note about the Gray House. The Angels explain their interest and ask if there’s any way that he can hold onto it for them, maybe after accepting a substantial deposit.

Balan laughs and says that’s not necessary, though it’ll take more than money to persuade the people in the area that they should let the Angels move in.

“What the hell’s wrong with us?” says Luna indignantly. “I should flame strike a couple of those snobs’ houses.”

“Precisely their concern,” grins Balan. “But the fact that you won’t be here for a while gives me more time to make arrangements, and the Blackened Book does in some sense own the place now. In view of all your help, I’ll take care of it. It’s still going to cost you a lot.”

The Angels agree that cost isn’t too big a concern and thank Balan for the help, before leaving.

As they are heading back through the tunnels, Gurr’khan turns to Luna. “I should have noticed and asked this earlier, but what’s that on your arm? And tongue?”

“Ummm – symbionts.”

“Daelkyr symbionts?” Gurr’khan turns to Korm with his tone changing to a mixture of surprise and disgust. “She’s using daelkyr symbionts?”

“Don’t look at me,” grunts Korm. “I already tried explaining. It’s like talking to a wall.”

“But there’s nothing wrong with them,” argues Luna. “They help me and they’re not evil and if I’m using them against the daelkyr and their aberrations, what’s wrong?”

“See what I mean?” says Korm.

“They’re symbionts,” says Gurr’khan, pronouncing the word like it’s a particularly foul expletive. “Do you know what they can do to you?”


“Anything touched by the daelkyr and their form of magic – though it’s not really magic – corrupts and warps life in our world.” Gurr’khan hesitates for a moment and then reaches for his vest. As he is doing so, the Angels see undulations beneath.

Gurr’khan undoes the laces and opens the vest. And his torso then waves gently at the watchers. A long oval ring of tentacles stretches from the middle of his chest to just above his navel. The tentacles, ranging from one to three inches in length and each of a grayish-pink color, flex and move gently.

“What happened to you?”

“Seepage from the Seal that I guard. And that’s not something I spend time with every day. You’re actually wearing a couple of symbionts. For you it’ll be a lot worse.”

“Are you sure? I haven’t noticed anything. Six has that eye too and it doesn’t bother him.”

Gurr’khan stops in the middle of doing up his vest. “What eye?”

“Oh, he has a floating eye in his bag. Lets him see better and in the dark. Drains his brains a bit when he uses it, but we cure him.”

“A floating eye that drains his brains? And you people are all okay with that?”

Before anyone can answer, Luna temporarily derails the discussion with a brilliant question. “Can they do tricks?”


“Your tentacles. Can they do tricks?”

There is a long silence while Gurr’khan tries to first comprehend the question and then think of an answer, and the others watch the expressions that cross his face. Finally, he says, “No, they do not do tricks!”

“I was just wondering,” continues Luna. “If you could make them wear magical rings, or pick up things, that would be quite helpful.”

“They ... do ... not ... do ... tricks.”

“Just wondering. Anyway, I haven’t noticed any such changes.”

“Well,” says Gareth, with a grin, “You have put on a little weight, Luna.”


The expression on the druidess’ face makes Gareth hurry through the explanation. “You’ve been eating thrice as much since you put that band on. You’ve put on a little weight.”

With a furious expression, Luna turns, stabs a finger at Korm and says, “This is all your fault!”

“Who? Me? Why?”

“You’re the idiot who said it would make me fat. I can’t be getting fat.” Luna spins in place as she tries to look at her rear, looking more panicky than any of the others have ever seen, even when she was facing a dragon or a daelkyr or a mind flayer. “I’m an adventurer! I can’t be fat! Why does it make me fat?”

“Do you remember what we found the band attached to? A giant hobgoblin that was so fat it couldn’t walk?”

“Yeah, yeah,” says Luna, now more concerned about prodding herself and checking for extra poundage. “But I thought that damn band would absorb it. And I’ve always been a healthy eater.”

“Maybe you’ll adapt to it,” says Six helpfully.

“Easy for you to say,” snarls Luna. “Your damn eye isn’t making you fat. Damn! I can’t be a fat adventurer!”

“Maybe you could give the band to Six,” suggests Gareth. “As a warforged he doesn’t eat and can’t get fat. And if he does get fat, we could make a lot of money exhibiting the first fat warforged.”

Gurr’khan, with a slightly glazed look in his eyes, looks at Korm. “Are they always like this?”

“More or less.”

“And you bunch are guarding an ancient artifact that possibly has the power to destroy this entire city? I’m surprised that you haven’t blown it up yet.”

“I have to admit, so am I.”

* Stone Tell
Last edited:


First Post
Yea yea yea...get to the fight. Everyone wants to read about the fight and what happend. They want to hear about the true hero of the group.

Gold Roger

First Post
A yes, the exploits of adventuring randomness. Strangely, my players have actually become a bit conscious of what they do.

They didn't even take up the offer of a celestial in a cage that quite obviously isn't really a celestial to show them to a legendary cache of riches in exchange of its freedom, wonder where that came from (maybe because the last one mingling with an evil altar had to be killed before he could turn into a terrible abomination)


Gold Roger said:
A yes, the exploits of adventuring randomness. Strangely, my players have actually become a bit conscious of what they do.

They didn't even take up the offer of a celestial in a cage that quite obviously isn't really a celestial to show them to a legendary cache of riches in exchange of its freedom, wonder where that came from (maybe because the last one mingling with an evil altar had to be killed before he could turn into a terrible abomination)
Paranoia is a healthy thing for my PCs. It doesn't stop them from getting screwed, but at least they can say, "Aha - I expected to get screwed!" :]


Traveling in the Shadow Marches

A couple of hours later, on a small hill in the Shadow Marches, one of the three watchers sees the bark of a large tree bulge outwards in a vaguely humanoid shape. Then the shape detaches itself from the tree and resolves itself into the shape of a middle-aged orc with gray hair. His right arm is outstretched, extending back into the tree, and as he steps forward, it emerges, a burly war forged at the end, behind whom appear more individuals, these ones half the previous pair’s height.

The Angels look around the area, instantly aware of the shift in temperature and climate around them. While Sharn, with its omnipresent drizzles, was moist and warm, this place is much more humid and stickily hot. The sun, which is lower in the sky and further to the east than when they saw it moments earlier, seems closer somehow. The tree they emerged from, of the same species to the one Gurr’khan led them into in Carosten Park, stands near the top of a small hill. Around the hill stretches what seems to be an endless swamp, multiple streams of water running through it. The monotonous scenery is broken up by undulating hills and clumps of vegetation, ranging from rushes and tall grasses to small collections of trees. A good-sized river flows in the distance, and there is what looks like a small town some 4-5 miles away.

“Welcome to the Shadow Marches,” says Gurr’khan, before heading towards the three orcs sitting a couple hundred feet away, cooking something over a small fire. One has risen at the group’s arrival and moves to meet Gurr’khan.

“This is where you come from?” asks Gareth, already feeling himself sweating inside his heavy armor.

Korm, who is looking around with a pleased smile and breathing in the thick air, says, “Yes. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

Gareth looks around, seeing mainly various shades of green and not much else. “Really? I was just about to say I can see why you left!”

Korm gives him a disappointed look and walks after Gurr’khan. Nameless, having ended the spell he had used to reduce most of the group, follows him.

Gurr’khan is already involved in a discussion with the orc who met him, and as the others reach him, he introduces them. “Ludak. Korm’akhan. Nameless.”

That done, he adds, “It’s as I’d expected. Saala sent a message that we should meet her near the Pond of Shadows. You know it, Korm‘akhan?”

“I’ve heard of it,” says Korm, and Nameless nods too. For the benefit of the rest of the Angels, who have come up to join them, Korm adds, “It is a half-legendary place, the mists and waters of which are supposed to provide one with prophetic powers. But the tales say that it slowly robs people of their sanity too. I‘ve never been there.”

“I’ve been there once,” says Gurr’khan, “But it was a while ago.” He opens a parchment Ludak gave him and shows a crude map. “We’ll make it there tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” says Ludak, looking surprised. “It’s some sixty miles or so.”

“We came prepared,” says Gurr’khan. “Any news we should know of before we leave?”

“The only clan whose land you’ll be passing through are the River Snakes, and they haven’t caused any trouble recently. I did hear that three of their hunters disappeared recently.”

“Not that unusual here,” comments Korm. To his companions, he adds, “The River Snakes follow the Dragon Below, as some of the clans and tribes do. But they don’t just attack anyone they see, as a few do.”

After a little more discussion, Gurr’khan says that they should leave. Nameless, Korm and Luna conjure four mounts for the journey. Two are large black horses, with gray manes and tails. The other pair are larger, resembling large stags, their heads crowned with sharp, silvery antlers. All four creatures have legs ending in smoke-like, insubstantial hooves, which make no sound as they shift back and forth.

Seconds later, the group is galloping down the sides of the hill and into the swamp, heading north-west, Gurr’khan and Luna flying overhead in the form of eagles while the others ride. The magical mounts are incredibly fast and could potentially cover the distance to the Pond of Shadows in four or five hours. Not only do the insubstantial hooves seem to ignore physical terrain, but they pass over mud with no slackening of speed.

The watery consistency of the vast swamp that covers most of the Marches, is another matter, as the group quickly discovers. Korm, more used to detecting the subtle indications of a terrain change, shouts a warning, but the speed of Six’s mount sends it into a large patch of water, disguised by the green growth on its surface. The phantom steed splashes down to its belly, a desperate clutch from Six stopping him from going over its head.

“We have to slow down,” says Korm, “So we have time to see where we’re going. Water’s bad enough, but the patches of quicksand are worse.” Gurr’khan, having flown down to perch on his shoulder, squawks his agreement.

Six, having righted himself, asks, “Quicksand? Tell me again why you like this place?”

Korm shrugs. “It’s home. And we have very few gnomes.”

“That’s good enough for me.”

The group continues, though at a slower pace. Even so, they are moving about five times as fast as they would if traveling on foot through the area. Over the next five hours, they cover about thirty miles. The terrain does not change much, though the number and size of the myriad small streams does diminish. Korm says that it’s because they have left behind the Glum River, which is either source or destination of most of the streams, as they pass deeper into the area called the Crawling Swamp.

It is, he says, one of the less populated sections of the Marches, or at least as far as the humanoid clans and tribes of the area are concerned. Other creatures abound here, ranging from the purely natural to the completely monstrous, many of the latter the results of what the daelkyr invasion (which primarily entered Eberron through the Marches) left behind millennia ago.

Korm’s warning is illustrated violently, as the group is passing along a narrow stretch of foot-deep water between one of the streams and a large pool. Suddenly, three large shapes surge out of the stream, striking at the passing mounts.

Luckily for the riders, the speed of the magical creatures throws off the attackers, only one of them managing to contact well. This one’s large claw slashes deeply into Nameless’s horse, which promptly disappears. Despite his surprise, the alienist lands on his feet as his mount evaporates beneath him. Looking up at the monstrous creature looming over him, seemingly a combination of lobster, spider and serpent, he yells, “Chuul!”

Even as Nameless quickly summons three of his patented wolves to rip into the creatures, Six adroitly leaps off his mount, while Gareth and Korm follow suit more clumsily. Gurr’khan takes wing, bringing down a flame strike on two of the creatures, as does Luna, drawing pained shrieks and producing a smell strangely like roasted lobster. Unfortunately for the shifter, however, her position is much closer and with Six leaping out of reach, the closest chuul both slashes the stag she was sitting on and grabs her painfully in a claw.

She, however, is the only one seriously incommoded, as the chuul find a series of magical and physical attacks rain down on them. One, already hit by two flame strikes, staggers under an arc of lightning from Korm and slowly collapses under the blows of Six.

The one that grabbed Luna transfers the struggling eagle to its writhing tentacles. Luna’s relief at being free from the painfully constricting claw is short-lived, as the tentacles try to shove her into a hidden beak-like mouth. She changes back into a shifter, the increased size and strength letting her temporarily fight off the tentacles.

The third chuul, being swarmed by Nameless’s pseudonatural allies, attempts to flee, with one tasty morsel. It grabs onto Nameless and pulls him beneath it as it attempts to swim away, but the attempt slows it down just enough. Nameless, holding his breath, sees it literally disintegrate above him beneath a barrage of wolf fangs and bison horns.

As he resurfaces in the middle of a pool of blood and chuul pieces, Nameless’s creatures move to join the others in an assault on the last chuul, which is quickly ripped to shreds, Gurr’khan not even bothering to waste a spell or Gareth to struggle through the water to it. Luna extricates herself from the carcass and splashes over to join the others.

With the chuuls disposed of, Six asks, “Would these creatures have a lair nearby?”

“Quite possibly,” says Nameless. “I think we should investigate. There may be something valuable there.”

The eagle Gurr’khan reforms into the druid’s normal shape and he says, “You want to stop to look for and search a chuul lair? Just in case there’s anything valuable there?”


“Adventurers is right!” says Gurr’khan disgustedly. “Hurry it up then.”

Six, with no need to breathe, and his new symbiotic eye letting him see in darkness, walks into the water to look for tracks. Luna follows him as a crocodile, while Korm grows gills and Gareth relies on his ring of adaptation. Due to his much slower speed, the paladin holds onto one end of a long rope that Six ties to his own belt.

After a few minutes, ripples in the water indicate their movement, and Nameless, waiting with the remaining mounts and Gurr‘khan, eventually sees them emerge on the far bank of the stream a few hundred feet away. Six waves to him and he magically flies over to join them. Six points out a huge, mostly underwater hole in the bank, partly hidden beneath large reeds.

“In there,” says Six, as he removes the rope from his belt and ties it to a rock.

“What’s that for?” asks Nameless.

“Gareth,“ chuckles Six, “He’s really slow and he could probably use a bath. So…“

The others laugh and follow him in. The hole leads into a gently sloping tunnel, that eventually leads to a large muddy chamber with a stagnant pool in the middle and a couple of openings in the walls.

As the group carefully moves towards the pool, they catch sight of a pile of bones behind one of the openings. There is movement among them, and clicking sounds mark the advance of dozens of little chuuls. Which Luna promptly fries on the spot with a spell.

That being taken care of, the group checks the lair carefully. Other than the bones and other remains, the main thing the lair contains is in the pool, three mostly intact bodies buried in the mud at the bottom.

“Chuul like to have their victims rot for a bit before eating them. Must have figured we’d be a good addition,” says Korm.

Six checks the corpses and then says, “Nothing valuable. Only this.” He holds up a well-made falchion, its blade etched with wavy lines that look like a stream of serpents flowing down the blade.

“These must be the River Snakes hunters who were lost,” says Korm, taking the blade. “That looks like their clan markings.”

He sticks the falchion in a bag and the Angels head back out, to be met at the entrance by a glowering Gareth, evidently just having emerged from the water.

“What the hell were…,” he begins, but Six interrupts.

“Keeping you safe. And you better get back in the water. We’re done here.”

When they return and tell Gurr’khan what they found, he simply grunts and says, “We wasted enough time. Let’s go. It’s getting close to dark anyway, so lets find a place to camp.”

About forty-five minutes later, the group finds a low hill with significantly drier ground, where they set up for the night. Nameless puts up a tiny hut to make the stay more comfortable, causing Korm to promptly say that he’s staying outside. “What’s the use of being back here,” he argues, “If I’m not going to enjoy the weather?”

The night passes without incident till midnight. Luna, on watch with Gareth and Six, hears the softest of sounds, no more than a puff of air. Looking around to find its source, she hears a tiny, crunching sound from beside the sleeping form of Nameless.

“Gareth! Six!” she says urgently but quietly, “I heard something near Nameless.”

As the other two watch carefully, Luna walks over toward Nameless, all senses alert for a sign of danger. She still sees nothing, but as she nears him, there is a soft puff of air again.


Solarious said:
I wonder what Luna would do if she encountered the Impure Princes. Nothing that would really endear her to Gurr'khan, no doubt. :p
What are the Impure Princes? That's not a reference I recognize. As for what Luna would do, in most given situations, if she can work in a flame strike, that's the good one to bet on.

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