Sigh ... more anti-D&D nonsense

I'm A Banana

Prison? Military? Cops?

Sounds like D&D is played by badasses, and Fantasy Football is played by wannabees.

You know, I woulnd't be very surprised to find that some of the running backs and defensive ends that these sports nerdlingers have on their imaginary man-pile teams spend some of their off days pretending to be dark elves in their palatial mansions....

I know athelete D&Ders. I wouldn't be surprised.

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Oryan77 said:
Another good thing about guys playing D&D in prisons is that if one of us ever gets locked up, we stand a chance of not becoming some guys girlfriend. I'm thinking DM's might be treated with the same respect as gang leaders in prison. "Thanks for the Holy Sword Oryan, I've always got your back while you're locked up in here".
And to think I've been looking for a sig quote for so long... :) Oryan, may I?

I currently play with a rock drummer, a yoga instructor, a venture capitalist, and two lawyers (one starting cooking school). I think my group might be a bit too wussy for D&D... ;)


Voice Over Artist & Author
I've been saying this to my friends for years: people who dress up to go to a football game are socially acceptable no matter how stupid they look in blue and white body paint and no shirt on in the winter, whereas people who dress up as Gandalf for a costume contest at GenCon are labelled as nerds, geeks, dorks, losers, etc. etc. because of the double standard our country has for sports vs. intellectual pursuits. Whenever I hear local media make fun of gamers and/or sci-fi movie fans, I always contact them and try to get them to air my grievance, but I just get silence from them.

The lesson: it's OK to be outside in -10° weather half-naked if you're painted in the local teams colors even if you have a 10 gallon beer belly, but if you dress up as a barbarian for a costume contest (even with the physique for it) you're little better than Ted Bundy.

Not that I'm bitter, or anything.



I've quoted Dave Arneson's story before about many nuclear sub crews playing D&D. If a D&D denigrator REALLY wants to get a sleepless night, he should think about the fact that the fate of modern civilization is entrusted to a bunch of D&D players with nukes... :D


First Post
I don't see this as anything significant. While I spend a lot of my time on D&D, I don't feel the need to define myself through it, taking offense at jokes aimed at D&D players. I feel secure enough about my life not to be insulted bu these off-hand comment.

If one wants to evaluate how succesfull I or anyone else is at life, one hobby is not probably a good indicator. And I'd wager that D&D players or geeks in general fare well with other indicators that are easier for people to understand, like professional or financial records. Unless you've made D&D into profession, that is ;) (With all due respect to all the struggling or succesful artiste who bring the supplements to this game).

Besides, a basement D&D lair would rock! Too bad my parents didn't have a basement.

Also, I bet some of those prison D&D games are pretty hardcore. Too bad many correctional facilities prohibit random number generators like dice to prevent gambling :\ And insert mandatory "Don't drop the dicebag" joke ;)


First Post
el-remmen said:
Baseball, not football, is America's past time, and don't you forget it! :p

Damn straight...

Hey, I'm a Red Sox fan, although I've always been, and always will be, an RPG fan first and foremost. But, if I tell people "Hey I'm going to the Sox game tonight!", I get a lot of knowing smiles and nods, and "Lucky guy!"..If I say "Hey, I'm going to a gaming con," I get a look that would be about the same as if I said "Gerf boodle vootie, na-daka na-daka!"

And yet, I've seen Sox fans dress up, paint their faces red, and wear ugly baseballs on their heads. And, if I may be so judgemental, I've seen some general baseball fans that would stand far less chance of making the 600 yard dash than some RPG fans I know...

But hey, I don't know (and don't care) about football, but baseball's been around since the late 19th century, so they got a bit of a head-start in terms of public acceptance. ;)

StupidSmurf said:
If I say "Hey, I'm going to a gaming con," I get a look that would be about the same as if I said "Gerf boodle vootie, na-daka na-daka!"

Which, oddly enough, is Ryl for "I hate the Yankees."

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