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Silver Bullets Chapter 1:L'Arruolamento


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Imerak said:
"Relax," the man says in an amused tone. "Your employer is perfectly fine, at least at the moment. I am sorry for breaking his promise, but I am not here to harm you. Who I am is not important. I represent the Silver Bullets mercenary group, and we are interested in hiring you."

Cyrus rolls over on his back and slowly extracts his hand from his trenchcoat, revealing his unarmed state. He rubs his temples and sits up abruptly, knocking over a beer bottle from the arm of the couch.
"Merc work? Listen buddy, I'm a professional information obtainer. I'm not used to any of that soldier o' fortune crap. Here in Bean Town I get a place to stay and I earn good money, and I've been real hot lately-" Cyrus speaks rapid fire as he sorts out his next actions, but somehow his thoughts keep circling back to his current poverty and the family he was forced to leave behind. The stranger before him intrigues Cyrus. I've never seen this suit before. How did he find me? How did he get down here? WHY does he want me? Thoughts race through Cyrus' troubled mind.
"Say I did join your little silver outfit. How would I live? I'm talking numbers and job security, and especially shelter."

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Imerak said:

"Well, it depends on the job," the man says, amused. "But it's usually fairly high...in the five or six digit range per contract."

"Well saying I was interested where and when would I meet your employer and where would we be stationed. I'm sure my dad would at least like a PO box to keep in touch." Roger says with a sardonic smirk .


Imerak said:
The man shakes James's hand. "Yes, your field of study is well known to me. In fact, it is due to your expertise in this field along with your other skills that I am making this offer. I offer you a high-paying but dangerous job as a mercenary."

"A merc, huh?"

James scratches his chin, sizing up the man. Is he lying? Is he telling the truth? Is he a competitors 'errand boy'?

"Why would I want to become a merc? I don't need the money. I sure don't need the 'adventure.' I get enough of that obtaining artifacts like this tablet."

"So why would I want to join your little club?"

James leans back against the table, arms folded in front of him, waiting for a response.

OOC: I would like to make a Sense Motive check as this guy speaks to see if he's BSing me or not. Here are the results from Irony.com's Dice Roller:

I rolled a d20+0 (WIS Mod)

You requested that 1 roll of a 20-sided die be rolled.

Roll them bones ... your dice are

Roll 1: 1.

Well that sux... ;)


First Post

"Well, we are currently opening a base of operations in Rome, Italy," the stranger says. "We would like you to be on response at that location. While we can't give you a home, we will allow you to stay at our base until you find a place of your own.


The shadowed man chuckles. "We aren't really a traditional mercenary organisation. We have as much use for skilled combatants as we do researchers or... professional information obtainers like yourself. As for the conditions, I believe you'll find that the pay is very generous... Not to mention that we have semi-legal protection for what we do, because of governments that owe us a favor."


Thanks...I just got it from an online translator...

The man sits down slowly. "All right then, Ms. Treville. Would you happen to be interested in doing some mercenary work for me and my organisation? I know you have quite a large sum of money, but you look like someone who likes adventure..."


Half a minute after Andrew sends his reply, another message pops up.

sbullets@freeserv.net said:
I am an employer interested in your abilities. Would you be interested in doing some "freelance" work?


(Actually, I had already made a Sense Motive check for you, which you failed...but less spectacularly than this one, mind you.) :)

"Well, our jobs usually pay a lot. And I'm sure you could use more money to finance your research. Plus, you can probably find quite a few artifacts at our location..."


Imerak said:
"Well, our jobs usually pay a lot. And I'm sure you could use more money to finance your research. Plus, you can probably find quite a few artifacts at our location..."

"What kind of money are we talking here? And where would I be looking for artifacts?"

He motions towards an espresso machine in the corner, gesturing to see if the man would like a cup.


First Post
Imerak said:
The shadowed man chuckles. "We aren't really a traditional mercenary organisation. We have as much use for skilled combatants as we do researchers or... professional information obtainers like yourself. As for the conditions, I believe you'll find that the pay is very generous... Not to mention that we have semi-legal protection for what we do, because of governments that owe us a favor."
"Semi-legal?" Cyrus shakes his head and sighs. "All I need to know is that I've got protection, and the pay is good. I'll consider the offer, but first, I need some specifics." Cyrus gets to his feet to closer examine the strange figure. "Who am I working for and with, when and where are we going, and what do I have to do when I get there? Hypothetically, of course." Cyrus rattles these questions off as if he's asked them to a thousand potential employers in the past.

OCC: Cyrus will make a streetwise check at +4 to see if he recognizes the organization "silver bullets" or the shadowed man (I'm thinking you'll probably roll for it, but if not, irony games roll: You requested that 1 roll of a 20-sided die be rolled. The total for each roll has 4 added to it.
Roll them bones ... your dice are
Roll 1: 15.)


First Post
Imerak said:

Thanks...I just got it from an online translator...

The man sits down slowly. "All right then, Ms. Treville. Would you happen to be interested in doing some mercenary work for me and my organisation? I know you have quite a large sum of money, but you look like someone who likes adventure..."
Monique laughs, sincerely amused. "Monsieur, you make me think you haven't much experience with women. You come here shrouded in mystery, pretending you know about me more than I would like you to know, and offer me a job without telling your name or your organization's. I admit you got my attention, but you have to play your cards better to seduce a girl like me." She turns her queen of hearts face up.
"We ladies like to play, but only when we know well the rules of the game."
She adds with a friendly smile, then to the croupier "Carte, s'il vous plait." (another card, please)

OOC: Rome. Wonderful! The title should be L'arruolamento rather than L'arroulamento, though. If you need anything else in italian, feel free to ask. My e-mail address is in my profile. =]
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First Post

"Pretty high amounts of money, given the typical danger level of the jobs," the stranger responds. He declines a drink, and continues. "Although you will most likely have to travel, home base would be in Rome.


Cyrus recognizes the Silver Bullets as one of the more famous mercenary organizations, encompassing a large number of skilled agents. He does not recognize the man.

The man pauses for a minute to cope with Cyrus's questions. "Although the head of the organisation is a man named Jack Knowles, you will be ultimately be working for the current customer. Your teammates are still being arranged. If you take the job, you'll be asked to go to Rome, Italy as soon as possible. Don't worry about the money, we'll reimburse you there. Jobs will vary, but given your field, you'll usually be asked to do infiltration work, stealing, or occasionally combat. It's really a bit of a mixed bag." He sounds a bit bored as he says this, as if this is a regular thing for him.


The man flips over a five of spades as he talks to Monique. "People have told me that before. Who I am is unimportant, but my organisation is called the Silver Bullets. As for you...well, I could find out an awful lot about you if I wanted to."


OOC: I know this from the other responces, but to get the ball rolling. ;)

IC: Roger thinks for a minute and before replying "Rome, heh! Maybe I'll find an Italian cutie to keep my mind off things. Who would I be reporting to, exactly where, and when would I need to be there?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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