Silver Pages


Rupert Lokenis

My thoughts are of you
My dreams are of you
No matter if we are far or close together
You will be with me, always
My days are brighter now that I have you
My hard times shorter
My happiness longer
You have made my life anew
You will be with me always, and me with you

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Dream Spinner

"We lay here
In the wet grass

I can feel the worms
Wiggle in the dirt below
I can feel our hearts
Beat to the rhythm of the wind
I can feel our breaths
Join with the thriving life
Around us

Listen to the call
Of the wild
The wolves missing their
Mother moon
The owls watching over
Their meadows
The insects singing the song
The stars are dancing to

The music
The dance
The life
All around us
Dance with me


Dream Spinner

"Through these trees
We wander
Passing under these branches
Stepping over the fallen leaves
We speak our thoughts
Our wisdoms
Our beliefs

But my thoughts,
My wisdoms,
And my beliefs
All are of you
Give me riddles to ponder
And you'll be the solutions

The sky passes over our heads
And we talk and laugh
As nature continues around us
Let us laugh


Dream Spinner

"I'm sitting here
Beneath this tree
I'm sitting here
By this path
I'm sitting here
Waiting for you

Where are you?

I see your footprints
In the dirt
I hear your voice
In the wind
I taste your presence
All around me

Where are you?

Do not deny me the light
Where've you gone?
Come to me
I need you!
Hear my call
Run to me
Touch my arm
Say my name
Smile at me

Where are you?


Rupert Lokenis

I am born again
My life is anew

I can now look down and see cloud nine
When I put my arms around you I feel alive
I feel absolute bliss

I love you more than you will ever know


Dream Spinner

"When I was lost
In the dark
In the cold
I thought of nothing
I dreamt of nothing
I hoped for nothing

But now in the light
I feel everything
And I dream and hope
But all I can dream for
All I can hope for
Is you


Dream Spinner

"I look into the smoky glass
I cast these runestones
I place this card down
I read the stars and moon
And they all tell me
One thing:
That we will not last

And I scream at the magicks
I scream at my dreams
I scream at the seers
More than in anything
Is my faith in us

Let the gods come down
Let the flames fall from the sky
Let the waters run as blood
Let the locusts fall unto our fields

In the seer's face
At the fallen runestones
I laugh
Let me dance amoung the fires
Let me drink the bloodied waters
There is nothing that can shake my faith


Dream Spinner

"I walk down the road
I feel the eyes falling onto me
I hear the whispers starting
I feel the unease in the air

What is she looking at?
Is it my eyes
As of the faeries
Hauntingly violet
Perhaps it is my hair
A black deeper than death
A reminder of my origins
May be it's my skin
Pale as bones
Clean after eras of decay

What do you see in me?
I know my eyes are not
'Mystically beautiful' as you put it
They are disturbingly creepy
How can you look at my face?

But you do
And when you look into my eyes
All those people
Fall away
And though I may not understand
I look back into your eyes
And I see all I need to understand


Rupert Lokenis

My messages to you are short
Unlike my love for you, which will last an eternity

You have the most enchanting physical features
Why must you deny it?

I saw the full moon tonight
I saw the bright blue sky
There were gorgeous clouds about

I saw a flawless forest
I saw a beautiful ocean
There were amazing waves drifting in and out

None of these sites compare to you
Not a little, not at all


Dream Spinner

"They say each day
We come closer to death
That we are always dying
If each moment we have
Is a moment closer to death
Let it come

This is life in all its glory
I feel my heart beating
I feel my lungs expanding
I feel the warmth in us
If death is to strike me down
I'd like to see it try
There is nothing in me but love
And we both know
That will never die

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