Sinister Spire(con't RBD)(Orsal Judging)


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Rowan is reluctant to admit more than necessary. He turns his head and motions for his companions to join him.

"Greetings, Es Sarch. I am Rowan McTavish." He bows his head, then raises it and continues. "You do not see many from the surface world here, eh? I am not surprised. You wish to know our business, and we have knowledge we seek as well. What is the price of your knowledge?"

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Rowan is reluctant to admit more than necessary. He turns his head and motions for his companions to join him.

"Greetings, Es Sarch. I am Rowan McTavish." He bows his head, then raises it and continues. "You do not see many from the surface world here, eh? I am not surprised. You wish to know our business, and we have knowledge we seek as well. What is the price of your knowledge?"

After pausing for the others to arrive Es Sarch answers "Directly to the point, a trait that is missing from the underworld. The price will depend on the question and what opportunities may arise for me. This I offer freely...The terrible plague that laid Pedastal low, originated on Nobles bluff and the plague is still infectious. Those whom wander too close contract a disease called ash doom."


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Rowan glances at the others. They understand their mission better than he does. "Pedastal. Is that the town we're in now? Is there something other than money you want from us?"


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Phoenix moves over when Rowan signals them to join him. She listens to the strange man's warning about a plague and files it for later discussion. When she speaks it is very quiet so that hopefully only her companions and Es Sarch can hear her. "Here is the question then and you can name your price. If we can pay it, then we'll do business I suppose. We are seeking some Yuan-ti that used a portal across the lake from here to send duregar operatives to the surface and cause trouble for a village there. We defeated the ones they sent, but are seeking to stop the source of the orders so that no more will come to bother the people above. Do you know anything about this in specific and if not, do you know where we can find yuan-ti in general down here?"


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Lookspring leans away from the creature at the mention of the disease. He wonders what hideous lesions and boils that robe hides. He makes a note to avoid contact with the "people", if they can even be considered such, that dwell in this city. He awaits the response to Phoenix's question while his eyes probe the folds in the robe morbidly seeking a glimpse of the likely disgusting flesh beneath.


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The odor like thyme mixed with dirt intensifies even greater as the figure continues to speak in a raspy voice. I have given you information freely up to now. I do know something of what you speak, but to learn more, I must expend resources. Thus, I propose an alliance. Aid me in a few tasks I'd prefer were handled by those outside of Pedastal's power structure. Upon completion of these tasks, I'll know more of the one you speak. In your debt for favors to me, I will deliver that information to you. What say you?


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"I will say this for myself and my companions can agree or not on their own: I would be willing to do such tasks for you in return for the information we seek as long as the doing of them does not cause harm for those on the surface which we came to help. I will demand one simple answer from you for free though before I would start such tasks. Are you yourself a Yuan-Ti?" Phoenix asks boldly.


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Lookspring grimaces at the thought of having to spend more time down here. He grinds his teeth and speaks up, "It is being for the best if you do not propose a task that involves speaking or negotiating. We are not speaking the tongue of the deep. Something a bit more... physical is being our best points."


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"An immense island of fungus glimmers atop the sullen sea west of pedestal, and I have been told that it releases dangerous digestive and luminescent spores into the air around it. These spores create a dim blue light, which you must have seen as you came to pedestal, but they also slowly destroy fleshy creatures, including my undead agents. Those who live in this great grotto are more susceptible to these spores. Sending anyone from pedestal to the isle to collect what I seek would mean the creatures death. But for you surfaces, the threat should be minimal.

Growing upon Rikaryons Isle, as it is called, is a mushroom for which those here in pedestal pay dearly. Its cap is a sovereign remedy against the plague that tumbled the ruling drow from their altars and thrones. Journey down to the dock west of here on the sullen sea, find a seaworthy craft-a few are left-and go to the isle. The mushrooms I seek are obvious, black with red spots in the shape of tiny hands. You cant miss them, though you may have to travel to the islands center to find them. Bring me at least ten."

Es Sarch sits back after recounting the details. Then adds "One more favor when that is complete."

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
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