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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm

The Bashar

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Hrimr downs another tankard of the fine Dwarven Ale. He's glad nothing happened with Arnir and the guards, he'd hate to have a fight that would spoil the evening.

Hrimr heads back to the table and drops off his tankard there. He looks to Torrent:

"I'm going to step outside for a bit. Need some fresh air. Maybe I can find a nice and quiet copse of trees."

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Alric smiles at Bannock's success. "Looks like your luck is turning friend."

He retrieves the axe from the target and hurls for his own point.


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"You've got me on tha ropes!" exclaims Brondywn, "But methinks you'll choke yet last shot!"

The dwarf lines up his last shot and strikes the middle ring. "Would've wished fer a bullseye, but we take what we get eh boyo?" He then downs a tankard and hands off the axe.

Glad that the fight has been diffused and the drunken guard has departed, the innkeeper lest out a yip and smacks his hand down on the bar top in rhythm with Kirio's song.

GM: I believe the point breakdown is Alric at 13, Brondwyn at 12 and Bannock at 3.
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Bannock steps up for his next throw.

"Prepare for a comeback, boys!"

He tosses the axe, and it falls just within the outer ring.

"A leisurely, drawn out comeback!"


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Wordlessly, with a smug look on his face, Alric retrieves the axe from the target and takes his shot.

Though his smug look dissolves into a visage of dismay as he watches the axe whizz past the target horribly wide, almost in slow motion in his mind.


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Arnir, the innkeeper tells you that although they do not have private single rooms, he would be more than happy to rent you a four-person room for the very affordable rate of 2 pieces of gold.


Brondwyn lines up what he hopes will be his final shot. He tosses the axe and it sinks home in the middle ring. With exactly fifteen points scored and the victory ensured Brondwyn lets out a deep belly laugh and smacks the two humans on their lower backs. "Good game lads! Ya'd me fer a second but dis ere game's been in me fam fer a long time. Ahhhhh, now ow about that keg eh?" He chuckles and then shouts out: "Eh! Vanderson! A keg of the Dwarven Ale on the tab of these ere fine fellows. Ya can keep er ere for me when I needs it! Bwa haha!!!."

Alric and Bannock follow Brondwyn back to their table. The dwarf sits down and helps himself to a bite of cheese and a heel of bread. "Hope you dun mind if I steal a wee nib." he says between bites. "So Gate Pass is yer home eh? I'd be merry for the tale on ow youse came tru the flames of Innenotdar, what brings ya to East Watch and where yer headed. Maybe ol' Brondwyn ere can be of some 'sistance."

The innkeeper stops by to ask Bannock and Alric for a total of 1 piece of gold and 8 pieces of silver for the Firkin of Dwarven Ale they purchased for Brondwyn.


Upstairs in one of the two rooms rented by Torrent, Lars enjoys his bath and his company. "Where are you from sir?" asks the girl with wide eyes, "I've never left the town. Are you a travelling warrior?"
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Upstairs in one of the two rooms rented by Torrent, Lars enjoys his bath and his company. "Where are you from sir?" asks the girl with wide eyes, "I've never left the town. Are you a travelling warrior?"

Lars clears his eyes of soapy water and answers lazily, "That's right, you wouldn't believe the things I've seen. Some beautiful, some horrible, and some that are both. You're better off staying here and finding a good husband, trust me."

Lars gets out of the bath and thanks the girl, tipping her generously. "You seen any Ragesian soldiers or the like around town lately?"


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"I know of no Ragesians, if it please you sir." says the girl who now seems awkward and rather young, "though some of the girls say they've heard from some of the soldiers that people have been fleeing Ragesia and are headed for Seaquen in the south. They're fleeing the wars and lookin' for help from the wizards down in Lyceum. Or so I've heard. Were you fleeing the war too?"
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Bannock flips the innkeeper a pair of gold coins for his share of the keg, plus a hefty tip, then sits down at Brondwyn's table and takes some cheese for himself, without asking. He starts telling Brondwyn why they're here, but he's not drunk enough yet to freely give away every detail.

"Damned Ragesians put siege to Gate Pass. Myself'd still be fighting there if I hadn't thrown in with Alric and them others there. Bet I'd 'ave killed 'undreds by now! Argh," he sighs and pauses, looking remorseful for a moment. "Anyway, we did fled the city while the south road was open still. We come into these lands looking for certain worthy folk to fight the war with us. If the Rag-heads capture the pass, their armies'll spill on forward, right into countries like this one, don't doubt it. My friends here are of the idea that there be some powerful wizards to the south who might be enlisted to the cause. Dunno much about magic meself, but I seen dragons fighting for the enemy, and I ain't dumb enough to think we'll win with just spears 'n arrows. As for the burning forest, that's a story I'll might tell after you share some 'o that cask we so graciously donated!"


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"Those blasted Ragesians er makin' war everywhere since ol' Coaltongue went to tha Abyss. We heard o' the assault at Gate Pass but there ain't been much news since. Frankly, this ere town ain't the most important spot in Lady Timor's lands on account that the flames've been keeping Coaltongue away for tha past forty odd years. We're what ye be callin' a backwater town these days. If you've a tall tale to tell, I'm all ears me man."

Brondwyn takes a bite of bread and chews on it thoughtfully while he looks at your table cluttered with cups, food and the firkin that Torrent already purchased.

"I'll tells ya what, if yer headin' south in search of the wizards, ya need to head to Seaquen and that be 'bout two fortnights of walkin'. If yer here yer likely in need of supplies which'll take ya a few days to get t'gether. Why I know every farmer, millwright, tanner n' shopkeep in town. By Moradin the smith be me own brother! Why don't we finish off yer firkin ere and tell tales. I'll gladly share me winnings and I'll set ye straight in the town, in exchange fer yer story."
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