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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm


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Kirio, and anyone who joins him, you are able to locate Clerk's Row without too much trouble. It is within the North Harbour, relatively close to the party's house and is a narrow street lined with parchment merchants, scribes, offices and other similar services.

Finding Merrywinter's 'shop' is likewise not difficult but for different reasons. First, a newer looking sign sits outside of the run down row house. Second, and most blatant, are the three Seaquen guards who are standing in front of the door, watching the street.

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Kirio seems to be frowning more than usual today.
"I'm honestly going to kick Arnir in the balls is he is still alive, should just let this lie..."
He curses under his breath, sighs, then pauses a moment to smooth out his expression. He looks to Alric and Hrimr "Alright... this may get more complicated than I had hoped. We work for the council, we are looking for our friends, and you will let me do the talking, yes! Let us see what is what, no?"

Kirio makes his way to the three guards, taking pains to appear non threatening, a look of concern on his face. "Good morning. I am sorry to trouble you in your duty friends, but we, that is my friends and I, have cause to believe three friends or ours have run into trouble, and the last we know they were headed to this very office you now seem to be guarding so judiciously... Might I ask, is there a reason why you have been assigned the odd duty of guarding a small clerk's office?"


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As you approach, one of the three guards mumbles something like: "Hey, isn't that the fellow who plays at..."

"Stow it Marl!" barks the lead guard who turns to answer Kirio. "Come looking for your friends have you? Well if they were in here yesterday, then they have a load to explain for. Fighting in the streets, unrest, disturbing the peace. Not sure you're going to find them here though, since that place is locked up tighter than a priestess' virtue. Our orders are to keep an eye on this place to see who comes a callin' and bring the culprits in for questioning." The lead guard, a dour looking bearded man, stares at you. "So, tell me more about these friends of yours..."


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Kirio smiles crookedly at the guard "I'll be more than happy to tell you all about them my friend. I am Kirio, the Effusive to some, and they, along with my two friends here, are a group out of Gate pass, currently under the direct employ of the council, assisting in the war effort and the difficult situation here in Seaquen. We answer to Simon at the Lyceum directly, and you can consider us and my three missing friends as being on official council business. If, as you say, there was unrest and fighting here, would it not make sense, in your official capacity as a representative of Seaquen Authority, to try and open it, that is the office, and investigate? If you feel this is beyond your authority, we would be happy to assist, under your supervision of course to ensure we do not do anything unlawful, other than force our way in there of course. As this is beyond your stated assignment, I would of course be happy to provide you with a bonus for your assistance in this matter, and will of course pay for any damage to the door, courtesy of the Council and our good selves." As he speaks, Kirio counts out 12 gold pieces...

OOC: Diplomacy check coming.


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The guard grumbles. "Frankly I don't give Tymora's :):):):) whether you work for the Lyceum Council. They don't run Seaquen. Magistrate Lorb does and that is who we report to. And I ain't never heard of no Simon, though I have heard of a Master Simeon ... you ponce." He looks down and sees the gold. "Now, now, seems to me that you're tryin to bribe a member of the guard. Should have tried that before opening that flappy elven twat of a mouth you have there, because that is my language. I don't care what you do to that door, but we ain't allowed to be breakin' anything down. You ain't either. But my men and I don't need to see everything that goes on here, do we? Maybe I heard a scream. Eh Marl?" he turns his head to another of the guards. "You heard a scream right?" A blank and confused look covers the man named Marl's face. The lead guard speaks again. "So I'll tell you what, you make it 20 gold and we'll take a bit of a walk, say for fifteen minutes?"


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Kirio laughs... "well, now a man who know what's what, how refreshing. Fine..." Kirio sighs with a sad smile and hands the guard 20 gold as requested.

As soon as the guards are out of sight, Kirio looks to Alric "I can't pick locks... think you can break this down?"


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Alric wipes the strong tea and spittle off his face and then walks stiffly out the door following Kirio, muttering, "No surprise someone would want to kill the little :):):):)... guess we better go after him..."

Alric stifles a sharp laugh at the guards gruff reaction to Kirio, but then settles for a wry smile.

After the guards leave he regards the door. He then braces himself and then brings his shoulder violently against the center of the door with as much force as he can muster.

OOC: Strength check for attempting to break down the door coming... No idea why it rolled twice since I only tried to roll once.
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Alric, on your second attempt, the old door cracks inwards, ripping free from the three new and hastily installed locks. The door swings inward on old hinges, giving you all a view into the room. The scene is grisly and the pungent coppery scent of blood fills your nostrils.

Lars lays in a corner immediately adjacent to the door, his blood painting the wall, his torso and the floor. He looks as if he has been stabbed a slashed a number of times.

Bannock is beside the young rogue, facedown in a pool of his own life force. His armor is severely dented in the side and his neck and left arm look seriously wounded.

Lastly, you find Arnir crumpled in a heap around the corner. The amount of blood lost is staggering and his back and leg look as if they have been roasted over a camp fire. Finally a gruesome wound exists both on his back and chest, as if something very sharp was driven through with considerable force.

You notice that their weapons, packs and whatever else they did not leave back at the house, are no longer on their persons.


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Kirio covers his nose as he enters the room "Gods! Poor stupid fools..." Kirio walks to Lars, then Bannock and finally Arnir casting curative magic in the hopes of reviving them... Only Bannock seems to stir "I'll try again on Lars, but after that I'm spent"
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"Gods above and below..."

Alric rushes in and begins checking each of them for signs of life. His face has turned ghostly white from the grisly scene his comrades, possibly former, have made. Then retreats to Hrimr's side hoping the druid might serve as having better hands of a healer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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