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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm


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"Alric, if there is one thing we learned from this, is that we should definitely tackle these guys all together. Let's get some weapons and heal up and we can attack tomorrow."

"But first things first. We need to find him. I wonder if we could track them? Do we have anything that belongs to Merrywinter? Arnir, do you still have that note and dagger he left at the house? I bet you I could get Deacon Theal or someone else at the Lyceum to divine his location for us."

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The Bashar

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Hrimr listens as Arnir tells the party about his past and how it lead to an attempt on his life. Hrimr strokes his beard and tries to come up with a plan on how to get their weapons back. When Alric and Lars finish Hrimr nods in approval.

"Do you guys remember them saying anything? Places? People's names?

Arnir you have your suspicions, maybe the rival house has some contacts in town? Kirio maybe you should ask around at the Embassy? I would imagine a Dwarf asking questions about Elven house may draw some undue attention."

Hrimr goes into his pocket a pulls out 150 gold coins and puts it on the table. He also puts three potions on the table.

"Get what you can with this gold. The potions are of cure light wounds. Take them just incase."


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Bannock, usually one for haste, has just learned a hard lesson about rushing in heedlessly. He squares his shoulders and raises his chin. He decides he should be assertive, after all, his father was a captain of the guard in Gate Pass, and he grew up listening to discussions about investigations, manhunts, and strategies for combating crime and defending the city. He wants to live up to his family name. thinks for a long moment, and then outlines a plan.

"We have one thing on our side: They think we're dead. I bet their guard will be down, and they won't be trying to hide themselves so well as before. We know their faces. Maybe we should do some scoutin'," he says. Looking at each member of the party with determination.

"How about this: First, we buy some new gear, and get ourselves cleaned up and healed a bit more. We're in no shape for another fight. Second, we pair up in twos, one person who was at the fight with one person who wasn't, so we all know who we're lookin' for. Then we set out, hooded, to the three most likely places we might see these blokes. The house where we got attacked is one. I think at least the dumb one might want to finish looting us, or at least they might be interested in what the city guard finds. Another likely place is the harbour. If I were them I'd be wanting to leave town, and a ship is the best way back to the Elf lands. Arnir, can you think of anywhere else this Merrywinter might show his face?"


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I think Lars' suggestion is a good one. The note and dagger are back at home, we could take them to the Lyceum today. Also might not hurt to ask the people around here what they saw. Last I remember, there were some loudly clanging bells. No doubt Merrywinter and his goons left in a hurry, people must have seen something. Third, is there a city official we can check with regarding who rented out this shop? It might lead somewhere. Lastly, if my suspicion is correct, it was Calladan who hired Merrywinter - Maybe he'll turn up at the Shahalestine embassy? He did say he didn't know who his employer was though...Lars, would something like this go through your thieve's guild?


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"I think Arnir and Alric should take that dagger and note to the Lye-cee-um," says Bannock carefully, "and then keep an eye on the embassy. Lars and Hrimr could check with the guild, seein' as Lars has some mates there now, and then investigate the office in case anyone returns there, or if the neighbourhood folks saw any of the battle, like Arnir said. That leaves me'n Kirio to watch the routes by which our litt'l friends might be trying to escape."

Bannock pauses and shifts his weight. One eye twitches a little. Lingering effects from being near death, perhaps.

"But no fighting. We should agree to meet back here tomorrow, maybe by noon. If a pair of us do catch sight of 'em, then one should remain to keep eyes on the quarry, while the other goes back to rally the party, unless we have some better way to signal each other, quiet-like."

He looks at the magic wielders as he says this.
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The Bashar

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Hrimr strokes his beard as Bannock lays out his plan.

"I can send messages by making use of a spell and some small animals. But only I can send messages with it. I also have not prepared the spell. So if we wished to make use of it we'd have to wait until tomorrow.

To the other part of your plan, me accompanying Lars to the Thieves guild, I doubt they allow non members entry. I can wait for Lars while he is inside."


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Though still seriously wounded, the party breaks up and heads in different directions. Some seeking information, others fresh equipment, or even simple recuperation at the house.

GM: If the party is amenable to Bannock's plan, then I leave it to you to head off in your various directions: Arnir and Alric to the Lyceum, Lars to the guild, others shopping, etc.

Also, though Lars heard of an embassy in his dying moments, you all don't know of one, nor which one they were referring to. You'll need to gather information if you're in search of any embassies in Seaquen.


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"Though sending a message through the air would be useful, I don't feel we have a day to waste. Your plan is sound Bannock, your cunning is most welcome."

Alric then looks at the half-dead, barely standing, wispy form of Arnir, his torn and badly scorched clothing and grimaces slightly, "Arnir, if you would rather rest and heal, I can make the visit to the Lyceum on my own. Though your presence would be valuable since I know nothing of magecraft nor how to speak with a mage of business. Good hunting to the rest of you!"

With this, Alric, taking the dagger with him, makes way to the Lyceum and requests an audience with Master Simeon.

OOC: Arnir, I'll assume you've come with me until you post whether you elect to rest or not.


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Lars, his legs shaking from weakness, says, "I for one need a hot meal and a change of clothes, if you don't mind, Hrimr."

Lars walks back home (presumably with Hrimr) and changes. He then removes 100gp from his hidden stash and heads towards the Thieve's Guild. When he reaches his destination, he assumes his Romeo disguise and enters the Guild, asking Hrimr to wait for about 20-30 min.

Inside he purchases a new shortsword, and 2 daggers he can conceal. He also returns to see the priest, and pays for healing and buys 2 new potions of healing.

He returns outside and says to Hrimr, "Well, time to return to Merrywinter's office and see if we can't get a clue. Unless you have a better idea?"

OOC: I put a lot of actions in this post. I assume that if Mr. GM has different events in mind, he will stop Lars short.

Voidrunner's Codex

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