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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm

The Bashar

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Hrimr gets up and looks at Arnir.

"I grow tired of this Arnir. We are trying to help here, but this is enough. Go with Smeed, you're made for each other. I am going to go back and do what we are meant to do, help this city and the war effort. Bannock and Kirio I hope you will join me. Bannock you nearly died trying to help this ungrateful ass with his vendettas and Kirio you didn't want anything to do with this from the beginning. Leave Arnir to his own mess before it gets any more of us hurt. If want to help us Arnir you're more than welcome. Otherwise maybe you should find more palatable companions."

Hrimr nods at Smeed and walks out of the Inn.

He catches up with Alric and tells him what he said at the inn and implores him to assist him. He then seeks out Lars to see if he's willing to work on getting that Dragon Egg.

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"I'll get them."

Bannock walks outside to let Arnir and Kirio finish negotiating with Smeed. In the street, he calls after Alric and Hrimr.

"Hey, where d'ya think you two are going? You're going to abandon us now, yeah? Arnir may not be the most likeable bloke. Hell, he might be the biggest ass among us most of the time, but he's still one of this party! And we need him! How many times has he saved us? Think'd we'd have gotten that decanter without him? I think we'd all be spider food right now. He may have his past vendettas, but this isn't about that. It's about us having assassins out there who are hired to kill one of this here party, and any of his companions. They nearly did that. I'd like to think that if either of you had enemies who wanted you dead, we'd be there to protect you - even Arnir. If you have any honour at all, you're bound to do him the same favour.

Now they have his bow. From what little he's told me, I think there's a piece of Arnir's soul in that bow. I know what it's like to lose a piece of your soul. If we want a good chance at getting this dragon egg, or surviving an encounter with a dragon itself, by the gods, we need it back."

He takes a few breaths before closing.

"Maybe you're in this all for yourselves. Maybe for you it's just convenient to have a few fellows around you who can swing swords. But I've lost my home. I've lost my family. You five are maybe the only friends I have left in the world. In the way I was raised, friends don't walk out on friends. Even when they're pricks!"

The Bashar

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Hrimr looks crestfallen as Bannock lets it all out in the street. He lets him finish and puts his hand on his the side of his arm.

"I'm sorry Bannock, but I'm not going back. I don't think Arnir would have any of our backs were the situation reversed. If he's really one of the party why did he run off with you and Lars without telling the rest of us? You ALMOST DIED. Had Kirio not known where you had gone you would have been dead. Now we storm the gates of assassin's guild? They want him, not us. They can have him for all I'm concerned.

Wolves work together as a pack. They are a party of their own in that respect. When a wolf jeopardizes the safety of the pack he is the last to eat from any kill. Often he goes hungry for days. Eventually he learns he needs to work with the pack or he dies. I hope Arnir will learn this lesson.

I think your faith in Arnir is misplaced. I just hope it doesn't get you killed."

Hrimr reaches into his pack and pulls out two potions.

"Take these. I hope you don't need them, but they will heal you if you drink them."

OOC: Hrimr his holding two potions of CLW


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Bannock stands there a moment, then takes the potions slowly.

"Where was your talk of wolves when we left Lars alone in the city? Would you have us accompany you on every morning walk you take? Arnir didn't know what lay in wait for us. To him it would be a simple meeting, no violence. Wolves. Wolves are vicious animals who kill each other to dominate their packs, and who leave their sick and wounded to die. You are a cold bastard, Hrimr."

The Bashar

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Hrimr relinquishes the potions to Bannock.

"I can stand here and argue with you until I am blue in the face. Kirio thought it was a trap and didn't go with Arnir. Something tells me he didn't give you the same information he gave Kirio. This isn't easy for me Bannock and you aren't making it any easier. But I believes this needs to be done.

If Arnir really wants my help he knows where to find me. Please take care of yourself."


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OOC: Historical point: Hrimr may believe anything he wants, but Kirio never said he thought any such thing, nor did he give any reason for not going along. See Page 71. Kirio was in fact silent for the entire time. Only after all was over did he suddenly "know" it was going to be a trap. :)


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Arnir watches Hrmir and Alric leave with cool dispassion

"Alright Smeed, before I assent to anything, I need to know more. You don't need to divulge anything, but I'm not keen on walking into a confrontation I can't walk out of. Is what we're discussing even possible? How many men would we need? What resistance can we expect? This whole thing may be more trouble than it's worth."


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Bannock says one more thing to Alric and Hrimr before they abandon the situation.

"Arnir's a proud one, I don't think he'll ask you for help, but I know he wants it. Do what you feel. It might be that you're still friends, though. And it might just be that a dwarf and man who are too proud to admit that they care about others could tail this Smeed after he leaves to see what he does between now and this meeting tonight that he's proposed, because they just might be concerned that this Smeed intends to sell out their friends for gold."

Bannock goes back inside and stands at the wall near the door for the rest of the meeting with Smeed.

OOC: Bannock is at this point committed to help Arnir continue his quest to regain his bow and unravel more of the conspiracy against him.


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GM: You'll notice I posted as Arnir. That was a mistake. We're currently using the same computer.

"Feck'd if I be knowin' t'wether it be sumfin we can handle. Alls I be knowin' is that hired killers must be keepin' a heavy set o' coffers. Buyin' death ain't cheap boyo." He lets out a creepy laugh. "Aye, it's trouble alright. Sure's me :):):):) be brown. But Smeed be in it fer the gold. Risk to meself is worth it. If yer goin' yella on this here quest, that be fine. If ye don't want what I be knowin' neither, that be fine s'well. Smeed had a fine free lunch either way. Make yer choice and be about it. I'll be at the docks, South Harbour at the mid o' the night. I be seein' ya, then we be doin' business. If not, ye go about yer life n' Smeed'll move on."

With that, Smeed hops down from his chair and strides out of the bar and into the streets. Bannock, Smeed walks right past you as you re-enter the Scholar's Respite.


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Alric watches the exchange between Bannock and Hrimr for a moment, then watches Hrimr continue back to the house.

I'm not abandoning you Bannock, I said nothing of the sort. I'm going home because I'm tired of listening to Arnir rant about how his intellect eclipses mine and how frustrating it is for him to condescend. I'll be at the house and if you decide to take me on this evening walk, I'll be ready for midnight. If you decide to go without me like last time then just as well. Good luck with round two."

"And as for Arnir's need, I don't care what's at stake, what he needs more than that blasted bow is some humility. And I'm afraid I have to agree with Hrimr, I'm not so sure he would do anything for us simply for the sake of being an ally, not that I wouldn't help regardless..."

Alric gives Bannock a moment to reply before turning to go.

Voidrunner's Codex

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