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Six Nights to Year's End (Merged)

Deuce Traveler

OOC: Finally, we have all active player characters together on this thread. Both groups please continue your posts and your discussions with one another here.

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Verosh stands like an immovable rock, facing the supposed killers. A tall, grimacing Litorian armed with two finely-made short swords, he bleeds from several wounds and looks (not to put too fine a point on it) as though he's barely restraining an inner rage.

"Speak." he says after an uncomfortable moment.


A human soldier is the first of the accused to respond. He rests sitting on the ground, wearing a dull red robe that, upon closer inspection, appears stained with blood. Underneath is a heavy suit of armor, worn and scratched from a lifetime of use in combat. "Of course, we will clear up the true nature of this foul deed. You may wish to have a seat though; this will take some time."

"I am Kaeso Drionus, and we are the victims of a foul enchantment.
[flashback!] It began on the night of the 24th of Yearsend. Our company was relaxing in a local tavern. We drank and boasted of our previous victories, as was usual for us. A man walked in and offered us a job; he promised good pay, so like fools we accepted. Ready for another easy paycheck, we followed him. But it was a trap; peaceful looking monks tore off their robes all around us and revealed their weapons!" The memories must be deeply horrifying: Kaeso's nervous smile completely disappears as he continues with his tale.

"Though we fought against our attackers, their numbers were too great. One by one we were struck down, until at last we were all unconscious. When we awoke later, our limbs were constrained as we were forced to partake in a bizarre ritual. Robed members of some cult chanted as they sliced a wound into some beast; a creature with several mandibles protruding from its face. The blood, along with other reagents, were mixed and forced down our throats." The next part of the story is clearly the most troubling to Kaeso. He fights not to cry, signs of stress showing in his voice.

"Entranced, unable to resist whatever spell had been placed on us, we were released into the city. The power of the enchantment compelled to meet with the Knights of the Golden Cross. Being prisoners in our own bodies, we had no choice but to watch as we drew our weapons and slew them all. .. By Lothian, why Kaira? Why did this happen?" Kaeso pauses here, attempting to collect himself.


Lorthanoth said:
Verosh stands like an immovable rock, facing the supposed killers. A tall, grimacing Litorian armed with two finely-made short swords, he bleeds from several wounds and looks (not to put too fine a point on it) as though he's barely restraining an inner rage.

"Speak." he says after an uncomfortable moment.

The man sitting comfortably in the corner tips his wide-brimed hat back as the Litorian speaks. "Your manners are lacking, although your wounds would give some insight as to why you are rude. The proper way to meet is with an introduction first." Davian stands and offers a polite bow, "My name is Davian, friend of the late Tagret Artalen."

Davian sits and listens to Kaseo's story. He nods and listens intently, hearing the tale for the first time himself. "According to the word which reached my own doorstep, the group was imprisoned. The prison resulted in the death of Tagret, although how exactly is a tale to be told by them." he says motioning to the rest of his group. "We know of the church, and indeed found hostility there." Davian sits back, placing his bow on his lap and locking his fingers behind his head. He sits back relaxed, knowing full well that violence would not happen as long as no aggression was shown.
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Verosh sneers at this man, Davian. "You can stand there and accuse me of a lack of manners... Your arrogance is astounding. I know not this Tagret you speak of, but Kaira was my friend. If you are ought to do with her murder, then manners have no place here."

He looks around and adds, "You use this meeting ground as a weapon to make yourself the bigger member of the pack. I have no interest in weasel words or introductions. I wish answers."

Deuce Traveler

The older female bard interrupts Verosh. "And what if they are telling the truth? Do we hold them accountable for crimes they in which they were not in control of themselves? I have heard that at least one of these men rescued an older woman and some children from a burning home after he recovered his own senses."


First Post
"We've just laid three of our friends to rest, slain while investigating these horrendous crimes. Regardless of who was the pulled their strings," Glau nods in the direction of Kaeso, "it does not excuse criminal actions."

Glau turns to look squarely at Kaeso. "Can you prove you were enchanted?"
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Lorthanoth said:
Verosh sneers at this man, Davian. "You can stand there and accuse me of a lack of manners... Your arrogance is astounding. I know not this Tagret you speak of, but Kaira was my friend. If you are ought to do with her murder, then manners have no place here."

He looks around and adds, "You use this meeting ground as a weapon to make yourself the bigger member of the pack. I have no interest in weasel words or introductions. I wish answers."

"Hold your tongue kitty. You know nothing and by speaking, are proving such to be true." Davian sits forward in his chair, "If you have come not to hear our story, but to shed blood, then perhaps you should leave. I am sorry for the loss of a friend, I have felt that knife also. My loss was no greater than yours, nor yours greater than mine. If we lost our kindred for unjust reasons, then vengence shall be granted to both of us." He leans back and rests one leg on top of the other, "Manners have a place everywhere. Even in your "pack" as you mentioned it. There are things that can be, and cannot be done. You are pushing the latter and ignoring the former. Such is a short road."


Glau said:
Glau turns to look squarely at Kaeso. "Can you prove you were enchanted?"
"We have some evidence leading to the cult responsible for our enchantment, but no, we don't have anything specifically exculpatory. But please, let me continue with the tale."

"We awoke from our spell very suddenly to find ourselves surrounded by guards. Although some of our group ran, the majority gave ourselves up to the authorities. We knew we weren't responsible for what happened of course, and were confident we could get a fair trial. How wrong we were..."

Kaeso shakes his head, as if he can't believe the story himself. "The guards led us deep into the city dungeons. But the warden was somehow involved with the plot himself; he was expecting the arrival of the six of us before the guards themselves knew, and even referred to the 'mental bonds' holding us. He planned on torturing us, which we decidedly did not go along with. As one of the warden's bugbear guards opened my cell to take me, I made my move!" The soldier describes the ensuing fight, and sadly speaks of the deaths of Tagret and Percival. "They were good friends, and it was a tragedy to lose them. But we knew we had no chance of winning if we stayed. So with a timely transportation spell, us three survivors escaped the warden. Just three of the original six in our group remained: Luna, Morty, and myself. Kareus wan't captured, and two were slain." He sighs, then continues.

"Since our gear had been confiscated, we traveled to our house in the city to collect some spare equipment. Davian met us at this point, and aided us in escaping from what I'm guessing were bounty hunters. From this point on, we resolved ourselves on proving our innocence. A seer friend of Morty helped us search our memories of the brainwashing, revealing a clue which led us into the Temple District. After disguising ourselves" -Kaeso motions to his robe- "we searched for, and *found* the location where the spell was cast on us. It was the basement of the Temple of Dusk!" he says somewhat accusingly. "Although Ronaldo, the priest who greeted us, seemed unaware of the plot, his colleagues attacked us on sight. They were brewing foul potions in their basement, which sickened several of us. We defended ourselves, avenging our fallen comrades."

"Kareus arrived at this point with Lorraine"
-he nods in her direction- "and we began to collect our evidence. We recognized their basement immediately as the room we were enchanted in. In one of the rooms, a heavy device had recently been removed. I collected a piece plastic tubing bearing the brand name of 'The Smoke Shop', a store in the North Market. I believe inquiring there might reveal exactly what was removed from the room."

"Loraine collected a sample of the toxic potion the priests were brewing."

"I also took with me a book regarding chaos cults."
Kaeso withdraws a book labeled The Discoveries of Tralgon from his bag. "The priests had some great interest in the book, as it is well worn. There are many handwritten notes in it, as well as underlined passages."

"Loraine led us here after we gathered our evidence. And now, we place our trust in The Knights of Chord and you fellows."

ooc: Sorry for the long posts. I'm trying to sum up 10 pages of the story so far, hehe.
Deuce: Is Ronaldo awake yet?

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