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Six Nights to Year's End (Merged)


"The Knights of Chord are as honorable as the rumors have said. We are all indebted to you for this act of charity and kindness, especially since we have done little to be worthy of such treatment." Davian sweeps off his hat and bows before the knight, "I believe we are finished here. Fatigue has hit me as well, perhaps we should retire for the night."

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Deuce Traveler

The night is uneventful, although your sleep is disturbed because of the events of the last day. Still, you come out rested enough to continue your day, and for some to restore their spells (please let me know if your memorized or prayed for list of spells has changed).

Loraine and Kareus meet the group as you gather again in the mess room for breakfast and to hear her speak. "Kareus left early to retrieve information on this book and others which were found in the study of the Knights of the Golden Cross," Loraine says as she holds up a small, ancient book with elven writing. "The books reference an ancient elven poem that describes the burial of Dessoch, a now forgotten goddess of the moons. The poem is called the Tomb of the Dead Goddess, and through the ancient landmarks that are described we believe that the location of this ancient tomb once lay somewhere in what is now the eastern side of the Warrens near the bay. The eastern central edge of the Warrens has often drawn the more religious residents, whether they were simply pious and unfortunate or worshippers of a darker faith.

The book that Glau found speaks of the God of the Moons, whose worshippers used to divine their fate and sometimes even twist it by studying the position of the moons in comparisons to other astrological portents. It is said that this god was separated from his love, who was killed by jealous mortals, but that one day she would find life again when the two moons meet on Yearsend. When she lives once more, this God of the Moons will awaken once more and his strength will be felt as it was in days of old. We checked the astrological charts after we heard this. The two moons are in eclipse with one another this Yearsend. Whatever the cultists are trying to do most likely involves this god and goddess, but unfortunately these books only mention poems and snippets of stories. The bed of the god is supposed to be located somewhere in the Necropolis, but that's a big area and we couldn't narrow down the location given the landmarks described in the book Glau grabbed. Maybe Brig and Ironheart can show you the dead ends they ran into which might lead you to find something in the places they didn't look."

Kaeso, Luna, Kareus, and Morty
You awaken to see a strange slanted line imprinted in dark red upon your forearm. It seems to have grown darker as the morning hours pass.


"Not religion, my new companion, ignorance. It is always unwise to follow blindly another's truth." Davian shakes his head as the words leave his mouth. "Should we go find this goddess' resting place and prove the truth of it to ourselves?"


Kaeso nods after Davian speaks. "Indeed, we must continue our search for this cult. Dead ends or no, we can't sit here and wait for whatever sinister plan they have to reach fruition."
During the next few minutes, Kaeso appears as if he's preparing for a massive battle; he straps a wide tower shield, slings a well-crafted flail and trident, and with the help of a Knight, latches on a suit of solid looking full plate armor. Gone is the bloodied, tired man dressed in the robes of a magician; what remains is a well-rested soldier who looks ready for a war.

Deuce Traveler

Loraine tells you, "If you decide to go to the Warrens first, then we'll contact Brig Stoneheart and Prince Ironheart and tell them to escort you to the Necropolis later. That will not be a problem for them, since the Necropolis is not a place that even the bravest Delvers enjoy going."


"That might be for the best milady. If we go to the Warrens first, we could stop by the prison and 'visit' our old friend, the warren. They blood of two of my friends are on his hands, and I mean to exact revenge. Besides, we left much of our equipment in his domain. If we were to regain it all, our fight against the cult would be that much easier."

ooc: It sounds like the Warrens are close to the prison, being near the bay and all. Is that a fair assessment?


First Post
"I don't object to visiting the prison first. We meant to go there yesterday but got a bit sidetracked." Glau strokes his beard in thought. "The prison is just down the coast from the Warrens, but I believe the only way to enter is by boat, barring teleportation or other magical travel. And your face is sure to be recognized there." Glau taps his chin. "I have an idea. Tell me all you can about the guards."

Deuce Traveler

OOC: The prison is south of the docks, past the Warrens, and flushed against the Guildsman District in the very southeastern part of Ptolus, in a place called the Cliffs of Lost Wishes. You can reach the bay in the Warrens, but it won't be as easy as there aren't boats like you can find at the docks.



The Assarai rises early. "I want to go visit a friend of mine this morning before we move on. I hope to learn something which will help us. I will return shortly and will be ready to undertake whichever course the group deems best upon my return." He sets off with the large lizard in tow. They get a hearty breakfast from vendors along the way to the Shrine of the Oracle in the Temple District.

[sblock=DM]Tsal wants to go visit Nayvras the Oracle. He will tell her of the things that were learned from the books and see if she has any insights that might help them find what they seek in the warrens or the necropolis. Anything she can tell him will be most helpful.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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