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Smart's Shackled City


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D&D - Smart's Shackled City PbP Act I
Welcome to Smart's Shackled City PbP!

This game is being run by myself for my RL gaming group as well as a member of the group who has recently departed for parts unknown. We hope to keep in touch and continue gaming despite the distance through playing on the forums here.

The Rogue's Gallery for this game can be found here.
The OOC thread is here.

You must be logged in for the pictures in this thread to display properly.

On to adventure!

On the far edge of the civilized lands of the Flanaess, the Cauldron region is a small spur of mountains located between the Hellfurnace Mountain Range and the Amedio Jungle in the far southwest. The nearest major city is Sasserine, a week’s ride to the north. Sasserine is an independent city on the Jeklea Bay with economic ties to other independent states and the Sea Princes. The Cauldron region is known for its rich resources and farmland. Metalsmiths and craftsmen abound, as do plantations the export exotic crops such as coffee, sugarcane, and cacao. The region is known as a new frontier for the brave and resourceful, and a haven for the lawless.

The City of Cauldron is the most populous in the region, though other smaller villages exist, such as Redgorge, Kingfisher Hollow, and Hollowsky. Cauldron is built into the caldera of an extinct volcano in a subtropic jungle. The elevation moderates the humidity and heat from the surrounding jungle, keeping Cauldron’s environment cool.

Buildings in the city are closely built together, and made primarily of volcanic stone and wood. The four main roadways are cobbled and wide enough to support several wagons abreast. Smaller avenues connect the four roadways, which form concentric terraces down to the lake in the center of the town. From outer to inner, the avenues are named Obsidian, Magma, Lava, and Ash. Sewage from privies runs underneath the streets in specially built trenches, which all houses feed into. The runoff outlets are dug deeply into the heart of the lake, which is periodically purified by the clerics of the town to ensure that any sewage that doesn't sink into the volcano's depths is neutralized.

A 50 foot high wall of black malachite surrounds the outermost ring of the city. The closer you are to the wall, the nicer the accommodations and the more likely you are to encounter nobility. The closer you are to the lake, the shoddier the construction and the more likely to become a target of pickpockets. Houses directly on the lake are often built with stilts to protect against flooding during the rainy season in winter.

Cauldron is ruled by a Lord Mayor who is elected to the position every two years. The current Lord Mayor is Severen Navalant who has served four months of his term. Cauldron boasts many groups who seek to influence city policy – these include several wealthy merchant families and nobles, the city watch, and the clerics of the four major temples: St. Cuthbert (The Church of the Righteous Cudgel), Kord (The Temple of Lordly Might), Wee Jas (The Spire of the Stern Lady), and Pelor (The Mirror of the Shining One).

Local currency is entirely of Sasserine make, and utilizes precious few forms of coinage. The platinum piece (a "ring"), a gold piece (a "sun"), a silver piece (a "moon"), and a copper piece (a "star") are the four most commonly used. Merchants and tradesmen who deal in large amounts of currency often use trade bars made of gold. A typical bar weighs about half a pound and is stamped with the official seal of the Sasserine crown. Bars come in 100, 500, and 1000 gp notations. Gems are also heavily used to ensure that weighty coinage doesn't become an issue for the well-to-do. Coins can be exchanged for bars and gems at Alameda Moneylenders, just off of Obsidian Avenue near the South Gate. Bars are also available from the Lord Mayor's office. No surcharge is levied for exchanging coins for trade bars or gems.

Opening scene to follow…

So it begins...
Rylic of Highpointe
A strange wind had blown the day the Revered Father approached Rylic with the assignment. It seemed St. Cuthbert had a work for him to do among the barbarous countries of the south. Newly dubbed a Knight of the Mace, Rylic had expected the call to come eventually, but the location to which he was being sent as well as the autonomy he would have in enforcing the will of St. Cuthbert was surprising.

Cauldron. A city on the edge of the known world, and the kind of place to which St. Cuthbert’s enemies might run when he had driven them from the civilized world. Rylic knew his duty - he must bring St. Cuthbert’s benevolent will to Cauldron. Other orders of the cudgel were there to preach to people, but the Knights of the Mace did not preach. They were the representatives of St. Cuthbert Himself as He purged the unlawful and evil from the earth. Rylic would be that representative in Cauldron and prove himself of worth to his order.

Gilthanus Moonbow & Adaliz Othon
The families of Othon and Moonbow had known each other for centuries. The high elves had been instrumental in the formation of the Duchy of Ulek, and the Othons and Moonbows had been at the forefront of that movement. Adaliz had honed her fighting skills among the Great Host of Ulek, though a border skirmish left her with a scar on her face and trouble relating to those outside of the military. After her first tour of duty her father impressed upon her the need to travel and see the world. He even had the perfect companion in mind – the youngest son of the Moonbow family.

Gilthanus’s studies under the scholars of Ulek taught him much in the way of knowledge – he even gleaned the rudiments of spellcasting from his studies, though his masters believed him not yet ready for the greater mysteries. Angered, Gilthanus studied what he could of combat magic, then began to lay his plans for travel – thereby to acquire more knowledge and power. He vowed to prove his masters wrong and become the greatest battlemage in the history of his people.

So Gilthanus and Adaliz took their journey far to the south and west – according to Gilthanus, an archmage had founded a city in the caldera of an extinct volcano there.

Tancred the Wanderer
He had been known by many different names in his wanderings, and owed debts from Greyhawk City to the Bandit Kingdoms, but Tancred had managed to slip his neck from the noose time and time again. Occasionally his mouth or his gambling got him into trouble, but more often it was his heart – he had rarely been able to stand by and let the innocent and honest pay for the villainous lifestyles of others. So he intervened and struck at the villains from the shadows, made them pay - then moved on. But now he was tired of running, tired of hiding in the shadows. Tancred wanted to be a hero, and Cauldron would be the best place to start his new career.

All Heroes
The caravan from Sasserine arrived in Cauldron at about sunset on a dark and dreary Godsday, though the sunset couldn't be seen through the grey cloudcover. Tancred, Rylic, Gilthanus and Adaliz had met and exchanged pleasantries during their week-long journey, but did not truly know or trust their traveling companions.

The travel over hills and through jungle had been exhausting. As the caravan neared the volcano and the malachite walls of the city rose to meet them, the awesome achievement of building and fortifying such a settlement dawned on the party.

The evening set in as the caravan was checked by the guards at the gates of the city, and a steady drizzle fell from the ash-grey sky. The homes around them were almost the same color; they were formed from volcanic rock and trees taken from the nearby jungle.

The master of the caravan had supplied the group with the name of a local establishment – The Drunken Morkoth Inn – a likely spot for adventurers, merchants, and travelers to spend the night. Following his direction, they hurried down the slick cobblestone streets of Cauldron toward the inn, the sounds of water trundling from rooftops and splashing into dark alleyways in their ears.

A sudden cry of pain split the air from a nearby alleyway.


OOC: The spoiler buttons will usually be restricted to reading by the PC whose name precedes them. In this case, however, they are just flavor text, so you may read them all if you like.

Feel free to add extra messages between my updates as "in character" thoughts, talk between characters, etc.

Have fun!

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred darts toward the alleyway, drawing a short sword in his right hand. Knowing the often painful results of rushing headlong into trouble, and taking advantage of the fading sunlight and the grey drizzle of the overcast sky, he ducks into the shadows to avoid being seen as he investigates.

He attempts to Hide, rolling a 25.

Rylic, AC 17, HP 10, AP 5
Rylic starts at the cry. A concerned look crosses his face as he readies his mace and shield. "My friends it sounds as if someone needs our help."

He says a prayer to St. Cuthbert to grant him wisdom and strength in whatever trial awaits him. Then he moves to the mouth of the alley and pauses there to take in the scene.

Rylic can move 20' a turn, but will move at x2 if needed to make it to the alley. He will take a moment to see what is happening before taking any action. Sense Motive (1d20+4=21) OR Spot 1d20+2=19)

Gilthanus, AC 13, HP 4 , AP 5
Gilthanus turns quickly towards the cry, nods to Rylic with a nervous smile, and runs after his traveling companions staying just a step behind. He unslings his bow from his pack as he runs focusing his keen elven senses for signs of danger.

Spot 8; Listen 23

Gilthanus will avoid melee combat if he can and favor bow and spell for now.

Remember Gilthanus, you only need to show how much NL damage you've TAKEN out of the total HP you have left.

I will post my update after Adaliz posts.

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Seeing Gilthanus head down the alley, Adaliz follows.

Tancred ducks into the shadows at the mouth of the alley, and sees three figures assaulting a fourth, who lies face down on the wet cobblestones. One of the attackers lifts the victim by the hood of his cloak and slams him against a wall as another growls, "Stay away from the orphanage, you got that?"

The thugs look up as Gilthanus, Adaliz, and Rylic splash through a puddle at the opening of the alley. Their faces are painted a strange monochrome, half black, half white. One of them steps forward, and puts a hand to the hilt of a short sword at his belt. "Bugger off! This be no concern of yours!"

If you plan on attacking, please roll initiative, then describe your attack plan, then roll for attack and damage in the same post. If you plan on calling the thugs out first, do so. You choose.

Rylic AC 17, HP 10, AP 5
With a snarl, Rylic charged forward to protect the prone figure. Bullies, men who must disguise themselves and who attack the helpless can not be reasoned with until we have made a show of force.

He held his mace threateningly, waiting for any of the villians to come at him.

Intiative Intiative (1d20+1=10)
Rylic will move to place himself between the man and his attackers, he will charge if necessary. If he can reach any of the villians he swings his mace Attack (1d20+2=18, 1d8+2=10)

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
These men have no honor. What kind of city have we come to where thugs attack a man for visiting an orphanage.

We are making it our concern.

Gilthanus draws and arrow accross his bow, and takes aim at their spokesman.

If the thugs do not release their victim he fires upon the spokesman.

Initiative 13
17 to hit for 8 points of damage

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Sticking to the shadowed edges of the alleyway, Tancred sneaks toward the three ruffians while their attention is on his three travelling companions. He draws a second short sword as he works his way around the group, then attacks the nearest thug from the shadows.

Tancred will attempt to move behind the three while they address the cleric and two elves at the mouth of the alleyway. His goal is to be in a flanking position with the others, and he sneak attacks the closest thug when in position.

Move silently: 24
Initiative: 15
First attack: 19
Confirming the crit: 18
Damage: 8 (9 if sneak attack is successful)
Second attack: 4
Damage: 3

Messed up the dice rolls a bit, but these are still the right numbers. Next time I'll get the "," and ";" straight...

ADDED: I just realized that the first hit was a critical threat. Here is the URL for confirming the crit and damage. I have added these rolls to the numbers above.

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Adaliz shouts, "It looks as though my friends are ready to cut you to shreds! Tell me quickly... how is this man a threat to the orphanage? What has he done wrong?" She readies her sword. Rolled 11 for initiative.

The only response to Adaliz's shout is the whistle of cold steel being drawn from scabbards.

At that moment, Tancred springs from the shadows behind the three, slashing at the back of the thug farthest from the group.

Gilthanus looses his arrow at the speaker, which finds its mark in the thug's shoulder.

Rylic steps forward, trying to place himself between the prone figure and those accosting him, but finds he must go through the leader first. Rylic's mace finds its target, and the leader of the thugs goes down.

The third figure spins around and slashes at Tancred connecting for 1 point of damage.

Seeing that he and his companions are outmatched and outnumbered, the second man runs for the opening of the alley. Rylic and Adaliz may take an attack of opportunity against the second thug if they wish.

Rylic AC 17, HP 10, AP 5
Not wanting the attackers to escape justice, Rylic strikes out with his mace attempting to disable the coward.

Rylic uses his AOO to do non-lethal damage, he is also using his Smite ability. The -4 for nonlethal is negated by the +4 Smite so it is a regular roll with an additional +1 to damage. 1d20+2=20, 1d8+3=5

Tancred, AC 14, HP 5 , AP 5
Tancred swings at his opponent again with both short swords.

First attack: 19
Damage: 4
Second attack: 16
Damage: 1

ADDED: No crit on the first hit--the roll to confirm was a 2.

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Seeing that his traveling companions have the remaining thug under control Gilthanus rushes forward to see to the victim of this strange encounter. "Peace Friend," Gilthanus says in the most calming voice he can muster accented by the lyrical tounge of his people. "You are safe now. We are here to help." Gilthanus assists the man to sit up and stand if he is able.

Adaliz attempts to knock the thug down with the flat of her sword.
Rolled 19 to hit, 4 damage. Forgot to take -4 for nonlethal, which makes it a 15 to hit. This is the attack of opportunity.

Tancred's whirring steel overcomes the defences of the man facing him. The third thug falls.

The last man, though slowed by Rylic and Adaliz's strikes, manages to escape from the alley and into the night.

Gilthanus helps the badly beaten man up from the street. The man seems barely lucid. An amulet with the holy symbol of St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel hangs from his neck. He begins to mumble thanks to Gilthanus when a laughing female voice echoes down from the dark rooftops:

"Well done! But the cleric lives because we wish it so, not because of your misplaced bravado. Take these words back to your temple priest! The children are lost and no longer St. Cuthbert's concern."

Those who wish to find the source of the voice must make a spot check.

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First Post
Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Adaliz looks toward the voice. Rolled 23 for spot.

Tancred, AC 14, HP 5 , AP 5
Tancred looks up from his dying opponent, trying to locate the source of the voice on the rooftops above.

Spot check: 9

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Gilthanus quickly scans the rooftops for the source of their mockery.

If Gilthanus sees anything he will point her/them out to his companions.

Spot Check: 12

Rylic AC 17, HP 10, AP 5
Trusting his companions to deal with any other threats, Rylic kneels beside the priest and focuses his divine energy to heal him.

Thanks to St. Cuthbert that we came when we did. Please let us take you to the temple, then you can tell us why these scoundrels assualted you.

Rylic trades "command" for "cure light wounds" he heals the priest forHeal (1d8+1=9) HP

Adaliz's sharp elven eyesight makes out the slight figure of a woman on a rooftop at the end of the alley. The woman turns away, and Adaliz makes out a grinning white half-face beneath a dark cowl. The figure moves as silent as a ghost over the rooftops, and is lost from sight.

The priest's visible wounds knit together as the divine power of St. Cuthbert is imparted to him from Rylic's hands. "I am Ruphus Laro, a humble follower of St. Cuthbert. I was returning to the temple when I was ambushed... I did not understand until now why I became a target of this mugging. I have been investigating the disappearance of four children from the Latern Street Orphanage. I would take it as a kindness if you would escort me back to the temple."

You have the opportunity of conversation with Ruphus, assuming you escort him to the Church of the Righteous Cudgel.

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
"Adaliz and I would be happy to accompany you back to your temple," Gilthanus says with a smile to his friend. "I cannot speak for our new found friends-in-arms though, but I hope they will join us," Gilthanus continues, turning his smile towards Rylic and Tancred.

Gilthanus would wait here for a responce from Rylic and Tancred, then he would ask Ruphus some questions as they walk to Ruphus' Temple.

Addressing Ruphus Gilthanus says, "My name is Gilthanus, and we have only just arrived in your... fair city, and I am curious about the nature of tonight's events. If it is not too much trouble could you explain some of what is going on in this city, and why three men who appear to be members of a psychotic theatrical group would attack you for visiting an orphanage?"

Rylic AC 17, HP 10, AP 5
"Of course I will escort you to the temple, Brother. And I would also be interested in hearing more about what led to your attack. Times must be strange if thugs would assault a follower of St. Cuthbert; this should warrant an investigation." Rylic will help Laro to stand and make sure that he is steady on his feet.

Then Rylic moves to Tancred and offers to inspect his wound, "My friend, your wound does not look deep, but I would glad to heal it for you."

Rylic will trade "light" for "cure minor wounds" and heals Tancred for 1 point if Tancred accepts the healing.

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred accepts the heal spell, saying "It is just a scratch, but thank you nonetheless." Before heading to the temple with the others, he quickly searches the bodies of the two thugs for valuables and any clues to their identity and purpose.

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Adaliz accompanies the others to the temple. She describes to the group the woman who mocked them from the rooftops.

Tancred's practiced fingers turn up very little; the two thugs had each wielded a common short sword, and wore simple boiled leather armor under their cloaks. Each of their money pouches holds a few stars (copper pieces), but each also carried a strange gold coin stamped with a laughing jester - not the more common sun, minted by the city of Sasserine.

The wind blows in great gusts as you accompany Ruphus through the streets toward the Church of the Righteous Cudgel."I thank you all for your timely aid. Surely my wounds could have been much worse - I could even be dead now, save for you. I do not know the nature of those who attacked me tonight. I know by the call of that... woman... that my investigation must have prompted this beating. The church is concerned with the disappearance of four children from the orphanage on Lantern Street. But I would not speak more of what I found on the open street." Ruphus looks warily at the darkness around him. "Perhaps you will tell the night's events to Jenya Urikas, who is acting as the head of our order here while the Revered Father is away."

I will add another update after work today and open the scene at the Church. You may continue talking to Ruphus or the other PCs in the meantime if you like.

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred pockets the unusual coins, the short swords, and the stars--never knowing when a little pocket change will come in handy.

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Gilthanus nods his head as Ruphus speaks, but keeps his eyes and ears open for signs of further danger. There seems to be some organization to this gang, there may be others seeking retribution for our kind act.

When Ruphus finishes speaking he will turn to his new, hopefully, friends, and smiling pleasantly says, "My name is Gilthanus Moonbow, and this if my friend Adaliz Othon. We are from the Duchy of Ulek. I had read that there was a city built in a dormant volcano, and I had to come and see it. She has accompanied me, I think, some for my own safety as well as the chance to stretch her legs." Gilthanus continues to grin as though he has made some kind of joke.

Spot 11; Listen 14 if needed.

Rylic AC 17, HP 10, AP 5
Rylic listens to Ruphus speak, and nods his head in agreement to wait for a more secluded venue before discussing the missing orphans. He will, however, ask other questions on the walk to the temple:

"If you don't mind Brother, what business takes the Reverend Father away from Cauldron?"

"Do you know anything about those men? Did the unusal paint on their faces mean anything?"

"We should notify the town guard in the morning. Maybe they will have some luck in tracking down the two who fled. Or perhaps the identity of the two we slew will shed some light on your investigation."

Rylic will remain on his guard for the duration of the trip to the temple in case they are ambushed by reinforcements. Spot (1d20+2=8) and Listen (1d20+2=3) checks. Apparently, he is too busy talking with the Ruphus to notice anything unusal.

I was waiting for a post from Haydee, but realized that probably wasn't necessary before the update. At least I don't think I made it sound like it was necessary. I don't think I'll have time to update until after work today, so keep an eye out.

As you approach the temple, Ruphus responds to Rylic's queries: "The Revered Father, Sarcem Delasharn, is attending ceremonies at our temple in the capital city of Sasserine. Jenya has taken over the role for the time being. I know nothing about the men who ambushed me, but they must have some connection to the children missing from the orphanage. As for contacting the town guard, that would be wise. Perhaps we can do so in the morning - though I think the church would prefer to do that itself."

The two story church of St. Cuthbert is built from white marble, with vivid blue veins marking the stone. It is the only white building you have seen in a city built predominantly from the native dark volcanic rock. The church lies on Obsidian Avenue, and has two giant marble statues depicting mace-wielding warriors raising their maces to the sky. The statues flank each side of the heavy oak door of the temple. An inscription is set in the marble above the door: WITHIN LAW LIVES HOPE.

You are led by an acolyte to a small comfortable sitting room with a fire blazing in the fireplace. The acolyte offers you blankets and hot tea to stem the cold. Ruphus leaves the room. Two women step through the door to the room several minutes after Ruphus leaves. One of them is a young woman with premature streaks of gray in her rich brown hair. She steps forward with her hand extended in friendship. She wears a brown robe with gold trim and the symbol of St. Cuthbert around her neck.

"Good evening. I have spoken to Ruphus about his ordeal, as well as your remarkable heroism. I am Jenya Urikas, acting high priest, and I am in your debt."

You may, of course, converse with Jenya. I will respond accordingly.

Rylic AC 17, HP 10, AP 5
"Greetings. I am Rylic of Highpointe, the Order has sent me to Cauldron to help maintain the presence of St. Cuthbert. My companions and I just arrived when we heard the cries of Ruphus. I'm sure he has told you of the ordeal."

"Ruphus mentioned an investigation he had been working on, apparently a number of orphans had gone missing. It seems odd that a priest would be attacked for such a seemingly harmless assignment. Surely there must be more to it than that."

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
"Good evening. My name is Gilthanus Moonbow, and this is my friend Adaliz Othon. We are travelers from the Duchy of Ulek. We were happy to be of assistance to your priest."

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Adaliz bows politely.

Jenya pauses, and seems to size up each of the group. She nods her head, as if making a silent decision, then begins to speak.

"Three nights ago, four children were kidnapped from the Lantern Street Orphanage. Their names are Deakon, Evelyn, Lucinda, and Terrem. There has been a string of kidnappings in Cauldron of late, but these are the latest. Our church has given much aid to support the orphanage, and so we have publicly vowed to locate the missing children and bring the kidnappers to justice. If you were willing, I would like to hire you four to find the missing townsfolk - the children in particular, of course. If you accept, I have more information for you, as well as other aid to offer. And a suitable reward for your efforts, of course. What say you?"

Tancred replies almost instantly:

"Helping orphans, bringing thugs to justice...and a suitable reward? Count me in."

Rylic AC 17, HP 10. AP 5
Rylic listens intently as the priestess describes the situation. "Of course I would be glad to lend whatever assistance I can."

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Gilthanus smiles and says in a reasuring tone, "I would be honored to help in any way that I can."

Gilthanus glances at Adaliz thinking, I'm sure Adaliz will want to help as well.


First Post
"As would I," Adaliz quickly adds.

Jenya nods in acceptance. "Good. It is as I hoped. St. Cuthbert has provided a way. Ruphus has done a preliminary investigation of the orphanage. None of the other children or the residential staff were disturbed from their sleep while the kidnappings took place. The orphanage has barred windows and excellent locks protecting its premises. The children are locked into their rooms at night to prevent any mischief."

Here Jenya pauses. She seems to be gauging the effect her words have on you. She especially looks at Rylic before continuing: "I didn't know what to do, you understand - I'm not sure that the Reverend Father would approve, but I did what I thought best under the circumstances... I unsealed the most holy artifact of St. Cuthbert we have access to - the Star of Justice, and asked the holy weapon 'Where are the children who were abducted from the Lantern Street Orphanage?' And I received... an answer."

In a sort of chant, Jenya speaks the words that she divined from the artifact:

The locks are the keys to finding them.
Look beyond the curtain, below the cauldron,
But beware the doors with teeth.
Descend into the malachite 'hold
Where precious life is bought with gold.
Half a dwarf binds them, but not for long.

"There are meanings beyond meanings, to be sure; but St. Cuthbert's hand will guide you as you go. Perhaps you should start tomorrow morning. I pledge to you a reward of 2500 gold pieces for the children's recovery."

An acolyte appears in the doorway, and Jenya motions her foward. She hands each of you a bottle stamped with the symbol of the church.

"Thank you for your willingness to serve. The church can provide you with scrolls, potions, and healing at a discount from our normal prices. You may enquire with any acolyte for these services. May St. Cuthbert and his holy cudgel watch over you in your mission." She turns from you and leaves the room.

The potions are potions of cure moderate wounds. You may mark them as such on your character sheets. I would appreciate you keeping your sheets updated in the Rogue's gallery with equipment. You may move forward as you see fit. If you are going to ask about other services from the church, feel free to do so in this thread in OOC color. In character planning and discussion are encouraged.

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred will ask about the possibility of returning to the church if healing is needed.

When he is alone with the rest of the party, Tancred groans and says, "I hate riddles. The gods--or their priests, I'm not sure which--are entirely too fond of them. Still, it's what we have. Shall we start with a visit to the orphanage? I would like to explore the scene of the kidnappings and get a close look at the locks that were to protect these children.

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
"I agree with you on both points...riddles are a pain and we should go to the orphanage," Adaliz dryly replies.

Rylic AC 17 HP 10 AP 5
Once Jenya has left Rylic says "The riddle is surely a test to measure our mettle and to keep those unworthy of glory from seeking it."

"Visiting the orphanage does seem like the proper course of action. Perhaps our master rogue will be able to uncover some clues about the locks that we will find there. The priestess also mentioned that others had been kidnapped. We should look into those disappearances as well to see is they have any commonalities."

Rylic suggests resting until daylight before visiting the temple. He will take that time to pray and refocus his divine powers.

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
"I like riddles," Gilthanus mutters to himself. Githanus then begins going over the riddle out loud.

Originally Posted by Smart
The locks are the keys to finding them.

"I wonder if it means clues on the locks of the doors at the orphanage? Probably not though that seams too easy"

Originally Posted by Smart
Look beyond the curtain, below the cauldron,

"Obviously below the city. The curtain could be a waterfall."

Originally Posted by Smart
But beware the doors with teeth.

"A cave, possibly?"

Originally Posted by Smart
Descend into the malachite 'hold

"More about being under ground, I guess."

Originally Posted by Smart
Where precious life is bought with gold.

"Slavery," Gilthanus says with almost a snarl.

Originally Posted by Smart
Half a dwarf binds them, but not for long.

"That's just kind of icky, unless it mean a half-dwarf."

Gilthanus realizes the others have been talking and adds, "Yes, first thing in the morning we should check the orphanage."

Unless there is more discussion with the group, Gilthanus will retire and study his art when he awakens.

Rylic is offered accomodations in the temple, but the rest of the party find rooms at The Drowning Morkoth Inn. The inn's rooms are spare, but luxurious compared to the bedrolls. The simple pallet at the temple is a comfort.

The next morning, Rylic treks early to the inn to breakfast with his companions. They soon move through the city - to the corner of Lantern Street and Lava Avenue, where sits the orphanage, its charcoal-covered stones held together with mold-encrusted mortar. The windows on both stories are tightly shuttered, but a few slivers of light manage to escape from within. Lanterns hang on either side of the oaken front door, to which is mounted a green copper knocker shaped like a smiling gargoyle's visage, its nostrils pierced by a copper ring.

At your knock, the front door opens a crack. The withered features of an elderly halfling woman are visible through the crack. "Who sent you?" she asks curtly. After your initial response, she leads you into a main hall. "I am Gretchyn Tashykk, headmistress. How may I help?"

Rylic AC 17 HP 10 AP 5
After everyone has introduced themselves Rylic explains why they are here, "Madam, we are helping the Church of St. Cuthbert look for the missing orphans. We spoke briefly with Ruphus Laro about this investigation and also with Jenya. We would like to ask you a few questions and perhaps have your leave to look around the orphange for clues."

"What can you tell us about the night the children disappeared? Did anyone hear anything or find anything unusual? Was anything missing from the children's possessions? Were the missing children prone to mischief? What do you know about the other missing townfolks?"

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred adds, "In particular, I would like to inspect the rooms where the children slept, and the locks on their doors."

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Gilthanus smiles at the tiny woman and tries to smile and look non-threatening.

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Adaliz listens closely to the woman's response to the questions put before her.

Gretchyn nods and proceeds to answer each of your questions in turn. "As far as I know, none of my staff or any of the children heard anything the night of the abductions. You may ask any of them, however. The orphanage currently houses 19 girls and 31 boys.

I have five members on my staff - all of them live in the staff quarters here, and all are on duty today. Jaromir Copperbeard is working in the garden, Neva Fanister, our nurse, is helping Temar Flagonstern cook up lunch, and Willow Atherfell is teaching some of the boys in the schoolroom. I believe Patch is cleaning the playroom.

Nothing was missing except the children, from what I can tell.

Some of the children were temperamental, but I wouldn't say they were prone to mischief.

Feel free to take a look around - the children's sleeping rooms are upstairs. Keygan Ghelve, our local locksmith, fashioned the locks for me many years ago. Good, solid locks, I can tell you! He charged a pretty coin, too!

Just so you know, you aren't the only ones investigating the disappearance. The town guard came by after it was reported, the day after. They spoke to the staff and the children. Later the Lord Mayor sent two half-elves to ask more questions of me. I took their names before leaving - Fario Ellegoth and Fellian Shard. Seemed like good fellows, really cared about the children.

If there's anything more I can help you with, I'll be in the staff quarters until lunch. Best of luck to you."

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Once the headmistress has left Gilthanus turns to his companions and says, "We should go upstairs and look and the missing children's rooms, and see if the 'locks are the keys to finding them', or if it means something else. We should check the rooms for any other clues as well."

Gilthanus will wait for his companions to go with him, or will stay if there is further discussion. I have posted rolls below if needed.

Listen=16, Search=14, Spot=24(rolled natural 20+4)

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred will head up to the rooms with Gilthanus, with the purpose of carefully examining the locks. He also notes the names of the two half-elves, and plans to question them in the future if possible.

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Adaliz replies to Gilthanus, "When we have finished investigating the orphanage, I would very much like to pay a visit to Keygan Ghelve." She follows her companions upstairs.

Rylic AC 17 HP 10 AP 5
Rylic nods his agreement to the suggestions and follows the party upstairs looking for clues along the way.

Spot 1d20+2=3, Search 1d20=9

A group of children run down the stairs laughing and yelling as you move up toward the children's sleeping rooms. Each of you closely examines the locks. You are amazed at the complexity of their manufacture - Keygan Ghelve must be an amazing locksmith indeed. Tancred believes that even his well trained hands would probably be unable to open them without the original key at this point.

How then could the abductions have occured? Perhaps an investigation of other personnel, or questioning some of the children might provide more clues.

Sorry everybody for the lack of updates lately. I'll get back on the bandwagon here - work has really been a bear lately. Grading day on Friday, and then my schedule should relax for awhile. Game on!

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
"If the locks were not picked then the kidnappers either got in a different way, or used magic, or both," Gilthanus says to the party. "Maybe the doors were not locked, or were unlocked from inside!" "I hate to think it, but it is always possible that the kidnappers had a key. We should see if any of the keys are, or were missing recently."

Gilthanus will look at the inside of the door. Can the door be unlocked from inside without a key?

Gilthanus will examine the windows for any signs of forced entry, and to see if there are bars on the outside of the windows.

Spot 24 (20+4); Search 24 (19+6) if needed.

Rylic AC 17 HP 10 AP 5
"Yes, it seems likely that the kidnappers used magic, had keys, or had help from someone inside the orphanage. An inside job seems unlikely as there have been other kidnappings throughout the town, unless there is a mass conspiracy taking place."

"I suggest we search the rooms where the children were taken from, interviewing the rest of the staff, talking with the locksmith, looking into the rest of the kidnappings for similarities, and talking with the Lord Mayor's investigators to compare notes."

Rylic will search the boys dormitory Search (1d20+2=21) for any clues. He will also cast Detect Magic in the room to sense any latent magic affects or charms still in place.

If no clues are discovered Rylic will leave to question the orphange staff. He will begin with whomever is closest.

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
Adaliz nods in agreement and looks around the room with her companions.

1d20+4->[17,4] = (21)spot
1d20+4->[4,4] = (8)search

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred will search the rooms and investigate the locks as well.

Search: 23 - Spot: 14

Accidentally rolled twice, so I took the first set of rolls.

The party examines the children's dormitories and the locks on their doors. The rooms are vacant of children, as some are out playing and others are being taught by the teacher the orphanage has on staff.

The locks are well built, and can only be locked and opened from the outside. The keyholes and mechanisms are cunningly made, such that even a thief with lockpicking tools would have a long time working at them before they could be opened, if at all. The heavy iron locks are clean and well polished. There is no sign of lockpicking or an attempted entry by force.

The closest rooms to the dormitory are the schoolroom and the playroom, but all the staff are available for questioning. The headmistress said that students were being taught in the schoolroom by Willow Atherfell and the playroom was being cleaned by Patch, the janitor. Neva the nurse and Temar the cook are cooking up lunch downstairs in the kitchen, and Jaromir the gardener is working in the garden. The group may also find a child or two available for questioning. The party must decide on their next move.

Tancred, AC 14, HP 6 , AP 5
Tancred suggests visiting the lockmaker, given the first line of Jenya's chant. And the group should investigate anybody who has a key.

"Of course, it is a riddle. Maybe the "locks" mentioned refer to hair...?"

Adaliz, AC 18 HP 11 AP 5
After this intriguing new idea Adaliz inspects one of the children's pillowcases for evidence.

Search (1d20+4=5)

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Gilthanus nods his head in agreement with Tancred and says, "Let's go talk to the cook and nurse. We can talk to them at the same time and move along more quickly."

Unless anyone has any other suggestions Gilthanus will head for the kitchen.

Rylic AC 17 HP 10 AP 5
Rylic nods in agreement and follows Gilthanus towards the kitchen.


First Post
The comforting smell of lamb stew reaches your noses as you head downstairs toward the kitchen. A human male of below average height is taking a fresh loaf of bread out of one of the clay ovens that stand on the floor in the middle of the room. A human woman is chopping parsnips at a nearby counter, while several large pots of stew simmer over cooking fires built into the sides of the room.

The woman glances up from her work. Her dark brown hair is tied back into a ponytail, and her blue eyes appraise you as you step through the doorway. She nods in greeting. "Temar - apparently we have visitors, the ones Gretchyn told us about, no doubt. Well, sirs and lady, we have nothing to hide. Ask what questions you will. I am Neva, the school nurse, and that is Temar, our cook."

When you ask about the locks of the orphanage, the cook replies: "Only Gretchyn has a key to the door locks. The front and back doors are the only ways in or out - and they are both locked with the same sturdy locks you saw on the children's dormitories."

When asked about other personnel (in general), Neva replies: "We have all worked here several years, and some even longer, such as Patch the janitor, who was brought up in the orphanage. We've never had any problems such as this before. There seems no rhyme or reason to it."

If any of the party have more specific questions for the pair, now is the time to ask. Otherwise you should decide on your next course of action, or put forth a question and your vote for your next move. Also, you don't need to post your stats at the top of your post unless we're in combat guys.

Gilthanus smiles warmly at the orphanage employees and says, "Do either of you remember anything odd happening before or after the dissapearances? Even if it was a few days before or after the event."

Temar and Neva look at each other after Gilthanus's question. Temar nods at Neva, who continues speaking: "I'm guessing that Gretchyn told you about the town guard, then the elves that worked for the lord mayor who questioned us. Nothing else after that happened out of the ordinary - one of our lads, Lem, has been having nightmares, but that tends to occur around his age."

"Nightmares," Gilthanus says thoughtfully.

This could be a clue. The child may have seen or felt something. It may even be how the kidnappers lured the children away from the orphanage without waking anyone.

"What happens in these nightmares?"

"Lem says that an evil gnome with crooked teeth and a tattered cloak tries to snatch his breath," says Neva, "but all is well when he awakes."

"Well," Gilthanus says, smiling warmly, and remembering his own childhood, "we'll keep our eyes open for breath stealing gnomes."

It might be more efficient to talk to the two half-elves and the constables, but I still want to hear everything for myself. I hate to disturb a class, but the teacher we should talk to the teacher next, and then get the janitor on our way out. I'm very interested in talking with this locksmith.

Gilthanus turns to his companions and says, "I think it may be best to move along in our search. Let's go speak to the teacher next." He turns to Neva and Temar and says, "Thank you for taking the time to speak to us."

Gilthanus will look for the teacher, Willow Atherfell, unless his companions have any objections, or questions.

Tancred has no objections, and will go with Gilthanus to speak with (and observe) the teacher.

Rylic accompanies the group as they leave to find the teacher.

The four adventurers move from the kitchen down a hallway and into a large classroom with brightly painted walls. A large class of boys and girls of various ages and races sit behind small desks. A small tan-skinned woman in a dress dyed in several different colors is writing simple arithmetic problems on a chalkboard. Many of the students are writing on small slates, copying the problem from the board.

The teacher soon notices your presence, as does the rest of the class. They turn toward you as a group. Some of the girls in the class giggle. The teacher tucks her long blond hair behind slightly pointed ears; the mark of a half elf. She calls out to her class: "Children, continue working on your math exercises, please. I will step out into the hallway with the representatives of St. Cuthbert for a moment."

You step into the hallway with Willow Atherfell. She closes the classroom door behind her, then looks at your group, quirking a slanted eyebrow, and waits for you to address her.

"Good day, we are investigating the recent kidnappings. We wonder if you had heard or seen anything unusual anytime before or after the disappearances."

Do you teach all of the children in the orphanage? Were the four missing children your pupils? how would you describe their behavior? Were they mischevious or well behaved? Were the four children close friends or did they not associate with each other?"

"Can you think of anyway that the children might have left the orphange unnoticed?"

Rylic will also use his keen intuition to Sense Motive as the teacher responds. 1d20+4=7

Gilthanus smiles encouragingly and allows Rylic to question this orphanage employee. He will listen carefully to Ms. Atherfell's responses.

Sense Motive: 3

Willow Atherfell nods as Rylic finishes asking his questions. "You are asking many of the same questions we have all been asked before - but I will repeat what I know. Nothing untoward has happened of late in the orphanage. I teach all the orphans here, in various classes throughout the day, from mixed aged classes, as you see here, to younger and older age groups. The four children who disappeared were of varying ages and temperaments. I think most of them were friends, though most of the orphans here are. I do not supervise the playroom or any other aspect of the facility other than the classroom.

As for the children themselves: the eldest was Deakon Stormshield, a dwarven boy of 12; he was one of my brightest students. I understand his parents were adventurers who failed to return to their home here, and Deakon entered the orphanage at age 6.

Evelyn Radavec a human girl, age 9; her parents died in a Filth Fever outbreak here in Cauldron about seven years ago. She is a quiet, sullen girl.

Terrem Kharatys is a human boy age 9; he is dour and temperamental, and often will not participate in classes. His parents died shortly after his birth and he has grown up here. I do not know the circumstances of his parents' death.

Lucinda Aldreen is an 8-year-old human girl; she is outgoing, but sometimes superstitious. She was brought to the orphanage at age four by her poverty-stricken mother.

I cannot think of any natural means whereby the children could have been spirited away so quietly and secretly, but then I am not a specialist in these sorts of things, only a school teacher. Have you any more questions?"

Those sensing motive believe Ms. Atherfell is sincere in her answers. You may ask more questions, or continue the investigation by giving me some direction to that effect. The game is about to pick up, so please be attentive and responsive.

Rylic thanks the teacher for her time, and suggests the party question Patches before departing for the locksmith's shoppe.

If the party is in agreement Rylic will move to question Patches.

Adaliz agrees.

Gilthanus is ready to accompany his companions to speak with Patches.

Tancred agrees as well, and will accompany the others to see Patches.

By the time your party finds the playroom, the chime of bells throughout the orphanage has signaled lunch. Children pass you by, heading for the dining hall, some of them looking at you and whispering to themselves as they pass.

In the playroom there are two figures standing and talking to each other in low tones. One is a male adult dwarf wearing dirty overalls, and the other is a grinning half-orc with a patch over his right eye and large canines jutting up from his lower jaw. The two quickly end their conversation and turn as you enter the room.

"Jaromir Copperbeard, head gardener of this here orphanage at your service," says the dwarf in a gruff voice, his grey beard wagging.

"Patch," says the half orc as his good eye appraises you. He grabs a broom that was leaning against the playroom wall and begins to absently sweep the floor - but his eye watches your every step.

Rylic greets the men and says, "We are assisting the Church of St. Cuthbert in their investigation of the the missing children. So far none of the other faculty have had any clues as to how the children were able to be taken from the orphanage without anyone noticing. Do either of you know of anyway the children could have accomplished their disappearance? Have either of you noticed anything odd or unusual before or after the kidnappings?"

Rylic will pay attention to the men as he asks his questions and waits for their answers. Sense Motive for Patch 1d20+4=14, for Jaromir 1d20+4=8

Gilthanus will listen carefully to Jaromir and Patch's answers to Rylic's questions.

Sense Motive Jaromir;Patch (1d20+1=8, 1d20+1=17)

After a moment of silence, Jaromir clears his throat. He strokes his beard in silent thought. "Nothing that I can think of, sirs - and, excuse me, lady... I must be back to my work in the garden now. Good day." With that, Jaromir begins to move past your party and will leave unless otherwise questioned or occupied.

Gilthanus notices a flash of anxiety across Patch's face, if only for a moment, before he says "Yea.. I dunno nothin' eeder. Can't help ya."

No one is quite sure what to think of Jaromir - it's up to you whether you let him out the door or not... but Gilthanus is sure Patch isn't telling everything. Intimidate or diplomacy could be your friends here (hint hint).

Gilthanus, AC: 13, HP: 4 , AP: 5
Gilthanus will block the half-orc's way, and although the smile drops from his face he manages to a keep a polite, although forced, tone and says directly into Patches good eye, "Are you gentlement sure that there is nothing you can think of? After all we are trying to find missing children, orphans none the less, any assistance you can give us, or anything you can think of that might have been out of the ordinary, no matter how small or trivial may help."

Diplomacy vs. Patches (1d20+1=8)

The half-orc seems unfazed; his good eye focuses on Gilthanus's face. "I dun wanna talk. Leastways not to youse. An' you bes' get outta me face, elfie. I got no problems wit you. Leas' not yet." He shows his prominent canines, then cracks his knuckles.

Gilthanus is a bit cowed. Patch glances around the room at the rest of the party, as if waiting a further challenge.

Tancred looks the half-orc in the eye and says, "I don't think you understand the situation: We don't respond well to threats, and we won't let anything stand in our way of helping these children. Now tell us what you know before things get ugly..."

Tancred attempts to intimidate, rolling a 21.

Rylic joins his companions and says, "Listen, it is important that you tell us what you know. The lives of the children could be at stake."

Diplomacy (1d20+4=21)

Patch pales at Tancred's speech, then quickly nods at Rylic's suggestion - still watching Tancred carefully. "Fine den. I knows sumpin'. But I 'fraid of bein' trown outta here - is been my home since I's young. I don' tink is wort' bein' trown out. I'm not a bad'un - jus lookin' to make a bit more coin...

I got a lil' halflin' friend name's Revus Twindaggers. He's in The Last Laugh - is a guild of thieves. I been paid to watch young Terrem. Jus' watch. I ask Revus why an' he say sumpin' 'bout Terrem's dead parents. I learn 'bout thieve's trade an' make some easy coin.

Then children disappear - can't find Revus. Don't know where the guild be - so can't help em'. Please.. don' tell the headmistress bout me... please.. I din't do no wrongs here..."

Patch's speech seems sincere. Where to heroes?

Rylic listens to the half-orc as he confesses. "I see no reason to mention this to the headmistress. But if you see Revus again get word to the Church of St. Cuthbert. I am interested in talking with him."

Rylic turns to his companions and says, "Should we go see the locksmith? Maybe he has some ideas about the disapperances."

Still frowning at the half-orc Gilthanus responds, "Yes, I think I am ready to see this locksmith."

Tancred agrees that we should pay the locksmith a visit...

Adaliz is also eager to speak with the locksmith.

The group of investigators moves through the streets of Cauldron and up Lava Avenue. A sign swings in the breeze, hanging above a heavy oak door set in the wall of a black stone building. A small turret dominates the facade of this two-story black stone building. A small turret dominates its facade and heavy iron bars guard the windows. Beyond the turret's ground floor windows sits a display of locks, from the simple to the complex, from large to small.

The adventurers enter the shop. It smells of wood and pipe smoke. An engraved mahogany counter stretches along the east wall. Behind it hangs a large red curtain. A burgundy strip of carpet leads from the the entrance to the northern wall across from it where there are hundreds of keys in all shapes and sizes hanging from tiny hooks. On the west wall sits two padded chairs flanking a hearth. The mantel over the fireplace bears a tinderbox, vase of dried smoking leaves, and a finely wrought collection of pipes.

A seemingly over-tall gnome stands behind the counter appraising you; his height is approximately that of an average human. He nods at you as he leans on the counter. "Welcome to Ghelve's. I'm Keygan. Can I help you?"

OK, we're back. New baby is doing fine, and I'm ready to get back on the gaming wagon. Looking forward to the progression of this game. I'll try to get back to post/day or post/2days at the latest. Please post asap and we'll get back on the ball.


First Post
OK.. for everybody involved in this PbP, if you have only registered with Enworld since December '05, you'll have to reregister to the board. I've reposted all of our PbP replies that I could find from google, so I think we've only lost about 5 or so.. to recap:

Keygan made strange gestures and such when talking to you, making you feel that he was possibly under duress - only Rylic managed to sense his true meaning.. and everyone rolled initiative and jumped past the curtain behind Keygan's shop counter.

When everyone is back, please repost your initiative numbers and we'll move from there. You should find them still under your character names as your last roll on invisible castle. Looking forward to continuing. On to adventure!


First Post
The adventurers shove through the curtain behind Keygan's counter, expecting trouble.

What they find is another room, the far side of which has black curtains covering a window niche facing the street. Ornate locks and mechanisms are displayed there.

Scanning the room for danger, they note a wooden staircase leading up to a second floor balcony set within the room. Other things of interest are the carpeted floor, tables, shelves, and benches holding various knick-knacks, and a framed portrait of a silver-haired gnome hanging on the wall. A tall wooden box sits at the base of the stairs. It contains gears, counterweights, and chimes, and is surmounted by a circular face that bears the numbers 1 through 12 on its circumference.

A sound from the balcony overlooking the room catches some party members' attention - a dark shadow sails overhead from the balcony to the ground, and a rapier thrusts out from the shadowy form, narrowly missing Gilthanus. Its surprise attack over, the creature's grey skin and pupilless blue eyes meet briefly with Rylic's as it again slashes with its sword and misses.

Give your actions, and they will be considered in initiative order. The creature got two actions because the first was its surprise attack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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