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Sniktch's Story Hour - City of the Spider Queen (Updated 04/25)

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The Assault on Szith Morcane, pt. 3

OK, now the big battle starts. It gets pretty confusing to me - a lot was going on and it all happens in a short space of time. I'd say all of the events in this update cover about 1 minute of game time...


Gnish was the first companion to drop through the opening, eager to shed the blood of his enemies. Before him the ogre was engaged with a strange skinless and bleeding dark elf that he recognized as one of the undead quth-maren, exchanging blow for blow. The quth-maren was also surrounded by a group of Artimas’ undead that hacked at it mechanically with their scythes. The rest of the undead had poured around the combat and marched across the chamber, where Gnish could see four dark elves taking cover and pouring arrows into them. He raised his crossbows and sent a volley in their direction as he heard more of his companions enter the chamber behind him.

Artimas and Tierak were the next to enter, the Loathegrot floating down behind them. Tierak motioned and her dancing lights sped across the cavern, illuminating the drow that lurked there to her companions. In response, one of the drow raised his arms and fired a blast of lightning that tore through the combat before them and crackled around the heroes. However, Artimas had warned his companions about the dark elves’ proclivity for lightning use and they had all been enchanted with protective spells before hand. Six of the skeletons battling the quth-maren fell, but the companions suffered nary a scorch mark.

“Charge!” shouted Artimas unnecessarily and started making his way past the melee in front of him. He cast a spell as he moved forward, firing a ray of blasphemous power that drained the vitality from one of the archers and further strengthened him. Tierak responded to the lightning bolt by focusing her will upon the dark elf wizard, paralyzing his muscles and leaving him helpless. Artimas noticed this and unleashed his last weapon. “Mask, your time has come. Slay any drow you see who do not bear Arawn’s mark.” A whispering mirthless laugh was the only response.

The drow continued to fire and fall back before the marching undead. One of them trained its attacks on the massive ogre, the biggest target it could see, and the beast was slain and faded from view with an unearthly roar.

Back at the entrance to the chamber, Welby silently dropped into the room and began creeping unseen along the wall of the cavern, while Bruskin cloaked himself within a spell of invisibility and followed. The sorcerer quickly took in the scene and then flew forward, throwing a greenish bead toward the drow across the room. The bead struck the ground just behind them and exploded into a ball of powerful acid. Unfortunately most of the drow resisted the attack but one was badly burned and fell back, disappearing from view over the side of the canyon. Bruskin snorted in irritation and pulled forth a coin, enchanting it to shed the light of the sun before flipping it toward the enemy. The drow screamed in pain as the light seared their sensitive eyes, and one of them quickly activated its innate powers of darkness to counter the spell. Bruskin smiled and flew forward toward the chasm.

Freed from its ogre attacker the quth-maren made short work of the two remaining skeletons that battled it, smashing them down with powerful blows of its fists. Seeing this, Gnish dropped his crossbows and drew a pair of kukri from his belt, charging forward to engage the undead. With a word one of his weapons began to emit a keening wail, and when he slashed into the beast his magical blade ripped through its undead flesh like rotten fruit. He accepted a glancing blow to his shoulder and went through a simple attack routine, dropping it. The gnome did not pause to savor his quick kill but started to sprint across the chamber toward the remaining foes.

The two remaining drow that still had control of their limbs fired one last volley at the approaching undead and prepared to withdraw. Unfortunately for them, they had lost time countering Bruskin’s daylight spell and the five remaining skeletons overtook them and surrounded them, forcing the drow to draw swords and defend themselves. Artimas crowed in triumph as behind them a ghostly apparition manifested and stabbed the helpless wizard through the throat, slaying him instantly. The Mask cackled and moved in behind the pair of embattled drow.

Seeing that things were currently well under control, Higreld consumed a potion and faded from view. A moment later Artimas, Tierak, and Gnish felt a telepathic intrusion in their minds. The voice spoke to them, accompanied by disturbing images of unimaginable titans gliding across the floors of silent seas. “Communicate this way we can at the speed of thought. Artimas, one more ally you said we have. Perhaps go get her should Higreld?”

“Yes, it seems a good time.” Artimas concentrated on visualizing the crack where he’d spoken with the psychotic half-drow and transmitted the image to his odd companion. The goblin responded that he understood and glided silently toward the rift.

Bruskin reached the edge before him and peered over the side. The sorcerer gulped with sudden apprehension as he beheld a large group of drow racing to join the battle. He turned his head to the side and felt a small twinge of panic as he saw that a massive, gargantuan spider crawled up the side of the chasm to join the fray. “We have more coming!” he shouted, then flung another bead at a pair of flying dark elves. It exploded between them and he heard their howls of pain and rage as the acid bath covered them, but he did not pause to watch the results. Instead he flew to the great stony column in the center of the chamber and touched a wand to it, once more filling the room with bright daylight.

Artimas and Tierak calmly followed Gnish toward the combat between the pair of drow and the remaining undead. The four zombies and the Mask had joined the melee, and by the time any of the party members had reached the fight the drow had been torn to pieces.

Suddenly the light of Bruskin’s spell was snuffed, and at the same time the air was filled with whistling crossbow bolts and crackling bolts of electricity. Bruskin was struck by no less than three bolts and was sent spinning through the air. Luckily his protective spells absorbed most of the damage, but the amulet around his neck was pulsing with energy and he knew it would soon crumble. He turned to see the flying wizards hovering above the edge of the cliff, and he knew that the spider would only be moments behind them.

Across the chamber, Artimas felt several small bolts pierce his flesh and the burning itch of poison racing through his veins. He spun around and saw that at least a dozen drow, a pair of quth-maren, and a female drider encased in an aura of fire had entered the chamber behind them. “It’s a trap!” he yelled. “They were waiting in the tunnels behind us, we’re surrounded…”

The mage slumped to the ground as he spoke the words, and by the end of his warning he was fast asleep. The rest of the companions found themselves surrounded by grinning dark elves as the jaws of the trap slammed shut.

Next: the battle continues...


Well done Sniktch!

I guess Welby gets to save the day again...or live to fight another day.

One thing I was impressed about in the text of CotSQ was the outlined responses by the drow. I see that you used the suggestions to the fullest!


First Post
The Assault on Szith Morcane, pt. 4

Yeah, that really impressed me too, Broccli-Head. I have made full use of the responses so far and then some, and will continue to do so in the future.

We're almost caught up after this post, not much more to go. I hope everyone can follow it alright - it was the most confusing battle I've ever been a part of but I think I basically got everything straight - I just have to jump around a lot. Probably captures the feel of the evening perfectly then. :D

Unfortunately, Welby is probably in the worst shape right now, but hopefully the little guy will pull through...


The companions’ reaction was swift. Tierak whirled about and stretched her hand toward one of the flying wizards and deep within his ribcage his heart ceased beating. The mage dropped from the air without a sound. Higreld had not left the area and paused to summon another ogre in front of the rear group of attackers, then continued flying toward the crevice Artimas had envisioned. Bruskin attempted to renew his daylight spell on the column but felt a stabbing pain that broke his concentration. The amulet around his neck throbbed one last time and then crumbled into dust, and the fey’ri turned to find a dark elf attacking him with a length of whirling, spiked chain.

At Tierak’s command the remaining undead turned and charged across the floor toward the attackers at her rear, while the Mask faded from view and began to study the drider intently. Gnish charged in to engage the drow attacking Bruskin as the sorcerer flew back and out of reach. Unfortunately the gnome rushed his attacks and they failed to strike. The dark elf was more careful and cut a long gash across the svirfneblin’s forearm.

A huge form appeared over the side of the canyon as the massive spider scuttled into view. A howling battlecry was heard above the din of combat as Welby, forgotten in the chaos, drew his sword and attacked the mammoth spider in a fit of rage. The spider hissed in outrage and snapped its powerful jaws at its unseen opponent, but the halfling had already dodged out of the way.

Unfortunately for Welby, a large group of dark elves had followed the spider into the fray, and he, Bruskin, and Gnish suddenly found himself outlined in flickering green flames. Bruskin ignored this latest group, and even ignored the flying wizard despite being struck by another bolt of electricity, throwing an acid bath at the rear contingent of dark elves. Several drow resisted the attack, but nine of the archers succumbed to the magical assault and were dissolved into puddles of goo on the cavern floor.

Unbeknownst to him, his attack had also injured Ssuz-tam MarSinn, a powerful and invisible dark elf wizard among the attackers. In retaliation, Ssuz-tam released some of his most powerful magics. First Bruskin felt an icy hand grip his throat and a portion of his life energy siphoned away. A moment later a hideous apparition, the product of his deepest fears, appeared before him and laid a single caressing finger upon his cheek. Shuddering in terror, the sorcerer recognized the illusion at the last moment and it faded from view. He threw another acid bath but only succeeded in slaying the last archer, then hastily quaffed a healing potion and flew out over the chasm and out of the view of the rear attackers.

Meanwhile the undead horde and the summoned ogre had crashed into the advancing quth-maren and a brutal fight had erupted. Three of the skeletons and a zombie had been destroyed in the fight thus far, but one of the undead drow had gone down under the ogre’s powerful blows and the weight of numbers. Tierak had also focused her considerable magic upon the drider and second wizard who stood in the area, but had been unable to effect them with anything. In response she had been struck by a storm of howling ice and a raging column of fire, and she fell back to recover and heal her wounds.

The drider pulled a dagger that dripped caustic fluid and plunged into melee with the ogre, trusting her magical defenses to deflect the beast’s blows. She slashed into it and cut the tendons in its left arm, but the ogre was not of the natural realm and its return blow struck the drider unerringly and broke several ribs. Gasping, she stabbed at it again and again and the beast finally howled and faded from sight. At the same time Ssuz-Tam cast a spell that froze the three remaining zombies in place and the quth-maren finished destroying its skeletal attackers. Unimpeded now, the drow began to advance to finish the rest of their foes.

The battle still raged fiercely across the cavern. Gnish danced with his opponent in a deadly ballet, the gnome growing increasingly frustrated. While his opponent seemed unable to miss and his body was scored with painful gouges, he had only landed two blows in return and began to worry about the outcome of the battle. Out of the corner of his eye he could see three drow with rapiers closing in on him, and he grimaced and fought on harder.

Tierak, her wounds healed, took stock of the dark elves approaching the battle from the canyon. Four archers had stopped at the edge and were pouring arrows into the room – the svirfneblin, fey’ri, and halfling all sported at least a couple of arrows sticking from their bodies. Three warriors with rapiers and bucklers were racing to aid the chain master that battled Gnish, while three carrying wickedly spiked glaives were approaching the frenzied halfling from behind. Behind them was a white haired female with a double sword that she recognized as an officer. She looked back across the cavern and saw the drider and wizard advancing across the room, and she knew that another wizard hovered nearby unseen. She sighed and focused her power where she thought it would do the most good, calling out for Arawn to aid her, and the dark elf officer froze in her tracks, held in place by the power of the god.

Welby cursed as the faerie fire surrounded him again and summoned his shadow to his aid. It flew up out of the floor behind the spider and tore into the beast with its icy claws, distracting it long enough for the halfling to land a few more blows on its gigantic head. A venomous hiss escaped the monstrosity and it tore into the halfling’s shoulder. Welby felt his limbs start to go leaden but battled bravely on, inflicting yet more punishment on the creature. He felt the pain as another bite ripped into his flesh and his vision began to go dim. The barbarian focused all his will upon slaying the creature and threw himself back into combat.

Meanwhile, Higreld spotted the crack and floated into it, finding the small chamber that Artimas had pictured in his thoughts. He called into the chamber, “Artimas greetings sends. Rages now does the battle.” Hoping that would be enough he floated back out of the crevice. In the distance he could still see one of the flying wizards, throwing bolt after bolt of electricity into the fight. Higreld frowned, “Enough from you,” and focused his will on the wizard while chanting one of his most lethal spells. A moment later the wizard suddenly dropped from the air and fell toward the river below, his heart stopped.

The four archers noticed the floating goblin suddenly materialize and trained their bows upon him. Four arrows sunk into the twisted wizard and a low moan escaped his lips. He quickly downed two potions – the first greatly speeding his movements and the second healing some of the damage inflicted by the arrows. The drow launched another volley but the now hasted goblin managed to dodge all but one.

“Ah, such delicious, excruciating pleasure,” sighed Higreld. “The favor I will return to you.” He focused his attention on the rock below his enemies’ feet and a multitude of writhing black tentacles rose out of the ground and began grasping at the archers. Three of them were grasped firmly in the crushing grip of several tentacles, but the last archer escaped and began to retreat down the webway.

At that moment the frozen drow officer’s head was suddenly cleaved from its shoulders and the twitching body collapsed, spraying blood into the air. A dark, shadowy form moved from the corpse toward the embattled gnome and cut into the chain wielder with a gleaming scimitar, lopping off his arm and sending him sinking to the floor. “Blood for the Spider Queen!” came Larala Dumian’s triumphant cry as she made her presence felt.

Tierak and Bruskin had once more focused their attentions on the ambush party approaching from behind. Tierak prayed to Arawn to disrupt the protective spells of her opponents and a burst of anti-magic stripped the drider’s fiery shield and caused the invisible wizard to come into view. Bruskin smiled when he saw the mage appear and tried to blast him with a stream of acid, but Ssuz-tam easily resisted the spell.

The drider uttered a foul oath and began weaving a spell when suddenly a ghostly form materialized behind her and skewered her abdomen with a razor sharp blade. She whirled about and struck the Mask with her dagger, but the ethereal killer laughed and skewered her again, then sank into the floor and out of sight.

Ssuz-tam also cursed as Tierak’s spells stripped his defenses and left him vulnerable and visible. He also began to wave his arms and chant furiously. ‘Time to regroup,’ he thought as he completed the spell and teleported away in a puff of brimstone.

Meanwhile, the glaive armed dark elves had ringed Welby in and launched a fierce attack at the beleaguered halfling. Several of their blows struck home and distracted the barbarian from his primary opponent. The monstrous spider took advantage of the lapse and bit into the halfling once more, and Welby felt his muscles give out as he sank to the floor and lost consciousness.

Bruskin and Higreld came to the small warrior’s aid. Higreld opened a rift in space once more and this time two ogres stepped out, one on either side of the halfling, and charged into the dark elves. The elves broke from the sudden attack and fled back to the walkway, but one of the ogres landed a heavy hit and crushed one of their skulls before they could get away. The giants bellowed in anger to see their opponents escaping and gave chase.

At the same time Bruskin stretched forth his hand and four black orbs streaked forth and blasted holes in the spider’s thick carapace. Relief and elation coursed through his mind as this final blow proved enough and the spider dropped to the ground twitching, and he threw four more orbs at the fleeing archer, slaying him. Looking around he saw that the battle was dying down, so he flew to the halfling’s side to discover if his companion still breathed.

The other group of drow was thrown into confusion by Larala’s sudden attack and they also tumbled away and tried to flee, but not before Gnish brought one down with a swipe of his screaming kukri.

On the other side of the room Artimas still lay sleeping as the drider and surviving wizard drew near. His immune system finally managed to throw off the effects of the poison and he woke to find the bloated drider nearly on top of him. Stifling a yawn, he reached forth his hand and channeled the pure power of Arawn into the drider. The unfortunate monster aged several millennia in its next breath and fell to the ground as no more than dust and bones. The wizard turned to flee but Tierak overtook him and grasped him in her arms, employing the same attack her teacher had just used upon the drider. A dry croak escaped the wizard’s throat and then he also fell to the floor in a shower of dirt and bones.

That left the remaining quth-maren as the only survivor of the ambush party. The necromancer laughed and focused his will upon the monster, dominating the undead creature and bringing it under his control. “New toy,” he gloated, “I’ve always wanted one of these.”

Artimas looked about and saw that all the remaining drow had been put to flight, Higreld’s ogres encouraging them to run as fast as possible. His face darkened and anger seized him as he glimpsed the still form of the halfling, and he unleashed one last spell at the fleeing drow. The rearmost warrior’s legs suddenly withered away beneath him and he fell from the web screaming, plunging towards the raging river six hundred feet below.

“After them!” Artimas yelled, and the battle for Szith Morcane continued…

Next: A brief respite and the watchers…


First Post
Great thread, you tell a really nice story. It helps that I'm DM'ing CotSQ myself I suppose, you give me plenty of inspiration :).

IMC, the group cleaned every last bit of the upper level without too much trouble and then went down and took out the guards at the waiting post and the web team to boot (Big Sky (MotW spell) was really nasty on the web team sentries), before having to retreat to heal and rest.

I was so impressed by this that I decided to up the heat a bit and have them ambushed (as suggested in the adventure) by the hunter-killer team. It had been a while since they had any adventure where they had the opportunity to rest, so they went about it rather stupidly and retreated to the cavern where the Lolthites had been hiding (without as much as casting a Pass Without Trace).

I did let them rest up (else it would have been a TPK for sure) and attacked them in an ambush in the bebilith cave. Party was a Psychic Warrior, a Druid, a Paladin (Monte's NG variant, I let him change before the session because he never was much good at being LG) and a Cleric.

Two Phantasmal Killers later the Cleric is dead, the Paladin is dead (NG Paladins don't have aura of courage, doh) and the Psychic Warrior is dominated by Sustzam Mar-Shinn (think that's the name). He's got a nasty DC :) (I won't give away why). I then fumbled a Dispel DC so the Druid could set the Psychic Warrior free (heroic fights with multiple dead are fine by me, TPKs aren't) and after that they got into one of those great hanging-on-by-a-thread fights with some great tactical choices by the Druid (Transmute Rock to Mud to take the improved invis, flying, hasted Sustzam out of it for a while was the best), a massive contribution by the Druid's awakened panther companion and the PsyWar expending all his daily PPs in just a couple of rounds :D.

Anyway, I'm getting a little too enthusiastic, but I'm really enjoying your story... I just wish my players were as good roleplayers (or maybe you just make them sound like they are), though the Druid in my group isn't half bad.


First Post

Now *that's* a battle. Since I ran Szith Morcane I know what you were trying to control, Sniktch, and it must have been quite a job. It would seem your party packed a lot more firepower than mine - of course your guys had a bunch of allies.


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many congratulations Sniktch...this is a great SH! You've done an amazing job on keeping everything together!

And kudos to your players for coming up with such an interesting selection of characters!

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