So what do/did you study in college? Did you bother with college?


BS - Electrical Engineering - ISU 1998
MS - Electrical Engineering - Florida Institute of Technology 2001

How -
Undergrad got paid for by GI Bill and Student Loans
Masters degree mostly got covered by my former employers, I picked up the rest.

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I started out at CMSU in Warrensburg, MO majoring in Graphic Design. Promptly changed my major to Social Sciences with an emphasis on education the next semester. I stuck with it for 3.5 years before I got sick of the department's attitude and went to work for the government managing a GIS lab for the Farm Services Agency in my hometown. From there I went on to take a few classes in Computer Science when the goverment was providing funding. Now that's gone the way of the dodo, I'm waiting on my fiance to finish her grad program in education, so I can start taking classes again.


Brennin Magalus

First Post
Psion said:
No, the place you end up at if you type into your browser. ;)

Ah, yes, that would have been my second guess. I also lived in Southeastern Idaho for about 7 months. Other than the winters, the undue influence of a certain religious sect from a neighboring state, and Idaho idioms/colloquialisms that grated on my California sensibilities, I liked it well enough there.

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