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Solo Game


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
If you're worried about the father's backstory, you can probably mostly ignore it. I was giving backstory just so you know where the character idea comes from. The dwarf paladin would also want to go out of his way to help the people of Gaile. We can do the big scary Paladin, though. I need a cool name for him. Victor Morral? Hm, I don't know.

Anyway, yeah, the setting seems interesting. I think I'd follow a god like Kord, but I'll give more details later.

Until then, here's a thread I started for the duo game.

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First Post
Not that much worried about it, but by experience, playing the same character twice is not necesserly a good thing. I've tried, and sometimes it is the context that make the character pretty unique. You're more likely to meet that context with your old gaming group. And as I said, I think the scary paladin would bring some interesting roleplay for the game, with the idea I got.


First Post
The Protector

Gailien Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Shield with a rising sun
Home Plane: Blessed Fields of Elysium
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Portfolio: Defenders, Helpless, Wounded.
Worshippers: Knights, militia, soldiers.
Cleric Alignments: Any Good.
Domains: Good, Strenght, Protection, Sun.
Favored Weapon: "Sanctuary" (Heavy Shield).

Long time ago, long before Gaile start to unite the peninsula into a kingdom, a man, Lord Crian, had raised in power. He was controlling a small keep in the north western part of the peninsula. He was a warrior and an athlete, being the best in running and wrestling. He liked to organize some contest and joust in which he could prove his worth.

During his time, all the peninsula was split in small kingdom, waging war among themselves. Crian reign was one of peace for his lands, as he always decide to stay neutral in all feud, prefering to see his people suffer from some isolation than from war, and being neutral nation was allowing him to have more people in the contest he was organizing too. The came the first invasion of the Slitheren happened. Bands of Slitheren, commonly named as ratmen among Gailien, had left there mountains to the west and was walking on the peninsula, supported by an army of undead, raised by their witches.

During the first month of the invasion, Crian, like all other lord, had refuse to support the kingdoms who were under attack, remaining fortified in his keep with his population and men, and the Slitheren was ignoring his fief. Many villages was burned down and the corpse of the men and women that was raised by the witches to fight in the war. Their army was growing, and the witches was well protected. The hope to save the peninsula was waning.

Crian was tortured day and night by the reports he was recieving, but he knew that him and his knigths couldn't do anything to stop that invasion alone. One day, Crian was found missing at his keep. It took a month before news from him appears. It was a grim news, but one that was bringing hope. The news was that Crian was dead. He had found a way to the witches' camp and was able to kill all of them before he could have been neutralized by the army. When the news spread in the peninsula, all the kingdom gathered there forces and starts to attack the ratmen. Without there witches, they were unable to control there undeads, and they decide to retreat to there mountain.

The knights of Crian's lands decide to build an Order in his honor, one to protect the kingdom of the peninsula from any outside treat, but to never take side in kingdoms feud.

Crian is generally represented as a knight of his order, carrying the traditional Tower Shield, but no weapon, to represent the ideal of the order to protect all the peninsula and never raise arm against one of his inhabitant. Another, less common representation of Crian is one of a muscular man, wearing only a loincloth, and having many scars on his body, to remember both his prowess as an athlete, and his heroic deads against the Slitheren.
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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Rethinking this character, there seem to be some problems.

First, I think the Intimidate skill would be pretty obvious for him. There's a variant of it in Sword and First (3.0 book) that lets you use Strength instead of Charisma. It'd be neat to use that, but that's not what I'm concerned about either. The Paladin class doesn't get it as a class skill and, looking at the description of Intimidate in the book, you have to be pretty good at the skill to make it useful and failure is pretty bad. So I don't want to take it as a cross-class skill.

I was also thinking of making this character a Pious Templar (Complete Divine). They tend to focus on their deity's favored weapon, and it requires the True Believer feat (also Complete Divine). Information is as follows:

True Believer
Your deity rewards your unquestioning faith and dedication.
Prerequisite: Must choose a single deity to worship. Must be within one step of that god's alignment.
Benefit: Once per day when you are about to make a saving throw you may declare that you are using this feat to gain a +2 insight bonus on that saving throw.
This feat also allows you to use a relic (see relics, page 88) of the deity you worship.

Relics of Kord (for reference):
[sblock]Belt of the Champion: Kord gives one of these gem-studded belts to a favorite gladiator each decade. The wearer gains a +6 bonus on Strength checks and additional +4 bonus on grapple and bull-rush checks. If the wearer of a belt of the champion ever fails a save against a fear effect, the belt ceases functioning for 1 hour.
To use this relic, you must worship Kord and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, creator must worship Kord; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Sword of the Mighty Thews: Kord's high clerics forged these greatswords as homages to Kord's signature weapon, Kelmar. A sword of mighty thews is a +3 dragonbane greatsword that renders its wielder immune to a dragon's frightful presence and confers a +4 luck bonus on Reflex saves against a dragon's breath weapon.
To use this relic, you must worship Kord and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.
Strong abjuration; CL 18th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resistance, creator must worship Kord; Price 45,600 gp; Cost 22,975 gp + 1,810 XP.[/sblock]I don't expect to get any of these, especially right away, but if I follow Kord or a Kord-like god or otherwise focus in this direction, I'd probably try to buy one of these.[/sblock]
Pious Templar
[sblock]Pious Templar
Sworn to the defense of a temple site, the pious templar is a holy warrior blessed by her deity with combat prowess and great endurance. She bears her deity's favored weapon into battle and fights her deity's enemies without question or hesitation. In addition to defending the temple itself, a pious templar m ay be charged with additional duties, including a campaign to attack foes on their own home ground.
(that's most of the color, the rest of description upon request)
Hit die: d10.

Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skill: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.
Feats: True Believer*, Weapon Focus (with her deity's favored weapon).
*New feat described in Chapter 3.

[smallcaps]Class Skills[/smallcaps]
The pious templar's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Swim (Str). See Chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
The Pious Templar
Class     Fort Ref Will                     Spells per Day
Level BAB Save SaveSave Special       1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st   +1   +2  +0  +2   Mettle         0   -   -   -
2nd   +2   +3  +0  +3   Smite 1/day    1   -   -   -
3rd   +3   +3  +1  +3   DR 1/-,        1   0   -   -
                        Weapon Spec
4th   +4   +4  +1  +4   Bonus feat     1   1   -   -
5th   +5   +4  +1  +4   -              1   1   0   -
6th   +6   +5  +2  +5   Smite 2/day    1   1   1   -
7th   +7   +6  +2  +6   DR 2/-         2   1   1   0
8th   +8   +6  +2  +6   Bonus feat     2   1   1   1
9th   +9   +6  +3  +6   -              2   2   1   1
10th  +10  +7  +3  +7   Smite 3/day    2   2   2   1
[smallcaps]Class Features[/smallcaps]
All of the following are class features of the pious templare prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pious templars gain no weapon or armor proficiencies.
Mettle (Su): A pious templar's special blessing allows her to shrug off magical effects that would otherwise harm her. If a pious templar makes a successful Will or Fortitude saving through that would normally reduce the spell's effects, she suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a Saving Throw entry of "Will partial," "Fortitude half," or similar entries can be negated through this ability.
Spells per day: A pious templar has the abilityi to cast a small number of divine spells. To cast a spell, the pious templare must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell's level, so a pious templar with a Wisdom of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. Pious templar bonus spells are based on Wisdom, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + spell level + the pious templar's Wisdom modifier. When the pious templar gets 0 spells of a given level, such as 0 1-st spells at 1st level, she gets only bonus spells. (A pious templar without a bonus spell for that level cannot yet cast a spell of that level.) A pious templar has access to any spell on the list and can freely choose wich to prepare, just like a cleric. A pious templar prepares and casts spells just as a cleric does (though the pious templar cannot spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells).
A good pious templar (or a neutral pious templar of a good deity) uses the paladin spell list. An evil pious templar (or a neutral pious templar of an evil deity) uses the blackguard spell list. A pious templar who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can chose to use the paladin or the blackguard spell list. Once the player makes this choice, it cannot be reversed.
Smite (Su): Once per day, a pious templar of 2nd level or higher may make a single melee attack with a +4 attack bonus and a damage bonus equal to her pious templar level (if she hits). The pious templar must declare the smite before making the attack. Starting at 6th level, a pious templar can smite twice per day and at 10th level, three times per day.
If a pious templar has a smite evil or smite ability (for being a paladin or a cleric with the Destruction domain) already, she can use the ability one extra time per day (two extra times at 7th level). The attack bonus does not increase, but the damage bonus is based on the character's combined level (pious templar level plus cleric or paladin level).
Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, pious templars have the ability to shruge off some amount of injury from each blow or attack. A pious templare gains damage reduction 1/-. At 7th level, this damage reductin rises to 2/-.
Weapon Specialization: At 3rd level, a pious templar gains the Weapon Specialization feat with her deity's favored weapon.
Bonus Feat: At 4th level and again at 8th level, a pious templar gets a bonus feat. These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats in the Player's Handbook and other books.
If a pious templar selects a feat that requires her to apply its effects to a specific weapon (such as Improved Critial), she may only apply that feat to her deity's favored weapon.[/sblock]A problem with all of this is that I'd be taking it after 5 or 6 character levels. Which means if I go straight Paladin, my special mount is going to be pretty useless as I level.

I was thinking that if I take Fighter first, however, then I get Intimidate as one of my class skills and also don't have to worry about a mount since I don't get one at all. So I'm thinking of only taking 2 or 3 levels in Paladin instead.
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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Velmont said:
Not that much worried about it, but by experience, playing the same character twice is not necesserly a good thing. I've tried, and sometimes it is the context that make the character pretty unique. You're more likely to meet that context with your old gaming group. And as I said, I think the scary paladin would bring some interesting roleplay for the game, with the idea I got.
I was only going to base the character off of the old character, not play the same character twice. That's fine, thoug, I really like the scary paladin too. I think I'll get some good ideas for him.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Also, I really like Crian, but... 'Favored Weapon: Tower shield'? That doesn't seem to make sense. Maybe 'None'? It does mean that I probably couldn't take Pious Templar, though, unless we tweak it.


First Post
I've changed the favored weapon for heavy shield, which is a stated weapon. But I would allow you to choose between the heavy shield and the longsword for the Pious Templar. Even if the longsword isn't the favored weapon of Crian, it is the weapon of the Order. Crian, during his life, was using a sword and a shield, and the shield become more symbolic, but the sword and shield have been instaured as standard weaponery of the order.

For the Pious Templar, I like that class for the Order. When you join the order, you start as a follower, that can be a soldier or any no combat porfession, like a craftman, scribe, ect... If you show interest in becoming a knight, you have to become a squire. To become a squire, you must prove your faith in Crian (stats talking, you need the True Believer feat). After some time as a Squire, you can become a Knight (stats talking, you can take your first level of Pious Templar). It would well represent the hierarchy in the knighthood. If you like that idea, we will go like that, but in that case, I would not see very fit to take levels in Paladin. I would see Paladin as member of another order (dunno which one yet).

Oh, not really concerning you, but for the order, I would see blacksmith not being considered followers, but being above that rank, as the works of the blacksmiths have made the rock the most famous metal industry in all the peninsula.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Sounds good, but I just wanted to run another idea by you. Talking with my friend about the duo game, I started to look a bit more at stuff. The Kensai also fits the flavor, I think, possibly better than the Pious Templar. And since I like the Pious Templar anyway, I might use it for the duo game. Anyway, the Kensai class:

The kensai masters body, mind, and will. He devotes his strength and his life to the service of a master or an ideal he accepts as greater than himself. Some kensai become masters in their own right, but even one who becomes an emperor sees himself as a servant of some h igher power.

Most characters who become kensai aspire to the class from the beginning of their careers. Often, ofther kensai or elite military organizations train likely young men and women in the principles of ervice, the arts of war, and the purity of mind and body ncecessary to become a kensai. Even those who do not qualify at the end often become powerful adventurers.

A kensai can become a lone adventurer, erving an ideal or attempting to fulfill a lifetime goal. Some kensai swear fealty to great lords and rise to become trusted bodyguards, warlords, or leaders in the lord's service.
(that's most of the color, the rest of description upon request)
Hit die: d10.

Alignment: Any lawful.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skill: Concentration 5 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Ride 5 ranks.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus (any weapon).
Special: Must complete an oath of service (see sidebar) to either an overloard or an ideal.

Sidebar:[sblock]OATH OF SERVICE
A kensai's oath of service must be sworn in front of witnesses and must be upheld for the kensai to continue advancing in levels. Typical oaths include swearing service to a powerful lord of the kensai's alignment, to an organization with the same alignment and goals of the kensai, to the kensai's deity, or even to an ideal or principle the kensai upholds.

These oaths are not trivial, and prospective kensai who attempt to enter the prestige class with broad oaths or ones deliberately easy to fulfill find themselves spurned and cannot join the class at all, even if they meet the other requirements.

A kensai who breaks his oath, for whatever reason, loses access to his kensai special abilities and must receive an atonement spell from a cleric or druid of his alignment to get them back and to continue advancing in the kensai class. A kensai must also strictly adhere to his alignment. A kensai who intentionally and seriously violates his alignment also breaks faith and endures the same negative effects.

This dual requirement can pose a serious conundrum at times. If a lawful good kensai swears service to a lord who them orders the kensai to perform an evil act, the kensai is caught between his oath and his alignment. He must violate one to fulfill the other, and either way he needs to atone. If the kensai chooses his alignment, he can break his oath, gain atonement and swear a new oath (often one relating to "correcting" his former lord). He can then advance as a kensai again. If the kensai chooses his lord, he changes alignment and must gain atonement from, in this case, an evil cleric.

A kensai who changes his alignment from lawful loses his kensai abilities and cannot advance further in this class until he gains atonement and switches his alignment back to lawful.

Fulfillment of the Oath of Service: If a kensai fulfills an oath of service, or if the terms of the oath no longer apply (for example, if a kensai swears service to a king who then dies of old age, or if a kensai swears to defeat an enemy power and then in the course of adventuring defeats it), the kensai must reflect and then swear a new oath. In general, a kensai can be "between oaths" for no more than one week per class level. A kensai who does not swear a new oath before the grace period expires is treated as if he broke his oath of service.

DM Note: The idea of the oath of service does not exist to punish a player who chooses to roleplay a kensai, but to challenge that player. The kensai is a powerful prestige class, and the oath of service is one of the costs that goes along with it. You should work with the player to come up with an oath that fits into your campaign--one that provides the player with roleplaying opportunities and you with a hook you can use to motivate the entire party.[/sblock]

[smallcaps]Class Skills[/smallcaps]
The kensai's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy, Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local and nobility) (Int), Ride (Dex), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
The Kensai
Class     Fort Ref Will                 
Level BAB Save SaveSave Special 
1st   +1   +0  +0  +2   Signature Weapon
2nd   +2   +0  +0  +3   Power Surge
3rd   +3   +1  +1  +3   -
4th   +4   +1  +1  +4   Ki projection
5th   +5   +1  +1  +4   Withstand
6th   +6   +2  +2  +5   -
7th   +7   +2  +2  +6   Ki projection
8th   +8   +2  +2  +6   Instill
9th   +9   +3  +3  +6   -
10th  +10  +3  +3  +7   Ki warlord
[smallcaps]Class Features[/smallcaps]
All of the following are class features of the kensai prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Kensai gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Signature Weapon: The kensai chooses one of his weapons (it ust be one for which he has the Weapon Focus feat) to become a signature weapon. Most kensai choose either a sword or bow for this weapon, but even a kensai's natural weapons can be chosen. If the weapon is a manufactured one, it must be of at least masterwork quality.
Upon qualifying for the class, a kensai gains the ability to establish a link with his signature waepon. The character focuses part of his life energy on the weapon, making it more effective in his hands and his hands alone.
The process for imbuing a signature weapon with power is a simple one. The character must find a quiet, safe spot to meditate (and pray, for those kensai who serve deities) for 24 hours. At the end of this meditation, the kensai sacrifices a number of experience points, essentially shifting some of his life force into his signature weapon. The signature weapon then becomes a magic weapoin (if it wasn't already) and gains an enhancement bonus and/or special abilities. His current class level limits the amount of enhancement a kensai can place into his signature weapon. A kensai cannot create a signature weapon if doing so would cost enough experience points to reduce his character level.
Use the table on the pervious page to determine XP costs and class level limts.
If the ritual is interrupted, it can be begun again at any time, but it must run for a full 24 hours for the signature weapon to be imbued. The kensai pays the XP cost as soon as the ritual has been completed.
A kensai's signature weapon has a caster level equal to the character's class level + 10.
Imbuing Double Weapons: (skipped, given upon request)
Imbuing Natural Weapons: (skipped, given upon request)
Losing a Signature Weapon: If a kensai's signature weapon is lost or stolen, the character must strive to recover it by any means that do not violate his oath or alignment. A kensai who knowingly abandons a signature weapon is treated as if he broke his oath of service (see the sidebar). A kensai who abandons a signature weapon and atones for the deed can begin to create a new signature weapon.
If someone destroys a kensai's signature weapon, only the kensai can repair it. If enough is left of the waopn to salvage (the shattered shards of a sword, for example), the kensai can reforge the weapon as if he were using the Craft (weaponsmithing) skill to make a masterwork weapon. If he takes the reforged weapon and then meditates for 24 hours, he may pay the appropriate XP cost to restore his weapon to full strength.
Should nothing remain of the weapon, the kensai must begin anew with a weapon that has never before been imbued. The character, however, has not failed in his oath--the destruction of a kensai's weapon in service of his oath is not shameful, and other kensai are likely to show even more respect to a comrade whose weapon is destroyed in oathbound service.
Losing Natural Weapons: (skipped, given upon request)
[sblock]Signature Weapons
Class  Weapon   Minimum
Level  Bonus    XP Cost**
1st     +1         40
2nd     +2        160
3rd     +3        360
4th     +4        640
5th     +5      1,000
6th     +6*     1,440
7th     +7*     1,960
8th     +8*     2,560
9th     +9*     3,240
10th    +10*    4,000
* A weapon can't actually have an enhancement bonus higher than +5, but it can have special abilities that are the equivalent of additional bonuses. Use these lines on the table to determine the XP cost when special abilities are added to a signature weapon. Example: A 6th-level kensai who has a masterwork longsword can imbue it with the power to be a +5 keen longsword at a cost of 1,440 XP, since the keen special ability is equivalent to a +1 bonus.
** The XP cost presented here assumes that the weapon being imbued does not already have an enhancement bonus. If it does, the cost to imbue it with additional powr is reduced. For instance, if a kensai has a +1 longsword and wants to imbue it with the power to be a +3 longsword, he may do so by paying the difference in XP cost between creating a +1 weapon and a +3 weapon (360 minus 40, or 320 XP).[/sblock]Power Surge (Ex): At 2nd level, a kensai gains the ability to make a DC 15 Concentration check as a move action to focus his energy and spirit. If he succeeds, he gains +8 to Strength for a number of rounds equal to one-half his class level. Each time after the first that a kensai successfully uses this ability in a single 24-hour period, the check DC increases by 5.
Ki Projection: At 4th level and higher, a kensai adds one-half his class level (rounded down) to any Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, or Intimidate checks he makes. At 8th level and higher, then kensai adds his full class level to such checks.
A target that realizes it has been fooled by a kensai's successful Bluff check gains a +10 bonus on any check or saving throw involving the kensai's use of Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, or Intimidate against that target in the future. The kensai can regain the creature's trust by changing its attitude from unfriendly to friendly (see Influencing NPC Attitudes, page 72 of the Player's Handbook).
Withstand: When a kensai of 5th level or higher is forced to make a Reflex save to avoid damage from an area effect spells (such as fireball), he can make a Concentration check instead of a Reflex save to resist taking full damage. If a kensai has the evasion or improved evasion ability, those benefits apply on this Concentration check as well.
Instill: Once per day, a kensai of 8th level or higher may take a full-round action to make a Concentration check (DC 10 + target's HD or character level) to impart some of his own ability into a willing ally he can touch. The kensai then transfers some of his power into the ally: He subtracts up to 1 point per class level from his base attack bonus and/or any or all of his base save bonuses and transfers the same amount to the recipient. The kensai regains the instilled power 1 hour later, when it transfers back out the ally. If the ally dies before the instilled powr is transferred back, the kensai must make a Fortitude save (DC 5 + target's HD or character level) or die as well. If he succeeds, he immediately gets his instilled powers back.
Ki Warlord: When a kensai attains 10th level, he gains great notoriety and becomes known as a ki warlord. Other kensai of the same alignment revere the ki warlord, and even those of differeing alignments treat him with some measure of respect. If the ki warlord has an NPC master, this mater likely assigns the ki warlord more responsibilitiy and authority within his domain (perhaps giving him a castle, monastery, or mility school). If the ki warlord serves a deity, that deity may take a personal interest in giving the ki warlord more responsibility, perhaps actually contacting the ki warlord directly or through intermediaries and making the deity's wishes known.
In addition to this added responsibility, a ki warlord gains some tangible benefits. He has the right to petition other (lower-level) members of the prestige class for assistance on adventures or in the fulfillment of his oath. As long as the ki warlord's requests do not violate the other members' own oaths of service or alignment, the lower-level kensai have a responsibility to assist a ki warlord in any resonable manner--such as providing food and shelter, access to minor resources, and other things another character might have to barter for.
Ki warlords inspire those around them. When fighting within 30 feet of a ki warlord, allies gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, Concentration checks, and attack rolls. Lawful allies gain a +2 morale bonus on these checks.
Multiclass Note: A samurai, paladin, or monk who becomes a kensai may continue advancing in his original class.[/sblock]My oath would be to Crian, the Order of Crian, or to one of his ideals.


First Post
I've been looking for the Kensai, and I must tell I don't like much that class. The Pious Templar fits well the idea of an order that take mainly veteran under there wings. I don't like the looks and feels of the Kensai, and I've never been found of power like the signature weapon, so I'll say no for that one.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Fair 'nuff. I figured it might have been a weak class due to pretty heavy roleplaying requirements, and also if I used it for a ranged character (for the duo game), then one of the class abilities would be worthless.

Are there any major NPCs I should know about?

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