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Solo Game


First Post
Presently I am working on a few things, but the only major NPCs will be introduce in the IC thread, as you'll interact with them early in the adventure. The other big figures, I'll work them soon, so I'll tell you.

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First Post
If you want to start to work on your character stats, follow those guideline:

Point buy: 32 points (You're good!)
Level: 4
HP: 1st: Max, 2nd and after: 3/4 (rounded up)
Money: 5400
Equipement: No object can worth more than 2000.

Yeah, I know, the equipement limit mean no magical weapon or magical. You're equipment might change a bit when I'll have decide what will be the officials weapons and armor of the order, what they give to the squire and knight and other stats like that.


First Post
Jdvn1, are you still inetrested by the game? The idea progress on my side, but I think I'll need to know a few things about your character. Who was you character before he joined the order? No need to stats yet, but it will influence a bit your mentor.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
I hadn't posted here for a while because I was toying around with this character and the other (who I think will be a Cavalier, but that's for the other thread ;) ) (I've also had about five characters to be working on, so it's a slow process).

Before he joined the order, he was a lower noble of a family that had medium nobility status (he was a lower noble because he was younger). His family expects him to rule over a tract of land (as a Lord or a Duke or something) in the future, and he might consider doing that... he's currently interested in the forceful conversion of criminals, though. Let's see...

He was born into a wealthy, land-owning familiy. This is the self-righteous, pompous sort of family that has the whole we're-wealthy-so-we're-awesome mentality. They're sometimes seen as jerks, and sometimes highly respected. Anyway, this guy was raised to think that due to his status, he is better than most people. Due to this, he spends much of his time trying to better the people around him, to follow in the footsteps of the great Crian.

Thus, it is no surprise that he decided to follow the path of the Paladin. He tries to follow the example of Crian, but tries to make other people follow Crian's example as well. He doesn't like people who disagree with him very much or that don't follow Crian--he's not always violent about it, but he does not approve. He is not worried about whether or not he will become a knight since he expects it to happen. After all, look at his family. If his mentor does not allow him to become a knight, his family will have something to say about that.

He knows his friends are not real friends--they befriend him only because he is an opportunity for social advancement. A wealthy, strong, intimidating, devout worshipper of Crian is always useful to have as a friend as he's good for a variety of things.


First Post
Order of Crian


The Order have been created to follow the ideal that have raised among the follower of Crian after his sacrifice to save the peninsula. The order have first been just a band of good willed knight, scattered around the peninsula, with a larger group in Crian's estate. During the firsts decades, the order fought the barbarian, stop bandits and tried to solve feud throught diplomacy, not using weapon against there own kind.

When the second invasion happened, the Order start to fight, but there number was too small to stop the Slitheren and there undead minions. Gaile was able to unit the peninsula and push back the invasion. The Order was rewarded by Gaile, giving them the Rock, a small rocky island in the border of Caine's estate. This small island is, from that moment, out of the King juridiction, allowing the order to pay no taxes.

After that, the Order mainly stop the barbarian invasion. Then came Roderick, last master of the order before the actual one, Roderick the second, son of Roderick. Roderick trasform the rock into a small factory of weapon to raise the funds of the order. Most of the best blacksmith, weaponsmith and armorsmith or the land came to the rock, working there arts for the order. Roderick also distinguish itself when the Sonraï, the great nation in the south, came to Gaile to take control of the peninsula. The war against the emperor Ghen was won just because of the great strategic mind of Roderick. All this brought some fame to the Order. Today, Roderick the second is mostly living in the shadow of his father.


The order hierarchy have five level. From the top, the master, is the regeant of Crian's estate and the Rock. Named there by blood, the title have been taken by the lineage of Crian. The role of the master is to take care of the estate and maintain it.

Then come the council. The council is made of four knights and the master. All decision is made by the council. The master is able to vote only in case of a tie between the knight. The council members stay in place for seven years. When a new council member must be named, the remaining people of the concil submit two candidate to the knights. The other knights vote for the one they want to see on the council.

Then come the knights. The knights are the hands and do the task given to them by the council. They promote the ideal of Crian and try to find new knight through the peninsula.

The squires are knights to become. They must follow a kinghts for at least 3 years, but it is not rare to see some squire for 5 or even more years before they become kinghts.

The followers are all the common people: soldier, servants, merchants, craftmen that are working for the Order. The metalsmith are better viewed than other followers.

Rock (aka Castle Crian)

The Order of Crian have established themsleves on the Crian's rock, a small island a mile away from the coast line in the north west of the country. This land have been given to the order by Gaile. The rock have since been transform into a small forteress. The fort is reknown for the many blacksmith that have establish itself there, allowing them to have the best weapon of all Gaile. Another thing make the rock exceptionnal. The tide is so strong in this region that the coast line move about 2 miles between the low tide and the high tide. That make the fort almost impossible to siege, as during the high tide, land weaponry can't reach the fort, and during low tide, no boat can reach the fort, and neither can stay near the fort for long as the tide raise and go down.

Important People

Roderick the second:
Present master of th order, he is a good administrator for the estate, but have none of the military skills of his father and is mainly living in his shadow.

Leopol Stone:
Leopol Stone is the most famous knight of the Order. He has recruited many of the present knight, have lead many group against the barbarian with minimal loose. Some people compare his military skill to the ones of Roderick the first itself. He follow the ideal of the Order like no one else. He was one of the candidate to be member of the council during the last vote, but he has lost it, because he had asked to his follower not to vote for him.

Jasper Kriegspire:
Jasper have been the first squire of Stone. His recommendation by Stone have been badly recieved at first because of his criminal past that everyone knows about, even if he was never arrested. Some people still compare him more as a thug than a kinght, but his service to the order cannot be counted. His loyalty to Stone can only be compare to Stone's faith and nothing could broke the friendship of those two knights.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Xavier Bordell Human Fighter 2 / Paladin 2

[B]Name:[/B] Xavier Bordell
[B]Class:[/B] Fighter 2 / Paladin 2
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Crian

[B]Str:[/B] 17 +3 (10p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 4        [B]XP:[/B] 6000/10k
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +4         [B]HP:[/B] 36 (4d10+4)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +7     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -/-
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +12
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -6         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] --%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +7    +2    +1    +-    +-    +-    20
[B]Touch:[/B] 11              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 19

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      6    +1    +3    +10
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +1    +5    +6
[B]Will:[/B]                      0    +2    +3    +5

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Mwk cold iron longsword   +9     1d8+3      19-20/x2
Heavy mace                +7     1d8+3         20/x2
composite longbow         +5     1d8 (110')       x3
XXXX                      +X     XdXX+X     XX-XXxX

[B]Languages:[/B] Common

Aura of Good
[i]detect evil[/i]
Smite Evil 1/day
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands

True Believer
Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Power Attack
Lightening Reflexes

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 21       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3.5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Intimidate                 6    +2          +8
Knowledge (Religion)       4    +0          +4
Ride                       7    +1          +8
Use Rope                   1    +1          +2
XXXX                       X    +X          +X
XXXX                       X    +X          +X

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000gp    1lb
+1 spiked banded mail  1450gp   35lb
Mwk spkd hvy stl shd    180gp   15lb
Mwk cold iron longsword 330gp    4lb
heavy mace               12gp    8lb
composite longbow       100gp    3lb
signet ring               5gp    -lb
HHH                    2000gp    5lb
-bedroll                  1sp    -lb
-blanket, winter          5sp    -lb
-chalk                    1cp    -lb
-manacles (2)            30gp    -lb
-rations (10)             5gp    -lb
-rope, hemp               1gp    -lb
-waterskin                1gp    -lb
-alchemist fire (5)     100gp    -lb
-holy water (2)          50gp    -lb
XXXX                     XXgp   XXlb
XXXX                     XXgp   XXlb
[B]Total Weight:[/B]71lb      [B]Money:[/B] 133gp 20sp 39cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                76   153   230   230  1150

[B]Age:[/B] 26
[B]Height:[/B] 6'5"
[B]Weight:[/B] 196lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Silver
[B]Hair:[/B] None
[B]Skin:[/B] Dark
Appearance: Xavier is a very tall gentleman whose appearance demands respect. He wears his armor gracefully and looks comfortable in a variety of situations. Xavier's silver eyes bother some people, as he can use them to look at what frightens you. He wears a clean set of banded mail since he does not need assistance to don it while he is on his own. His sword and shield are ornate pieces which clearly show his status. When he doesn't need to, he forgoes his helmet so that he can see around him better, and he considers his dark skin and bald head a sign of strength.

Personality: Xavier is currently interested in the forceful conversion of criminals. He spends much of his time trying to better the people around him, to follow in the footsteps of the great Crian.

Thus, it is no surprise that he decided to follow the path of the Paladin. He tries to follow the example of Crian, but tries to make other people follow Crian's example as well. He doesn't like people who disagree with him very much or that don't follow Crian--he's not always violent about it, but he does not approve. He is not worried about whether or not he will become a knight since he expects it to happen. After all, look at his family. If his mentor does not allow him to become a knight, his family will have something to say about that.

He knows his friends are not real friends--they befriend him only because he is an opportunity for social advancement. A wealthy, strong, intimidating, devout worshipper of Crian is always useful to have as a friend as he's good for a variety of things.

Background: Before he joined the order, Bordell was a lower noble of a family that had medium nobility status (he was a lower noble because he was younger). His family expects him to rule over a tract of land (as a Lord or a Duke or something) in the future, and he might consider doing that...

He was born into a wealthy, land-owning familiy. This is the self-righteous, pompous sort of family that has the whole we're-wealthy-so-we're-awesome mentality. They're sometimes seen as jerks, and sometimes highly respected. Anyway, this guy was raised to think that due to his status, he is better than most people.

[sblock]Xavier's Progression[sblock]1: Fighter, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Power Attack
2: Fighter, Cleave
3: Paladin, True Believer
4: Paladin, +1 Str
5: Paladin
6: Pious Templar
7: Pious Templar
8: Pious Templar
9: Pious Templar
10: Pious Templar[/sblock]Preliminary History: [sblock]The great kingdom of Gaile is a coastal kingdom, surrounded by sea on the north, south and east. On the west, the land is populated with the small kingdom of Theor and many barbarian tribes. The barbarian nations are living on there own, but when bad years come, they generally starts to raid the kingdom of Gaile. Theor have always refuse to support Gaile in the protection of the border, telling the force of Theor are just large enough to protect there own border. The prince Falkon, present ruler of Gaile, have tried to convince Theodor V, ruler of Theor, to join the nation of Gaile, but Theodor, as his ancestor, have always defended the independance of there nation.

In the nation of Gaile, no order is more famous and praise than the Order of Crian. The order have been protecting the nation against many threat since the rule of Gaile itself. The Order of Crian is based on the Crian's rock, a small island a mile away from the coast line in the north west of the country. This land have been given to the order by Gaile. The rock have since been transform into a small forteress. The fort is renown for the many blacksmith that have establish itself there, helping to the reknown of the Order, having the chnace to have the best weapon of all Gaile. Another thing make the rock exceptionnal. The tide is so strong in this region that the coast line move about 2 miles between the low tide and the high tide. That make the fort almost impossible to siege, as during the high tide, land weaponry can't reach the fort, and during low tide, no boat can reach the fort, and neither can stay near the fort for long as the tide raise and go down.[/sblock]My deity:[sblock]Crian
The Protector

Gailien Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Shield with a rising sun
Home Plane: Blessed Fields of Elysium
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Portfolio: Defenders, Helpless, Wounded.
Worshippers: Knights, militia, soldiers.
Cleric Alignments: Any Good.
Domains: Good, Strenght, Protection, Sun.
Favored Weapon: "Sanctuary" (Heavy Shield).

Long time ago, long before Gaile start to unite the peninsula into a kingdom, a man, Lord Crian, had raised in power. He was controlling a small keep in the north western part of the peninsula. He was a warrior and an athlete, being the best in running and wrestling. He liked to organize some contest and joust in which he could prove his worth.

During his time, all the peninsula was split in small kingdom, waging war among themselves. Crian reign was one of peace for his lands, as he always decide to stay neutral in all feud, prefering to see his people suffer from some isolation than from war, and being neutral nation was allowing him to have more people in the contest he was organizing too. The came the first invasion of the Slitheren happened. Bands of Slitheren, commonly named as ratmen among Gailien, had left there mountains to the west and was walking on the peninsula, supported by an army of undead, raised by their witches.

During the first month of the invasion, Crian, like all other lord, had refuse to support the kingdoms who were under attack, remaining fortified in his keep with his population and men, and the Slitheren was ignoring his fief. Many villages was burned down and the corpse of the men and women that was raised by the witches to fight in the war. Their army was growing, and the witches was well protected. The hope to save the peninsula was waning.

Crian was tortured day and night by the reports he was recieving, but he knew that him and his knigths couldn't do anything to stop that invasion alone. One day, Crian was found missing at his keep. It took a month before news from him appears. It was a grim news, but one that was bringing hope. The news was that Crian was dead. He had found a way to the witches' camp and was able to kill all of them before he could have been neutralized by the army. When the news spread in the peninsula, all the kingdom gathered there forces and starts to attack the ratmen. Without there witches, they were unable to control there undeads, and they decide to retreat to there mountain.

The knights of Crian's lands decide to build an Order in his honor, one to protect the kingdom of the peninsula from any outside treat, but to never take side in kingdoms feud.

Crian is generally represented as a knight of his order, carrying the traditional Tower Shield, but no weapon, to represent the ideal of the order to protect all the peninsula and never raise arm against one of his inhabitant. Another, less common representation of Crian is one of a muscular man, wearing only a loincloth, and having many scars on his body, to remember both his prowess as an athlete, and his heroic deads against the Slitheren.[/sblock]Rules[sblock]True Believer
Your deity rewards your unquestioning faith and dedication.
Prerequisite: Must choose a single deity to worship. Must be within one step of that god's alignment.
Benefit: Once per day when you are about to make a saving throw you may declare that you are using this feat to gain a +2 insight bonus on that saving throw.
This feat also allows you to use a relic (see relics, page 88) of the deity you worship.

Relics of Kord (for reference):
[sblock]Belt of the Champion: Kord gives one of these gem-studded belts to a favorite gladiator each decade. The wearer gains a +6 bonus on Strength checks and additional +4 bonus on grapple and bull-rush checks. If the wearer of a belt of the champion ever fails a save against a fear effect, the belt ceases functioning for 1 hour.
To use this relic, you must worship Kord and either sacrifice a 5th-level divine spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 9 HD.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 11th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, creator must worship Kord; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Sword of the Mighty Thews: Kord's high clerics forged these greatswords as homages to Kord's signature weapon, Kelmar. A sword of mighty thews is a +3 dragonbane greatsword that renders its wielder immune to a dragon's frightful presence and confers a +4 luck bonus on Reflex saves against a dragon's breath weapon.
To use this relic, you must worship Kord and either sacrifice a 6th-level divine spell slot or have the True Believer feat and at least 11 HD.
Strong abjuration; CL 18th; Sanctify Relic, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resistance, creator must worship Kord; Price 45,600 gp; Cost 22,975 gp + 1,810 XP.[/sblock]I don't expect to get any of these, especially right away, but if I follow Kord or a Kord-like god or otherwise focus in this direction, I'd probably try to buy one of these.[/sblock]Pious Templar
[sblock]Pious Templar
Sworn to the defense of a temple site, the pious templar is a holy warrior blessed by her deity with combat prowess and great endurance. She bears her deity's favored weapon into battle and fights her deity's enemies without question or hesitation. In addition to defending the temple itself, a pious templar m ay be charged with additional duties, including a campaign to attack foes on their own home ground.
(that's most of the color, the rest of description upon request)
Hit die: d10.

Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skill: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.
Feats: True Believer*, Weapon Focus (with her deity's favored weapon).
*New feat described in Chapter 3.

[smallcaps]Class Skills[/smallcaps]
The pious templar's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Swim (Str). See Chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
The Pious Templar
Class     Fort Ref Will                     Spells per Day
Level BAB Save SaveSave Special       1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st   +1   +2  +0  +2   Mettle         0   -   -   -
2nd   +2   +3  +0  +3   Smite 1/day    1   -   -   -
3rd   +3   +3  +1  +3   DR 1/-,        1   0   -   -
                        Weapon Spec
4th   +4   +4  +1  +4   Bonus feat     1   1   -   -
5th   +5   +4  +1  +4   -              1   1   0   -
6th   +6   +5  +2  +5   Smite 2/day    1   1   1   -
7th   +7   +6  +2  +6   DR 2/-         2   1   1   0
8th   +8   +6  +2  +6   Bonus feat     2   1   1   1
9th   +9   +6  +3  +6   -              2   2   1   1
10th  +10  +7  +3  +7   Smite 3/day    2   2   2   1
[smallcaps]Class Features[/smallcaps]
All of the following are class features of the pious templare prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pious templars gain no weapon or armor proficiencies.
Mettle (Su): A pious templar's special blessing allows her to shrug off magical effects that would otherwise harm her. If a pious templar makes a successful Will or Fortitude saving through that would normally reduce the spell's effects, she suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a Saving Throw entry of "Will partial," "Fortitude half," or similar entries can be negated through this ability.
Spells per day: A pious templar has the abilityi to cast a small number of divine spells. To cast a spell, the pious templare must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell's level, so a pious templar with a Wisdom of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. Pious templar bonus spells are based on Wisdom, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + spell level + the pious templar's Wisdom modifier. When the pious templar gets 0 spells of a given level, such as 0 1-st spells at 1st level, she gets only bonus spells. (A pious templar without a bonus spell for that level cannot yet cast a spell of that level.) A pious templar has access to any spell on the list and can freely choose wich to prepare, just like a cleric. A pious templar prepares and casts spells just as a cleric does (though the pious templar cannot spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells).
A good pious templar (or a neutral pious templar of a good deity) uses the paladin spell list. An evil pious templar (or a neutral pious templar of an evil deity) uses the blackguard spell list. A pious templar who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can chose to use the paladin or the blackguard spell list. Once the player makes this choice, it cannot be reversed.
Smite (Su): Once per day, a pious templar of 2nd level or higher may make a single melee attack with a +4 attack bonus and a damage bonus equal to her pious templar level (if she hits). The pious templar must declare the smite before making the attack. Starting at 6th level, a pious templar can smite twice per day and at 10th level, three times per day.
If a pious templar has a smite evil or smite ability (for being a paladin or a cleric with the Destruction domain) already, she can use the ability one extra time per day (two extra times at 7th level). The attack bonus does not increase, but the damage bonus is based on the character's combined level (pious templar level plus cleric or paladin level).
Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, pious templars have the ability to shruge off some amount of injury from each blow or attack. A pious templare gains damage reduction 1/-. At 7th level, this damage reductin rises to 2/-.
Weapon Specialization: At 3rd level, a pious templar gains the Weapon Specialization feat with her deity's favored weapon.
Bonus Feat: At 4th level and again at 8th level, a pious templar gets a bonus feat. These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats in the Player's Handbook and other books.
If a pious templar selects a feat that requires her to apply its effects to a specific weapon (such as Improved Critial), she may only apply that feat to her deity's favored weapon.[/sblock][/sblock]Order of Crian
[sblock]Order of Crian

[sblock]The Order have been created to follow the ideal that have raised among the follower of Crian after his sacrifice to save the peninsula. The order have first been just a band of good willed knight, scattered around the peninsula, with a larger group in Crian's estate. During the firsts decades, the order fought the barbarian, stop bandits and tried to solve feud throught diplomacy, not using weapon against there own kind.

When the second invasion happened, the Order start to fight, but there number was too small to stop the Slitheren and there undead minions. Gaile was able to unit the peninsula and push back the invasion. The Order was rewarded by Gaile, giving them the Rock, a small rocky island in the border of Caine's estate. This small island is, from that moment, out of the King juridiction, allowing the order to pay no taxes.

After that, the Order mainly stop the barbarian invasion. Then came Roderick, last master of the order before the actual one, Roderick the second, son of Roderick. Roderick trasform the rock into a small factory of weapon to raise the funds of the order. Most of the best blacksmith, weaponsmith and armorsmith or the land came to the rock, working there arts for the order. Roderick also distinguish itself when the Sonraï, the great nation in the south, came to Gaile to take control of the peninsula. The war against the emperor Ghen was won just because of the great strategic mind of Roderick. All this brought some fame to the Order. Today, Roderick the second is mostly living in the shadow of his father.[/sblock]Organization
[sblock]The order hierarchy have five level. From the top, the master, is the regeant of Crian's estate and the Rock. Named there by blood, the title have been taken by the lineage of Crian. The role of the master is to take care of the estate and maintain it.

Then come the council. The council is made of four knights and the master. All decision is made by the council. The master is able to vote only in case of a tie between the knight. The council members stay in place for seven years. When a new council member must be named, the remaining people of the concil submit two candidate to the knights. The other knights vote for the one they want to see on the council.

Then come the knights. The knights are the hands and do the task given to them by the council. They promote the ideal of Crian and try to find new knight through the peninsula.

The squires are knights to become. They must follow a kinghts for at least 3 years, but it is not rare to see some squire for 5 or even more years before they become kinghts.

The followers are all the common people: soldier, servants, merchants, craftmen that are working for the Order. The metalsmith are better viewed than other followers.[/sblock]Rock (aka Castle Crian)
[sblock]The Order of Crian have established themsleves on the Crian's rock, a small island a mile away from the coast line in the north west of the country. This land have been given to the order by Gaile. The rock have since been transform into a small forteress. The fort is reknown for the many blacksmith that have establish itself there, allowing them to have the best weapon of all Gaile. Another thing make the rock exceptionnal. The tide is so strong in this region that the coast line move about 2 miles between the low tide and the high tide. That make the fort almost impossible to siege, as during the high tide, land weaponry can't reach the fort, and during low tide, no boat can reach the fort, and neither can stay near the fort for long as the tide raise and go down.[/sblock]Important People
[sblock]Roderick the second:
Present master of th order, he is a good administrator for the estate, but have none of the military skills of his father and is mainly living in his shadow.

Leopol Stone:
Leopol Stone is the most famous knight of the Order. He has recruited many of the present knight, have lead many group against the barbarian with minimal loose. Some people compare his military skill to the ones of Roderick the first itself. He follow the ideal of the Order like no one else. He was one of the candidate to be member of the council during the last vote, but he has lost it, because he had asked to his follower not to vote for him.

Jasper Kriegspire:
Jasper have been the first squire of Stone. His recommendation by Stone have been badly recieved at first because of his criminal past that everyone knows about, even if he was never arrested. Some people still compare him more as a thug than a kinght, but his service to the order cannot be counted. His loyalty to Stone can only be compare to Stone's faith and nothing could broke the friendship of those two knights.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Last edited:


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
There's my dude so far. Oh, I wanted to mention--the reason I wanted a greatsword is because I see it like this:
Longsword is a weapon of nobility.
Greatsword is a weapon of strength.
Bastard sword is a cross between the two--nobilitiy and strength.

I thought a Greatsword or Bastard Sword could fit Crian, but the longsword works too.

Good information, by the way. What else do we need?


First Post
Oh yeah, by the way, you're knight is no other than Leopol Stone himself. You are with Stone for two years now (most likely you start to gain your level of Paladin under his instruction). You know also Kriegspire, as both are together whenever it is possible.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
I already told you a bit about personality and background--how much more do we need to do before we start?

Voidrunner's Codex

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