Some maps & artwork from my campaign.

Kryndal Levik

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Kris said:

I absolutely love these- I'd love to see more!

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Kryndal Levik said:
...I'd love to see more!
Yeah, I really need to get round do doing the rest of the gods at some point.

I also simplified the whole cosmology a little - as can be seen in my attempt at a cosmology diagram.


- Material Plane -
1. Material Plane
- Transitive Planes -
2. Ethereal
3. Shadow
4. Astral

- Inner Planes -
5. Air
6. Positive Energy
7. Water
8. Fire
9. Negative Energy
10. Earth

- Outer Planes -
11. Himinos ('the heavens')
12. Gaiainna ('the hells')
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I was playing around with some heraldic devices a while back - just trying to come with some basic stuff so that I would have an idea of what a banner, shield, etc. might look like for various lords and knights in the particular country that my players were journeying in. I've done my best to stick within the rules of metal emblems (white & yellow representing silver & gold) on coloured fields (and vice versa), and I've also tried to keep to the same colours to give the country a unified look.


I was also messing around the other night - and attempting to draw a rough 'player-handout' style map as quickly as possible. It's not great, but I think it will do the job:

And just to prove how sad I really am:

(heh... I guess being unemployed does have some benefits :) ...namely, too much time on my hands!!! )


First Post
Kryndal Levik said:
Yeah, I'd definitely be interested!

Hey. I hope you're still getting notifications about this thread. You're a hard man to get ahold of. I got your email, and tried to reply at your kryndal[redacted-so-you-don't-get-spam] address, which Charter says doesn't exist. Or something. I'm not sure if 'invalid recipient' is different than 'no such user'. In any event, it's not working. Further, your prefs here won't let me message you, and the 'mail an admin' link on that page is broken.

Send me an email address that works, or an AIM / ICQ / Yahoo messenger ID where I can reach you, and we can talk.


Here's a couple of things I've been messing around with over the weekend...




...basically just playing around with some ideas for a few knightly orders and stuff :)
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It's been a while since I posted anything new, so here's a couple of things I've been tinkering with lately :)

First off, I expanded my campaign map a little to the north (basically everything north of the Oncoróna Mountains is new) so that it should now be roughly the right proportions to fit on an A0 sheet of paper - should I ever decide to try and get it printed:

I've also drawn a very quick version showing the borders of the different kingdoms etc.


Some great stuff here all.

Here is a map I put together for a SR PBP game I'm in. It was adapted from a line drawing the GM provided.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Kris - What resolution are you working in and what size brush are you using to make your base mountains?

That has always been the toughest thing for me to do and I still have not come up with a method I can do consistently that I'm happy with.

I really like your idea and would love to try it for my own stuff.



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