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[Spaceship Zero] Q-Ship (actually updated 19 May 2007)

Aztec Ace

First Post

"The show to watch this season!"

"Miss Judy Mayfield is captivating as the beauiful Princess S'Ondra."

"Tom Jenson,aka Captain Fury is the next Clark Gable!"

I remember watching old Q-Ship reruns late at night on my old black and white TV I had in my bedroom. Those where the days!

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"Blast Off!" - Part 2

Captain John Fury executes a perfect somersault as his rocket pack carries him high above the surge of play. Fury twists his entire body, arm snapping 'round to send a small, hard ball flashing across the rocketball pitch. The ball rebounds smartly off the very centre of the game's multicoloured target, causing lights to flash and a siren to blare.

"Dash it, Fury - how do you do it!" a laughing player looks up from the ground, "Even the Mission City Meteors would have trouble with that shot."

Fury shrugs, teeth dazzling as he smiles,

"The Meteors are overrated. The Falcons - now they're a rocketball team." He looks ready to say more, but a warbling noise distracts his attention, "Give me a moment, old man. The office is calling."

Fury floats gently down to the ground, looking at a bulky, wrist-mounted communicator as he does so. A red button flashes, and the Captain presses it, his expression tense but eager.

There's a staccato noise of percussion printing, and a thin strip of ticker tape spits out of the side of the communicator. Fury scans it briefly, then turns and calls back to the other player,

"Sorry, Algernon, but I'll have to cut my game short. Mother's calling."

Algernon smirks, his freckled skin dimpling.

"If the Commander ever hears you calling him that, he'll have you piloting a trash tanker, John."

Fury grins back,

"You worry too much, Algernon. Rather like Mother. Same time next week?"

"Wild horses couldn't stop me."

Divesting himself of the rocket pack, Fury waves to the other players, and strides briskly away from the pitch, as the game once more soars into the air behind him.

Minutes later, uniform sharply creased and hair back to its immaculate best, the Captain emerges from the rocketball complex and hops onto one of the nearby travel-ways, letting it carry him toward the Space Force Headquarters. He nods to two young women as he passes, and they burst into girlish giggles, craning their necks for some time to watch him travel away.

Space Force Headquarters is a shining white tower, many hundreds of feet tall. The roof, so high it nearly touches the city's gleaming dome, bristles with antennae and other electronic gizmos. A gigantic blue and gold Space Force shield - identical to the one on Fury's uniform, but many times larger - is the building's only other distinguishing feature.

"Morning, Maggie." Fury nods pleasantly to the blonde secretary on the front desk. The young woman blushes as she stammers out a response, turning bright red as Fury throws her a wink. "Is the Commander in?"

"R-room th-three-oh-seven, Captain." She ducks her head at his regard, and Fury takes a moment to lean on the desk, giving her his warmest smile.

"There's a new French restaurant just opened on Gagarin Street." Fury mentions, his voice casual, "I was thinking about giving it a try, but it's such a bore to go alone. Perhaps you'd like to keep me company?"

Maggie nods, obviously too overwhelmed to speak, and Fury gives her a breezy smile.

"Much obliged, old girl. I'll pick you up at seven."

Whistling jauntily, the Captain steps aboard a nearby travel-way, giving Maggie one last smile as he does so. The young woman has a phone to her ear, and is clearly bouncing up and down in her chair as she talks. She gives him an enthusiastic wave.

When Fury steps off the travel-way, it is into a sparsely-furnished waiting room. Thinly padded benches line the walls, interspersed with some rather sorry-looking potted plants.

Doctor Gustav, Archie and Princess S'Ondra are already present. The robot holds a hatch on the side of its own torso open while the Doctor fusses around inside.

"Hold this would you, Leibchen?" he reaches back without looking; thrusting a sprocket at Fury. The Captain takes it without noticing, his eyes firmly fixed on the gorgeous young Venusian woman.

Fury opens his mouth, but before he can speak, a door on the other side of the room swings open, and a junior officer leans in,

"Commander Ivanov will see you now."

Fury steps forward, holding the door for the others. He favours S'Ondra with his most dazzling smile as she moves past, but the Princess brushes by without even so much as acknowledging his presence.

The Captain's eyebrow rises, very slowly, as he twists his head to watch the Venusian's shapely form disappear into the next room.
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Herder of monkies

Great stuff! I am literally on the edge of my seat in anticipation.

I wish I could get my group to play in a game like this...


"Blast Off!" - Part 3

Commander Simon Ivanov is a tall, stern figure, resplendent in his uniform as he sits behind a broad, oak desk. He nods in greeting to the four prospective space adventurers.

"Welcome gentlemen, lady ... and robot." He gestures at a circle of chairs before his desk. "Please, take a seat."

The four accept the invitation, though Archie takes a moment to dust the cushion of his chair before settling himself upon it. Fury holds out a chair for S'Ondra, but she pointedly settles herself at the other end of the circle, not even deigning to look in his direction. Rather than being put off by this cold treatment, Fury settles into his own seat without any pretence of ignoring the Venusian. Instead, he plants his chin on his hand, gazing at her in a frankly admiring fashion.

"As I said, welcome." Ivanov gives Fury a testy look, which the apparently-smitten Captain completely ignores, "As you would have read in the message I sent, Mission: Q-Ship has been approved. Your ship - the XS-Pathfinder - has been made ready. All systems checks have been completed, and all requested supplies are loaded. Except for -" he pauses to flip through a sheaf of papers on his desk, "- your Phased Particle Analyser, Doctor. The Quartermaster informs me that this piece of machinery is simply too large to fit aboard a small vessel such as the Pathfinder."

"Ach, you should have told me!" The Doctor pulls out a scrap of paper and a pen and starts sketching, "I am sure I could miniaturise one. It would simply be a case of improving -"

"I'm sure you could, Doctor." Ivanov interrupts, "But perhaps it can wait until after the current mission. I believe that's the more urgent matter."

"Oh, yes. Ja. Of course."

"Excellent." Ivanov smiles unconvincingly, "Actually, Doctor, perhaps you would like to explain a bit more about the Q-Drive, as I believe you've dubbed your new invention?"

"Certainly, Commander." The Doctor sits forward eagerly on his chair, almost bouncing up and down at being invited to expound on his creation, "It all started one day when I was out, in ze city. I forget why this was so. Perhaps Archie had wanted me to accompany him on one of his errands. Archie is always leading me astray." He laughs heartily, but slowly stops when no-one else joins him. "That is, as I was saying, I was walking in the city when I realised that I was not where I had thought I was. I confess that I was in fact completely lost, in a place I had never been before."

The Doctor nods soberly,

"Now, for most people such an experience would have been most alarming, but for me it was ze inspiration for my most brilliant theory, and my greatest invention. Or ze greatest to date, at least. No doubt I shall better it in ze future. In any case ... where was I? Oh yes: my inspiration. You see, as I sat zere, waiting for Archie, I began to ponder ze concept of location, and how one could establish one's exact location in the universe. I had never given it any thought before, but now that I did, I realised that it was a challenge vorthy of my talents."

"How so?" Fury raises an eyebrow, "I've always found I know where I am, and where I want to be." His eyes slide to S'Ondra, but she appears completely engrossed in her stepfather's story, and oblivious to his attention.

"Ah!" the Doctor wags his finger, "But do you really know exactly where you are? I think not. You see, ze failing of most mapping and co-ordinate structures, is zat zey are relative: zey rely on ze establishment of an arbitrary zero point from which all other things are measured." He frowns, "Now, for most purposes, such primitive systems might be acceptable. But zey are hardly a worthwhile challenge for a man of my talents. So I set myself to developing a system whereby your absolute location could be determined. Zis is no mean feat, you see, in a universe which is not only eternally in motion, but also infinite, and eternally expanding."

"The key, I began to realise, was zat regular three-dimensional co-ordinates would not suffice. Absolute location required the use of four dimensions: ze three 'physical' planes, plus ze plane of time." The Doctor gestures with his hands, forming an imaginary cube in the air, "The only difficulty facing me was zus to determine the exact age of the universe: once that was done, I would be able to determine my exact position in reality."

"I've always felt it was wise to know exactly where the Doctor was." Archie observes, in a carefully neutral tone of voice.

"Now!" the Doctor actually does leap to his feet at this point, before remembering himself and returning to his seat, "Now, I made my most amazing discovery." He leans forward, as if sharing a great secret. "As I investigated further, I discovered an astonishing fact: all things in the universe know zeir own place. Coded, like ze punch card, right in ze heart of every molecule, were ze very co-ordinates I had theorised!"

The Doctor sits back, as if this explains everything. After a moment, the blank looks around the room assure him it doesn't, and he completes his explanation.

"Ze implications, you must see, were startling: having found this molecular code, it was child's play to determine how to 're-wire' it. And zat's what the Q-Drive does: it generates a field that reprograms the co-ordinates of the molecules around it, instantaneously changing zeir location." He shrugs, "All you must do is tell the Q-Drive where you would like to go, and instantly, zere you will be!"


Unt zeir ve are.

Hey, are you using the premise of Spaceship Zero's rather... final... zero-drive, or going with something else? It's not yet clear. I suppose I could wait until the story tells me, but you know how it is. :D


I won't be following the default SSZ 'mishap' for the drive, though you can of course be sure that a mishap of some kind is inevitable. Exactly what it is, however, you will have to wait to learn :D


Capellan said:
I won't be following the default SSZ 'mishap' for the drive, though you can of course be sure that a mishap of some kind is inevitable. Exactly what it is, however, you will have to wait to learn :D

I think it's going to have something to do with monkey feces. But that's just a gut feeling.

:D The ticker-tape watch is killing me. I keep imagning the old Buck Rogers B&W serials where the special effects are toy rocket-ships with sparklers taped to their backsides.

"Let me just adjust the antannae on our inter-stellar transponder . . . drat! We're getting interference-- who has some tin foil?"

(Crewman Johnson rips the shoulder off his Star Command dress uniform) "Here you go sir! Gee whiz I hope Miss Sub-bulbap's not sore with us!"


Clockwork Golem
And the second game is done, with but a single session to go before one of we poor players must twist Capellan's arm into a fourth session (and then a fifth, and a sixth).

Of course, I'd settle for another update of our first adventure :D


arwink said:
And the second game is done, with but a single session to go before one of we poor players must twist Capellan's arm into a fourth session (and then a fifth, and a sixth).

Of course, I'd settle for another update of our first adventure :D

No update yet (though there will be one tomorrow, if I manage to get a lunch break at work), but how does an extra 15 sessions of Q-Ship grab you? I heard a rumour that a bunch more episodes just turned up in some safety deposit box in Hong Kong ...

I'm weak, weak I tell you. But they all played so darn well ...

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