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Spectator Commentary thread for Ceramic DM (Winter 2005)



The waiting is the hardest part...

It is a tough thing. Which is why the Spectator Commentary thread helps alleviate that. 'Course there hasn't been a whole lot of spectator commentating so far. Sorry 'bout that.

I did read your story and I enjoyed it. You sucked me in with Norse gods. :) I will need to reread it to comment in depth. I should probably read the rest of the stories too. Heck, I haven't even finished Eeralai's story and she is my wife. So don't feel bad. Maybe things will be easier this weekend? Certainly I should be able to download the thread to my laptop and then read it with a little more flexibility.

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Wow, Hellefire and Orchid Blossom. You both did a great job making stories out of those pictures. I saw them when they went up and my mind went blank. Hellefire's story reminds me of Dogma. There were a lot of fun twistis of phrases in it like Lok-a-tor. And what a Loki thing to do. That came off very well. Whatever made you think of Thor when you saw the angel picture though?

I liked the picture Orchid Blossom painted in her story of the four horsemen of the apocolypse. The part about the comic book fan getting to be one was funny. Both stories were good reads. I'm sure you will be happy when the judges finally post for you!


First Post

BardStephenFox said:
Wow, Hellefire and Orchid Blossom. You both did a great job making stories out of those pictures. I saw them when they went up and my mind went blank. Hellefire's story reminds me of Dogma. There were a lot of fun twistis of phrases in it like Lok-a-tor. And what a Loki thing to do. That came off very well. Whatever made you think of Thor when you saw the angel picture though?

I liked the picture Orchid Blossom painted in her story of the four horsemen of the apocolypse. The part about the comic book fan getting to be one was funny. Both stories were good reads. I'm sure you will be happy when the judges finally post for you!

I'm sorry. The above message was posted by Eeralai and not BSF. I forgot to log him out. Sorry honey!


First Post
Well, first I thought of a tired angel. Then I thought maybe it was a tired god or a god with a sense of humor. And of course Loki has a great sense of humor, especially for playing tricks on Thor :). I read a book called Godslayer a long time ago, where a soldier from Vietnam decided to pray to Thor as he rushed into enemy fire (and died) and was reincarnated as an elf in their owrld. I kind of switched it, putting the Norse Gods in our world. The Lok-ators I kind of took from Highlander, where Methos created the Watchers to keep an eye on the other immortals. Interesting where I get ideas from now that I think of it :).



First Post
Round 2

My judgements for round 2:

Dead guy eating brains - Both stories were very engrossing. One was more reality-related, one was more supernatural related. I am into supernatural stories in general. Both had great picture use. Mythago's had an obvious reference to a recent event (SE Asia quake/tsunami). I lost a little on Eeralai's because I don't have the depth of musical knowledge, and that seemed a bit vague. But, it seemed to flow better and was a tad more engrossing. My vote, Eeralai 2-1.

Twin girls - Again both great stories. I guess that happens a lot around here huh? :). Smart animals - Loved the idea, the re-creation story. Some of the picture use was a bit, hm, under-dramatic, like the twin girl for example. But the idea and the conclusion and moral implications were GREAT. The misfit team - liked the idea and the story flowed nicely. It was a great little adventure story. Had better picture use, smoothed very nicely, and I liked the humor mixed in a lot. Would make a great book, movie or adventure. It was funny and exciting, though there wasn't much of a build-up/climax. But Macbeth's story was more mind/heart-wrenching for me, so I have to vote for it, again 2-1.

French Maid - I think this was the first set of pictures I've seen that could be explained without something refering to magic. Lovers trip - I liked the opposing sides of their personalities, science vs. art, that kinda thing, I thought it was very romantic and they were a great couple, if they don't kill each other. Had a couple minor problems, a little syntax and it seemed a little too detailed in some parts, kinda lost a little of the flow of the story for the details. Though of course some of the details were perfect and riveting. I liked showing her the world through different glasses/vision. I liked the last being a blindfold, and including some touch sensation in that (feet on the grass). But it also made me thing that there should be a little bit of each of the senses awakened. My main problem with it, was that I liked the guy a lot more when I thought it was just him and being spontaneous. I minded the amount of planning he did a little, though maybe he needed to, because it took away from that spontaneity. I really minded that he had talked to her father about it. Basically, I liked the guy a lot more when I thought it was all style and seat-of-the-pants going with the situation. The fact that he planned it all out shows that he is not showing her to think less about details, but that she should make the details perfect and invisible. Also, the use of a couple of the pictures wasn't ingrained into the story as well. All that being said, I liked the style and the idea a lot, and am still thinking about it. PI's trip - The main and secondary characters are interesting and believable. The place took on a life that kept my interest throughout. The pace is even and fast. The picture use is outstanding. The writing is pretty much impeccable. I have a small problem with it seeming like a little part of a much longer story. Maybe you should write serial movies :). It made it seem a little like a half-story. At the end, the last line, I wasn't sure if he was being accepting of his fate, or sarcastic, and maybe you meant to leave that thought, or maybe you specifically meant one or the other. I understand him changing and accepting at least the idea of fate, and that seems like an appropriate transition because it was being moved toward throughout the story. I understand him being sarcastic and saying it ironically. I guess the only possibility I don't like is that he decided to go with that name, because it was only recently revealed, and he said he always hated it like 4 paragraphs before that, and I think that would have been a little too quick of a reversal. Anyway, I have typed more on these 2 stories than I did on round 1 :). I wouldn't call it a butt-kicking, actually I think they were pretty close in level of writing and interest, though I think a little more on Thorod's side, as well as better picture use, and so he gets my vote, again 2-1.

Diving board girl - I have many more thoughts but no more time, leaving on a plane tomorrow a.m. and still have to pack the computer. Anyway, the short answer is I like OB's idea a lot but I think Firelance's flowed a lot better. OB had a great beginning and end but the middle was too jumpy for me. I vote for Firelance, and sticking with my 2-1 trend.

My judgements(official judgements):
Eeralia vs Mythago - Eeralai(Mythago)
Macbeth vs Maddman75 - Macbeth(Maddman75)
Thorod Ashstaff vs MarauderX - Thorod Ashstaff(Thorod Ashstaff)
Orchid Blossom vs Firelance - Firelance(pending)

My favorite story for round 2 goes to Thorod Ashstaff for Total Eclipse
Well done!

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First Post
Thanks for the comments, Hellefire. I especially appreciate the one about the music because I was hearing all those songs when I was writing it and had no idea how it was coming across on paper. I find, in general, that music doesn't come across so well on paper but it was too integral to the story in my head to leave out. Something to work on. I'm glad you finally got to open your bottle of wine!

Thorod Ashstaff

First Post
Eeralai said:
I find, in general, that music doesn't come across so well on paper
Not very often! There's a book called TINTAGEL, by Paul Cook, that does it beautifully, and was a bit of inspiration for my own first-round entry, highly recommended (but of course out of print). Good job on your story!


OK, I finally get a little time to read stories and think about them. So I am finally posting a little more feedback.

Rodrigo, I still haven't gotten to yours though, so you will have to continue waiting.


MarauderX Commentary

Wacky story. I can easily see it being a tv show of some sort. I'm not sure I liked the story, but I enjoyed reading it. It was a little too creepy in some ways.

Stylistically I think you could tighten things up a little bit more. Reading the story, the narration is a little halting in places. You need to smooth some of the transitions or build up to the events a little more. Of course, this is Ceramic DM and it is hard to tighten and perfect everything in a mere 72 hours.

You have good description in some places, but there are other places that could use a little more description. Is the airport crowded with people? Are there very few people there? Is it somewhere between? I can't really tell and because of that, some of the events might seem very incongruous.

Your picture usage is strong overall. I like what you did with the nilla wafers. :) I think you could have drawn the sinkhole into the story in a little stronger manner. Perhaps by referring to news reports of other sinkholes that Jasper created? The woman in the hat also needed a little stronger reference. Why would somebody have chosen to illustrate that particular scene?

You have an interesting idea here. You have a good draft for a story as well. Thanks for posting it!

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