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Kid wanted very badly to go with Barrington, but sensed he would be an unwelcome addition. He stayed put. He eyed Aurelie nervously from the veranda, then turned and refocused on the byway. Surely there were interesting sights in the street that he might see? Pick-pocket's guilt washed over Kid in a wave; he began to wish fervently for a distraction, anything to keep from further need to converse with Aurelie.


Queen of Everything
Gesturing to the stairs for Katerina and any others inclined to discuss the business of the guns, du Tourbillon leads to an upstairs room in the hotel, quite a large room complete with a smoking lounge and small veranda. The bedroom was sealed by a pair of lightweight carved wooden doors. "I have sufficient wards here and the walls are thick. We have privacy, as much as one can in this world. You've come for another advance?" He arches his brow.

Katerina tried to hide her smirk. This Frenchman was smarter than he looked. "Si, Senor, you have guessed correctly. Senor Barrington informs me he has secured the armamento we need for our venture, but that he has immediate need for the funds. As I am certain you know, this is an expensive proposition, much more than you've already given me. Our plan is quickly coming together and we plan to acquire the ship soon, tonight most likely, tomorrow I would think the latest. We want to set sail before any others, including that despicable Wallace." She tried but could not hold back her disdain for even speaking the name. "I do hate coming here and interrupting your meal for this matter but it is of great importance. I hope you can put your faith in us once again? "


Nodding as he leans on his cane, du Tourbillon doesn't seem surprised. After that magic trick he performed just prior to the recent battle with the seawolf's pirates, it's clear he is a mage of some skill, so perhaps he has acquired his knowledge thru arcane means. At least, since he is newly arrived in the Caribbean and so definitively French, it seems unlikely that he has spies milling about the island already. du Tourbillon listens attentively, his brows knit in focus. "Ah, my man Badouin did mention he'd seen you speaking with the quartermaster for the Winchelsea, Monsieur Barrington," he says, referring to Read Wallace's ship. "I should like to hear of your opinion regarding Captain Wallace's readiness to sail?"

By switching face and securing the cannons for this expedition, Barrington was sure to have left a negative impression on Read Wallace, but essentially spying on him for du Tourbillon, that would undoubtedly earn him an enemy!

"There are forces at work on the island that are clearly hostile to those venturing in search of Le Gloriosa. Of that much I am certain. Thus, I am inclined to acquiesce to an advance of funds. The sooner you can set sail, the better. How much will these cannons cost, Monsieur Barrington?"


OOC: Ok [MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION]! I decided Kid's idling merited a random encounter roll, and I got...

An Enemy! Engaged in an embarrassing hobby! Involving a local farmer (tribal)!

Let me mix all that together and figures something fun out ;)

Descending the byway, Kid spots a pair of unlikely pirates from his perch within the arch of the Colonial Hotel. One man is unusually broad, is covered in bruises and scrapes, and carries his arm in a sling. The other is especially gangly, with his left hand bandaged as if from a fire wound. On the ground nearby them a dark brown ferret with white eyes scurries along, stopping every dozen feet or so to sniff at something or glance back at the two men as if waiting. A Nassau citizen in the simple clothes of a sugar farmer on the way up the hill nods to the men courteously but tries to avoid them. However, the ferret bars the farmer's path with bared teeth.

"Morning, lovely day for a stroll, t'isn't?" says the gangly pirate with a strange look in his eye.

"Well, yes, if you says so," murmurs the farmer dubiously. "Is - is that a ferret?"

"Course it's a ferret, what'd you think it were? An mountain cat? Hurhurhur," chuckles the broad pirate with his arm in the sling. "Hey, you're a farmer on the east side of the island, aren't you?"

"And if I am?" says the farmer leaning away from the pirate, but keeping one eye on the ferret hissing at his feet. "Is it always like that? It's not rabid, is it?"

"Well you know," says the gangly pirate, "they say pets take after their owners. So you'd best answer his question or he's liable to start hissing at you..."

The broad pirate hisses at the farmer, causing the man to jump and nearly drop the satchel he is carrying. At the sound, the ferret stops looking ferocious and instead looks up at the broad pirate curiously. "Wh-what question? He didn't ask me a question."

"About the treasure in the caves, you ninny, what else?" groans the gangly pirate in faux exasperation.

"Oh, the s-sea caves, you mean? They're just a myth, sirs. Why, the ol' bugger of a gnome Gruendemann has been recruiting treasure hunters for months and none of them have found it."

"A gnome? Gruendemann?" the broad shouldered pirate inquires. His associate and him wink at each other. He scoops up the ferret which curls into his arm-in-a-sling.

"Won't be troubling you any more then, good farmer. Ta!" Giving a metal toothed grin to the other, the gangly pirate jerks his head toward the east and they trudge down the hill, voices soon fading.
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First Post
Nia accompanies Kat and Barrington, though is content to watch and listen. She's still getting the Frenchman's measure. Given the prize he's sending them after, it may be more important than it seems.

Hopefully Etienne would see to it the child did nothing too embarrassing in the meantime.

[section]Kid plumb forgot all about the pearl earring and Aurelie. What was this new delight unfolding in the street? He'd never seen the like of the dark brown furry hissing beastie before. Looks like it's fur'd be soft ter pet. Would he let me? Kid eyed the creature's owner, the burly man. And then the gangly pirate. Had there been a fire in town, and he hadn't heard? He wracked his pea brain, trying to recall the news billets he'd heard being hawked the last two days, but came up with nothing. Intrigued, Kid made his way out into the byway and listened in.

That was when the most magical of words to ever be invented was uttered. Treasure. Treasure. TREASURE. Treasure! Kid couldn't help it; his whole body started to vibrate. Would it be gold? Jewels? Books--no, surely not dastardly books. Kid immediately discounted the idea of books; no one would want those. Perhaps someone had lost a bag of pearls. Yes, that was it, Kid thought he remembered now that he'd heard about some poor quartermaster who'd tipped a bag of pearls into the sea cave. The boy unwittingly moved to follow after gangly pirate and his burly friend. Perhaps he could ask these two about the gnome Gruendemann. He hadn't heard of this Gruendemann, but the town was full of new folk of late, and not even Kid knew everyone. Etienne and Aurelie forgotten, the boy entered the byway, completely oblivious to the obvious baiting tactics employed by gangly and burly pirate.[/section]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Ah, my man Badouin did mention he'd seen you speaking with the quartermaster for the Winchelsea, Monsieur Barrington," he says, referring to Read Wallace's ship. "I should like to hear of your opinion regarding Captain Wallace's readiness to sail?"

By switching face and securing the cannons for this expedition, Barrington was sure to have left a negative impression on Read Wallace, but essentially spying on him for du Tourbillon, that would undoubtedly earn him an enemy!

"There are forces at work on the island that are clearly hostile to those venturing in search of Le Gloriosa. Of that much I am certain. Thus, I am inclined to acquiesce to an advance of funds. The sooner you can set sail, the better. How much will these cannons cost, Monsieur Barrington?"

"Hmm," nods Barrington, having paused to see if Katerina was going to speak. He marshals his thoughts, standing at attention. "I can secure the cannon for four hundred, sir. But there will be more expenses. The captain here can come back asking each time, but that just slows you down. As for the Winchelsea, sir," he hesitates. "They seem not to be facing the difficulties that your expedition is."


du Tourbillon twists the silver head of his black cane as if irritated at this news, "Read Wallace is a singularly determined man. His efficiency is to be admired, though not the means he goes to achieve it. There's been a plague of bad luck surrounding this venture that I am no longer certain I can ascribe to simple misfortune. I should have more answers this evening once I've been able to make some... inquiries."

Adding off hand, as he circles a locked table, pulling out two small sacks of coin, du Tourbillon says "Yes, 400 livres tournois (gp) is acceptable. Unless you have other provisos or requests for yet another advance of funds?" He hands the pouches to Katerina, looking over the rim of his glasses at her and Barrington.

OOC: Tagging [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], cause I'm not sure who's following the thread and who prefers to be mentioned so they're alerted to post.
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