• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones


Blaise nods, "Then, if the captain agrees, I think it's time to move. What if we split up to cover some more ground? As far as I can tell, we have three immediate tasks that we can pursue. Some of us can go speak with Van Djik and try to get him to spill his secrets before the disease takes him. Others can pursue the resources to copy that book. Perhaps there is a priest or similar who has some magic for sale that can quicken the process. The last thing we need is to keep recruiting crew and start delegating the smaller tasks ahead of us."

"I know we haven't known each other long, but I had an encounter with a loa sometime ago that left me with a gift. I do not get sick. I can walk through a plague ship without fear. If Van Djik is truly suffering from Yellow Fever, then I can speak with him without risk. If his disease is connected to that djab, then I wouldn't mind having someone with more insight into those spirits to help."

"That's the extent of my recommendations, captain. We'll follow your orders."

Just to speed things along, I propose we split up briefly. Essentially, each group should shoot for one scene (speak with Van Djik, deal with the book, and keep recruiting). My guess is that each scene might lead to other branches (Van Djik may want something before talking for example). IC, we can agree on meeting up at a set time to go towards whatever the next big goal is together. Thoughts?[/sblock]

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First Post
Etienne took full time to rest from his previous ordeals.

He nodded to Blaise suggestion : "I'll try to sell the rest of my ware to get the hiring bonus for the sailors. Let me be quartermaster- I'll hire sailors and teach these dogs a French Navy officer can be their worst nightmare!"
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"Sounds like a plan, I should try to do the copying, but I think a dutch dwerg will help the discussion with Van Djik, and I am pretty hardy for my age, and I am old so if I get sick it isn't as a great a loss" laughs the old dwarf.

"so I will head over with you Blaise. Etienne can head out with Kat to recruit and since he is eager to be quarter master he can get me some scribing supplies as he gathers sailors. Nia could be a help with either group. Kat, Nia?" asks Zef of the ladies.

OOC: [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] So how long would it take to transcribe the book and what would we need?


First Post
"Sooner or later, we will find we kennot do everyting," Nia says. "We will be havin' to choose one ting or anudder, even doh we want dem both."

She glances at Kat. "Be careful havin' us split. We have made enemies here."


GM: It would take about 12 hours, and would require pen, two colors of ink, and a blank book [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] However, the spell scrolls in its pages (drowned likeness*, arms of Hadar, darkness) cannot be copied.


First Post
Etienne checks his notebook (his memory is so bad!) and finds out he got some paper and parchment back in the warehouse in Nassau.

"If you need mundane writing ware I can find it back in Nassau. Don't worry!"


Queen of Everything
Kat rubbed at her temples. "I don't think we need to copy the book. I imagine there is something more than mutterings about the sea to this, don't what it could be, but perhaps Van Djik has a clue." She met Blaise's gaze briefly, it was quite possible it had to do with the story he'd just been telling her in confidence about the gem, but she was not going to discuss that in the open.

"Right now, our sole focus is getting the ship. Whatever we have to do to GET the ship, is what we should be doing. We cannot make one misstep here. Once we acquire the ship, it'll need to be repaired and that will take some time. We will have time then to split up, some of us recruit crew, others look for equipment. I am just fearful if we take too long, harder to get items will already be long gone from this Island. Perhaps I should have kept that fear to myself, we have enough to be worrying about."

She gave Bella a scratch and took another offered date from her. "We need to see this Captain, and while I don't have immunity to disease, I'm going to see this man and hear what he would say for myself. I do believe the dwarf should come and since that is almost all of us, we should just all stick together."

"I am, as always, open to what everyone else has to say."

Katerina turned to Etienne and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I appreciate your enthusiasm for the job of Quartermaster, but on my ship, as my father's before me, I plan to leave that role up to a crew vote. I am sure you can understand this?" She nodded at him. "Once we are ready to go forward with crew and supplies, you are more than welcome to be in charge of that."


GM: It would take about 12 hours, and would require pen, two colors of ink, and a blank book [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] However, the spell scrolls in its pages (drowned likeness*, arms of Hadar, darkness) cannot be copied.

OOC: Uh, what scrolls? There weren't any scrolls in the book, and yes I am happy to see you and I don't have any scrolls in my pants. Ok, I shall copy as time permits


Queen of Everything
"Agreed. Pack up, old man," she waves to Zef to hide the book again. "We don't want anyone knowing we found all this."

She directs them all back into the boat, where they start their journey towards Komodo Ray's.

OOC: I believe we had divvied up the treasure so it was distributed amongst ourselves?

Voidrunner's Codex

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