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spells you think are the wrong level


We kind of take for granted that the powers that be have correctly assigned the right level to a given spell. I think some of it holds over from earlier editions, frankly.

I was thinking recently that the invisibility and greater invisibility spells were maybe a level or two too low -- maybe invisibility should be 3rd and greater invis should be 5th. And I kind of wondered if there could be a weaker version of invis at around 2nd level -- something with an extremely short duration (1 round?) or is a little less effective (maybe a bonus to hide checks instead of total concealment -- maybe combine with the Blur spell?).

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had done any minor -- or major -- reworking of D&D spell levels, and how it worked out for you.

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I guess most who have done have concentrated on evasive magic (Fly, Teleport, etc) and resurrection magic. Those are really powerful effects, which come along pretty fast.



First Post
Web and entangle are ridiculously effective spells encounter-busting spells that hose you even if you make your saving throw. A revision would be best, but for them to work the way they do, they should be bumped up a level higher.

Put enlarge person on that list too. I've had bad experiences with mages getting buying cheapo wands of enlarge person and every combat I'd start seeing 8-foot tall halflings sneak attacking and 12-foot tall human swashbucklers tumbling about. It dawned on me how many monsters' "cool factor" relied entirely on their size. Bump it 2nd.


EricNoah said:
And I kind of wondered if there could be a weaker version of invis at around 2nd level -- something with an extremely short duration (1 round?) or is a little less effective (maybe a bonus to hide checks instead of total concealment -- maybe combine with the Blur spell?).

I played a gnome sorcerer who made great use of Disappear from Relics & Rituals. A 1st level spell with a duration of 2 rounds, makes the caster invisible on the round in which it is cast and the following round, and grants a +4 to concentration check to complete casting the spell. Perfect for a caster caught in melee who needs Disappear.

Jeff Wilder

First Post
Ray of enfeeblement is way too good for a first-level spell.

I agree that web and entangle are too powerful, if the DM doesn't play up their limitations. For example, web requires anchor points. The way I run the spell, you pick the center for the effect, and then any squares in that 20 foot radius that form continuous lines to anchor points are filled with webs. For instance, in a corridor forty feet wide, if the caster picks the most efficienct spot he'll web a two-square wide swath from wall-to-wall. The rest of the created webs will collapse and dissipate. Entangle actually invites the DM to apply limitations based on the terrain ... plus, it's a really nice flavor spell for druids. It's never been a problem in my game.

IMO, teleport, raise dead, and resurrection shouldn't be in the core rules. (I wouldn't quarrel if they were included as options somewhere for a high-magic and/or high-lethality campaign.) I replaced the latter two spells in my campaign by versions of revivification. Dunno what I'm going to do about teleport and similar spells.


First Post
Me - I'd take another look at silence. It does double duty as a means to obviate Move Silent checks and as a way to shut down enemy spellcasters. Maybe they need breaking apart and reassigning.


First Post
Phantasmal killer. A save-or-die spell at 4th level? No way. That should be at least 5th, maybe 6th.

Moving invis to 3rd could be good.. make a concealment spell at 2nd - 50% concealed - and you'd be good to go.

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