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Star Trek Discovery not getting any better I fear.


Not seeing the borg tie in, but, it's possible I suppose. The line about being perfect after getting the sphere data kinda sounds borg(ish)?

But, yeah, the plot holes in this one were a bit glaring. Hrm, the one lone survivor of the ship just happens to still be alive when Burnham and co arrive. So, huh, Control's plan is, delay one ship from reporting, hope that Ash will give that information to Burnham in time, hope that Burnham will be allowed to leave the ship by herself to travel to the delayed ship, and then kidnap Burnham?

That's a bit convoluted.

Never minding, hrmmm, you just beamed over the sole survivor from a ship and perform next to no medical checks? When you KNOW that your enemy can possess people? Spock should be ashamed.

OTOH, the Pike stuff was well done. Love the tie in with the TOS storyline.

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Not seeing the borg tie in, but, it's possible I suppose. The line about being perfect after getting the sphere data kinda sounds borg(ish)?

We already have seen Borg like behaviour in the last few episodes, the resemblance of Controls speech to the iconic "resistance is futile", the general similarity of controling persons through nanobots and when Ash discovered that Leland was controlled the pattern on his face resembled what a Borg infection does.
And in this episode the Control technology have taken on the same green colour normally associated with Borg.


We already have seen Borg like behaviour in the last few episodes, the resemblance of Controls speech to the iconic "resistance is futile", the general similarity of controling persons through nanobots and when Ash discovered that Leland was controlled the pattern on his face resembled what a Borg infection does.
And in this episode the Control technology have taken on the same green colour normally associated with Borg.

Meh. I'll buy it when I see it. These are all pretty much standard tropes in the whole "computers are going to kill us" stories. There's as much connecting this to the Borg as the Matrix, or, as was mentioned, Star Gate. I mean, sure, it could be. But, they'd have to do some serious retconning here. The Borg are considerably older than the Federation. Like, by thousands of years. So, our time traveling Control would have to time travel back tens of thousands of years, to the Gamma Quadrant and set itself up. Then it would have to completely forget about humanity or the Alpha Quadrant, again, for tens of thousands of years, until Q launches the Enterprise thousands of light years away from the Alpha quadrant.

Yeah, it could happen, but, man, that's stretching a lot of stuff and so far, while Discovery hasn't been too concerned with continuity, they haven't outright broken anything yet either.


Meh. I'll buy it when I see it. These are all pretty much standard tropes in the whole "computers are going to kill us" stories. There's as much connecting this to the Borg as the Matrix, or, as was mentioned, Star Gate. I mean, sure, it could be. But, they'd have to do some serious retconning here. The Borg are considerably older than the Federation. Like, by thousands of years. So, our time traveling Control would have to time travel back tens of thousands of years, to the Gamma Quadrant and set itself up. Then it would have to completely forget about humanity or the Alpha Quadrant, again, for tens of thousands of years, until Q launches the Enterprise thousands of light years away from the Alpha quadrant.

Yeah, it could happen, but, man, that's stretching a lot of stuff and so far, while Discovery hasn't been too concerned with continuity, they haven't outright broken anything yet either.

Yeah, if there's any Borg connection, I'd expect it to be that these nanites are reverse-engineered from Borg tech that Section 31 got their hands on, possibly left over from the First Contact incident.

Missed the last 2 episodes. Been binge watching DS9, first time I have seen the entire run. Almost finished season 5.
Now the real fun parts begin! I think. I haven't been able to keep my rewatch lately and don't remember the exact beginnings of various events. It's possible the real fun has already begun. ;)


More plot holes.

Again, no one gets the idea of jumping to the beta quadrant planet with the church where Leland would need decades to reach to so that they can plan their next move. Or jump to Earth and inform Starfleet directly.
And they could rebuild the suit the whole time? So why not transfer the data there and blow it up? Speaking of blowing up, why can't the Enterprise not penetrate the shields of the discovery? Or use the same trick they used in the Khan movie?

But at least we now know why the Voyager never ran out of shuttles. Where do they store all those things?


LOL. That was a LOT of shuttles. Someone has been reading their Star Fleet Battles I think before writing this episode. Really draws straight from how the old game played out a lot of times. At least, that's how we played it.

As far as using the Command Codes go, well, that was something of a massive plot hole that they added into the show. I mean, there were numerous TOS episodes where, if you have the command codes of another federation ship, the plot would have been resolved a lot easier - The Ultimate Computer, for example.

And, since this show is set decades before Khan, it's possible that command codes hadn't been instituted on ships. In fact, I could see this incident as the reason why command codes were added to Star Fleet ships, in order to prevent something like this from happening in the future.

At least the death scene with Burnham in the future vision didn't look at all like a borg death scene. That was an angry AI. :D

But, on the other hand, of COURSE they are putting Burnham in the suit. Sigh. Really? It makes all the hand wringing and emotional goodbye scenes ring so hollow. We know she isn't going to die. We know she isn't going to be lost forever. It dragged on and ate up so much run time, and, frankly, I just didn't care. I found the death of Airiam to be far more impactful. Oh noes, Burhnam is going off to certain death... again... at the end of this season... snore.

I really, really hope they do the whole "lost in space" thing though next season. Let Discovery actually do some fairly bog standard Star Trek one off episodes for a season. Just for a change of pace if nothing else.


But, on the other hand, of COURSE they are putting Burnham in the suit. Sigh. Really? It makes all the hand wringing and emotional goodbye scenes ring so hollow. We know she isn't going to die. We know she isn't going to be lost forever. It dragged on and ate up so much run time, and, frankly, I just didn't care.

The goodbye scenes weren't about Burnham dying, they were about her leaving - which is still happening.

I am worried that they're setting up next season to be Star Trek Voyager, with Discovery and the core cast lost in space and time, trying to find home.

On the other hand, if they happen to pop out of their time-jump just next to space station Deep Space Nine at the end of the Dominion War, I will have no complaints whatsoever. :D


I would not be surprised if they get stuck in the future permanently. It would be a convenient way to explain why none of these characters ever show up or get mentioned ever in TOS. In fact, though I would kind of hate this, I would not be surprised if the next season ties somehow into Temporal Starfleet. Because either they make it to 900 years in the future and Temporal Starfleet exists or has already been destroyed or they come up short and are the genesis of Temporal Star Fleet. Of course - time travel is stupid and the great scourge of established universes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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