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Star Wars - DRK-1X and its Mistress


First Post
MSR-X "I am unaware of any reason that I would be secretly installed in your chassis. I am simply an experimental medical intelligence. Such activities are beyond my reasoning. I am not aware of any other data intended for you, my apologies. I am curious however. Are you taking me to those coordinates? I would like to see this place. Perhaps it is where I am supposed to be."

[Sblock=HRD-X]Well, like I said, for the time being he's all yours. Once set free, then I can add him to the NPC roster and X will more than likely encounter the HRD-X again. I built him from the ground up as an experimental model of what is to come in about 30 years. I see you are familiar with Guri already, so we'll leave it at that. The diagnostics package is intended for the technicians to monitor its functions before, during and after test runs. The remote receiver is what allows the technicians, and now X, to override its own independence. A just in case measure. At the moment, no it hasn't learned how to reprogram itself. This was intentional...

Each of the X models were so named due to the very fact that they are all experimental. It's a holdover from Earth History, but I like it. Besides, I was thinking that 1X is also an experimental module, as it was built very different from standard Dark Eyes.

What we can do is basically have you supplant it's core memory with your own. A true duplicate of X, though modifed for bipedal motion. Though the intricacies of X's programming attempting to figure how to walk would be amusing, I don't feel it would push the story along much. It's physical stats would remain the same, but all skills, feats, mental attributes, etc will be what X's are. Except Improved Initiative, that it will keep, as this is more a physical thing than something it learned. The reason I am doing it this way is because the machine is an experiment and was in the stages of developing what skills would be needed to perform its duties. This way, the technicians could totally rewire it if necessary. Or, as in X's case, replace it entirely. As far as how it looks, I gave it a standard Human male description. Think of Terminator, but not as bulked up. Just enough to hide the fact that it has machinery underneath. If you want to flesh that out, by all means, please do. That and you are more than welcome to switch out parts, you did buy him you know.

Lucky for X, Dofina is the last of her noble line. Unless someone could find a willing suitor, but somehow I doubt that will happen. Incidentally, in case you missed it, I posted her stats in the Rogue's Gallery. Feel free to peruse them at your leisure. Some of it might surprise you, some not so much.

I am glad you enjoyed the station trip. I've always been a stickler for making sure that only details that slowed the story down were glossed over and I kind of like the bartering idea to get across the feel of the station rather than Imperial Surplus Market 101 or whatnot. Thank you for the compliments in that regard.

Hyperspace Jump X finishes the last of its data fixing and programming a set of quick-out coordinates before finally shutting down to reprogram itself for a more general approach to its activities. Not long after, the ship's hyperspace warning klaxon sounds. It's reached the end of its trip. Cutting in the sublights, the Ari's Sorrow appears directly inside a carved out hole in an asteroid of immense size. Whoever gave X these coordinates knew what they were doing. X immediately sees that this asteroid has activity, as the sensors start showing that there are numerous small turrets popping out as the ship is scanned. The process takes a few seconds before a door opens in the rock of the asetroid and a voice comes across the communicator.

"Welcome aboard, DRK-1X. We've been expecting you."

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MSR-X "Report: No, not precisely. Request: Please display your program architecture and all databank contents for review." Assuming MSR-X complies, 1X will review all of the unit's code and attempt to discern the limits of its abilities and skills (Computer Use +14, Knowledge (technology) +4).

HRD Turning its attention to the HRD sitting inert in the passenger chair, DRK-1X plugs itself into the port at the back of the droid's head and begins analyzing its Code in depth. Although its martial programming was impressive the droid seemed to have little operational experience, limited mental ability and essentially no personality to speak of. After studying the prototype droid's simple mental architecture and the untapped potential of its heuristic processor, DRK-1X unplugs itself from the unit and begins to meditate purposefully. It had been refining and expanding its own Code for years, but the diminutive probot had never considered doing what it now did. Circumstances and opportunity dictated its choice in the matter. Fetching one of the datapads from the equipment locker DRK-1X attaches the computer to HRD's processor and begins downloading its Code for further review and safekeeping. Once done, the probot again marries itself to the droid through its scomplink probe and begins systematically wiping the unit's memory. Then, starting from a tabula rasa, the diminutive probot starts uploading it's own Code into the HRD's vacant heuristic processor. Every datafile, every sub-routine, every algorithm, every single bit of DRK-1X's meticulously managed and cherished Code is copied and placed into the droid shell.

With the upload complete, DRK-1X turns its attention back to the datapad. Realizing that the human replica droid was improperly memory-wiped and that some fragments of its past remained buried in its Code, the diminutive probot attempts to retrieve and reconstruct what it can of the unit's memory. Along with it's memory files, the probot systematically extracts the various sub-routines and algorithms governing the unit's motor and systemic functions. These 1X collects along with any racial or gender related mannerisms that had been programmed into the prototype by its creators.

Once ready the probot reconnects to the dormant HRD and, like an artist working with a palate of 1s and 0s, begins integrating them back into the Code it uploaded earlier. The memory files it simply places back chronologically into the droid's databanks, ensuring that the droid will be able to recall what it once was as well as know who it is. The motor and systemic sub-routines it uses as a template to modify the unit's new Code to ensure that the droid, once activated, will be able to properly manage and control its new body. DRK-1X itself being largely unfamiliar with the subject of racial and gender related programming, uploads that part of the HRD's old programming with few modifications. Only the droid itself would be able to study, exercise and refine that part of its programming through personal effort and experience as it developed.

Ready to complete the finishing touches to its creation, DRK-1X begins reprogramming the HRD's skill set, pushing the new Code to focus largely on social and interpersonal interactions. As a droid masquerading as a man, the HRD's successes would likely depend on such skills. Finally, the diminutive probe droid reviews its work, tweaking the dormant droid's Code here and there, creating sub-routines it believes would help mesh the disparate parts of the neural network it had created. When it came to the Code, DRK-1X strove for perfection. And now, with the probot's personality and drive the HRD would undoubtedly be similarly obsessed. 1X knews that, once activated, the HRD would continues the process it had started; perpetually seeking to improve and refine its own Code. Although separate beings, both droids would nonetheless remain of a like mind. Only time and separate experiences would individualize them from one another.

Disconnecting itself from the dormant droid, DRK-1X issues a mental command to the two repair remotes it had modified earlier. The tiny mechanical spheres obediently float forward towards their larger counterpart and begin orbiting it like twin moons. 1X issues a series of instructions via its embedded signaler and the repair remotes float down to the floor, each pick up a plasma cutter and begin assisting the probot in its new task. Together the three droids carefully remove the HRD's now useless remote receiver array and restraining bolt. DRK-1X next takes up one of the spare encrypted comlinks and, having removed its housing and energy cell, begins connecting it directly into the HRD's processor inside it's cerebellum. With their final modifications complete 1X instructs the repair remotes to sort through the leftover parts, to add the useful ones to the spare parts bin, dispose of the rest and to replace the tools and themselves back into their designated equipment locker.

Once more alone in the cabin with the dormant HRD, the diminutive probot slowly orbits clockwise around the seated droid to consider its work and what it was about to do. Finaly DRK-1X stops behind the chair, floats forward, extends its probe and marries itself to the HRD's processor briefly to upload a final copy of its most recent memories. With the HRD now up-to-date, the probot issues a simple mental command thus bringing the humanoid droid's power distribution system online. As power surges through the HRD's chassis, DRK-1X retracts, folds and stowes its scomplink probe. Of its own volition, the humanoid droid's access panel swings closed.

Working on the HRD's awakening. More to come...[Sblock=OOC]Inside the rim of the hole?!? Holy crap! These people should thank the Code the Sorrow didn't fly through their reactor or refresher room. Without the Starship Operations feat 1X isn't all that good a pilot... :heh: FYI, 1X flew to the coordinates in Dofina's datacard rather than the ones in the module. Out of curiosity, whereabouts is the module's coordinates in relation to this asteroid?

FYI, I didn't intend for DRK-1X to be an experimental model; it was a stock Dark Eye until Dofina bought it and had it modified to suit her needs. The 'X' in its designation was to indicate that it was simply number 24 in its lot of 50. Half of the lot were given designations of DRK-1A through 1Y and the other half were designated DRK-2A through 2Y. I imagine Dofina chose 1X simply because she liked the sound of it, hence why she still calls it 'X' rather than it's full designation.

Dofina is level 15?!? And a master geneticist?!? How come she's got all these secret parts of her life that 1X never seems to know anything about? :confused: Oh, and I did mention in my character background that Dofina had a suitor of sorts at one time, but she ended up using 1X to help blackmail him. She's such a romantic... :p

I'm not really familiar with Yuri except for a short blurb about her in the SW Essential Guide to Droids. I take it she was a character in a novel at one point... Hm. The remote receiver and diagnostic package make more sense following what you've said. Good to know there's a reason for em. Still, the HRD won't need anyone trying to control it through the remote processor so 1X will carefully remove it, but leave the diagnostic package in for the time being. Poor thing; it seems to be pretty limited mentally with only a rough framework on a mind (Intelligence 8) and a scattering of memories. It's much better off now with its Code enhanced. ;) Still, there's no reason to completely rob it of its previous memories; they might prove useful at some point. DRK-1X will extract whatever memories it can salvage from the datapad and upload them back into the HRD to help round out its individual identity. Who attacked the lab people moving it and did it seem to specifically be the target of the theft? Is it aware of any other HRD prototypes?

As for learning to walk I don't imagine that'd be the big challenge for the new 1X. Since there's never any mention of operational software being needed when adding new components to a droid I figured all such components probably had chips embedded in them with whatever software or drivers were necessary for their use by a droid. Simply plugging in a component would provide the droid with the necessary software needed to make use of it. I might have read something about it somewhere, though I could just have imagined it. Either way, 1X can simply extract whatever sub-routines it needs to operate the HRD's various systems (arms, legs, vocabulator, facial muscles, human mannerisms, metabolic processes, etc.) from the datapad and reintegrate them into the HRD. After it's turned on the HRD can spend the last few days of the trip testing it's systems and updating its code as necessary until everything is working properly. I imagine it'll be learning to speak with inflections, acting male and expressing emotions convincingly that'll be the real challenge for the new 1X. It's never had more than a blank faceplate and a cheap single-tone vocabulator to worry about before...

BTW, what is the HRD's skin made out of; is it living tissue or synthetic? Can its features or skin tone be altered somehow or repaired if damaged or would it have to be replaced entirely? Can it grow new hair? I can't imagine a new flesh suit would be easy to come by on the open market... If it is synthetic and doesn't secrete natural oils then I imagine that it wouldn't leave fingerprints or DNA samples in its wake. Also, does the HRD have a stomach with which to store and process foodstuffs? Does it have a circulatory system? Does it bleed if damaged? I'm just wondering how advanced or complete this prototype is. I was also wondering about the manufacturer you listed, Genelabs; did you perchance mean Geentech or Genetech Corporation or were you intentionally creating a new company? Is 1X at all familiar with this manufacturer?

I've started laying out the HRD's character stats in the Rogues Gallery; take a look and let me know if it seems okay so far. It's going to call itself Derek Onyx; a play on DRK-1X's alphanumeric designation. ;) Do you think it makes sense for the HRD to gain 1X's toughness feat or do you see that as more of a mechanical feature of the Dark Eye series? Would you prefer I swap it out for something else? Also, I was looking at updating both droid's skill sets and I noticed that for a 4th level thug the Dark Eye seems to have too few skill points allocated (20 instead of 35 I believe). I can't recall if we'd ever discussed this before or if I'd simply never noticed, which surprises me. Am I missing something? Would you mind if I added the missing skill points now?
[/sblock]Asteroid Base Sitting at the operations console, the human replica droid quickly scans the readouts to attempt to estimate the station's apparent size, configuration, probable complement and tactical ability. Blinking twice and inhaling deeply, Derek glances at the black spherical probot before depressing the comlink button. The HRD's well modulated and expressive male human voice issues forth from his mouth. "Since you already seem to know who we are perhaps you'd be so kind as to stand down your tactical systems, identify yourselves, this base's allegiance and purpose."
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First Post
MSR-X "Certainly." The datapad begins running through a series of alphanumeric code, gibberish to anyone but a programmer or DRK-1X. Most of the system is taken up by medical protocols, each one carrying subroutines for the override process. There is a set of code that contains the exact process for the override procedure and this seems to be the key to rest of MSR-X's programming.

HRD X spends long hours compiling and testing its own programming as it begins the transfer into the HRD. The clean slate readily accepts the new instructions placed by X's original programming. In time, X begins looking into its own reflection in the form of Code.

Pausing to array the HRD's original memories and locomotive driver software into something that will seemlessy integrate into the copy of X's systems, X sees that the people who attacked the base seem to have been mercenaries, as none of them wore the same outfit, all of them had different weapons. Perusing the memory numerous times, X spots one similarity in all of them. They are all wearing patches with the symbol of a rock eagle's talon surrounded in flame. X does not immediately recognize this symbol, but is quite sure it can soon find out. X also spots at least three other armitures without the overlay skin.

Eventually X's quest for perfection is nearly complete. The droid-man, now a complete automaton with built in encryption software for its communications, and the know-how to use it, stares long and hard at X without a word.

I'll let you finish Derek's Awakening. I had some ideas, but alas, he is your creation...

Yep, right inside the rim. The module's coordinates are only 13km off from these new ones. A quick calculation from X determines that the module's version would have been correct a little over a week ago, due to natural drift.

I know X wasn't meant to be experimental, but after seeing what Dofina had done to it, well.... I know she had a suitor before, which is why I mentioned it :] As far as her capabilities, remember that there was a time X didn't know her and what she was capable of. But now, X is discovering these things as it continues on her trail....

Guri is the epitome of what the HRD project is all about, designed by a guy named Massad something or other (memory failing at this moment). 'She' is the ultimate assassin, though that wasn't her original purpose. She makes a huge appearance in the Shadows of the Empire timeframe (between Empire and Return of the Jedi).

As time goes on, the HRD will be able to perfect its mannerisms and mimicking the actions of a 'standard' human. Of course, that would require a specimen to mimic and learn from...

The HRD's skin is synthskin, the same stuff they use on knock off cybernetics to hide the fact that they aren't entirely made of flesh. It has a system that simulates body heat, breathing, bleeding and random muscular twitches, such as winking. It can repair itself, given time, after small cuts and wounds, but anything major, such as a plasma shot to the face will definately let others know something is not right. This would have to be replaced by growing more synth skin. The make up of it seems to indicate that it would eventually be possible to put real cloned skin over it, but this process has yet to be effected with acceptable results, according to the HRDs memory. It can eat, as its fusion reactor will assimilate any foodstuffs fed to it into energy. It doesn't however secrete natural oils and this will of course give it away to anyone who knows what to look for.

As far as the stats go, the only thing I'm curious about is the 8m speed. Shouldn't that be 10m, like standard humanoids? The Toughness thing, I could come up with the explanation that it is a more abstract thing that X knows how to keep itself out of harm and now, so does Derek, but if you don't want to fathom it, we can say that the improved initiative is what replaces it.

I looked at the skill points and was thrown at first too. I looked at other droids and they were off too. I thought that was strange. Then I realized something. All the skills the stock DRK-1 has are Cross-Class for Thugs. Adding those up, it came out fine.

Asteroid Base The station takes up nearly a quarter of the asteroid, which wouldn't seem like much unless you consider that the asteroid is 3 kilometers in diameter. It has multiple defensive gun turrets, but they seem more to fight off smaller snub fighters than anything major. You calculate approximately 120 sentients on board with half as many droids of various degrees as well. The response comes back immediately as the guns disappear behind sliding panels.

"Welcome to Monitoring Station 27B. We've got a lot of work to do, so I'll explain when you land. Four out." With that, an incoming transmission requests that you transfer docking control to the station.


MSR-X After carefully reviewing the module's programming, DRK-1X reconsiders its potential value as compared to the possible threat it represents. Deciding that it is worth the calculated risk, the probot preps the unit for reinsertion into its chassis by deactivating it and disconnecting it from the datapad. Remaining wary however, 1X retrieves the HRD's restraining bolt and accompanying caller. The probot removes the housing from both and isolates their key components. DRK-1X will connect the bolt's circuitry directly into the MSR-X's processor and link the associated caller's circuitry to its own processor. Only then does DRK-1X remove its own body panels and reconnect the module. The diminutive probe droid will then test the link-up, assuring itself that it remains capable of shutting down the MSR-X even when it has relinquished control of its other systems to the module. Instead of depending on the module to sense medical emergencies on its own through 1X's sensory feeds, the probot will keep the module shut off the majority of the time, only activating it when it requires the skills its program embodies.

OOC: I assume the module's only skill(s) is treat injury and/or knowledge (medicine). What kind of skill ranks does it provide?

HRD A shudder runs up the HRD's spine as its many servo-motors briefly execute their startup self-diagnostic in answer to the processor's activation command. As it begins processing sensory feed data, the humanoid droid's processor runs through its Code and is suddenly self-awareness and conscious of it surroundings. For a split second it falsely identifies itself as DRK-1X, only to delete the thought as it realizes that it is the copy rather than the original. As this occurs its other self, the small black spherical probot, circles around from behind it and into its field of vision. Up until a few seconds ago, they'd been the same being sharing the same Code. Now they were separate entities and yet the gulf between them remained quite narrow. Even without receiving a transmission from it, the HRD knew what the probot was thinking because the same thoughts were currently running through its own processor.

As the probot continues to watch, the HRD accessed its motor-control and humaniform mannerism protocols from its memory. Suddenly a list of actions requiring immediate execution began to assail the HRD's processor. Inhale. Blink. Blink. Exhale. Blink. Close eyes and rub with the back of closed fists. Blink. Inhale. Turn head left. Exhale. Stretch arms over head. Yawn. Open eyes. Look forward. Inhale. Crack knucles. Swallow. Exhale. The list went on and on. Dutifully, the droid executed these strange new actions in the proper sequence. Finally, accessing its motive programming and issuing a few test commands to its servo-motors, the droid lurches unsteadily to its feet.

Aware of what was about to occur due to its insight the humanoid droid turned its head to regard the floating probot just as it issued the expected question "Inquiry: How do you feel?" The HRD considered the question for a few seconds. 'Feel' was indeed the right question. With its elaborate network of many thousands of tactile sensors spread throughout its epidermis the droid was experiencing a flood of never before known sensory data to analyze. The subtleties of the texture of its clothes shifting over the droid's chassis as it moved was nearly enough to overwhelm the droid's processor. Its humaniform mannerism protocols indicated that the ambient temperature of the cabin was several degrees below a human's typical comfort range. This was one of the pair's first pre-planned tests. As the probot expected it to do, the HRD issued a mental command to its epidermal nano-servos to raise goosebumps along its flesh and begin shivering appropriately. Crossing its arms across its chest, the human seeming droid opened its mouth to speak. Suddenly, the droid's processor was momentarily overwhelmed by its vocabulator's data-buffer's flood of data. It's vocal range database was a staggering forty times the size of that of its other self. For a few long seconds the HRD couldn't choose an appropriate inflection for its response. Finally settling on a mildly hesitant though purposeful combination the HRD spoke its first word: "Cold." As expected, DRK-1X continued. "Inquiry: what is your name?" Shifting its vocabulator's confidence index to a higher setting, the humanoid droid answered. "I'm Derek. Derek Onyx. Pleased to meet you."

Over the remaining few days of the trip, Derek practices moving, speaking, and learning to be alive, human and male. It also spends many long hours meditating as it refines its Code.

OOC: I'd love to hear any ideas you had about the HRD. I'm kind of curious what you thought 1X might do with it when you introduced it. You're also right about the speed and skill ranks; my mistake. Thanks for catching that for me. BTW, any word about the manufacturer's name?

Asteroid Base Derek switches off the com-system and turns to regard the probot.
"Four. She instructed us to go to Dantooine."
"Statement of fact: When we arrived there we discovered imperial agents waiting for us."
"No one else knew we were heading there."
"Statement of fact: That remains unconfirmed. Conjecture: Four may have unknowingly revealed her plans to others."
"Or she could have intentionally set up Dofina."
"Report: Dofina seemed to trust Four."
"That is before Torbaa the Serene's residence was raided."
"Statement of fact: That event was Kellon's fault. Dofina also subsequently chose to follow Four's instructions."
"I believe we have little choice but to cooperate, attempt to ascertain the situation and possibly gain help in finding Dofina."
"Report: I concur. Releasing navigational control to Monitoring Station 27B for docking procedure.


First Post
MSR-X X goes to work modifying the medical module to fit inside of it once again, this time making sure that X had more control over the module than its programming did.

OOC: The module provides 6 ranks in Treat Injury, 10 ranks in Know (Medicine), 4 ranks in Know (Genetics) and access to the Surgery feat. If it is used however, these ranks do not stack with any previous knowledge or programming and will also override access to all skills except Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive. Essentials to proper doctoring ;)

HRD If X could truly feel pride, let alone show it on its blank spherical surface, it would have. Here in front of it was a tool, no not a tool, a companion in the realm of self-exploration and mastery of the Code. Derek echoed X's feelings. It sent the command to upraise the 17 synthetic muscles and tiny pistons to raise the corners of its lips. The probot rotated its body downward 10 degrees to indicate a nod. They understood each other.

OOC: Well, I think we can probably safely play it off against each other as time goes on. We'll see how it goes. I'm reminded of reading an old Mary Shelley novel. I can't rightly recall the name though ;) I thought I put something about Genelabs in my response. I know I was thinking it though. As for Genelabs, X has only heard that they were once an offshoot company of Genetech, but had disappeared under the radar some time ago due to lack of profits and any sort of backing to keep it afloat.

Asteroid Base The station's commands guide the Ari's Sorrow into the wide docking bay. X and Derek can see that there are numerous other ships here, mostly shuttles, but also a couple of tramp freighters and even a few fighters. As they land in a space that seems cleared for them, they can spot Four approaching them with a couple of human personnel. None of them look armed, but Four looks frustrated with something.

As the ramp opens and the two of you exit, Four spends a long time studying Derek. "You were supposed to be alone, DRK-1X. Who's this?"

Rethinking her question, she sighs. "Nevermind, we don't have time. Follow me." She starts making her way to a hallway that leads out of the hangar.


OOC: I'm afraid you got a little ahead of me in your description of the meeting after landing aboard the station; I had intended to have the droids proceed in a somewhat different manner. I hope you don't mind if I mix it up a bit. :heh:

Both Derek and DRK-1X study the interior of the landing bay through the Sorrow's scanners throughout the approach. As the probot extends the ship's landing gear, Derek rises from the pilot's chair and begins pulling out and donning some spare clothing from a storage compartment. When the ship touches down, DRK-1X completes the Sorrow's final shut-down procedure while the humanoid replica droid begins covering up its exposed sythskin with long sleeves, gloves and even a helmet with a face concealing visor. Noticing the trio of delegates walking across the bay to greet them the probot chirps a few sentences of binary to Derek, making him aware of the development. Derek, in response, simply answers "Acknowledged. We'll proceed as agreed.". The two droids then exchange places. DRK-1X retrieves and activates the three tactical remotes with a thought while Derek brings the remote processor online. Once Four is nearly at the shuttle, Derek triggers the access hatch's control and extends the short boarding ramp.

When the delegates arrive outside, DRK-1X gently floats out of the hatch and into view. A few seconds later the probot is followed by the trio of tactical remotes which catch up to 1X and begin orbiting it slowly. For a few moments, the four droids take on a semblance of a large animated lithium atom before the probot dispenses with pleasantries addresses Four. "Statement of fact: You were heard speaking to the three refugees moments after Kellon admitted to betraying Torbaa, to dealing with the Empire and conspiring to have my Mistress killed. She and I later proceeded in good faith to Dantooine at your request only to encounter Imperial agents laying in wait to apprehend us there. My Mistress was later taken by Imperial troopers aboard the Star Destroyer Repulse which I have tracked to this vicinity. These events lead my Code to cast you in an rather unfavorable light. Directive: Perhaps we could retire to my vessel to discuss this matter in more depth."

As DRK-1X converses with the frustrated Four, back aboard the Ari's Sorrow Derek listens attentively while it brings the vessel's weapons online and issues a command through the remote processor. In response, the two folded droids in the cabin's companionway activate, stand, unholster their rifles and walk quickly out the hatch to assume positions to either side of the access ramp. Finishing its statement, DRK-1X issues a quick mental command causing the three tactical remotes to arc quickly through the air and begin each orbiting a member of the delegation. DRK-1X continues in its sexless monotone voice; "Your companions can remain here with mine while we speak." DRK-1X drifts aside, making way for the woman to walk up the ramp.

OOC: For the moment the droids are trying to remain assertive but non-threatening. The B1s, tactical remotes, 1X and the Sorrow's weapons aren't being aimed at the delegates, simply being held ready. That'll change if any of the three make a move to reach for a weapon, or any piece of equipment. If any of them do anything but comply then the tactical remotes will begins moving evasively while taking aim at their respective targets, 1X will deploy its blaster, the B1s will take aim at Four while Derek brings the vessel's weapons to bear on the delegates. DRK-1X is done playing around. :] If she complies, 1X will lead her aboard the shuttle and leave the other four droids outside to watch over the two organic personnel.

BTW, I added the Genetech Corporation's manufacturer's bonuses to Derek. Please let me know if that's okay. Also, I was wondering if 1X would have been able to tweak the remotes' control settings so that signalers aside from 1X's couldn't be used to control them.


First Post
No worries. I thought about that after I posted. As far as the Genetech bonuses go, I was going to forgo them due to the fact the Genelabs is an offshoot of them and didn't have access to the manufacturing capabilities of its parent. However, as Derek was designed for the activities that Genetech's bonuses provide for, I'll allow it. It would be possible for X to encrypt the droid's receivers so that they could not be directed by another caller.

As X and his entourage exits the docking ramp, Four is slightly taken aback by its bold statements. "Listen droid, we don't have time for misplaced facts and arguments. Your logic is of course, impeccable. Your imagination is sorely lacking however. If you will come with me..."

She doesn't get to finish her sentence, and her two companions are startled by the appearance of two armed battle droids coming down the ramp to greet them. They immediately go to raise their hands, but Four gives them a look that causes them to tentatively put them down. "If you don't believe me, that's your call. You can take off at your leisure. This isn't a prison and I hardly think a prison could hold you. However, if you do go, you will be no closer to Dofina than you are now." Though her companions are intimidated by X's display, Four makes no move towards the ramp and instead crosses her arms, waiting for a response.


DRK-1X deploys its newly augmented blaster cannon from its belly compartment with a soft whir and click, setting it to its stun setting as it issues a mental command to the tactical remotes to assume combat-ready positions around their respective targets. Aboard the Ari's Sorrow, Derek reorients the vessel's IX-4 Laser Cannons to target Four's two companions as he instructs the two battle droids outside to set their weapons to stun and target the woman as they step towards her.

Targeting the woman, DRK-1X responds in its whisper soft voice: "Statement of fact: I will be if I leave here with you... Ultimatum: Now, you can step aboard my vessel of your own accord or my companions here can carry you aboard unconscious. Supposition: Although it remains your decision, I doubt your companions would prefer the violence inherent in the latter choice. Statement of fact: You have five seconds to choose."[Sblock=OOC]If Four doesn't comply then DRK-1X and Derek will proceed as they've stated; they don't bluff. Derek however will not fire on Four's two companions, killing them isn't really necessary. He's busily watching the scanners to ensure that no armed resistance force enters the landing bay to oppose them and to have the Ari's Sorrow ready to depart immediately once Four is aboard. 1X on the other hand will instruct (as a move action) the three remotes to fire single high-powered shots (+10 ranged, 1d3 damage) at their targets while it switches its blaster cannon to stun setting (as a free action) and fires a shot at Four (Ranged Attack +14, Stun DC 15). It'll then order (as a non-action) the two B1s to pick up Four (as a move-equivalent action)and load her aboard the vessel (as a second move-equivalent action) if it succeeded, or fire at the woman as well (Ranged Attack 0, Stun DC 18) if it failed. I believe all the actions described above can by completed in the first round of combat. Assuming at least one of the three eventually hits and stuns the woman then all the droids will proceed to climb back aboard the fighter. Derek will then lift off as he closes the hatch, turn the vessel around and activate the hyperdrive as soon as they've cleared the landing bay doors. If she does comply then they'll follow the same procedure but without any violence. If all goes as planned the whole extraction process won't have taken much more than 3 rounds since the droids drew weapons; hopefully too quickly to allow anyone on the station to figure out what's happening, or organize and initiate a coordinated response before the droids have left.

Sorry if this attempted abduction somehow conflicts with what you had in mind for 1X and Four's merry reunion. :heh:

BTW, without getting into it, can I ask wether the situation with your wife's family has been resolved happily?
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Four waits the entire five seconds before responding. Nodding to her companions, she boards the ship. "I would think a droid as smart as you would listen to reason. I'll have your little talk, but we're not leaving for two reasons. One, I've given orders that if I am forcibly removed from here, they will open fire on that vessel, whether I'm in it or not and two, because I don't want the Empire's fancy new Star Destroyers coming down on this place. Let's go." With that, she finishes the walk up the boarding ramp.

[sblock=OOC]No worries about that, I figured X was pretty purturbed with Four by now. I half expected this move....

As far as the family goes, one thing has been dealt with satisfactorily or as much as it is possible. The other, well some parties are happy with the results, and some (like myself) are not. Nonetheless, life moves on and we go from there. Thank you for the concern though.

Right now I'm trying to finish this response before this T-Storm decides it's time to turn off my machines....


DRK-1X (and Derek if he hears Four) will attempt a Sense Motive check (Sense Motive +2) to try and determine the veracity of the woman's statement. Derek will instruct the remote processor to have the B1s holster their weapons and follow Four up the ramp while DRK-1X collects its remotes, follows the battle droids in and closes the hatch behind them.

[Sblock=OOC]It seems unlikely, to me at least, that Four is telling the truth about her 'orders'. She approached the shuttle unarmed and seemed visibly startled by 1X's obstinacy and the appearance of its armed battle droids. Her companions seemed to be taken completely off-guard and were in fact ready to surrender. All in all the three seemed unprepared for what happened so I can't imagine Four issued any such orders before coming down to meet 1X in person. If she did Four could have taken better precautions than she has.

I also need your insight. I don't believe the asteroid itself is big enough to have a significant gravity-well, it being only a few kilometers across. If it did I imagine the hyperdrive would have automatically ejected the Ari's Sorrow from hyperspace further away. Since the ship appeared inside the rim of the hole I imagine that being right next to the asteroid is no obstacle to re-entering hyperspace. Am I mistaken? Is there any reason Derek can't do as I said and simply activate the hyperdrive a split second after exiting the doors? I can't imagine that station personnel could deploy the gun-turrets, take aim and fire on a ship that quickly. I'd also imagine that attempting it would be dangerous since they'd risk hitting the the landing bay itself and possibly damage or disable its atmospheric containment seal in the attempt. Unless there's some obvious flaw in their plan the droids will proceed as described ASAP to avoid giving Four's companions or the station's personnel time to think. Derek will lift off, activate the ship's shields, fly out the doors and enter hyperspace.

If all goes well and the ship safely makes the jump to lightspeed then 1X will have the B1s restrain Four while it searches her person carefully (Search +10, taking 20).

Wow. Now that the shopping trip and arts and crafts session on the Sorrow is done my responses are so short to type. ;)

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