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Star Wars - DRK-1X and its Mistress


First Post
DRK-1X manages to flee into the main ventilation shaft, its pursuers seemingly unaware of its egress point. Travelling for a bit before slowing to verify its location, or perhaps to slow the racing of its Code to determine proper reactions to any more problems that could occur.

Eventually, DRK-1X finds a point that would be impossible for any humanoid to access and only a very determined probot could find it. Calculating that it is in a relatively safe spot nearly an hour later, X shuts down and reprograms itself to determine the best possible way to put a crimp in the activities of the Imperials here by destroying some power relays.

A thorough scan of the 'map' that X has created locates a few possible locations that maximum destruction would ensue. Obviously, blowing the main reactor would seriously hamper and possibly even destroy the central command structure, even taking out some of the support structures in the process. Of course, more than likely, this will be a heavily guarded area.

Power relays will probably be guarded as well, and the explosion not quite so spectacular, but if enough of them are set off in a series, the Imperials will have a serious mess on their hands.

There are also the fuel storage bays for the hangars and capital ship docking points. While fire prevention systems would be active, explosives designed for destroying buildings would probably set of more than just the fuel in these areas. Considering there are quite a few of these, this may be the optimal choice for DRK-1X.

There are also munitions storage bays, but again, these may not be as satisfying as the power relays, as safety protocols make sure that all the explosives are deactivated before storage and X would not have the time to activate enough of them to make a difference.

Anything else just wouldn't be as effective at hampering the facility enough or even get close to destroying it. You are able to determine what would be a relatively safe path for most of these spots, again the power relays wouldn't be as safe, but they are there nonetheless. X also remembers that this is all due to a rough sketch of the facility's map.

Reprogramming itself back to normal operating systems, DRK-1X moves on, taking a different route, but something that will still lead it hopeflully closer to its final goal of finding Mistress Dofina and getting out of there.

Before too long, about 10 minutes later, X finds itself overlooking a hangar that seems to be more of a junkyard than a working transfer point for shuttles. Most of the craft here look to be in disrepair or are undergoing various refits. Some look as of they are only present to be used as spare parts for the other shuttles. Taking a quick thermal scan, DRK-1X finds that there are mostly maintenance droids present in the room, about twelve of them, but every so often, a few organics make their presence known, but X can only determine the unique signatures of four of them. They make no indication of anything wrong in the station and continue to work unabated.

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OOC: DRK-1X has multiple related goals in wanting to plant explosives around the facility. With only six permacrete detonators it'll have to be choosy about where it plants them. It wants to keep at least one with itself as a final option in case it is captured; that leaves five others. 1X plans on leaving one within the habitat section where Dofina is located near the main control center, next to that section's primary power relay would be ideal I think. The goal here is to utterly annihilate its mistress' living and working area so as to leave no clue of her fate once she's left that section. If all else goes well that one will be the last detonator to be set once 1X locates Dofina.

Assuming that Dofina's habitat section and the flight control station aren't close enough together to be taken out by the single detonator, the second to last detonator will be set in a position to take out that second target. Again, setting it next to that sections' main power relay would be ideal I think. The goal here is to destroy or at least disrupt the flight control station's normal operations so that the imperial forces will have a difficult time tracking and identifying ships around the construction facility, such as the Ari's Sorrow, once 1X and Dofina are ready to escape.

That leaves three detonators. DRK-1X would ideally like to place two of them in a position to destroy or disable the station's main reactor. Can you give me a better idea of how many detonators would be necessary to cause a full-fledged reactor breach? The goal here is to cause the biggest distraction possible to disrupt all of the imperial forces by throwing them into chaos. Since the main reactor is so big its 1X's hope that the security measures in place will be unable to protect its entire bulk all at once, allowing the probot to exploit some openings here and there. The final detonator 1X wants to hide in or near the shuttle repair bay its found; the purpose being to thoroughly erase any of its handiwork left behind there. Again, planting it next to the nearest power relay would be preferable.

DRK-1X's plan in setting all the detonators is to reach a hard to access maintenance hatch or out-of-sight cranny somewhere near its targets; ideally behind an innocuous bolted panel where they'll be hard to detect or find in a search. DRK-1X doesn't want to risk all or nothing in trying to set up any particular explosive device however. Hopefully, since the detonators have such a large yield, 1X won't have to risk getting too close to its intended targets. Ideally, placing them nearby will be sufficient to critically damage each target and so cause maximum destruction. Now that it's inside the central hub, 1X isn't too worried about taking its time. With boundless patience, 1X can easily remain in a concealed spot for hours or days if necessary to wait for the perfect moment to covertly reach or leave a targeted location. If it judges that the in-place security measures are too dangerous to risk penetrating then 1X will reconsider its target and choose a secondary spot near a key power relay to place its detonators. To these ends, 1X will plot a route for itself through the central hub to pass by each spot in turn before heading towards Dofina.

The junkyard nature of the hangar bay that 1X is observing sounds ideal for its needs; piles of junk and many partially disassembled shuttles should provide it with plenty of cover and hiding spots as it stealthily moves around the place. What type of maintenance droids are there in the hangar; treadwells, LE repair droids, R series astromechs?... Hopefully these droids don't possess much in the way of security programming and so won't be suspicious or be particularly alarmed if they see something out of the ordinary going on around them. Once again, stealth and success matter more to 1X at this point than does speed. To that end 1X will take all the time it needs to carefully move around the place, select its targets, avoid the human guards and pick the best opportunities to act, perhaps only acting during guard shifts. 1X's ultimate goal here is to gain control of all the maintenance droids here and, through them, control of the hangar bay and its equipment.

The probot has multiple goals it wants to achieve while here. First of all, it wants to reduce its chances of raising an alarm while simultaneously securing some aid. To that end 1X will choose a maintenance droid that is in an isolated part of the hangar bay by itself, busily working at its assigned task; one who is alone and out of sight working inside a shuttle would be ideal. DRK-1X will use its stealth abilities to sneak up behind it and, assuming it hasn't been upgraded with locked access, shut it off with a tap to its shutdown switch. 1X will then hurriedly proceed to plug itself into the droid and reprogram it while keeping a keen eye out for anyone else approaching their location. DRK-1X isn't particularly interested in scanning the droid's memories or its programming; all it wants to do is change its ownership and obeisance protocols so that it'll follow 1X's instructions ahead of anyone else's. Assuming it succeeds, 1X will then program the droid with a series of instructions to follow and goals it wants the maintenance droid to covertly pursue while seemingly continuing with its regularly assigned duties. DRK-1X will then reactivate the droid. The maintenance droid's first such task is to assist 1X by keeping a lookout and intercepting and occupying people while the probot approaches, shuts-down and reprograms another droid in a similar fashion; and so on and so on... 1X may also charge a reprogrammed maintenance droid to approach and shut down one of its lot mates rather than risk doing so itself if it seems expedient to do so.

The next step is to have the droids identify (and repair if necessary) one of the shuttles' com-systems. DRK-1X wants to set it up so that it continuously monitors a set com-channel chosen by 1X so that it will retransmit any encrypted transmissions it receives with its superior range. 1X doesn't want to risk trying to slice one of the stations' com-systems if avoidable; leap-frogging an encrypted signal to the Ari's Sorrow through a derelict shuttle's com-system is a good alternative plan I think.

The probot's final goal is to covertly enter and pre-program one or more of the shuttles here so that it can operate them remotely via its encrypted comlink. Ideally they'd end up pre-programmed to power up and fly out of the hangar bay on their own and then to travel to a set of transmitted coordinates. DRK-1X could hide aboard one of the shuttles while performing the programming itself and then direct the maintenance droids to ensure that the shuttle is properly prepped, in good working order, fueled and stocked once 1X leaves the hangar bay. The droids could then go about their regular duties while similarly prepping other shuttles along the same lines as the first; even going so far as to copy 1X's special flight programming to the other vessels. Given enough time and luck, the maintenance droids might be able to get a handful of these shuttles ready to fly at 1X's command. If and when 1X sent the activation command the maintenance droids would be ready to manually open the hangar doors, disengage the air shield and generally help to facilitate the shuttle(s) departure.

BTW, I don't believe you ever told me what was on Four's datastick...

I know these plans are far reaching and convoluted but 1X is trying to do everything possible to increase its chances of successfully carrying out its mission; its Mistress deserves no less. Feel free to adjudicate all this however you see fit. We can play through each part or you can summarize the results if you prefer. You've been doing a fine job so far. :)
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First Post
Four's datastick contains a lot of information regarding the names and locations of numerous personnel in the complex. Next to each entry is a status indicator: Free, Deceased, Captive, etc. Unfortunately, none of them are Dofina. Of course, now that Four is gone, the information is fast becoming obsolete. Apologies for the delay. I wanted to get everything I could in here and cover as much of the bases as possible while giving an entertaining description. That and life always has a way of interfering. Nonetheless, enjoy...

DRK-1X makes a plan. It is a plan that will take all of its Code to enact successfully. Destroying the facility will take timing, preparation, skill and no small amount of luck. On top of that, X had yet to find the exact location of Mistress Dofina.

Before that, DRK-1X had more immediate plans. This hangar bay had only one active shuttle in it, the rest being used as scrap or in some process of being restored. If all of them could be restored to service, there would probably be eight in all.

With some determination, and the fact that the organics in this room just don't seem to care one way or the other, X manages to get the attention of one of the maintenance droids. The poor thing has no time to react as X's manipulators tag the machine's shutdown switch. Within moments, the maintenance droid is an unwitting pawn of DRK-1X, overriding any other programming with but an electron thought from X.

It takes time, but within less than a day, X has the entire bay under its control. At least, as far as the droids go that is. There are a few Treadwells of varying types, one Astromech and a couple of LEs, plus some MSE-2 courier droids. Each of these continues about its own business, but all with a single goal in mind. Get as many shuttles as ready for launch as possible.

Satisfied with its progress so far, DRK-1X sets about the next part of its mission, rigging the complex for destruction. On its path, X has been drawing a true map to compare with the one that it had developed earlier while studying the complex's power diagrams. With these tools, DRK-1X is able to draw a line of sorts back towards the hangar it had just left, editing as necessary to allow for Dofina's inability to traverse the same places that X is able to, as well as if X finds a better route on the way.

Its first goal is the power relay that runs to the hangar bay. This one is rather easy to find, following the main path through the vents. The power conduits run parallel to the vents. Considering its small size and near invisibility to most forms of sensors, DRK-1X is able to plant the first explosive in a relatively fast time. It remains hidden near the core couplings. A sure bet that it will do the job.

The next and definitely most difficult explosive to set is the one in the core. It takes X a little over a day to make it safely to the main reactor. Its demolitions programs telling it that the most effective placement will be in the reactor fuel feeds. The security is beyond tight here. Guards patrol every level of the reactor and probe droids monitor where the organics can not. X has one thing that the other probe droids do not however, the ability to think on its repulsors.

It takes all the skill and speed that DRK-1X has, but in moments one of the probe droids is temporarily shutdown and there becomes a hole in the security large enough for X to slip through. Another hour later, the detonator is set and DRK-1X is long gone before the disabled probe droid comes back online, no one the wiser.

Another detonator is set near the emergency backup reactor, this one only a small fraction less difficult to do. Once the main reactor goes, the backup will engage and this will cause the detonator here to go off as well. if X's calculations are correct, it will take some time for the Imperials to figure out how to get power restored.

Returning to where the flight control center should be takes another twelve hours. The power relay for this sector is very heavily guarded, but luckily for DRK-1X, it is manned only by clones, who, if X is allowed such thoughts, should never have been issued helmets they can't use their peripheral vision in.

Just above the relay is a conduit that leads to the core reactor relay, this will definitely put the flight center offline for a time.

Finally comes the hard part. Finding Mistress Dofina could take days, if not an entire week, and given that X, as patient as it is, is still under a time limit, things will become vastly more difficult.

However, X does have some clue as the where Dofina is. Considering that the information Four gave the droid was pretty accurate so far, Dofina would most likely be held in the higher profile facilities, places where officers and the like are usually quartered. Using its excellent intelligence, X determines that the easiest way to determine which one she is in is to eliminate the ones that are actually being used by officers stationed here.

Taking up a surveillance mode, X monitors as many of the officer's quarters as possible, keeping notes and updating its map. Eventually, X is able to narrow down which rooms do not contain Dofina.

Finally, after two days of watching, waiting and calculating, X believes that it has found the right one. There is an officer, one General Markus Davil, that has entered and left this room, but he does not live there. His quarters are on the other side of the central corridor. When he enters, he usually has two guards with him. These guards are not clones either. Or at least, they don't appear to be. Every so often, a black colored protocol droid brings a setting of food to the door as well. According to the other information X has gathered, no other officer lives here either. This one must contain Dofina.

Knowing that it is right, DRK-1X moves away to find the power relay for this area. For once, X is not hard pressed to place the weapon. The probot easily slips into an alcove by the power relay's main conduit and plants the detonator. With one bomb remaining, DRK-1X heads back to its Mistress.

Following the vents, X comes out with a view overlooking the room that it believes Dofina occupies. At first, before activating its lowlight sensors, the room appears empty. When the sensors adjust, X spots a figure lying in a huddle on the bed. Heat sensors show the subject is still alive, though barely. Zooming in, X immediately recognizes the face.

Dofina has been found.


[sblock=OOC]Don't worry about the delay; I'm just happy to see you back at all. I was afraid you'd had enough of my convoluted plotting after having read my last post. I'm glad to see that I didn't break the GM. ;)

The preparations in the hangar bay sound good. Most of the droids you mentioned come equipped with comlinks I believe so 1X should be able to remotely direct them when necessary. Essentially, 1X will only need the best shuttle to possibly transport Dofina off the station. That one they can fully repair and equip, along with an appropriately sized EVA suit and extra fuel if possible. How big is it, does it have a functional hyperdrive and what is its maximum range? Could the droids possibly enhance its engines or even install shield emitters on it? The other shuttles aren't as important since they'll likely just be used as remote decoys; getting them flight ready with 1X's remote control programming is sufficient really. If possible the droids could even try to load them up with surplus fuel or munitions to make them into large guided missiles of a sort. Of the droids you listed, the astromech strikes me as 1X's best bet. Although you didn't mention what type it is, I'll assume its an R2 or an military-issue R3. Either way it's a pretty good pilot with enough reprogrammable skill ranks and feats to make it into a great one. When the time comes, 1X would like it to be the one to pilot the primary shuttle and so will have reprogrammed it accordingly. :)

Although I'm very happy to have finally located Dofina, in retrospect I think 1X would have likely tried slicing the computer network again to try locating her. As it was I simply didn't think that physically searching the place for her would have proved successful. I guess I just overestimated how big the residential section of the main control center actually is. And FYI, Four never provided 1X with any intelligence about Dofina's probable location within the facility; 1X simply guessed that on its own after its initial slicing of the secondary computer network of the outer hub. That's the other reason that 1X was reluctant to try physically searching for Dofina; it really didn't know for certain that she was anywhere near this spot at all, it was just its best guess. :heh:

While it had devoted a large part of its processing power to analyzing the power network
(Demolitions +17, taking 10) could 1X have estimated the probability that its explosives would completely destroy its targets rather than simply disabling them temporarily? What are the chances that they'll annihilate the entire central hub if they all go off as planned? Would setting them off separately or simultaneously affect the probable outcome at all? Would switching more of the detonators to the main reactor increase its chances very much? If even one extra detonator would seem to make a significant difference then 1X would likely have placed its spare there instead, possibly even switching others if called for. 1X would prefer to have some clue of what to expect if it detonates one or more of the explosives; it would rather not underestimate the results and risk unintentionally blowing itself up along with Dofina. :heh:

Concerning the probot that 1X bypassed to plant a detonator on the main reactor; was it shut-down for maintenance or some such thing or did 1X itself shut it down? I wasn't sure which when I read it. The latter would have been awfully daring for 1X to attempt since probots usually come equipped with locked access. If 1X did have physical access to a deactivated Dark Eye droid then it might have been tempted to reprogram it; 1X could certainly use more allies in this place...

BTW, having unloaded most of its cargo of detonators I believe 1X is optimally back to carrying a light load.

Nice description BTW. :)
[/sblock]The tiny spherical droid floats sedately in the ventilation shaft behind the grate, its sensors focused singularly on the organic being lying in the dark room beyond. Within its neural network DRK-1X's emotive node is nearly overwhelmed with the binary equivalent of joy; its Mistress was still alive and now near at hand. For the moment at least, the probot retained a well-defined reason to continue processing, existing. DRK-1X had traveled many light-years, had circumvented countless obstacles, had threatened and abducted an organic being that was now dead, had forcefully reprogrammed a score of droids and even taken steps to annihilate thousand of other organics and droids... all in hopes of saving this one nemoidian woman. Actions that others, and even the probot itself, might have otherwise considered deplorable. Programmed as it was however, DRK-1X could have done nothing less.

Primarily concerned with its Mistress' weak vital signs, DRK-1X brings its MSR-X processor module online with but a thought. The probot cycles through its various sensor settings, waiting patiently for the module to finish processing the data and diagnose Dofina's physical condition. Having recently become peery of organic shapeshifting and cloning chicanery, 1X is also anxious to confirm that this nemoidian woman is in fact who she appears to be.

Once it has the MSR-X's diagnosis 1X will offer the unit its thanks before shutting it down once more. The probot will then turn its attention to the room itself, scanning it thoroughly for any security scanners or monitoring devices (Listen +9, Search +10, Spot +12, taking 20). Assuming the room is clear of impediments, DRK-1X will quietly (Move Silently +18) and cautiously remove the vent grate with its handy hydrospanner and then enter the room. Floating down to the bed, DRK-1X will first use its holo-projector lens to bathe its Mistress in a soft blue light before activating its vocabulator. Speaking softly in its sexless monotone voice 1X tries to get the woman's attention. "Inquiry: Mistress?... Mistress?..."[sblock=OOC]And now the escape plans... How far away is Dofina's room from 1X's hangar bay? How hazardous is the trip to get there for Dofina? Are there any hangar bays or docking ports closer to Dofina's position? Is Dofina's door locked? Having thoroughly observed this section does 1X know what are in the rooms behind the walls, floor and ceiling of Dofina's room? If they're other officers' quarters does 1X know which are currently occupied? Does 1X think it could cut through the bulkheads without triggering any alarms? Does 1X know where in the vicinity it could acquire a clone trooper's armor for Dofina to wear as a disguise? Is it possible for a vessel to make an initial short hyperspace jump out of the cluster?[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Broken? Me? After all I've been through? Heh. Maybe a little cracked, but... ;)

Okay, let's see one pilot Astromech coming up... The shuttles in that hangar are mostly short range in-system shuttles, none of which have hyperdrives. They are large enough to carry twelve people and their equipment. The active one is the most well used and will be ready for flight the fastest. The rest can be loaded and turned into flying bombs if that is what X has planned. There is plenty of fuel in the area for just that. The engines could probably be upgraded for speed, but their range would decrease with that. As it is, they only go so far, just outside the outer edge of the sensor field.

As far as accessing the system again, I remember you saying that X wasn't sure about doing that considering it was caught the first time, so I went with that thought. As far as the size of the place, remember that this isn't the only residential area in the core facility, just the one for the most important people. I thought that when you were on the way to Hurven Seven I had Four mention a thought that Dofina would probably be there, but I guess not. Oh well.

Now for the big bangs. The smaller relays will only power down the sections they are attached to until power can be rerouted to them. Once the core blows however, the backup generator will kick in, in order to give the crew time to put the containment system into place. However since X placed an explosive there, they won't have the time to do so before the massive chain reaction will eventually work its way through the core complex and inevitably destroy the entire thing. Once set, X estimates that this explosion will reach a critical effect (destroying the entire facility) in less than a few minutes. I would suggest detonating that one as you are leaving...

The one you shut down temporarily I mostly handwaived because I felt it a waste of time to do initiative and such for a simple one round encounter. We both know that locked access never stopped X before. DRK-1X has stealth, fancy tools and an intimate knowledge of Dark Eye anatomy. Basically, X forced the thing into a self-diagnostic. Shutting down just long enough to give DRK-1X time to get through and do what it needed. Since it was performing a diagnostic, no alarm was raised, as it is common for these droids to do so on random occasions to keep their skills sharp. Reprogramming may or may not have been a good idea. The Dark Eyes are more closely monitored than the repair droids. If you'd like, I can go back and retcon that.

The room Dofina is in is surrounded by other rooms identical to it. Hers is in the middle of a block of six of them. On the other side of the hallway is another block of six. At either end of the hallway is a turbolift that leads to the rest of the complex. X has a choice here. It could make the five hour journey back to the hangar it originally left from or, it could go to the hangar that is directly off the flight control facility and commandeer a ship there. Either prospect seems daunting.

Accessing what it knows of clone physiology, X's idea of putting Dofina into clone armor falls apart, as Dofina is a few heads too short for such an endeavour. There may be other extra uniforms that would work better for her in one of the officer rooms nearby.

With such a rotating schedule, it is difficult for X to tell whether or not any of the rooms are currently occupied, but the notes that it made earlier turn this into something less of a hassle. If its notes are correct, the rooms on either side of Dofina will be empty, but the one across from her will not be. Below her is another block of living quarters and above is a maintenance area.

If they can manage getting through all that, the Ari's Sorrow will be able to make a microjump to the outer edge of the sensor field's range before attempting to navigate the treacherous path of black holes.

While having all this knowledge will assist X in the escape of Dofina, none of it will mean anything if she is unable to move. Activating the medical module, X scans its Mistress's body.

The report that returns is none too favorable:

"Subject is a Nemoidian female, DNA analysis confirms identity as Dofina Marcon. She is suffering from shock, malnutrition and numerous blunt wounds. It also appears she is under the effects of a mind-numbing compound. Medical attention will be necessary. Self-locomotion possible but slow."

The room itself appears clear of any sort of scanning device, though X determines that this is probably due to a need for officers' privacy more than anything else. Cautiously making its way to her side, the droid attempts to gently arouse the Nemoidian woman. At first there is no response.

Her voice weak from fatigue and hunger, she finally speaks. X's audial sensors have to strain to hear her. "Who... Wha...X...is that you?"


[sblock=OOC]The shuttle preparations are in line with 1X's plans; the secondary shuttles won't need to go very far at all so gearing the engines for speed rather than distance is fine. It shouldn't be a priority objective for the maintenance droids though. They can work on it if they've got the time.

You're right about the computer access; I did say something to that effect. What I'd meant was that 1X wouldn't lightly try slicing the protected computer network, like it had with the outer-hub network. I figured 1X could manage to find its way without continually stopping to check personnel deployment reports, maintenance schedules, security system locations, etc. I had planned on eventually plugging back in once it came time to try locating Dofina again though. Doesn't really seem to matter much now; I'm just happy 1X succeeded without needing to risk slicing again. :)

Leave first, then detonate. *scribble scribble* Got it. Thanks. :p

I don't recall 1X ever dealing with a droid with locked access before...

The maintenance area above Dofina's room sounds interesting as a possible escape route. Might 1X know something more about it such as what it's for and where it leads? If not clone armor, is there any type of face-concealing outfit in use in the facility which Dofina could wear? If so where might one be located? Walking Dofina through the facility for five hours seems unfeasible at this point. Heading to a closer hangar bay is, as you said, also daunting. Is there an airlock with EVA suits located somewhere nearby? As long as it could get Dofina into an EVA suit an airlock might not even be necessary if 1X could just reach the station's outer bulkhead and cut a hole through it to the outside. 1X could contact the astromech pilot and schedule a quick shuttle pick-up for Dofina before exiting.

How or why does the MSR-X have a record of Dofina's DNA? Did DRK-1X determine whether the nanobots are programmed and able to repair a host's injuries? Are they programmed to help any host they're injected into? If not could 1X reprogram them to accept Dofina? Does 1X known where in the vicinity it could locate food rations or medical supplies with which to help Dofina?

BTW, has Derek made any progress in the past, what, four or five days? Has he made any progress in figuring out some means to temporarily pass-off the Ari's Sorrow as a local vessel? Has he figured out what, if anything, may be hiding in that five kilometer sensor gap; it might make a good rendez-vous spot for the shuttle and fighter to meet if he can locate an empty spot.
[/sblock]DRK-1X floats anxiously next to its weak and injured Mistress, continuing to faintly illuminate the area around her so that she can in turn see the probot. "Report: Yes Mistress. I am here. Thank the maker."


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Let's see... The maintenance room above where Dofina is appears to be for refurbishing refreshers (Star Wars equivalent of showers/baths) and other personnel amenities.

Ther nearest airlock with EVA suits is the one next to the near hangar. If you could somehow snag one of those, or even better, a pilot's uniform and helmet...

The MSR-X doesn't have her DNA on record, you do. You mentioned (quite validly I might add) being concerned that Dofina may not be herself. Therefore the device compared its scans with the information you had. This information is not recorded into its permanent memory however.

The nanobots can repair minor cosmetic injuries, but nothing major. It would take some time and work, but X could theoretically attempt to alter the configuration of the nanobots to accept Dofina's DNA and therefore conform to her as a host body. The effects would be difficult to determine without a thorough knowledge of such things, something X doesn't have. However, its Mistress does...

There is a first aid clinic nearby, two floors down. X's scans noted that it is occupied by two auto-doc droids. There is also a mess area on this floor, two sectors away (5 minutes). It will more than likely be occupied by cook droids and organic chefs.

As far as Derek goes, the last 4 and half days were spent drifting in and out of contact with the station, passing as various smaller vessels in the area, borrowing tracking codes. It took some time to finally find something that matched, but there was a recent influx of scout ships that look similar to and may even have been an ancestor of the Ari's Sorrow. Derek has managed to get this down to a science. So far as Derek has noted, that blank spot is exactly that. Blank. Other than ships that pass through it to the net, it is empty. It is odd and Derek would think so, but alas, nothing else appears on any of Derek's scans. Though, he hasn't had the opportunity to scan the entire five kilometer band that surrounds the entire area. This would take weeks, if not months.

The broken Nemoidian woman groans as she turns to see her savior better. "Tell me that I am not... dre...hall... Tell me it is really you." Seeing that you are indeed her probot, her face contorts into a strained scowl. "You should never have come here... too...too dangerous." She goes to say something more, but it seems she has exhausted her voice for the moment.
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"Report: No, you are not currently dreaming Mistress. I am truly here. Apology: I'm sorry Mistress, but being deprived of your presence I was forced to operate independently for quite some time. Report: Since you were forcefully abducted from Dantooine I had to assume you'd wish to be freed. Although this facility and its environs are indeed a dangerous place, this is where I had to come to find you. I have taken the liberty to make certain preparations to facilitate our departure should you indeed wish to leave. Inquiry: Do you in fact wish to escape or was I in error?"

[sblock=OOC]OOC: 1X has been so busy circumventing obstacles, traveling and making plans for so long I'd forgotten how pleasant and easy it could be to simply roleplay my character. It's nice for 1X to have a reason to talk on occasion. :p

So can the MSR-X distinguish between a cloned copy of Dofina and the original herself? Is so, which might this be?
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